1,440 research outputs found

    On the formation of hot DQ white dwarfs

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    We present the first full evolutionary calculations aimed at exploring the origin of hot DQ white dwarfs. These calculations consistently cover the whole evolution from the born-again stage to the white dwarf cooling track. Our calculations provide strong support to the diffusive/convective-mixing picture for the formation of hot DQs. We find that the hot DQ stage is a short-lived stage and that the range of effective temperatures where hot DQ stars are found can be accounted for by different masses of residual helium and/or different initial stellar masses. In the frame of this scenario, a correlation between the effective temperature and the surface carbon abundance in DQs should be expected, with the largest carbon abundances expected in the hottest DQs. From our calculations, we suggest that most of the hot DQs could be the cooler descendants of some PG1159 stars characterized by He-rich envelopes markedly smaller than those predicted by the standard theory of stellar evolution. At least for one hot DQ, the high-gravity white dwarf SDSS J142625.70+575218.4, an evolutionary link between this star and the massive PG1159 star H1504+65 is plausible.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Asteroseismology of the GW Virginis stars SDSS J0349-0059 and VV 47

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    We present an asteroseismological study of SDSS J0349-0059 and VV 47 aimed mainly at deriving their total mass on the basis of state-of-the-art PG 1159 evolutionary models. We compute adiabatic nonradial gg-mode pulsation periods for PG 1159 evolutionary models with stellar masses ranging from 0.5150.515 to 0.741\ M_{\sun}, that take into account the complete evolution of the progenitor stars. We first estimate a mean period spacing for both SDSS J0349-0059 and VV 47. By comparing the observed period spacing with the asymptotic period spacing we obtain M_{\star}\sim 0.569\ M_{\sun} for SDSS J0349-0059 and M_{\star}\sim 0.523\ M_{\sun} for VV 47. If we compare the observed period spacing with the average of the computed period spacings we found M_{\star}\sim 0.535\ M_{\sun} for SDSS J0349-0059 and M_{\star}\sim 0.528 M_{\sun} for VV 47. Searching for the best period fit we found, in the case of SDSS J0349-0059, an asteroseismological model with $M_{\star}= 0.542\ M_{\sun}and and T_{\rm eff}= 91\, 255\ K.ForVV47,wecouldnotfindauniqueandunambiguousasteroseismologicalmodel.Finally,forSDSSJ03490059,wedeterminedtherotationperiodasbeingK. For VV 47, we could not find a unique and unambiguous asteroseismological model. Finally, for SDSS J0349-0059, we determined the rotation period as being P_{\rm rot}= 1/\Omega \sim 0.407$ days. The results presented in this work constitute a further step in the study of GW Vir stars through asteroseismology in the frame of fully evolutionary models of PG 1159 stars. In particular, once again it is shown the potential of asteroseismology to derive stellar masses of PG 1159 stars with an unprecedented precision.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Asteroseismology of the Kepler V777 Her variable white dwarf with fully evolutionary models

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    DBV stars are pulsating white dwarfs with atmospheres rich in He. Asteroseismology of DBV stars can provide valuable clues about the origin, structure and evolution of hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs, and may allow to study neutrino and axion physics. Recently, a new DBV star, KIC 8626021, has been discovered in the field of the \emph{Kepler} spacecraft. It is expected that further monitoring of this star in the next years will enable astronomers to determine its detailed asteroseismic profile. We perform an asteroseismological analysis of KIC 8626021 on the basis of fully evolutionary DB white-dwarf models. We employ a complete set of evolutionary DB white-dwarf structures covering a wide range of effective temperatures and stellar masses. They have been obtained on the basis of a complete treatment of the evolutionary history of progenitors stars. We compute g-mode adiabatic pulsation periods for this set of models and compare them with the pulsation properties exhibited by KIC 8626021. On the basis of the mean period spacing of the star, we found that the stellar mass should be substantially larger than spectroscopy indicates. From period-to-period fits we found an asteroseismological model characterized by an effective temperature much higher than the spectroscopic estimate. In agreement with a recent asteroseismological analysis of this star by other authors, we conclude that KIC 8626021 is located near the blue edge of the DBV instability strip, contrarily to spectroscopic predictions. We also conclude that the mass of KIC 8626021 should be substantially larger than thought.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    New evolutionary sequences for extremely low mass white dwarfs: Homogeneous mass and age determinations, and asteroseismic prospects

