275 research outputs found

    Species diversity and genetic diversity of Paronychia argentea Lam. at Jerash and Wadishueib ecosystems in Jordan

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    Jordan's flora is plenty and highly miscellaneous. Species diversity is one of the essential indices used for determining the sustainability of herbaceous, shrubs and trees communities. This study was conducted during three years consequences from 2009-2012, and it aims to estimation and monitoring the genetic diversity among certain Paronychia argentea species at different sites in Jordan. The plant species were sampled by transect-quadrate method using square wood quadrate.  Species richness, density Shannon and Simpson indices were applied to quantify of the diversity among target studied sites. Species richness, frequency and Shannon’s diversity values among studied areas and years were recorded during the year of 2011/2102. High species richness (50 and 51) was found at Jerash for both sites compared to the wadishueib regions. High number of taxa was recorded at higher elevations compared to lower elevations particularly during the year 2012 compared to the rest years. Asteraceae, fabacaea and poaceae showed the most frequent families during this study. Studying the species richness, density, frequency and monitoring are crucial measurements for management and conservation of  plant communities either in situ or ex situ. Keywords: Jordan, monitoring, Paronychia, richness


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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between a number of choices (alternatives) in a test, and the difficulty indicators and discrimination. A test of multiple choices on statistics students at the University of Jordan was used in this study. The test consisted of 30 items, and three forms (models). Also, a sample of 350 students was studied. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and Bilog-Mg were used for the analysis of the data based on the Two parameter models. Therefore, the findings of the present study uncovered a negative association between the number of choices and the difficulty indicator and discrimination


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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between a number of choices (alternatives) in a test, and the difficulty indicators and discrimination. A test of multiple choices on statistics students at the University of Jordan was used in this study. The test consisted of 30 items, and three forms (models). Also, a sample of 350 students was studied. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and Bilog-Mg were used for the analysis of the data based on the Two parameter models. Therefore, the findings of the present study uncovered a negative association between the number of choices and the difficulty indicator and discrimination


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    The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of using metacognitive prompts as facilitated by the Enhanced Formative Assessment with Self-Regulated Learning (EFAP-SRL) model on students’ achievement on the end of unit Math assessment among 8th grade girls. The study was conducted at two schools over a two-month period; each school had a control group and a treatment group (N=113). Students from the treatment group received quizzes with built-in metacognitive prompts, while students from the control group received quizzes not containing metacognitive prompts. Teachers in the treatment group received three training sessions on how to use the EFAP-SRL model; the researcher received training sessions given by a specialist in SRL in College of Medicine in Qatar. The results showed no significant difference on the end of unit assessment scores between the control groups and treatment groups; furthermore, assessment scores from all four groups were skewed. The results of the study suggest a need for summative assessments to be constructed using an item bank of good quality test items. Additionally, the study suggests that a replication study using metacognitive prompts over a longer period of time is needed to determine a possible impact

    The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Internal Auditing Practices in Banks of Dubai Emirate

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    This research aims to identify the impact of the global financial crisis on Auditing Practices in banks of Dubai Emirate, where it was addressed to the procedures and practices that are carried out by the Central Bank of United Arab Emirates for the Purposes of Supervision and control over the work of the banks. The research was conducted on a sample of two bank, (Dubai National Bank, and Dubai Commercial Bank). And through reviewing the annual reports issued by the two banks for the years during which the crisis occurred, results indicated that the global financial crisis had an impact on both the audit by the Central Bank or the Internal Audits. Where the focus increased on risky factors, also the Internal Audit Department in all banks became followed administratively to the Audit Committee, which is headed by one of the independent members of the Board of Directors. Keywords: Global financial crisis, Auditing, Central Bank of U.A

    The Extended UTAUT Acceptance Model of Computer-Based Distance Training System Among Public Sector's Employees in Jordan

