115 research outputs found

    Chlorine-bearing species and the 37Cl/35Cl isotope ratio in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    A full-mission analysis of Cl-bearing species in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has been conducted using data from the Rosetta ROSINA/DFMS mass spectrometer. This contribution will focus on the challenges encountered to relate DFMS data on Cl-bearing species to the neutral abundances at the comet.DFMS was operated in neutral mode, in which electron impact ionizes a fraction of the incoming neutral gas in the ion source. Only ions in a narrow range around a certain commanded mass-over-charge ratio (m/z) pass through the mass analyser at a time and impact on a micro-channel plate (MCP), creating an electron avalanche that is recorded by a Linear Electron Detector Array chip with two rows of 512 pixels each (LEDA A and LEDA B). Data are obtained as Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) counts as a function of LEDA pixel number. The instrument scans over a sequence of m/z values.A well-defined approach exists to convert ADC counts as a function of pixel number to the number of ions that were detected on the MCP. However, to relate the number of ions detected this way to the abundance of neutrals in the coma gas, the sensitivity for each neutral needs to be known. The sensitivity for a certain neutral takes into account the total ionization cross section for the neutral and product ion fraction, instrument transmission and secondary electron yield for each product ion. Sensitivities can be determined experimentally by introducing the neutrals in the DFMS instrument copy in the laboratory, but such data are not available for Cl-bearing species and an alternative approach needs to be used. Fortunately, the use of ratios cancels out some of the factors that play a role in the sensitivity. As an example, for the 37Cl/35Cl ratio, total ionization cross sections and product ion fractions can be considered identical. In the case of 37Cl/35Cl, taking into account the sensitivity results in a correction of more than 15%, mainly due to the secondary electron yield.The 37Cl/35Cl ratio does not appear to change appreciably throughout the mission and is compared with known values from other solar system objects. The Cl/HCl ratio obtained with DFMS indicates that there must be at least one additional chlorine-bearing species on the comet next to HCl, CH3Cl and NH4Cl, the identity of which is unknown at this time

    H and Cl isotope characteristics of indigenous and late hydrothermal fluids on the differentiated asteroidal parent body of Grave Nunataks 06128

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    The paired achondrites Graves Nunataks (GRA) 06128 and 06129 are samples of an asteroid that underwent partial melting within a few million years after the start of Solar System formation. In order to better constrain the origin and processing of volatiles in the early Solar System, we have investigated the abundance of H, F and Cl and the isotopic composition of H and Cl in phosphates in GRA 06128 using secondary ion mass spectrometry. Indigenous H in GRA 06128, as recorded in magmatic merrillite, is characterised by an average δD of ca. -152 ± 330‰, which is broadly similar to estimates of the H isotope composition of indigenous H in other differentiated asteroidal and planetary bodies such as Mars, the Moon and the angrite and eucrite meteorite parent bodies. The merrillite data thus suggest that early accretion of locally-derived volatiles was widespread for the bodies currently populating the asteroid belt. Apatite formed at the expense of merrillite around 100 million years after the differentiation of the GRA 06128/9 parent body, during hydrothermal alteration, which was probably triggered by an impact event. Apatite in GRA 06128 contains 5.4-5.7 wt.% Cl, 0.6-0.8 wt.% F, and ~20 to 60 ppm H2O, which is similar to the H2O abundance in merrillite from which apatite formed. The apatite δD values range between around +100‰ and +2000‰ and are inversely correlated with apatite H2O contents. The Cl isotope composition of apatite appears to be homogeneous across various grains, with an average δ37 Cl value of 3.2 ± 0.7‰. A possible scenario to account for the apatite chemical and isotopic characteristics involves interaction of GRA 06128/9 with fumarole-like fluids derived from D- and HCl-rich ices delivered to the GRA 06128/9 parent-body by an ice-rich impactor

    Halogens as tracers of protosolar nebula material in comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

