66 research outputs found

    HST observations of star clusters in NGC 1023: Evidence for three cluster populations?

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    Using HST images we have carried out a study of cluster populations in the nearby S0 galaxy NGC 1023. In two WFPC2 pointings we have identified 221 cluster candidates. The small distance (~9 Mpc) combined with deep F555W and F814W images allows us to reach about two magnitudes below the expected turn-over of the globular cluster luminosity function. NGC 1023 appears to contain at least three identifiable cluster populations: the brighter clusters show a clearly bimodal color distribution with peaks at V-I = 0.92 and at V-I = 1.15 and in addition there are a number of fainter, more extended objects with predominantly red colors. Among the brighter clusters, we find that the blue clusters have somewhat larger sizes than the red ones with mean effective radii of R(eff) ~ 2 and R(eff) ~ 1.7 pc, respectively. These clusters have luminosity functions (LFs) and sizes consistent with what is observed for globular clusters in other galaxies. Fitting Gaussians to the LFs of the blue and red compact clusters we find turn-over magnitudes of M(TO,blue)=-7.58 and M(TO,red)=-7.37 in V and dispersions of sigma(V,blue)=1.12 and sigma(V,red)=0.97. The fainter, more extended clusters have effective radii up to R(eff) ~ 10-15 pc and their LF appears to rise at least down to M(V) ~ -6, few of them being brighter than M(V) = -7. We suggest that these fainter objects may have a formation history distinct from that of the brighter GCs.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Gravitational waves from coalescing binaries and Doppler experiments

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    Doppler tracking of interplanetary spacecraft provides the only method presently available for broad-band searches of low frequency gravitational waves. The instruments have a peak sensitivity around the reciprocal of the round-trip light-time T of the radio link connecting the Earth to the space-probe and therefore are particularly suitable to search for coalescing binaries containing massive black holes in galactic nuclei. A number of Doppler experiments -- the most recent involving the probes ULYSSES, GALILEO and MARS OBSERVER -- have been carried out so far; moreover, in 2002-2004 the CASSINI spacecraft will perform three 40 days data acquisition runs with expected sensitivity about twenty times better than that achieved so far. Central aims of this paper are: (i) to explore, as a function of the relevant instrumental and astrophysical parameters, the Doppler output produced by in-spiral signals -- sinusoids of increasing frequency and amplitude (the so-called chirp); (ii) to identify the most important parameter regions where to concentrate intense and dedicated data analysis; (iii) to analyze the all-sky and all-frequency sensitivity of the CASSINI's experiments, with particular emphasis on possible astrophysical targets, such as our Galactic Centre and the Virgo Cluster.Comment: 52 pages, LaTeX, 19 Postscript Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The interstellar medium of the Antennae Galaxies

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    To study the properties of the interstellar medium in the prototypical merging system of the Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038 and NGC 4039), we have obtained CO(1-0), (2-1) and (3-2) line maps, as well as a map of the 870 micron continuum emission. Our results are analysed in conjunction with data from X-ray to radio wavelengths. In order to distinguish between exact coincidence and merely close correspondence of emission features, we compare the morphological structure of the different emission components at the highest available angular resolution. To constrain the physical state of the molecular gas, we apply models of photon dominated regions (PDRs) that allow us to fit CO and [CII] data, as well as other indicators of widespread PDRs in the Antennae system, particularly within the super giant molecular cloud (SGMC) complexes of the interaction region (IAR) between the two galaxies. The modeled clouds have cores with moderately high gas densities up to 4 10^4 / cm^3 and rather low kinetic temperatures <=25K). At present, all these clouds, including those near the galactic nuclei, show no signs of intense starburst activity. Thermal radio or mid-infrared emission are all observed to peak slightly offset from the molecular peaks. The total molecular gas mass of the Antennae system adds up to \~10^10 M_sun. In the vicinity of each galactic nucleus, the moleculargas mass, 1-2 10^9 M_sun, exceeds that of the Galactic centre region by a factorof almost 100. Furthermore, the gas does not seem to deviate much from the N_{H_2}/I_CO ratio typical of the disk of our Galaxy rather than our Galactic centre.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Star cluster versus field star formation in the nucleus of the prototype starburst galaxy M82

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    We analyse high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging of the nuclear starburst region of M82, obtained as part of the Hubble Heritage mosaic made of this galaxy, in four filters (Johnson-Cousins equivalent B, V, and I broad bands, and an Halpha narrow-band filter), as well as subsequently acquired U-band images. We find a complex system of ~150 star clusters in the inner few 100 pc of the galaxy. We do not find any conclusive evidence of a cluster-formation epoch associated with the most recent starburst event, believed to have occurred about 4-6 Myr ago. This apparent evidence of decoupling between cluster and field-star formation is consistent with the view that star cluster formation requires special conditions. However, we strongly caution, and provide compelling evidence, that the `standard' simple stellar population analysis method we have used significantly underestimates the true uncertainties in the derived ages due to stochasticity in the stellar initial mass function and the corresponding sampling effects.Comment: 10 pages, A&A, in pres

    Stellar population synthesis at the resolution of 2003

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    We present a new model for computing the spectral evolution of stellar populations at ages between 100,000 yr and 20 Gyr at a resolution of 3 A across the whole wavelength range from 3200 to 9500 A for a wide range of metallicities. These predictions are based on a newly available library of observed stellar spectra. We also compute the spectral evolution across a larger wavelength range, from 91 A to 160 micron, at lower resolution. The model incorporates recent progress in stellar evolution theory and an observationally motivated prescription for thermally-pulsing stars on the asymptotic giant branch. The latter is supported by observations of surface brightness fluctuations in nearby stellar populations. We show that this model reproduces well the observed optical and near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams of Galactic star clusters of various ages and metallicities. Stochastic fluctuations in the numbers of stars in different evolutionary phases can account for the full range of observed integrated colours of star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. The model reproduces in detail typical galaxy spectra from the Early Data Release (EDR) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We exemplify how this type of spectral fit can constrain physical parameters such as the star formation history, metallicity and dust content of galaxies. Our model is the first to enable accurate studies of absorption-line strengths in galaxies containing stars over the full range of ages. Using the highest-quality spectra of the SDSS EDR, we show that this model can reproduce simultaneously the observed strengths of those Lick indices that do not depend strongly on element abundance ratios [abridged].Comment: 35 pages, 22 figures, to appear in MNRAS; version with full resolution figures available at http://www.iap.fr/~charlot/bc2003/pape
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