408 research outputs found

    Gasteroid Agaricomycetidae (Basidiomycota) from São Camilo State Park, Paraná, Brazil

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    The gasteroid fungiare a polyphyletic group of basidiomycetes, with internal production and maturation of basidiospores, which are passively dispersed.This study was a survey of gasteroid fungi (Agaricomycetidae) from São Camilo State Park, municipality of Palotina,western Paraná state, Brazil. A total of 63 specimens were collected between March 2011 and July 2012, comprising fourteenspecies belonging to the genera Arachnion (1), Bovista (2), Calvatia (4), Cyathus (2), Lycoperdon (2) and Morganella (3). Arachnionalbum, Bovista aestivalis, Calvatia fragilis, Cyathus montagnei, Lycoperdon perlatum, L. pyriforme and Morganellaafra were new records for Paraná state. Descriptions, photos of macro- and microstructures are presented, as well ecologicaldata and identification keys for the studied taxa.(Agaricomycetidae gasteroides (Basidiomycota) do Parque Estadual São Camilo, Paraná, Brasil). Fungos gasteroidessão um grupo morfológico e polifilético de Basidiomycota, com formação e maturação de esporos interna ao basidiomae dispersão passiva. Este trabalho teve como objetivo compilar as espécies de fungos gasteroides (Basidiomycota) no ParqueEstadual São Camilo, município de Palotina, oeste do Paraná. As coletas foram realizadas no período chuvoso entre marçode 2011 e julho de 2012. Ao todo foram analisados 63 espécimes, representando quatorze espécies, pertencentes aos gênerosArachnion (1), Bovista (2), Calvatia (4), Cyathus (2), Lycoperdon (2) e Morganella (3). Arachnion album, Bovista aestivalis,Calvatia fragilis, Cyathus montagnei, Lycoperdon perlatum, L. pyriforme e Morganella afra são novas ocorrências para o estadodo Paraná. São apresentadas descrições e imagens de macro- e micromorfologia, dados ecológicos e chaves de identificaçãopara os táxons estudados

    Fungos gasteroides (Basidiomycota) no Parque Estadual de São Camilo, Palotina, PR

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    Resumo: Os fungos gasteroides compõem um grupo morfológico de Basidiomycota cuja produção de esporos ocorre em um himênio fechado e a dispersão dos mesmos é passiva. Eram conhecidas, até então, 44 espécies de gasteromicetos no Paraná, porém a maioria dos estudos foi realizada em Florestas Ombrófilas na região de Curitiba. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um levantamento dos fungos gasteroides no Parque Estadual São Camilo (PESC), unidade de conservação localizada no município de Palotina, oeste do Paraná. As coletas foram realizadas entre junho/2011 e julho/2012, em trilhas na área, depois analisadas macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. O estudo de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) foi realizado a fim de analisar a topografia dos basidiósporos e corroborar as identificações. Os espécimes coletados foram depositados no Herbário do Campus Palotina (HCP), exceto os holótipos, que foram depositados no Herbário do Departamento de Botânica (UPCB), ambos da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Ao todo, foram coletados 137 espécimes, representando 27 espécies de fungos gasteroides, pertencentes às subclasses Agaricomycetidae e Phallomycetidae. Em Agaricomycetidae, todas espécies pertencem à família Agaricaceae (Agaricales) e correspondem aos gêneros Arachnion (1 espécie), Bovista (2), Calvatia (4), Cyathus (2), Lycoperdon (2) e Morganella (3). Duas famílias de Phallomycetidae foram identificadas: Phallaceae (Phallales), com uma espécie de Mutinus, e Geastraceae (Geastrales), com 12 espécies de Geastrum. Duas novas espécies são descritas: Calvatia guzmanii e Morganella sulcatostoma. São novas ocorrências para o Paraná: Arachnion album, Bovista aestivalis, Calvatia fragilis, Cyathus montagnei, Lycoperdon perlatum, Morganella afra, M. pyriformis, Geastrum coronatum, G. lageniforme e G rufescens. Com a realização do presente estudo, foi ampliada a lista de espécies de fungos gasteroides do Paraná de 44 para 56 espécies e a distribuição geográfica de várias espécies, já que a maioria delas não havia sido registrada nessa região do estado

