824 research outputs found

    Analysis and simulation of disturbances in a mixed-model manufacturing production system

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)Consistent with the automotive industry, other highly technological industries have discovered the value of implementing lean manufacturing operations. In today’s economy, companies are realizing that controlling and minimizing manufacturing cost is a requirement for a successful business. Businesses are hiring the help of consulting companies to implement better manufacturing techniques. However, more often than not, these businesses struggle with the actual implementation due to the underlying disturbances in the current production floor. These disturbances range from demand balance issues to the more complex quality defects. The goal of this study is to provide a theoretical framework, analysis and simulation of the disturbances in a mixed-model manufacturing production system. Mixed-model production systems employ a single set of resources to manufacture multiple product lines, giving room to a complex set of production issues which are often hard to visualize. This thesis simulates the production floor of a company with a single mixed-model production system that assembles three highly technological, complex engineering, multi-configuration products such as automotive engines. A discrete event simulation model was used to manipulate the disruptions on the production system. The real manufacturing performance was used to verify and validate the model. Individual modification of the disturbances revealed their effect on production efficiency. Optimization policies like rework strategies and Kanban sizing are presented to minimize the effect of said disturbances

    Constraint on the solar Δm2\Delta m^2 using 4,000 days of short baseline reactor neutrino data

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    There is a well known 2σ\sigma tension in the measurements of the solar Δm2\Delta m^2 between KamLAND and SNO/Super-KamioKANDE. Precise determination of the solar Δm2\Delta m^2 is especially important in connection with current and future long baseline CP violation measurements. Reference \cite{Seo:2018rrb} points out that currently running short baseline reactor neutrino experiments, Daya Bay and RENO, can also constrain solar Δm2\Delta m^2 value as demonstrated by a GLoBES simulation with a limited systematic uncertainty consideration. In this work, the publicly available data, from Daya Bay (1,958 days) and RENO (2,200 days) are used to constrain the solar Δm2\Delta m^2. Verification of our method through Δmee2\Delta m^2_{ee} and sin2θ13\sin^2 \theta_{13} measurements is discussed in Appendix A. Using this verified method, reasonable constraints on the solar Δm2\Delta m^2 are obtained using above Daya Bay and RENO data, both individually and combined. We find that the combined data of Daya Bay and RENO set an upper limit on the solar Δm2\Delta m^2 of 18 ×105\times 10^{-5} eV2^2 at the 95% C.L., including both systematic and statistical uncertainties. This constraint is slightly more than twice the KamLAND value. As this combined result is still statistics limited, even though driven by Daya Bay data, the constraint will improve with the additional running of this experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. This paper is a follow up of a Monte Carlo study reported in arXiv:1808.09150 by two of the authors. The current paper uses actual data from Daya Bay and RENO that was not previously available and this is the 1st "combined" result using this new experimental data. A new figure is added. Some modifications of the tex

    Protocol for Metatranscriptomic analysis of Intestinal Microbiota

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    The objective of this publication is to provide the detailed protocol for metartancriptomisc studies of animal intestinal microbiota. The protocol describes isolation of high quality microbial community RNA from the mammalian intestinal content, subsequent mRNA enrichment, cDNA synthesis and sequencing. Twelve libraries were prepared, pooled in equimolar concentrations into a single library and sequenced on one GS Titanium 70×75 picotiter plate, following this protocol. The total number of reads obtained for 12 libraries was 1,155,062 (average 96,000 per library) and the combined size of 12 libraries was 521 million bases (average 43 million bases per library). The reported size of non-ribosomal RNA library fraction is ~15%, the fraction of non-ribosomal reads is ~17%. Hence we described a robust technique for metranscriptomic studies of animal intestinal microbiota. The double stranded cDNAs, prepared following this protocol, are suitable for pyrosequencing (454, Illumina), clone library construction or could be used to archive and store metaranscriptomic samples

    NILM techniques for intelligent home energy management and ambient assisted living: a review

