1,205 research outputs found

    Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Coverage, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Among Health Care Workers In Aljawda Hospital And Ibrahim Malik Teaching Hospital In Khartoum State- Sudan 2018

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    المقدمة:مرض التهاب الكبد الوبائي هو مرض فيروسي خطير يؤثر علي البشريه عالميا وهو مرض مهم بالنسبه للمخاطر المهنيه للعاملين الصحيين الهدف:لقد هدفت الدراسه لدراسه تغطيه ومعرفه نسبه العاملين الصحيين بالنسبه لاخذهم لتطعيم التهاب الكبد الوبائي ومعرفه وتقييم معرفتهم وانطباعهم وممارستهم بالنسبه للتعامل مع حالات الامراض المنقوله عن طريق الدم و سوائل الجسم الطريقة:اجريت دراسه وصفيه مقطعيه في الفتره من شهر ابريل الي شهر يونيو سنه 2018 بجمع بيانات للعاملين الصحيين وعددهم 207 من مستشفي ابراهيم مالك التعليمي وهو مستشفي عام وعدد 74 من العاملين الصحيين من مستشفي الجوده وهو مستشفي خاص ,الاداه التي استخدمت لجمع البيانات هي استبيانات ذاتيه مكتوبه لمعرفه نسبه العاماين الصحيين الذين اخذوا تطعيم التهاب الكبد الوبائي ومدي معرفتهم ومعتقداتهم وممارستهم بالنسبه للتعامل مع حالات التهاب الكبد الوبائي والمراض المنقوله عن طريق الدم وسوائل الجسم النتيجة: النتائج اظهرت نسبه العاملين الصحيين الذين اخذوا تطعيم التهاب الكبد الوبائي كاملا ومدي معرفتهم ومعتقداتهم وكيفيه تعاملهم مع مرض التهاب الكبد الوبائي والمراض النقوله عن طريق الدم وسوائل الجسم وكانت 50.6% و نسبه الذين لم يكملون التطعيم 49.4% الخاتمة: هذه الدراسه لخصت غالبيه العاملين الصحيين الذين اخذوا تطعيم التهاب الكبد الوبائي كاملا والذين لم ياخذوه كاملا و وضحت مدي معرفه ومعتقد وممارسه العاملين الصحيين الكلمات المفتاحيه : التهاب الكبد الوبائي,التغطيه,المعرفه,المعتقد,ال

    Using the Delphi Technique to Search for Empirical Measures of Local Planning Agency Power

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    This paper shows how the Delphi technique was used to conceptualize and operationalize local planning agency power. In the first of two Delphi studies, twelve scholars suggested four dimensions of agency power: legal authority, degree of control, relative autonomy, and capacity. In the second Delphi study, sixteen professional planners operationalized power dimensions proposed by the first Delphi study. The dimensions were operationalized in the context of Florida’s planning system. The proposed measures were tested empirically by reviewing Florida statutes, surveying municipal planning agencies, and conducting statistical analysis. This research presents important lessons learned for researchers interested in Delphi studies and proposes valid empirical measures of local planning agency power

    Framework for the implementation of an enhanced virtual design studio in the architecture education curriculum of the United Arab Emirates : the virtual creative and collaborative studio

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    Being a rapidly developing country the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has realised the need for highly qualified and properly skilled manpower to cope with the country‟s ambitious development plans. This has resulted in high investments in education and training in the UAE. The government facilitated high technological tools for education. These tools suffered from underutilisation and a failure to be properly integrated in the curricula. The literature review indicates that today‟s knowledge-driven economy demands a workforce equipped with complex skills such as creativity and collaboration. Universities must not only teach the necessary technical skills and knowledge, but also the culture of creativity and teamwork. The learning theories emphasise the importance of learning by doing and collaboration processes to achieve effective learning. Learning theories also emphasise the importance of teaching creative skills to the students. These approaches are congruent with use of technologies, such as visual design studio (VDS), for the purpose of architecture education in design courses, but such use is lacking in the UAE. The present research focuses on implementing and evaluating technologies such as the VDS in architecture education in an attempt to formulate a framework for implementing technologies combined by creative and collaborative skills in the UAE. Since implementing a new technology into education practice is complex task, this work will formulate a framework that will help in shifting from the traditional learning to learning with technology. This work will take into consideration factors such as pedagogical issues, collaboration creative work and architecture practice and industrial needs in the UAE. The aim of the current research is to formulate a framework for implementing VDS at the conceptual end of the architecture design education in the UAE. This research will apply an action research method framework. The action research will be generated into three phases. Each phase will consist of three stages, the descriptive stage which will analyse the need and criteria of the method, the constructive stage which will include the process involved in constructing the framework and the evaluative stage which will include the testing and evaluation. The resulting framework should satisfy the UAE‟s needof advanced technological tools for enhancing design education taking in consideration the socio-cultural dimension of the UAE. As technology is changing rapidly; future research should concentrate on adding further technological tools such as mobile learning. Also as this work provided a framework for integrating technology in architecture design education, yet it is not limited to this discipline only. Other disciplines could benefit from this emerging model and further research could be conducted

