167 research outputs found

    Dubai. Cidade do Espectáculo

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    Assistimos nas duas últimas décadas e a uma velocidade estonteante, à transformação da pequena aldeia piscatória do Dubai num dos principais destinos turísticos de luxo do mundo.Detentora de múltiplos records do guiness, tais como o do edifício mais alto "Burj Khalifa", ou do hotel mais luxuoso do mundo "Burj al Arab", o Dubai tornou-se numa das cidades mais mediáticas da actualidade.Para isso, a arquitectura parece ter desempenhado um papel fundamental. Foi através da espectacularidade, exuberância e luxo dos projectos construídos que o Dubai conseguiu atrair, não só, a atenção dos meios de comunicação como também milhares de turistas por todo o mundo. À semelhança de uma campanha de marketing, os edifícios, valorizados exclusivamente pela sua imagem, parecem reduzir-se assim a meros produtos pelos quais se promove a cidade. Produtos onde a arquitectura se reduz a uma imagem, uma experiência; na sua essência um espectáculo.De forma a compreender a actual morfologia e estratégia de desenvolvimento urbano do Dubai, com este trabalho procurar-se-á não só estudar os factores sociais, económicos e políticos que se encontram na sua origem, como também reflectir acerca da viabilidade deste modelo de cidade, onde a qualidade da arquitectura parece secundarizar-se relativamente à sua imagem ou capacidade de sedução.In the last two decades and at a high speed we've watched the transformation of the small fishing village of Dubai in one the main touristic destinations of the world.With several world Guinness records like the tallest building "Burj Khalifa" or the most luxurious hotel of the world "Burj al Arab" Dubai has become one of today's most well known cities .In this process, architecture seems to have played an important role. It was through the spectacularity, exuberance and luxury of the built projects that Dubai has attracted not only the media but also thousands of tourists around the world. As a marketing campaign, the buildings, valued only by their image, seem to have been reduced to mere products by which the city promotes itself. Products where architecture reduces itself to an image, an experience; in its essence a spectacle.In order to understand the actual morphology and urban development strategy of Dubai, this work seeks not only to understand the social, economical and political factors behind its origin, but also to reflect about the viability of this model where the the quality of architecture seems to be reduced to its image

    La intervención humor en la interacción enfermero-paciente

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    Objective: To describe the factors influencing the use of humor in nursing care, its applicability and benefits. Method: A scoping review was performed using the Arksey and O’Mally methodology. A search for articles published between 2008 and 2018 was performed using the platforms EBSCO Host, Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar. Results: From the initial 465 articles found, 17 were included for final revision. Data allowed to retrieve information on humor definition; its applicability as a nursing intervention; humor as a tool to improve nurse-patient communication and relationship; influence factors; type of humor interventions; humor benefits in health care context and; limitations and precautions of humor intervention. Conclusion: The use of humor promotes both communication and human interaction; it promotes well-being; helps deal/cope with difficult and unpleasant situations, reduces tension, discomfort and stress; and strengthens the immune system. This intervention should be used with caution

    Subjective wellbeing, sense of humor and psychological health in hemodialysis patients

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between satisfaction with life in general, sense of humor, and anxiety, depression and stress with subjective happiness in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional and correlational study was developed in two units of the Diaverum dialysis clinic and one hospital unit, with 183 chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis. An instrument was used to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profile of the sample (age, gender, nationality, education, occupation, marital status, dialysis sessions length, presence of hypertension and diabetes): the subjective happiness scale; the satisfaction with life in general; depression, anxiety and stress scale 21; and multidimensional sense of humor scale. Inferential procedures included Spearman correlation coefficients, and multiple linear regression adjusting to age, marital status, professional activity and diabetes.Results: Subjective Happiness was positively correlated with satisfaction with life in general, and the three dimensions of Sense of Humor. Nevertheless, subjective happiness was negatively correlated with stress / anxiety and depression. Satisfaction with life in general, humor production and social use of humor, and attitude towards humor had a positive relationship with subjective happiness. However, depression had a negative relationship with subjective happiness. Conclusions: Higher levels of subjective happiness were associated with higher levels of satisfaction with life in general, and sense of humor, however they were also associated with lower levels of depression in patients undergoing hemodialysis