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    The utilization of advanced network technologies and modern computer applications in distance learning raises the importance of distance learning system in the delivery of learning materials and resources to remote trainees. This innovation offers the organizations and their employees an opportunity to solve the problems associated with traditional training methods. In this respect, the acceptance of computer based distance training system (CBDTS) is considered critical in determining the success of its implementation. However, the number of studies that have been conducted to examine the acceptance of distance training system by employees of public sector organizations in the Kingdom of Jordan is very limited. It is also questionable whether the information system acceptance models that have been previously developed can be used to examine the acceptance of CBDTS by public sector employees in Jordan. Questions are also raised to the idea that perhaps there may be other factors that play important roles in this context. The main objectives of this study therefore are to determine the factors that lead to the acceptance of public sector employees on computer-based distance training system and finally to propose a model of technology acceptance of computer-based distance training system by public sector employees. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed through a survey to public sector employees in Jordan. The study received about 386 responses, which represents 64.3% returned rate. Structural equation model (SEM) was used with AMOS version 16.0 to analyze the data. The findings indicate that six core determinants, namely, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, system flexibility, system enjoyment, social influence, and facilitating conditions significantly influenced employee intention to use distance training system. Five core determinants; system interactivity, system enjoyment, computer anxiety, computer self efficacy, and facilitating conditions significantly determine effort expectancy while only four of them including system interactivity, system enjoyment, computer anxiety, and effort expectancy significantly determine performance expectancy. Consequently, based on these findings, the final research model known as computer-based distance training acceptance model (CBDTAM) is proposed to explain and predict public sector employee’s intention in using computer-based distance training system. A comprehensive understanding of this model will assist decision makers to identify the reasons for the acceptance or resistance of computer based distance training system among public sector employees in the future and finally to support them to enhance the system’s acceptance and usage

    The Contribution of double bond False Love in Prediction of Emotional Cutoff Among Spouses from Wives View in Jordan

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    The study aimed to identify the level of emotional cutoff, double bond, and false love among wives who review family reform offices in religious courts in Jordan from the point of view of wives. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive and predictive approach was used because it is the most appropriate approach to the nature and objectives of the current study. A sample of (130) wives were selected from those who review the family reform offices in the religious courts in Amman governorate, the results showed that the mean score of the emotional cutoff was average , and the mean score of the double bond was high , and the mean score of false love was medium . The result showed that double bond and false love can predict emotional cutoff .Also the results revealed there was no significant difference in motional cut off reacted .The academic qualify Eaton while there way a significant difference in emotional cut off related to the marriage period. The study recommends the need to build orientation programs for those who are about to marry that clarify the proper marital relationship to avoid emotional severance in the future, and it can be implemented from different institutions

    Investimento estrangeiro direto e crescimento econômico na Jordânia: uma pesquisa empírica que utiliza o teste de limites de cointegração

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    Este artículo investiga las elasticidades a largo y corto plazo entre el producto interno bruto y la IED en Jordania. El estudio utiliza datos anuales para analizar la relación entre la IED y el crecimiento económico para el periodo de 1992-2013. Los datos para las variables IED y PIB se obtuvieron de los Indicadores del Desarrollo Mundial y del Banco Mundial, y se utilizó el enfoque ARDL. Los resultados muestran elasticidades de largo y corto plazo en la IED y el PIB. En general, los responsables políticos de Jordania centran sus esfuerzos para atraer más IED a la economía jordana. Esto se debe a que se espera que más IED en la economía jordana conduzca a una disminución de los obstáculos económicos (por ejemplo, disminución de la tasa de desempleo y mayor nivel de inversión).Este artigo pesquisa sobre as elasticidades em curto e longo prazo entre o produto interno bruto (PIB) e o investimento estrangeiro direto (IED) na Jordânia. Este estudo utiliza dados anuais para analisar a relação entre a IED e o crescimento econômico para o período de 1992-2013. Os dados para as variáveis IED e PIB foram obtidos dos Indicadores do Desenvolvimento Mundial e do Banco Mundial, e foi utilizada a abordagem Autorregressiva com Defasagens Distribuídas (ARDL). Os resultados indicam elasticidades de curto e longo prazo no IED e no PIB. Em geral, os responsáveis políticos da Jordânia focam seus esforços para atrair mais IED à economia jordana. Isso se deve a que se espera que mais IED na economia jordana leve a uma diminuição dos obstáculos econômicos (por exemplo, diminuição da taxa de desemprego, maior nível de investimento).This paper investigates both long-run and short-run elasticities between gross domestic product and foreign direct investment (FDI) in Jordan. Annual data have been used in order to explore the relationship between foreign direct investments (FDI) with economic growth for the period 1992-2013. Data were collected for both variables (FDI and GDP) from the World Bank and World Development Indicators, and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) approach was used. The results show long-run and short-run elasticities in foreign direct investment (FDI) and GDP. The results indicate that Jordanian policy makers focus their efforts to attract more FDI to Jordanian economy. This is because more FDI is expected to lead to a decrease in economic obstacles in Jordan (e.g., increased level of investment, decreased unemployment rate)
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