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    We report the first in situ detection of halogens in a cometary coma, that of 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko. Neutral gas mass spectra collected by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft during four periods of interest from the first comet encounter up to perihelion indicate that the main halogen-bearing compounds are HF, HCl and HBr. The bulk elemental abundances relative to oxygen are ~8.9 × 10⁻⁵ for F/O, ~1.2 × 10⁻⁴ for Cl/O and ~2.5 × 10⁻⁶ for Br/O, for the volatile fraction of the comet. The cometary isotopic ratios for ³⁷Cl/³⁵Cl and ⁸¹Br/⁷⁹Br match the Solar system values within the error margins. The observations point to an origin of the hydrogen halides in molecular cloud chemistry, with frozen hydrogen halides on dust grains, and a subsequent incorporation into comets as the cloud condensed and the Solar system formed

    TNF Blocking Therapies and Immunomonitoring in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Since their appearance in the armamentarium for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) more than a decade ago, antitumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have demonstrated beneficial activity in induction and maintenance of clinical remission, mucosal healing, improvement in quality of life, and reduction in surgeries and hospitalizations. However, more than one-third of patients present primary resistance, and another one-third become resistant over time. One of the main factors associated with loss of response is the immunogenicity of anti-TNF biologics leading to the production of antidrug antibodies (ADAbs) accelerating their clearance. In this review we present the current state of the literature on the place of TNF and its blockage in the treatment of patients with IBD and discuss the usefulness of serum trough levels and ADAb monitoring in the optimization of anti-TNF therapies

    TNF blocking therapies and immunomonitoring in patients with inflammatory bowel disease,”Mediators of Inflammation,

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    Since their appearance in the armamentarium for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) more than a decade ago, antitumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have demonstrated beneficial activity in induction and maintenance of clinical remission, mucosal healing, improvement in quality of life, and reduction in surgeries and hospitalizations. However, more than one-third of patients present primary resistance, and another one-third become resistant over time. One of the main factors associated with loss of response is the immunogenicity of anti-TNF biologics leading to the production of antidrug antibodies (ADAbs) accelerating their clearance. In this review we present the current state of the literature on the place of TNF and its blockage in the treatment of patients with IBD and discuss the usefulness of serum trough levels and ADAb monitoring in the optimization of anti-TNF therapies

    Transplantation hépatique de patients cirrhotiques alcooliques alcoolisés le jour de la greffe (étude cas-témoin)

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Personalized pre-habilitation reduces anastomotic complications compared to up front surgery before ileocolic resection in high-risk patients with Crohn's disease: A single center retrospective study

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    International audienceBackground: The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a personalized prehabilitation (PP) before ileocolic resection (ICR) on the postoperative anastomotic complications in patients with Crohn's Disease (CD) with high risk of post-operative complications.Materials and methods: All high-risk patients who required ICR with primary anastomosis for CD between January 2010 and March 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. PP included nutritional support, antibiotic therapy or drainage of an abscess, stopping or decreasing corticosteroid treatments. Patients were considered as high risk for complications when they had at least one or more of these 3 risk factors (RF) (hypoalbuminemia 10% over the last 6 months, treatment with corticosteroids before surgery (within 4 weeks before surgery), or presence of preoperative intra-abdominal sepsis (abscess or enteral fistula)) according to ECCO guidelines 2020.Results: Ninety high-risk patients were included in our cohort and the anastomotic complication rate was 11.1%. Sixty-four (71.1%) had preoperative prehabilitation (median duration of 37 days), and the mean albumin level (34 g/L vs 37 g/L; p < 0.001) and the number of RF (1.21 vs 1.06; p = 0.001) were improved by PP during the preoperative period. The rate of anastomotic complications at 90 days from surgery (6.25% vs 23.1%; p = 0.031) as well as the re-operation rate (3.1% vs 19.2%; p = 0.019) were lower after PP. No difference was found on the rate of readmission and the length of stay in this subgroup analysis. Biological treatment administration within 3 months before surgery was not a risk factor for postoperative complication.Conclusion: PP reduces the number of preoperative risk factors before ICR in high-risk patients with CD and allows primary anastomosis with a lower complication rate than in upfront operated patients