51 research outputs found

    Morphological Adaptation of English Verb Roots among Algerian EFL Learners: Towards a Contact- Induced Language Change

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    With English becoming the lingua franca of the globalized world, students are avidly eager to learn it virtually regardless of the field of study they are enrolled in; the current generation of Algerian students constitutes no exception. Indeed, their interest in learning English is undoubtedly leaving remarkably visible traces in their daily conversations. As a consequence, their Algerian Arabic is becoming, in the course of learning a new language -English in this case-, subject to change not only in terms of using Anglicism and code switching but also in terms of using adapted borrowing. By way of example, it is becoming increasingly common to hear infiltrations similar in principle to /laɪkɪ:tu/ as an affirmative reply to: ‘Do you like -something masculine-? or /mæ-laɪkɪtu:-ʃ/ in case of a negative reply. In an attempt to identify the various patterns of such embedded words in Algerian Arabic, a survey has been carried out with EFL learners at Mentouri University. The results revealed that English verb roots are inflected by the same tense, subject, object, gender, number, command and negation denoting markers, inherent in Algerian Arabic

    Monitoring of Lactic Fermentation Process by Ultrasonic Technique

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    AbstractThe non-destructive control by using ultrasound techniques has become of great importance in food industry. In this work, Ultrasound has been used for quality control and monitoring the fermentation stages of yogurt, which is a highly consumed product. On the contrary to the physico-chemical methods, where the measurement instruments are directly introduced in the sample, ultrasound techniques have the advantage of being non-destructive and contactless, thus reducing the risk of contamination. Results obtained in this study by using ultrasound seem to be in good agreement with those obtained by physico-chemical methods such as acidity measurement by using a PH-meter instrument. This lets us to conclude that ultrasound method may be an alternative for a healthy control of yoghurt fermentation process

    Seawater is a reservoir of multi-resistant Escherichia coli, including strains hosting plasmid-mediated quinolones resistance and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases genes

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    The aim of this study was to examine antibiotic resistance (AR) dissemination in coastal water, considering the contribution of different sources of fecal contamination. Samples were collected in Berlenga, an uninhabited island classified as Natural Reserve and visited by tourists for aquatic recreational activities. To achieve our aim, AR in Escherichia coli isolates from coastal water was compared to AR in isolates from two sources of fecal contamination: human-derived sewage and seagull feces. Isolation of E. coli was done on Chromocult agar. Based on genetic typing 414 strains were established. Distribution of E. coli phylogenetic groups was similar among isolates of all sources. Resistances to streptomycin, tetracycline, cephalothin, and amoxicillin were the most frequent. Higher rates of AR were found among seawater and feces isolates, except for last-line antibiotics used in human medicine. Multi-resistance rates in isolates from sewage and seagull feces (29 and 32%) were lower than in isolates from seawater (39%). Seawater AR profiles were similar to those from seagull feces and differed significantly from sewage AR profiles. Nucleotide sequences matching resistance genes bla TEM, sul1, sul2, tet(A), and tet(B), were present in isolates of all sources. Genes conferring resistance to 3rd generation cephalosporins were detected in seawater (bla CTX-M-1 and bla SHV-12) and seagull feces (bla CMY-2). Plasmid-mediated determinants of resistance to quinolones were found: qnrS1 in all sources and qnrB19 in seawater and seagull feces. Our results show that seawater is a relevant reservoir of AR and that seagulls are an efficient vehicle to spread human-associated bacteria and resistance genes. The E. coli resistome recaptured from Berlenga coastal water was mainly modulated by seagulls-derived fecal pollution. The repertoire of resistance genes covers antibiotics critically important for humans, a potential risk for human health

    Electrocatalytical reduction of bromocyclopentane and iodobenzene using Cobalt(III) and Nickel(II) Tris- and Bis-bidentates Schiff Bases Complexes