    Diagnóstico de enfermería “deterioro de la deambulación” en el anciano: revisión integradora de la literatura

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    The impaired walking nursing diagnosis has been included in NANDA International classification taxonomy in 1998, and this review aims to identify the defining characteristics and related factors in elderly patients in recent literature. Integrative literature review based on the following guiding question: Are there more defining characteristics and factors related to the nursing diagnosis impaired walking than those included in NANDA International classification taxonomy in elderly patients? Search conducted in 2007-2013 on international and Portuguese databases. Sample composed of 15 papers. Among the 6 defining characteristics classified at NANDA International, 3 were identified in the search results, but 13 were not included in the classification. Regarding the 14 related factors that are classified, 9 were identified in the sample and 12 were not included in the NANDA International taxonomy. This review allowed the identification of new elements not included in NANDA International Taxonomy and may contribute to the development of taxonomy and nursing knowledge.O diagnóstico de enfermagem deambulação prejudicada integra a NANDA Internacional desde 1998, e o objetivo deste estudo é identificar as características definidoras e os fatores relacionados no paciente idoso na literatura mais atual. Revisão integrativa com a questão: existirão mais características definidoras e fatores relacionados do diagnóstico de enfermagem deambulação prejudicada, além dos que estão descritos na NANDA Internacional, que sejam específicos para o paciente idoso? Pesquisa no período 2007-2013 em bases de dados internacionais e portuguesa. Obteve-se uma amostra de 15 estudos. Entre as 6 características definidoras do diagnóstico na classificação, 3 foram identificadas nos resultados da busca na literatura, contudo, encontram-se outras 13 que não constam da classificação. Relativamente aos fatores relacionados, dos 14 classificados, 9 foram identificados na amostra e 12 não estão na classificação. Essa revisão permitiu identificar novos elementos que não estão classificados na NANDA Internacional e pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da taxonomia e do conhecimento de enfermagem.El diagnóstico de enfermería deterioro de la deambulación integra la NANDA Internacional desde 1998 y esta revisión tuvo como ob- jetivo identificar las características definidoras y los factores relacionados con el paciente anciano en la literatura más actual. Revisión integrada que surgió de la pregunta: ¿existirán más características y factores relacionados de deterioro de la deambulación, además de aquellas que están descritas en la NANDA Internacional, en el paciente anciano? Búsqueda en el período 2007-2013 en las bases de datos internacionales y portuguesa. Se obtuvo una muestra de 15 estudios. Entre las 6 características de diagnóstico en la clasificación, 3 fueron identificadas 3 en los resultados de la búsqueda, pero, otras 13 no constan en la NANDA Internacional. Con relación a los factores relacionados, 9 en la muestra y 12 no están en la clasificación. Nuevos elementos fueran identificados y no están clasificadas en la NANDA Internacional, ofreciendo así aportaciones para el desarrollo de la taxonomía y del conocimiento en enfermería.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: to determine the psychometric properties of the international 7-item Falls Efficacy Scale. Method: a psychometric study. Convenience sample consisting of 170 older adults living in the Madeira Autonomous Region, Portugal. A two-part instrument was used (sociodemographic characterization and the Falls Efficacy Scale-International-Portugal). The starting point was the translation and transcultural adaptation already carried out for the Falls Efficacy Scale – International (16 items). Construct validity (factorial analysis and discriminant validity) and the reliability (Cronbach’s α) of the 7-item scale were evaluated. Previous authorization was obtained from the Ethics Commission and from the people involved. Results: in the exploratory factorial analysis, the International 7-item Falls Efficacy Scale presents an explained variance of 65.8%. The Spearman’s correlation between the score obtained based on the 7 items and the score obtained based on the 16 items is significant and very strong (r=0.987, p<0.0001). Internal consistency was 0.958. Conclusion: the validity and reliability study of the International 7-item Falls Efficacy Scale revealed that it is an adequate scale for the evaluation of the fear of falling in the community-dwelling older adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Managing the technical risk of performance-based building structures