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    We provide a fine and homogeneous grid of evolutionary sequences for He-core white dwarfs with masses 0.15-0.45 Msun, including the mass range for ELM white dwarfs (<0.20Msun). The grid is appropriate for mass and age determination, and to study their pulsational properties. White dwarf sequences have been computed by performing full evolutionary calculations that consider the main energy sources and processes of chemical abundance changes during white dwarf evolution. Initial models for the evolving white dwarfs have been obtained by computing the non-conservative evolution of a binary system consisting of a Msun ZAMS star and a 1.4 Msun neutron star for various initial orbital periods. To derive cooling ages and masses for He-core white dwarf we perform a least square fitting of the M(Teff, g) and Age(Teff, g) relations provided by our sequences by using a scheme that takes into account the time spent by models in different regions of the Teff-g plane. This is useful when multiple solutions for cooling age and mass determinations are possible in the case of CNO-flashing sequences. We also explore the adiabatic pulsational properties of models near the critical mass for the development of CNO flashes (~0.2 Msun). This is motivated by the discovery of pulsating white dwarfs with stellar masses near this threshold value. We obtain reliable and homogeneous mass and cooling age determinations for 58 very low-mass white dwarfs, including 3 pulsating stars. Also, we find substantial differences in the period spacing distributions of g-modes for models with stellar masses ~ 0.2 Msun, which could be used as a seismic tool to distinguish stars that have undergone CNO flashes in their early cooling phase from those that have not. Finally, for an easy application of our results, we provide a reduced grid of values useful to obtain masses and ages of He-core white dwarf.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Outer boundary conditions for evolving cool white dwarfs

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    White dwarf evolution is essentially a gravothermal cooling process, which,for cool white dwarfs, sensitively depends on the treatment of the outer boundary conditions. We provide detailed outer boundary conditions appropriate for computing the evolution of cool white dwarfs employing detailed non-gray model atmospheres for pure H composition. We also explore the impact on the white dwarf cooling times of different assumptions for energy transfer in the atmosphere of cool white dwarfs. Detailed non-gray model atmospheres are computed taken into account non-ideal effects in the gas equation of state and chemical equilibrium, collision-induced absorption from molecules, and the Lyman alpha quasi-molecular opacity. Our results show that the use of detailed outer boundary conditions becomes relevant for effective temperatures lower than 5800 and 6100K for sequences with 0.60 and 0.90 M_sun, respectively. Detailed model atmospheres predict ages that are up to approx 10% shorter at log L/L_sun=-4 when compared with the ages derived using Eddington-like approximations at tau_Ross=2/3. We also analyze the effects of various assumptions and physical processes of relevance in the calculation of outer boundary conditions. In particular, we find that the Ly_alpha red wing absorption does not affect substantially the evolution of white dwarfs. White dwarf cooling timescales are sensitive to the surface boundary conditions for T_eff < 6000K. Interestingly enough, non-gray effects have little consequences on these cooling times at observable luminosities. In fact, collision-induced absorption processes, which significantly affect the spectra and colors of old white dwarfs with hydrogen-rich atmospheres, have not noticeable effects in their cooling rates, except throughout the Rosseland mean opacity.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pulsations powered by hydrogen shell burning in white dwarfs