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    The following bidentate Schiff base: 2-[(4-Methoxybenzyl)iminomethyl]-phenol (HL), was employed as an asymmetric ligand in the synthesis of two mononuclear nickel(II) and cobalt(III) complexes (Ni(II)-2L and Co(III)-3L). This ligand has been synthesized via condensation of salicylaldehyde and 4-methoxybenzylamine in methanolic solution, while the both complexes result from complexation of metal(II) chloride hydrate salts with HL. These coordination compounds were structurally characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, UV-Vis, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectral studies. Moreover, the electrochemical properties of both complexes were studied by cyclic voltammetry in DMF solution containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butylammonium tetrafluoroborate (Et4NBF4). This study reveals that each complex showed successively two redox couples: M(III)/M(II) and M(II)/M(I). Finally, the electrocatalytic activity of these complexes has been examined and it has been found that the both complexes worked as effective homogeneous electrocatalysts for the electroreduction of bromocyclopentane and iodobenzene using glassy carbon as working electrode.The authors would like to thank the MESRS and DG–RSDT (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique et la Direction Générale de la Recherche - Algérie) for financial support. This work is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MAT2016-76595-R)

    SDN-based, Multi-Criteria and Secure Routing Protocols in Collaborative IoV.

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    Aujourd'hui, le Big Data, le Cloud Computing et l’Internet des Objets (IoT) encouragent l'évolution des Réseaux ad hoc Véhiculaires (VANET) vers l’Internet des véhicules (IoV), où les véhicules, n’étant plus acteurs passifs, disposent de nouvelles capacités de perception et de communication. Les véhicules deviennent des membres actifs d'une ville intelligente, ils fournissent une connectivité omniprésente, un large éventail d'applications et de services liés à la sécurité routière, au transport intelligent et au confort des utilisateurs. En outre, la grande quantité de données générées par les applications IoV constitue un défi majeur quant à leur gestion, leur stockage et leur manipulation. Ces services dépendent fortement des véhicules en question, qui servent d’émetteurs, de relais et de récepteurs. Chaque véhicule gère ses propres communications ainsi que celles des autres véhicules. Par conséquent, un processus de diffusion et une connectivité fiables sont nécessaires. Cependant, la nature dynamique des entités IoV, les perturbations liées au réseau mobile et les problèmes de sécurité entraînent de fréquentes défaillances des liaisons et provoquent ainsi l’isolement de certains véhicules. Comme conséquence, certains véhicules se retrouvent isolés. L'objectif de cette thèse est de garantir la fiabilité et la robustesse des communications inter véhiculaires pour fournir aux conducteurs et aux passagers, des services de communication ininterrompus, et répondre ainsi à la demande croissante de qualité de service dans l'environnement IoV. Pour ce faire, quatre contributions sont proposées. Premièrement, une nouvelle taxonomie adaptée aux exigences et aux caractéristiques IoV est élaborée. Deuxièmement, pour combler les lacunes des protocoles de routage existants, une nouvelle solution de routage multi-métriques appelée protocole de routage géographique basée sur l'architecture construit sur l'architecture Software Defined Networking (SDN) hybride appelée (HSDN-GRA) est proposée. Ce protocole utilise en entrée trois métriques : la fenêtre de durée du contact, le paramètre d'équilibrage de charge et l'historique des erreurs de communication. Il vise à optimiser ces trois objectifs et à assurer un routage stable. Troisièmement, un protocole de routage, Secure HSDN-GRA, basé sur un modèle de confiance distribué est proposé comme amélioration afin de rendre la solution développée plus fiable et robuste en présence de nœuds malicieux. Enfin, un système d’incitation à la collaboration est ajouté à la solution Secure HSDN-GRA pour palier le problème des véhicules égoïstes, ceux qui ne collaborent pas et qui refusent d’être des relais de données dans un réseau totalement distribué. Des scenarios de simulations approfondies ont été mis en œuvre sous le système multi-agents JADE pour prouver l'efficacité de HSDN-GRA, en définissant un profil de mobilité des véhicules. Dans un second temps, HSDN-GRA et Secure HSDN-GRA ont été implémentés sous l’environnement de simulation Network Simulator (NS2) associé au générateur de modèle de mobilité VanetMobiSim. Une analyse approfondie a montré des performances satisfaisantes de HSDN-GRA en termes d’overhead de messages, de retard des paquets et de taux de perte de ces derniers (sous JADE) en comparaison avec des protocoles de routage de référence. Sous NS2, Secure HSDN-GRA présente également des performances satisfaisantes en termes de taux de livraison de paquets et de leurs retards. À partir de ces résultats, nous avons déduit les facteurs d’influence pour HSDN-GRA et Secure HSDN-GRA, tels que le nombre de véhicules dans le réseau, la vitesse des véhicules, le nombre de nœuds malveillants dans le réseau et la densité des clusters.Nowadays, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) have encouraged the generalization of the Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) to the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), where vehicles evolve from passive actors of transportation to smart entities with new perception and communication capabilities. Vehicles become active members of a smart city, they provide an omnipresent connectivity, a wide range of applications and services relating to road safety, intelligent transport and the comfort of users. In addition, the large amount of data generated by IoV applications is a major challenge in their management, storage, and manipulation. These services depend greatly on the vehicles in question, which act as transmitters, relays, and receivers. Vehicles carry out their own communications but serve simultaneously as information relays for communication between other vehicles as well. Consequently, reliable dissemination process and connectivity are required. However, the dynamic nature of the IoV entities, the disturbances related to the mobile network as well as the security challenges lead to frequent link failure. In fact, some vehicle