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    The ongoing deployment of smart meters and different commercial devices has made electricity disaggregation feasible in buildings and households, based on a single measure of the current and, sometimes, of the voltage. Energy disaggregation is intended to separate the total power consumption into specific appliance loads, which can be achieved by applying Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) techniques with a minimum invasion of privacy. NILM techniques are becoming more and more widespread in recent years, as a consequence of the interest companies and consumers have in efficient energy consumption and management. This work presents a detailed review of NILM methods, focusing particularly on recent proposals and their applications, particularly in the areas of Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), where the ability to determine the on/off status of certain devices can provide key information for making further decisions. As well as complementing previous reviews on the NILM field and providing a discussion of the applications of NILM in HEMS and AAL, this paper provides guidelines for future research in these topics.Agência financiadora: Programa Operacional Portugal 2020 and Programa Operacional Regional do Algarve 01/SAICT/2018/39578 Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through IDMEC, under LAETA: SFRH/BSAB/142998/2018 SFRH/BSAB/142997/2018 UID/EMS/50022/2019 Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La-Mancha, Spain: SBPLY/17/180501/000392 Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (SOC-PLC project): TEC2015-64835-C3-2-R MINECO/FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Millions of people worldwide are unable to access medical care due to poverty and geographic isolation. Some locations, although being overpopulated, do not possess the infrastructure to find a solution to the ongoing medical problem. It is the objective of this thesis to design an aircraft capable of performing the mission profile of a flying hospital, thus providing life-saving treatments to these populations. The extensive equipment needed to sustain medical missions creates unique challenges in aircraft design, which are addressed by a systematic design build-up that uses the mission specifications as the main driver and therefore creates an aircraft specific to the mission. Aeronautical design of commercial aircraft must accommodate the crew, passengers, and baggage: However, the mobile hospital additionally requires operating, treatment, and recovery rooms. This specification brings with it a unique payload requiring weights and volumes atypical of most aircraft. The size of the aircraft needs to be chosen carefully in order to carry the necessary equipment while still maintaining the aircraft aerodynamically capable of servicing small, rough fields in the outskirts of places like Africa. Such requirements led to the design of a 413,000lb aircraft capable of servicing runways as short as 4,500ft in length. A surgical suite featuring 260 square ft has been installed inside along with recovery and clinical areas. It has been estimated that a medical crew of 25 will be able to service deprived areas, helping up to 8,000 patients in a given 21-day mission. Ultimately, the solution is only a small step in the huge stride that is providing medical help to the impoverished areas of the world. Yet, the MedWing Project looks to do its part in creating a better world as well as in inspiring others to step up and work with and in the humanitarian field.No embarg

    Determinacion de las tensiones de crecimiento para arboles en pie de pinus radiata (D. Don), mediante un metodo no destructivo

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    59 p.Generalmente las plantaciones forestales se establecen sobre tierras sin cobertura vegetal o degradada. Este tipo de plantaciones tiene un importante rol en la producción de madera en nuestro país, para lo cual se utilizan especies exóticas como el Pinus radiata entre otras, el cual posee la característica de presentar un rápido crecimiento y una buena calidad en su madera. Este estudio se realizo en el predio "Quivolgo 2", perteneciente a la Empresa Forestal Celco S.A., el cual se encuentra ubicado administrativamente en la VII Región del Maule, comuna de Constitución al Norte del río Maule. y time como objetivo principal el determinar las tensiones de crecimiento de árboles en pie y comparar la variabilidad de las tensiones entre dos familias y dos edades de la misma especie. A través del análisis de varianza se observa que las tensiones de crecimiento no muestran una diferencia significativa_ esta situación se explicaría por la semejanza de los factores ambientales a los cuales están expuestos. Al estudiar las tensiones de crecimiento en árboles en pie. se pueden deducir otros resultados, siendo el mas significativo el relacionado entre las tensiones de crecimiento y la edad, pues mientras aumenta esta ultima las tensiones de crecimiento tienden a disminuir

    Evaluación de riesgos laborales en beneficio de café PICASA, municipio Matagalpa, departamento de Matagalpa, II semestre 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata de la evaluación de riesgos laborales empresariales apoyándonos en la Ley No. 618 de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo en el Beneficio de café seco PICASA del municipio de Matagalpa. Con el propósito de evaluar los riesgos laborales en referencia lo establecido por la Ley 618 y normado por el MITRAB. El propósito de este trabajo es para identificar y evaluar los riesgos laborales durante el proceso de la jornada laboral, dicha investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental descubrir la seguridad laboral en el beneficio seco de café PICASA Matagalpa, se tiene como fin detectar problemas que estén ocurriendo o que puedan ocurrir en un futuro y de esta manera beneficiar a los empleados y a la misma empresa, ya que una empresa es competitiva gracias al servicio brindado a sus clientes.La importancia de esta investigación es la identificación de riesgos a los que se exponen los trabajadores, además de la evaluación de estos para tratar de minimizar accidentes que los perjudiquen, así como asegurar la eficacia y eficiencia para una mejor productividad empresarial. Algunos de los resultados de la evaluación de los riesgos son: Presenta señales de prevención de manera visible. El equipo de protección asignado a los trabajadores es el adecuado para las actividades que se realizan en la empresa. Cuenta con oasis para abastecimiento de agua para los trabajadores de patio. De la evaluación de causas y consecuencias de los accidentes laborales se concluyó que: La principal causa de accidentes es el incumplimiento de las normas establecidas en la Ley 618 por parte de los trabajadore

    Estados estacionarios de generadores de Markov del tipo límite de acoplamiento débil y modelos de transporte cuántico

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    Los semigrupos cuánticos de Markov son la herramienta matemática que permite describir la evolución de sistemas cuánticos abiertos, es decir, que interaccionan con su entorno o medio ambiente. En el presente trabajo, se estudia la estructura de los estados estacionarios de semigrupos cuánticos de Markov del tipo límite de acoplamiento débil. Más concretamente, se demuestra que cualquier estado estacionario se escribe como una combinación convexa de dos estados, el primero con soporte en el subespacio libre de interacción WD y el segundo soportado en el complemento ortogonal del primero. Además, como aplicación de los resultados previos, se describe en detalle la estructura de los estados estacionarios de un modelo de transporte cuántico motivado por el trabajo de Aref’eva, Kozyrev y Volovich [6], en términos de operadores de aniquilación y creación generalizados. Este modelo se estudió por primera vez en [28]