    Estudo da comunidade de fungos gasteroides (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) em três ecossistemas da Mata Atlântica da região sul do Brasil

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    Os Fungos gasteroides compreendem um vasto grupo morfológico e polifilético dentro de Basidiomycota, abrangendo diferentes ordens dentro do filo. Os gasteromicetos são caracterizados principalmente por formarem esporos dentro de basidiomas com um himênio fechado. Também é considerado um importante grupo de saprófitos dentro de Basidiomycota, podendo ser encontrado em diferentes ecossistemas, degradando diferentes tipos de substratos como madeira morta, serrapilheira, esterco, solo arenoso, etc. Trata-se de um grupo relativamente bem estudado do ponto de vista taxonômico para determinadas regiões do Brasil, principalmente para as regiões nordeste e sul do país. No entanto, são raros os estudos sobre ecologia do grupo no Brasil, assim como pouco se conhece sobre a estrutura das comunidades gasteroides nos ecossistemas brasileiros. Nesse sentido, o estudo teve por objetivo geral avaliar e comparar a estrutura da comunidade gasteroide em fragmentos de florestas representantes de Floresta Ombrófila Densa, Floresta Ombrófila Mista e Floresta Estacional Semidecidual da Região Sul do Brasil, em períodos de verão e outono dos anos de 2014 e 2015. Como resultado geral obtivemos 529 espécimes coletados, os quais estão distribuídos em 5 famílias, 12 gêneros e 47 espécies, dentre estas Agaricaceae e Geastrum se destacam como a família e o gênero, respectivamente, predominantes durante o estudo. Uma nova espécie de Morganella é proposta para a ciência. Foram encontradas diferenças na composição e riqueza da comunidade gasteroide nos fragmentos dos ecossistemas estudados. Também foram determinadas 13 espécies indicadoras para as áreas amostradas. Assim, esperamos ter contribuído de uma maneira efetiva e relevante para os estudos ecológicos da comunidade gasteroide em florestas da Região Sul do Brasil, assim como incentivar novos estudos nas demais regiões brasileiras. Desta forma, acreditamos que micólogos e ecologistas em conjunto possam ampliar e compartilhar o conhecimento sobre o funcionamento da micota de macrofungos (Basidiomycetes) no país.Gasteroid fungi comprise a vast morphological poliphyletic group and within Basidiomycota, encompassing different orders within the phylum. Gasteromycetes are characterized mainly by forming spores within basidiomas with a closed hymenium. They are also considered an important group of saprophytes within Basidiomycota, and can be found in different ecosystems, degrading different types of substrates such as dead wood, litter, manure and sandy soil. It’s a group relatively well studied from the taxonomic point of view for certain regions of Brazil, mainly for northeastern and southern regions of the country. However, there are few studies on group ecology in Brazil and little is known about the structure of gasteroid communities in Brazilian ecosystems. In this sense, the general objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the structure of the gasteroid community in fragments of Forest representing the Lowland Rain Forest, Araucaria Forest and Semidecidous Forest of southern Brazil, during summer and autumn of the years 2014 and 2015. As general results we obtained 529 collected specimens, which are distributed in 5 families, 12 genera and 47 species, among these Agaricaceae and Geastrum stand out as the predominant family and genus, respectively. A new species of Morganella is proposed for science. We found differences in composition and richness of the gasteroid community in the fragments of the ecosystems studies. We also determined 13 indicators species for the areas sampled. Thus we hope to have contributed in an effective and relevant way to the ecological studies of the gasteroid community in forests of the Southern Region of Brazil, as well as to encourage new studies in the other Brazilian regions. In this way, we believe that mycologists and ecologists together can broaden and share knowledge about the functioning of the macrofungi micota (Basidiomycetes) in the country