    جـــــريمة غــــــسيل الأمـــوال

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    جريمة غسيل الأموال من الجرائم المستحدثة التي يتزايد حجمه يوما بعد يوم رغم الجهود الكثيفة على المستويات المحلية، الإقليمية والدولية التي تبذل لمكافحتها، وفي هذا السياق تأتي هذه الدراسة كمحاولة لتسليط الضوء على جريمة غسيل الأموال التي لم تنل حظها من الدراسة والبحث اللازمين لفهم هذه الجريمة الظاهرة فهما علميا شاملا ومتكاملا - في الجزائر- على اعتبار أن هذا الفهم هو المدخل الطبيعي للتوصل إلى مواجهة هذه الجريمة والتصدي لها بالفاعلية، وعليه تنصب هذه الدراسة على محاور معينة في إطار التعرف الدقيق والمفصل على جريمة غسيل الأموال انطلاقا من تحديد مفهومها، الآثار السلبية الناجمة عنها على كافة المستويات الاجتماعية، الاقتصادية، الأمنية والسياسية، وكذا تبيان أركان الجريمة والتكييف القانوني لها في الاتفاقيات الدولية ذات الصلة والتشريعات الوطنية خاصة منها التشريع المصري، الفرنسي والجزائري، ثم تبيان الجزاءات المقررة في حال ارتكابها ومرورا بدور القطاع المصرفي في مكافحة هذه الجريمة نظرا لوثوق ارتباطه بالظاهرة، ولما للمؤسسات المالية من دور مهم تلعبه في اقتصاديات الدول وباعتبارها المسار الذي تتبعه الأموال القذرة في رحلة تنظيفها فهي إذا الشريان الحيوي المعتمد للولوج إلى الدورة الاقتصادية والظهور بمظهر الأموال الشرعية النظيفة. وأخيرا وبالنظر للطبيعة عبر الدولية لجريمة غسيل الأموال ولأن عناصر هذه الجريمة غالبا ما تتوزع على أكثر من دولة ازدادت قناعة المجتمع الدولي بضرورة تنسيق الجهود لمواجهة عصابات هذه الجريمة المنظمة الأمر الذي دفع بالعديد من المنظمات الدولية العالمية والإقليمية إلى المبادرة وصياغة واعتماد طائفة واسعة من الاتفاقيات والصكوك الدولية لمواجهتها والحد من تداعياتها السلبية

    Purgamondo : proposition d'une interface-environnement en milieu de réalité virtuelle (RV) du storyworld du purgatoire de Dante Alighieri