    Analyzing Social Factors Which Explain How the Social Context Affects Our Choice of a Code or A Variety, Whether Language, Dialect, or Style, with Examples from English- Other languages, and Libyan Arabic

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    People’s pronunciation, their words choice and styles mark their background (socially and culturally). So the relation between language and society is reciprocal. This relationship explains why groups speak differently in different social contexts. Language in the social context is not only a means of communication but also a means of establishing and maintain social relations. Social context accounts the language, variety, code or style that people from different background use. Theses distinct varieties determine the social structure of human groups. Actually, several factors stand behind this linguistic choice.  What distinguishes man’s speech from woman’s speech which is controlled by social norms, why speakers use an appropriate register or style at home, whereas a particular language deals with government institutions, and what draws distinction between formal and casual conversation? This is the aim of this paper will be clarified. Keywords: social context, language choice, social factors, language, code, style. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/93-01 Publication date: November 30th 202

    The Correlation of Size of Core Network and Frequency of Contacts with Agitation and Positive Affect in Elderly with Dementia

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    In the country of Oman, care needs of older adults are primarily provided by family members in the home. The study was guided by socioemotional selectivity theory, the environmental vulnerability hypothesis, and the need-driven dementia-compromised behavior theories. The central premise was that the size of the person’s activities of daily living (ADL) core network and frequency of contact with the ADL core network would predict agitation and affect. A smaller core network with a higher frequency of contact may be better at identifying and treating the person’s unmet needs. A secondary premise was that the emotional closeness of the core network to the care recipient would predict the density of the ADL and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) care provided. The purpose was to examine the associations between size and frequency of contact with the care providing core network and agitation and affect of PWD. The convenience sample of 98 PWD living in their homes was obtained from the Al Batinah South region in Oman. Participants’ were mostly female (63.3%) with a mean age of 80 years. Seventy-seven participants were classified with severe dementia and 21 had mild to moderate levels of dementia. Variables were measured through report from caregivers and the PWD using valid and reliable instruments. Unlike what was hypothesized, results did not show a significant association between size of and frequency of contact with ADL and IADL core networks and agitation and affect. Also, results did not show a significant association between closeness of IADL and ADL caregivers or the size of core networks to the density of IADL and ADL care provided. Caregivers continued to care and have the same frequency of contact throughout the progress of dementia. Findings are inconsistent with Western studies showing older adults prefer a smaller, closer social network that provides them with meaningful interactions. Differences in findings may be explained by the strong Omani cultural value to personally care for older parents. Understanding these relationships is critically important to designing interventions in Oman for home health care

    Effectiveness of Combined Exercise and Nutritional-Behavioral Intervention on Health Outcomes among Patients with Bariatric Surgery

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    Context: Many bariatric surgery patients experience suboptimal long-term weight outcomes, including weight regain. Weight regaining threatens the benefits initially achieved from surgery, including improved health outcomes, and patients still require hard work and lifelong behavioral change to lose and maintain weight successfully. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of combined exercise and nutritional-behavioral intervention on health outcomes among patients with bariatric surgery. Methods: A quasi-experimental (study/control group) design was utilized in the present study that was conducted at surgical departments and outpatient clinics in the Benha University Hospital, Qualubia Governorate, from January 2021 until April 2022. A convenience sample of 85 patients ended with 60 patients who completed the study (Intervention group 30 & control group 30). They were recruited according to to sample size equation based on the patient admitted to the study setting in 2020. Two tools were utilized for data collection; the patient structured interviewing questionnaire and the patient’s health outcomes questionnaires that included anthropometric measures, eating behavior and food frequency questionnaire, international physical activity questionnaire, and the Moorehead-Ardelt quality of life questionnaire. Results: The findings revealed a mean sample age of 35.53±4.06 for the intervention group and 34.47±4.11 for the control group. The intervention and control groups revealed a highly statistically significant difference regarding all knowledge elements and the total knowledge score. Besides, a statistically significant improvement in the intervention group's knowledge throughout the study phases. A highly statistically significant difference was revealed in the percentage of weight loss (%wt L) among the intervention group throughout the following study periods (first month, six months, and one year of intervention), with statistically significant differences between the intervention and control group after one and six months, and after one year of intervention regarding their weight, % wt L, BMI, and excess BMI loss percentage. Eating habit scores revealed statistically significant differences between the intervention and control group regarding eating behaviors and food frequency at one and six months and one year of intervention. Residence (p=0.01), total patient knowledge (p=0.002), food frequency (p=0.000), and physical activity (p=0.001) level predicted weight loss in the intervention group, while age was the only predictor in the control group (p=0.02). Conclusion: Implementing the combined exercise and nutritional-behavioral intervention post bariatric surgery significantly improved patients' health outcomes in terms of improved patient knowledge, weight loss percentage, eating habits, physical activity, and quality of life levels among the intervention group compared to the control group. There is a need to raise knowledge of bariatric surgery patients regarding the value of living a healthy lifestyle for improving surgical outcomes and maintaining weight loss. &nbsp