    Quantitative C-13 Multicp Solid-state Nmr As A Tool For Evaluation Of Cellulose Crystallinity Index Measured Directly Inside Sugarcane Biomass

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Background: The crystallinity index (CI) is often associated with changes in cellulose structure after biological and physicochemical pretreatments. While some results obtained with lignocellulosic biomass demonstrate a progressive increase in the CI as a function of pretreatments, it is also shown that the CI can significantly vary depending on the choice of the measurement method. Besides, the influence of the CI on the recalcitrance of biomass has been controversial for a long time, but the most recent results tend to point out that the efficiency of pretreatments in reducing the recalcitrance is not clearly correlated with the decrease of the CI. Much of this controversy is somewhat associated with the inability to distinguish between the CI of the cellulose inside the biomass and the CI of the full biomass, which contains other amorphous components such as lignin and hemicellulose. Results: Cross polarization by multiple contact periods (Multi-CP) method was used to obtain quantitative C-13 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectra of sugarcane bagasse biomass submitted to two-step pretreatments and/or enzymatic hydrolysis. By comparing the dipolar filtered Multi-CP C-13 NMR spectra of untreated bagasse samples with those of samples submitted to acid pretreatment, we show that a 1% H2SO4-assisted pretreatment was very effective in removing practically all the hemicellulose signals. This led us to propose a spectral editing procedure based on the subtraction of MultiCP spectra of acid-treated biomass from that of the extracted lignin, to obtain a virtually pure cellulose spectrum. Based on this idea, we were able to evaluate the CI of the native cellulose inside the sugarcane bagasse biomass. Conclusions: The results show the validity of the proposed method as a tool for evaluating the variations in the CI of the cellulose inside biomasses of similar kinds. Despite a clear increase in the CI of biomass as measured by X-ray diffraction, no significant variations were observed in the CI of the cellulose inside the biomass after a particular 1% H2SO4/0.25-4% NaOH chemical-assisted pretreatments. The CI of cellulose inside the biomass solid fraction that remained after the enzymatic hydrolysis was also evaluated. The results show a slight increase in crystallinity.8Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)USP via NAP Centro de Instrumentacao para Estudos Avancados de Materiais Nanoestruturados e BiossistemasUSP via NAP de Bioenergia e SustentabilidadeEuropean Community's Seventh Framework Programme SUNLIBB (FP7) [251132]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)CNPq [312852/2014-2, 306767/2011-2, 159341/2011 6, 482166/2010 0, 306767/2011 2, 490022/2009 0

    Gossypiboma in the oral region: case report and literature review

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    Gossypiboma is an inflammatory reaction to a foreign body, specifically composed of a cotton matrix left behind after surgery. The present study aims to present a case report of gossypiboma 23 years after a dental surgery and to make a literature review of the English language cases published on the issue. A 42-year-old woman was attended to evaluate complaints of pain on the right side of the maxilla. The patient reported that dental extractions in this region had been performed over a period of nearly 23 years. The panoramic radiograph demonstrated an opacity in the right maxillary sinus, which presented a spongiform aspect, irregularly shaped radiopaque image, as well as a rupture of the maxillary sinus's lower cortical layer. A surgical excision was performed, and the histopathological diagnosis was of gossypiboma. Six similar cases have also reported of gossypiboma in the oral region; however, calcification was only identified in the present case report. The patient is currently undergoing follow-up and has presented no complaints of pain or recurrence

    Quantitative (13)c Multicp Solid-state Nmr As A Tool For Evaluation Of Cellulose Crystallinity Index Measured Directly Inside Sugarcane Biomass.