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    Le projet de recherche-création Purgamondo consiste en la proposition d'une interface de navigation, pour un environnement de réalité virtuelle (RV), permettant de naviguer au sein d'archives littéraires de l’univers narratif du poème Le Purgatoire de Dante Alighieri. Concrètement, le design d'une interface de spatialisation d'archives vise à favoriser l'émergence de multiples interprétations par le croisement de diverses formes de données (textuelles, visuelles et vidéographiques) au sein d'un environnement virtuel. Considérant la pratique en tant qu’objet d’étude, cette recherche cherche à mieux comprendre le processus de création d’une interface fondée sur la mise en forme d'une expérience narrative influencée par l'usage de la troisième dimension. Ce projet est né d’une analyse critique de plusieurs projets de recherches qui avaient pour objectif de fournir aux chercheurs des outils numériques pour analyser les archives du purgatoire de Dante. Notre problématique de recherche découle de l'observation d'un vide de connaissance au point de vue de l’accessibilité du contenu en ce qui concerne l'intégration de l'espace propre aux médias immersifs. Nous étudions donc la remédiation des archives littéraires numériques de Dante en réalité virtuelle. Puisque cet environnement est d’une nature complexe et interprétative, nous fondons notre cadre conceptuel dans le domaine de la narratologie en considérant les concepts de construction d'univers (World Building) selon Mark J. P. Wolf et le concept de storyworld tel que conceptualisé par Marie-Laure Ryan. De manière plus spécifique, nous examinons comment ce concept de storyworld peut nous guider dans la conception de l'espace virtuel. Le présent mémoire porte sur la question de recherche suivante : comment le design des propriétés particulières d'une interface intégrée au sein d'un environnement immersif pourrait-il proposer une expérience nouvelle du storyworld du Purgatoire de Dante par le croisement dynamique de collections associées au récit? La méthodologie de recherche-création autour de laquelle s’articule notre projet consiste en des phases de conception itératives qui reposent sur le modèle de "trajectoire de la pratique et de la recherche" telle que proposée par Ernest Edmonds. Le modèle méthodologique d'étude de cas d’Edmonds est divisé en étapes de création (work), de conceptualisation (framework et concept) et d’évaluation. Les résultats de la présente recherche sont présentés sous deux formes : 1- un prototype de réalité virtuelle permettant de créer des navigations dynamiques au sein d’une archive numérique afin d’orienter la recherche créative en matière de fiction, et 2- la proposition d’une définition du concept de storyworld guidée par la conception de ce projet Purgamondo. Notre projet de recherche se limite à faire la conceptualisation d'une preuve de concept et de la production d'un prototype fonctionnel. Nous sommes d’avis que notre projet de recherche pourrait, s’il est implémenté dans une phase subséquente de recherche, aider les chercheurs et créateurs à concevoir de nouvelles formes de remédiation d'univers fictionnels. The research-creation project Purgamondo consists in the proposal of a navigation interface, for a virtual reality (VR) environment, to navigate within literary archives of the narrative universe of Dante Alighieri's poem The Purgatory. In concrete terms, the design of an interface for the spatialization of archives aims to promote the emergence of multiple interpretations through the crossing of various forms of data (textual, visual and videographic) within a virtual environment. Considering the practice as an object of study, this research seeks to better understand the process of creating an interface based on the shaping of a narrative experience influenced by the use of the third dimension. This project was born out of a critical analysis of several research projects that aimed to provide researchers with digital tools to analyze the archive of Dante's purgatory. Our research problem stems from the observation of a knowledge gap in the accessibility of content with respect to the integration of space in immersive media. We therefore study the remediation of Dante's digital literary archive in virtual reality. Since this environment is of a complex and interpretative nature, we base our conceptual framework in the field of narratology by considering the concepts of world-building according to Mark J. P. Wolf and the concept of storyworld as conceptualized by Marie-Laure Ryan. More specifically, we examine how this concept of storyworld can guide us in the conception of the virtual space. This thesis addresses the following research question: how could the design of properties of an interface integrated within an immersive environment propose a new experience of the storyworld of Dante's Purgatory through the dynamic crossing of collections associated with the narrative? The research-creation methodology around which our project is structured consists of iterative design phases based on “the trajectory model of practice and research” as proposed by Ernest Edmonds. Edmonds' case study methodology model is divided into stages of creation (work), conceptualization (framework and concept) and evaluation. The results of the present research are presented in two forms: 1- a virtual reality prototype allowing to create dynamic navigation within a digital archive in order to guide creative research in fiction, and 2- the proposal of a definition of the storyworld concept guided by the design of this Purgamondo project. Our research project is limited to the conceptualization of a proof of concept and the production of a working prototype. We believe that our research project could, if implemented in a subsequent phase of research, help researchers and creators design new forms of fictional universe remediation