    The Role of Technology in Gifted and Talented Education: A Review of Descriptive and Empirical Research

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    Nowadays, we cannot exclude the use of technology from the technology-driven generation as the deployment of Information Technology become a necessity factor toward a successful process; especially in education due to its vital role in enhancing the students’ knowledge and skills development. One type of students that technology plays a major role in their development is gifted and talented students who have unique learning needs that are often overlooked in the traditional education setting. This research aims to explore the progress of technology use in gifted and talented education through reviewing and highlighting the best practices and research in this area based on both descriptive and empirical research. The review will include different areas of gifted programming such as learning and development, assessment, curriculum and learning environments. For this purpose, the online database is employed to extract the research done in the field between years 2010 to 2018. The contribution of this research resides in its exposure to the best practices of integrating technology in gifted and talented education through which teachers and practitioners can be encouraged to adopt them into their contexts. It also provides the researchers with intensive review of technology adoption for gifted and talented education with some suggestions for future research where they can focus their research on. Keywords: technology, gifted, talented, education, onlin

    Participative decision making and employees job satisfaction: A comparison between public and private pharmaceutical companies in Egypt

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    The study investigated how does participative decision making affect employees\u27 job satisfaction in a specific work setting (Public and private pharmaceutical companies in Egypt). A public pharmaceutical company was chosen as an example for public business sector companies in Egypt, and a comparison was made between the forms of management system applied in the public versus the private sampled companies. The study used in-depth semi- structured interviews with a total number of 32 employees and managers interviewed from the two companies. Results of the study highlighted a strong relation proving that applying participative decision making in the company increases employees’ job satisfaction. In addition, the study assessed four employee-based factors affecting participative decision making and concluded that employee’s efficiency has a positive effect on incorporating the employee in the decision making process, then comes the second factor which is the years of employee’s experience in the same field. On the other hand the study failed to find a strong correlation between the other two factors - the educational level and the managerial level- and participative decision making, suggesting the need for further study. The comparison held in the study included the pathways each company gives for its employees to communicate with the middle and top management levels. It also included four institutional-based factors affecting employees’ satisfaction and participation in decision making; the incentives system, promotion system, concept of hard work in the organizational culture, and disciplinary system and accountability distribution. And the study concluded that the management system applied in the private company encourages employees more to participate in the decision-making process and their incentives system, promotion system, and disciplinary systems were found more satisfying to employees compared to the systems applied in the public company. The study came up with recommendations directed to the management of the public company in order to increase employees’ satisfaction and thereby increase company competitiveness against the fast growing private sector in Egypt

    The new SARS-CoV-2 strain shows a stronger binding affinity to ACE2due to N501Y mutant

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    SARS-CoV-2 is a global challenge due to its ability to spread much faster than the SARS-CoV, which was attributed to the mutations in the receptor binding domain (RBD). These mutations enhanced the electrostatic interactions. Recently, a new strain is reported in the UK that includes a mutation (N501Y) in the RBD, that is possibly increasing the infection rate. Here, using Molecular Dynamics simulations (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC) sampling, we show that the N501 mutation enhanced the electrostatic interactions due to the formation of a strong hydrogen bond between SARS-CoV-2-T500 and ACE2-D355 near the mutation site. In addition, we observed that the electrostatic interactions between the SARS-CoV-2 and ACE2 in the wild type and the mutant are dominated by salt-bridges formed between SARS-CoV-2-K417 and ACE2-D30, SARS-CoV-2-K458, ACE2-E23, and SARS-CoV-2-R403 and ACE2-E37. These interactions contributed more than 40% of the total binding energies