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    The crystallinity index (CI) is often associated with changes in cellulose structure after biological and physicochemical pretreatments. While some results obtained with lignocellulosic biomass demonstrate a progressive increase in the CI as a function of pretreatments, it is also shown that the CI can significantly vary depending on the choice of the measurement method. Besides, the influence of the CI on the recalcitrance of biomass has been controversial for a long time, but the most recent results tend to point out that the efficiency of pretreatments in reducing the recalcitrance is not clearly correlated with the decrease of the CI. Much of this controversy is somewhat associated with the inability to distinguish between the CI of the cellulose inside the biomass and the CI of the full biomass, which contains other amorphous components such as lignin and hemicellulose. Cross polarization by multiple contact periods (Multi-CP) method was used to obtain quantitative (13)C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectra of sugarcane bagasse biomass submitted to two-step pretreatments and/or enzymatic hydrolysis. By comparing the dipolar filtered Multi-CP (13)C NMR spectra of untreated bagasse samples with those of samples submitted to acid pretreatment, we show that a 1% H2SO4-assisted pretreatment was very effective in removing practically all the hemicellulose signals. This led us to propose a spectral editing procedure based on the subtraction of MultiCP spectra of acid-treated biomass from that of the extracted lignin, to obtain a virtually pure cellulose spectrum. Based on this idea, we were able to evaluate the CI of the native cellulose inside the sugarcane bagasse biomass. The results show the validity of the proposed method as a tool for evaluating the variations in the CI of the cellulose inside biomasses of similar kinds. Despite a clear increase in the CI of biomass as measured by X-ray diffraction, no significant variations were observed in the CI of the cellulose inside the biomass after a particular 1% H2SO4/0.25-4% NaOH chemical-assisted pretreatments. The CI of cellulose inside the biomass solid fraction that remained after the enzymatic hydrolysis was also evaluated. The results show a slight increase in crystallinity.811

    Recomendações nutricionais na Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne

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    OBJETIVO: Pesquisar as recomendações nutricionais para pacientes com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD). MÉTODO: Trata- se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, através de levantamento bibliográfico nas bases cientificas PubMed e Scielo, foram utilizadas as palavras chaves: Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne em combinação com os termos Nutrição, Nutrientes, Nutracêuticos, Vitaminas e Antioxidantes. Foi realizada a busca dos artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 102 artigos, dos quais após análise dos critérios de exclusão e inclusão, resultaram em 31 artigos referentes a 31,62% da amostra inicial que foram utilizados para a produção dessa revisão. CONCLUSÃO: O acompanhamento nutricional do paciente com DMD é fundamental, de forma a garantir a manutenção do estado nutricional, além de contribuir de forma significativa para a desaceleração dos sintomas da doença e melhora da qualidade de vida

    Chemical and morphological characterization of sugarcane bagasse submitted to a delignification process for enhanced enzymatic digestibility

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years, biorefining of lignocellulosic biomass to produce multi-products such as ethanol and other biomaterials has become a dynamic research area. Pretreatment technologies that fractionate sugarcane bagasse are essential for the successful use of this feedstock in ethanol production. In this paper, we investigate modifications in the morphology and chemical composition of sugarcane bagasse submitted to a two-step treatment, using diluted acid followed by a delignification process with increasing sodium hydroxide concentrations. Detailed chemical and morphological characterization of the samples after each pretreatment condition, studied by high performance liquid chromatography, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, is reported, together with sample crystallinity and enzymatic digestibility.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Chemical composition analysis performed on samples obtained after different pretreatment conditions showed that up to 96% and 85% of hemicellulose and lignin fractions, respectively, were removed by this two-step method when sodium hydroxide concentrations of 1% (m/v) or higher were used. The efficient lignin removal resulted in an enhanced hydrolysis yield reaching values around 100%. Considering the cellulose loss due to the pretreatment (maximum of 30%, depending on the process), the total cellulose conversion increases significantly from 22.0% (value for the untreated bagasse) to 72.4%. The delignification process, with consequent increase in the cellulose to lignin ratio, is also clearly observed by nuclear magnetic resonance and diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy experiments. We also demonstrated that the morphological changes contributing to this remarkable improvement occur as a consequence of lignin removal from the sample. Bagasse unstructuring is favored by the loss of cohesion between neighboring cell walls, as well as by changes in the inner cell wall structure, such as damaging, hole formation and loss of mechanical resistance, facilitating liquid and enzyme access to crystalline cellulose.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results presented herewith show the efficiency of the proposed method for improving the enzymatic digestibility of sugarcane bagasse and provide understanding of the pretreatment action mechanism. Combining the different techniques applied in this work warranted thorough information about the undergoing morphological and chemical changes and was an efficient approach to understand the morphological effects resulting from sample delignification and its influence on the enhanced hydrolysis results.</p

