296 research outputs found

    A conformational RNA zipper promotes intron ejection during non-conventional XBP1 mRNA splicing.

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    The kinase/endonuclease IRE1 is the most conserved signal transducer of the unfolded protein response (UPR), an intracellular signaling network that monitors and regulates the protein folding capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Upon sensing protein folding perturbations in the ER, IRE1 initiates the unconventional splicing of XBP1 mRNA culminating in the production of the transcription factor XBP1s, which expands the ER's protein folding capacity. We show that an RNA-intrinsic conformational change causes the intron of XBP1 mRNA to be ejected and the exons to zipper up into an extended stem, juxtaposing the RNA ends for ligation. These conformational rearrangements are important for XBP1 mRNA splicing in vivo. The features that point to such active participation of XBP1 mRNA in the splicing reaction are highly conserved throughout metazoan evolution, supporting their importance in orchestrating XBP1 mRNA processing with efficiency and fidelity

    Costos reales de tratamientos intensivos por paciente y día cama

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    Alvear, S (Alvear, Sandra); Rodriguez, P (Rodriguez, Patricia).Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Empresariales, Talca, ChileReal daily costs of patients admitted to public intensive care units Background: Patient care costs in intensive care units are high and should be considered in medical decision making. Aim: To calculate the real disease related costs for patients admitted to intensive care units of public hospitals. Material and Methods: Using an activity associated costs analysis, the expenses of 716 patients with a mean age of 56 years, mean APACHE score of 20 (56% males), admitted to intensive care units of two regional public hospitals, were calculated. Patients were classified according to their underlying disease. Results: The costs per day of hospital stay, in Chilean pesos, were 426,265forsepsis, 426,265 for sepsis, 423,300 for cardiovascular diseases, 418,329forkidneydiseases, 418,329 for kidney diseases, 404,873 for trauma, 398,913forrespiratorydiseases, 398,913 for respiratory diseases, 379,455 for digestive diseases and $ 371,801 for neurologic disease. Human resources and medications determined up to 85 and 12% of costs, respectively. Patients with sepsis and trauma use 32 and 19% of intensive care unit resources, respectively. Twenty seven percent of resources are invested in patients that eventually died. Conclusions: A real cost benefit analysis should be performed to optimize resource allocation in intensive care units. (Rev Med Chile 2013; 141: 202-208)

    The activated endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor IRE1 oligomerizes into filaments contained in 30 nm membrane tubes of complex topology

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an intracellular signaling network that adjusts the abundance and protein folding capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) according to need. The most conversed branch of the UPR is mediated by the ER‐resident transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease IRE1. It senses unfolded protein accumulation within the ER and transduces the signal via a non‐conventional mRNA splicing mechanism. In response to direct binding of unfolded proteins in the ER lumen, IRE1 activates by oligomerization and accumulates in dynamic foci. IRE1 foci are not autophagosomes as they did not colocalize with the autophagosomal marker LC3. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments indicate that IRE1 molecules in the foci remain in equilibrium with IRE1 molecules in the surrounding ER network. We determined the structure of IRE1 foci in cells by whole cell correlative light – electron tomography. Our results show that IRE1 oligomers induce membrane deformations, leading to the protrusion of narrow 30 nm ribosome‐free tubes that remain connected to the ER and are twisted into glomeruli of complex topology. The tubes contain two parallel filaments in their lumen, likely representing oligomerized IRE1 ER‐lumenal domains. Taken together, our findings define a previously unrecognized subdomain of the ER membrane and shed new light on the structure and organization of active mammalian IRE1 inside the cell

    The impact of a change on the size of the smoke compartment in the evacuation of health care facilities