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    In the absence of a third dredge-up episode during the asymptotic giant branch phase, white dwarf models evolved from low-metallicity progenitors have a thick hydrogen envelope, which makes hydrogen shell burning be the most important energy source. We investigate the pulsational stability of white dwarf models with thick envelopes to see whether nonradial gg-mode pulsations are triggered by hydrogen burning, with the aim of placing constraints on hydrogen shell burning in cool white dwarfs and on a third dredge-up during the asymptotic giant branch evolution of their progenitor stars. We construct white-dwarf sequences from low-metallicity progenitors by means of full evolutionary calculations, and analyze their pulsation stability for the models in the range of effective temperatures Teff150008000T_{\rm eff} \sim 15\,000\,-\, 8\,000 K. We demonstrate that, for white dwarf models with masses M_{\star} \lesssim 0.71\,\rm M_{\sun} and effective temperatures 8500Teff116008\,500 \lesssim T_{\rm eff} \lesssim 11\,600 K that evolved from low-metallicity progenitors (Z=0.0001Z= 0.0001, 0.00050.0005, and 0.0010.001) the dipole (=1\ell= 1) and quadrupole (=2\ell=2) g1g_1 modes are excited mostly due to the hydrogen-burning shell through the ε\varepsilon-mechanism, in addition to other gg modes driven by either the κγ\kappa-\gamma or the convective driving mechanism. However, the ε\varepsilon mechanism is insufficient to drive these modes in white dwarfs evolved from solar-metallicity progenitors. We suggest that efforts should be made to observe the dipole g1g_1 mode in white dwarfs associated with low-metallicity environments, such as globular clusters and/or the galactic halo, to place constraints on hydrogen shell burning in cool white dwarfs and the third dredge-up episode during the preceding asymptotic giant branch phase.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the origin of white dwarfs with carbon-dominated atmospheres: the case of H1504+65

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    We explore different evolutionary scenarios to explain the helium deficiency observed in H1504+65, the most massive known PG1159 star. We concentrate mainly on the possibility that this star could be the result of mass loss shortly after the born-again and during the subsequent evolution through the [WCL] stage. This possibility is sustained by recent observational evidence of extensive mass-loss events in Sakurai's object and is in line with the recent finding that such mass losses give rise to PG1159 models with thin helium-rich envelopes and large rates of period change, as demanded by the pulsating star PG1159-035. We compute the post born again evolution of massive sequences by taking into account different mass-loss rate histories. Our results show that stationary winds during the post-born-again evolution fail to remove completely the helium-rich envelope so as to explain the helium deficiency observed in H1504+65. Stationary winds during the Sakurai and [WCL] stages only remove at most half of the envelope surviving the violent hydrogen burning during the born-again phase. In view of our results, the recently suggested evolutionary connection born-again stars --> H1504+65 --> white dwarfs with carbon-rich atmospheres is difficult to sustain unless the whole helium-rich envelope could be ejected by non-stationary mass-loss episodes during the Sakurai stage.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    New DA white dwarf evolutionary models and their pulsational properties

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    In this letter we investigate the pulsational properties of ZZ Ceti stars on the basis of new white dwarf evolutionary models calculated in a self-consistent way with the predictions of time dependent element diffusion and nuclear burning. In addition, full account is taken of the evolutionary stages prior to the white dwarf formation. Emphasis is placed on the trapping properties of such models. By means of adiabatic, non-radial pulsation calculations, we find, as a result of time dependent diffusion, a much weaker mode trapping effect, particularly for the high-period regime of the pulsation g-spectrum. This result is valid at least for models with massive hydrogen-rich envelopes. Thus, mode trapping would not be an effective mechanism to explain the fact that all the high periods expected from standard models of stratified white dwarfs are not observed in the ZZ Ceti stars.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    An independent constraint on the secular rate of variation of the gravitational constant from pulsating white dwarfs

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    A secular variation of the gravitational constant modifies the structure and evolutionary time scales of white dwarfs. Using an state-of-the-art stellar evolutionary code and an up-to-date pulsational code we compute the effects of a secularly varying GG on the pulsational properties of variable white dwarfs. Comparing the the theoretical results obtained taking into account the effects of a running GG with the observed periods and measured rates of change of the periods of two well studied pulsating white dwarfs, G117--B15A and R548, we place constraints on the rate of variation of Newton's constant. We derive an upper bound G˙/G1.8×1010\dot G/G\sim -1.8\times 10^{-10} yr1^{-1} using the variable white dwarf G117--B15A, and G˙/G1.3×1010\dot G/G\sim -1.3\times 10^{-10} yr1^{-1} using R548. Although these upper limits are currently less restrictive than those obtained using other techniques, they can be improved in a future measuring the rate of change of the period of massive white dwarfs.Comment: 13 pages, 4 tables, 3 figures. To be published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physic