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    During the past decades, the construction industry has been gradually adhering to major conceptual approaches such as those of quality, performance and risk. This paper proposes a management framework that enables the joint application of these conceptual approaches throughout the various phases of building projects – a Risk-Managed Performance-Based Building (RM-PBB) framework. This framework is based on the policies, procedures and practices of initiatives that gather international consensus, including performance-based model codes and standards, internationally recognized management principles and guidelines, standardized requirements for different types of management systems and also agreed principles of conformity assessment and auditing. This paper presents a summary of the strategic and operational components of this RM-PBB management framework. It also shows the practical outreach of the proposed framework by providing an example of application of each component of the management framework to the specific engineering context of building structures. The example of application further shows how technical risks arising from performance-based building structures can be managed, so that an intended level of structural performance can be fulfilled throughout all stages of a building project

    Revisões da literatura científica: tipos, métodos e aplicações em enfermagem

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    Introduction: The interest of nursing in the methodology of systematic review of the literature has been increasing, since it constitutes a method that allows a practice based on scientific evidence with scientific rigor. Objective: To characterize the different types of literature review and to describe the main steps of a systematic review of the literature Material and methods: Narrative review of the literature. Database search on the following platforms: Google Academic, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), EBSCO Host, and Virtual Health Library (VHL). Keywords: meta-analysis; evidence-based medicine; review literature as topic; methodology, in the English and Portuguese languages. Results: fourteen types of reviews were described and analyzed according to the type of research, evaluation of the methodological quality of the articles included, synthesis of the information collected and global analysis of the data.The advantages and disadvantages of each type and the main steps of a systematic review of the literature were presented. Conclusions: A systematic review of the literature is the foundation for evidence-based practice, since it aggregates a large amount of information in a single study.Introducción: El interés de la enfermería por la metodología de revisiones sistemática de la literatura ha aumentado, ya que se constituye un método que permite una práctica basada en la evidencia científica. Objetivo: Caracterizar los diferentes tipos de revisión de la literatura y describir etapas principales de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Material y métodos: Revisión narrativa de la literatura. Búsqueda en bases de datos en las siguientes plataformas: Google Académico, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), EBSCO Host, y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS). Las palabras clave: meta-analysis; evidence-based medicine; review literature as topic; methodology, en Inglés y portugués. Resultados: Se describieron 14 tipos de revisiones que fueron analizadas de acuerdo con el tipo de investigación, evaluación de la calidad metodológica de los artículos incluidos, síntesis de la información recolectada y análisis global de los datos. Han sido presentadas las ventajas y desventajas de cada tipo y descritos los principales pasos de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Conclusiones: La revisión sistemática de la literatura es el fundamento para la práctica basada en la evidencia, ya que agrega una gran cantidad de información en un único estudio.  Introdução: O interesse da Enfermagem pela metodologia de revisões da literatura tem vindo a aumentar, constituindo-se métodos que permitem uma prática baseada na evidência científica. Objetivo: Caracterizar os diferentes tipos de revisões da literatura e descrever etapas principais de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Material e métodos: Revisão narrativa da literatura. Pesquisa em bases de dados nas seguintes plataformas: Google Académico, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), EBSCO Host, e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). As palavras-chave: metanálise; medicina baseada em evidências; literatura de revisão como assunto; metodologia, nos idiomas inglês e português. Resultados: Foram descritas 14 tipos de revisões e analisadas de acordo com o tipo de pesquisa, avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos artigos incluídos, síntese da informação colhida e análise global dos dados. Foram apresentadas as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo e descritos os principais passos de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Conclusões: A revisão sistemática da literatura é um dos alicerces para prática baseada em evidência, uma vez que agrega uma grande quantidade de informações num único estudo.