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    Evacuation in health-care facilities is complex due to the physical impairment of the patients. This kind of evacuation usually requires the assistance of the workforce members. A proposed change of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, would increase the maximum allowable size of a smoke compartment (a space within the building enclosed by smoke barriers on all sides that restricts the movement of smoke) in health-care occupancies from 2090 m2 to 3700 m2, almost double the size. This study aims to analyse the impact of this change in the required time for evacuating patients during a fire in order to understand the consequences of that potential change. This paper is focused on the area where the patient?s rooms are located. The evacuation scenario is a floor plan comprised of four smoke compartments. To analyse the proposed change, the smoke barriers between two adjacent compartments were removed in a floor plan and three ratios of number of patients per one staff member were considered (4:1, 3:1 and 2:1). A computational methodology was conducted to calibrate the model STEPS for simulating assisted evacuation processes. In addition, Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) was used to simulate the fire and smoke spread in a table and a PC to compare fire and evacuation results The evacuation results show that the change of the smoke compartment size increases the mean evacuation time by 23%; however, the fire results show that the available safe egress time is 16 min for both smaller and large smoke compartment. The ratio of the number of patients per staff member is also a strong factor that increases the evacuation up to 82% when comparing the ratios of 2 patients per staff member and 4 patients per staff member

    Range extension to Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas province and revised distribution of Platyrrhinus chocoensis (Phyllostomidae: Chiroptera) in western Ecuador

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    We report the first record of the Choco broad-nosed bat (Plathyrrhinus chocoensis Alberico & Velazco, 1991) in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas province in northwestern Ecuador. This voucher specimen represents the southernmost record of the species and expands its distribution ca. 120 km south. The animal was caught at a farm, specifically in a live fence consisting of several tree species. Preservation of bat species occurring in agricultural landscapes requires local policies and environmental education

    Desarrollo de lista corta para la evaluación del desempeño en alimentación-deglución en niños entre 1 y 5 años de edad con parálisis cerebral

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    Tesis (Fonoaudiólogo)La alimentación dentro de nuestra sociedad cumple un rol importante, ya sea, dentro de la dinámica familiar así como en las relaciones sociales, ya que, la comida genera momentos de diálogo y encuentro, es por esta razón, que es fundamental buscar la integración y un manejo adecuado durante el proceso de alimentación. Sin embargo, los niños con parálisis cerebral presentan numerosas dificultades frente a este proceso, por lo tanto, lo principal es no aislar al menor durante estas situaciones, sino que se debe manejar el contexto de manera óptima donde sea placentero para el niño, el cuidador y su entorno y de esta forma mejorar su calidad de vida. La investigación expuesta a continuación tiene dos propósitos, el primero es contar con un instrumento que permita valorar el desempeño de alimentación - deglución en niños con Parálisis Cerebral entre 1 y 5 años y el segundo, es lograr crear perfiles cualitativos, basándose en la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento y la Discapacidad (CIF), esta permite integrar los componentes de actividad y participación, los cuales son fundamentales para los terapeutas que se desenvuelve en el área de la rehabilitación, esperando que los niños con Parálisis Cerebral obtengan mayor funcionalidad e integración en la sociedad. Es necesario tener en cuenta que en este estudio, los menores no presentan autonomía durante el acto de alimentación y esto genera un grado de dependencia de un tercero, es por esto que el fonoaudiólogo cumple un rol importante en la rehabilitación de la alimentación- deglución, siendo necesario conocer los factores en función de la CIF que influyen durante la alimentación, para así encasillar el rendimiento del menor durante la alimentación y conocer sus fortalezas, potenciandolas al máximo y compensando las debilidades. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar una lista corta para la evaluación del desempeño en la alimentación en el rango etario mencionado anteriormente, para caracterizar el desempeño del evaluado y crear perfiles cualitativos que guíen la futura intervención. Además, de poder comparar cuantitativamente el desempeño según las siguientes variables: tipo de parálisis cerebral, vía de alimentación y consistencias de los alimentos. Sin embargo, debido al corto tiempo asignado para esta investigación, la tesis abordará el primer propósito que consiste en la creación del instrumento. Por lo tanto, la base de este estudio es dar a conocer los procedimientos y análisis de la creación de este. Por consiguiente, se deja abierta la posibilidad de continuar con esta investigación para finalizar el segundo propósito. Los dejamos invitados a revisar esta investigación, ya que como terapeutas es de vital importancia conocer anticipadamente el desarrollo de la evolución de la alimentación en los niños con distintos tipos de PC y así poder abordar la intervención de manera más integral