    Time response of increases in muscle performance after Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in weight training practitioners

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    Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle performance. Nonetheless, ideal application parameters are not known yet. The interval from the laser application moment until the time of the exercise is amongst them. In addition, the literature does not offer adequate studies that analyse different interval times in the same test in humans. Thus, the present study proposes the examination of the two distinct intervals, from the irradiation moment to the instant of the exercise performance. Forty male volunteers were recruited and randomly divided into four groups - control, placebo, immediate laser and 10 min after laser – to participate in this study. The therapy was performed with laser at 830 nm, with a power of 30 mW, energy of 3 J, during a time of 100 seconds per point irradiation, in the belly of the biceps brachii muscle. The comparison of the groups consisted in the Max force analysis, muscular power and muscle fatigue tests executed in the isokinetic dynamometer, and the recruitment of fibers by electromyography surface (EMG) and blood lactate levels in the brachial biceps muscle of weight training practitioners. A significant level of 5% (p &lt;0.05) was considered for data analysis. The parameters adopted in the application of LLT significantly increased muscle activity (RMS) in all protocols (peak force, power and muscular endurance). In addition, LLLT was also effective in maintaining muscle performance. It was concluded that the interval time from the moment of application of the LLLT until the performance of the exercise can influence in a different way the physical capacities tested.Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle performance. Nonetheless, ideal application parameters are not known yet. The interval from the laser application moment until the time of the exercise is amongst them. In addition, the literature does not offer adequate studies that analyse different interval times in the same test in humans. Thus, the present study proposes the examination of the two distinct intervals, from the irradiation moment to the instant of the exercise performance. Forty male volunteers were recruited and randomly divided into four groups - control, placebo, immediate laser and 10 min after laser – to participate in this study. The therapy was performed with laser at 830 nm, with a power of 30 mW, energy of 3 J, during a time of 100 seconds per point irradiation, in the belly of the biceps brachii muscle. The comparison of the groups consisted in the Max force analysis, muscular power and muscle fatigue tests executed in the isokinetic dynamometer, and the recruitment of fibers by electromyography surface (EMG) and blood lactate levels in the brachial biceps muscle of weight training practitioners. A significant level of 5% (p &lt;0.05) was considered for data analysis. The parameters adopted in the application of LLT significantly increased muscle activity (RMS) in all protocols (peak force, power and muscular endurance). In addition, LLLT was also effective in maintaining muscle performance. It was concluded that the interval time from the moment of application of the LLLT until the performance of the exercise can influence in a different way the physical capacities tested


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    Os reservatórios de regularização de vazão apresentam-se como uma importante técnica para otimização do uso da água em uma bacia hidrográfica, uma vez que armazena água nos períodos de excedente hídrico para uso nos períodos de escassez, permitindo, desse modo, que a disponibilidade hídrica aproxime-se da potencial da bacia. No Estado de Minas Gerais, a vazão máxima outorgável em cursos d’água regularizados é expressa pela Qmld menos 50% da Q7,10, enquanto que em condições naturais o limite máximo outorgável corresponde a 50% da Q7,10. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar as variações na disponibilidade hídrica ocasionadas pela consideração da vazão permissível para outorga para condições de regularização em relação ao critério a fio d’água, sendo para isso apresentado um estudo de caso para a bacia do Paracatu. Para isso, foi estimada, para cada trecho da hidrografia, a relação Qmld/Q7,10 e a diferença percentual entre os critérios utilizados no estado para concessão de outorga com e sem a presença de estruturas de regularização. Os valores obtidos para a relação Qmld/Q7,10 variaram de 3,7 a 10,0, e o incremento de disponibilidade de 531 a 1795%, resultado que reforça a potencialidade dos reservatórios no aproveitamento do uso da água