    Novel Phospholipid-Based Pressurised Metered Dose Inhaler Formulations

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    A novel formulation which involves the use of phospholipids and ethanol has been shown to produce physically stable pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) solutions. Two model drugs salbutamol base and budesonide were soluble in the investigated amounts of phosphatidylcholine (PC), ethanol and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFA 134a). A one phase solution system was formed in the propellant. Extending delivery of therapeutically active agents in the optimum quantity, at a desired location within the respiratory tract is the principal aim of inhalation therapy. This was achieved with the right combination of PC and cosolvent. Both drugs were entrapped within spontaneously formed liposomes in vitro: the rate of efflux from the liposomes determined drug availability. The results obtained from the current investigation can serve as a model for an approach that can be used to optimise phospholipid-containing pMDI formulations, thus enabling formulation of a therapeutically effective phospholipid-containing solution pMDI. In a separate study, the stability of 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctan-1-ol (PFOH) and PEG-phospholipid suspension pMDIs containing budesonide, formoterol fumarate or terbutaline sulphate suspended in HFA 134a was investigated. The focus was on the suspension stabilising abilities of the fluorinated alcohol, PFOH. All formulations formed a stable suspension system. Settling properties of these formulations were investigated as a function of cosolvent PFOH concentration. The settling kinetics were examined by Turbiscan measurements and were also investigated with the naked eye at different temperatures. At the lowest PFOH concentration used (5% w/w), sedimentation and creaming were observed. Correspondingly, the higher PFOH concentration (15% w/w) resulted in increased 10th 50th and 90th percentiles (Dv10, Dv50, and Dv90) undersize values for HFA-based suspension pMDIs compared to 5% and 10% w/w PFOH, as determined using a Malvern Spraytec. PFOH cosolvent successfully stabilised PEG-phospholipid suspension pMDIs and led to the production of a finer suspension, reduction of particles adhesion to the can walls and inhibition of particle flocculation. The spray performance of PFOH and PEG-phospholipids suspension pMDIs was investigated. All formulations produced aerosol clouds in the respirable range. Suspensions containing PEG-phospholipid and PFOH produced a significantly larger (P≤0.05) stage 2 deposition in the twin impinger (TI) compared to drug alone in HFA 134a. All formulations produced aerosol clouds in the respirable range. Incomplete evaporation of PFOH may cause a reduction in fine particle fraction (FPF)

    Motion Estimation for Omnidirectional Images using the Adapted Block- Matching

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    International audienceno abstrac

    Performance comparison of consensus protocol and l-&phi approach for formation control of multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots

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    This paper investigates formation control of multiple nonholonomic differential drive wheeled mobile robots (WMRs). Assume the communication between the mobile robots is possible where the leader mobile robot can share its state values to the follower mobile robots using the leader-follower notion. Two approaches are discussed for controlling a formation of nonholonomic WMRs. The first approach is consensus tracking based on graph theory concept, where the linear and angular velocity input of each follower are formulated using first order consensus protocol, such that the heading angle and velocity of the followers are synchronized to the corresponding values of the leader mobile robot. The second is l-φ approach (distance angle) that is developed based on Lyapunov analysis, where the linear and angular velocity inputs of each follower mobile robot are adjusted such that the followers keep a desired separation distance and deviation angle with respect to the leader robot, and the overall system is asymptotically stable.The aim of this paper is to compare the performances of the presented methods for controlling a formation of wheeled mobile robots with matlab simulations