1,733 research outputs found

    Diseño de un software de intermediación de comunicación para sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real críticos en Java

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    Las facilidades e independencia de plataforma de Java han generado un gran interés en la comunidad de tiempo real. Dicho interés se ha reflejado en la especificación RTSJ (Real-Time Specification for Java), que extiende y adapta el lenguaje Java para permitir el desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real. Adicionalmente, se han desarrollado perfiles de RTSJ para garantizar la predecibilidad en sistemas de tiempo real críticos. Sin embargo, RTSJ y sus perfiles no proporcionan facilidades para sistemas distribuidos. El objetivo de este trabajo es afrontar dicha limitación definiendo un nuevo modelo de RMI (Remote Method Invocation) basado en los principales perfiles de RTSJ para sistemas de tiempo real crítico. Este trabajo presenta el diseño y la implementación de RMI-HRT (RMI-Hard Real-Time) que está enfocado a sistemas de tiempo real crítico con requisitos de alta integridad

    Skewness distribution of four key altmetric indicators: an in-progress analysis across 22 fields in a national context

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    First of all, it should be mentioned that although this study uses a large sample of scientific publications (a total of 237,232), they are all Spanish publications. Therefore, the results may not be extrapolated. Recent studies show that altmetric indicators may have different patterns depending on the country. Countries such as Spain, France and Germany may have different altmetric patterns to Anglo-Saxon countries. However, various findings have been demonstrated that can be extrapolated to all contexts regardless of their specific features. Each altmetric indicator has its own pattern of asymmetry and is not the same in all scientific areas. The values are very different depending on the area and the indicator. Another important aspect pointed out by the study is that, compared to citations, the distributions of altmetric indicators are always less skewed and less pronounced. It also seems that citations are more similar to Twitter mentions. This paper is useful to provide a general mapping by indicator and area of the phenomenon of asymmetry in the world of altmetrics. It may be of use when establishing the field validity of certain indicators or when using statistical indicators such as averages. It will also help to decide whether it is necessary to introduce standardisation procedures for indicators such as those used by Costas and Bornmam and Leydesdorff. This work will be continued in the future using the complete Altmetric.com database and introducing a larger number of altmetric indicators

    A robust procedure to build dynamic factor models with cluster structure

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    Dynamic factor models provide a useful way to model large sets of time series. These data often have heterogeneity and cluster structure and the formulation and estimation of dynamic factor models should be adapted to these features. This article presents a procedure to fit Dynamic Factor Models with Cluster Structure (DFMCS), where some of the factors are global and others group-specific, to heterogeneous data that may include multivariate additive outliers and level shifts. The procedure starts with an initial cleaning of the times series from outlying effects. Then a first estimation of the possible factors is applied to the cleaned data and these factors are used to build the common component of each series. The groups are found by studying the joint dependency of these common components. Then, additional factors are estimated by using the series in each cluster and, finally, all the factors found are classified as global or group-specific. We show in a Monte Carlo study that the procedure works well and seems to be better than other alternatives in terms of estimation of factors and loadings as well as in terms of misclassification rates for the series. An example of an electricity market is presented to illustrate the advantages of cleaning for outliers and taking into account the cluster structure for understanding and forecasting

    Theoretical Study on the Photo-Oxidation and Photoreduction of an Azetidine Derivative as a Model of DNA Repair

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    [EN] Photocycloreversion plays a central role in the study of the repair of DNA lesions, reverting them into the original pyrimidine nucleobases. Particularly, among the proposed mechanisms for the repair of DNA (6-4) photoproducts by photolyases, it has been suggested that it takes place through an intermediate characterized by a four-membered heterocyclic oxetane or azetidine ring, whose opening requires the reduction of the fused nucleobases. The specific role of this electron transfer step and its impact on the ring opening energetics remain to be understood. These processes are studied herein by means of quantum-chemical calculations on the two azetidine stereoisomers obtained from photocycloaddition between 6-azauracil and cyclohexene. First, we analyze the efficiency of the electron-transfer processes by computing the redox properties of the azetidine isomers as well as those of a series of aromatic photosensitizers acting as photoreductants and photo-oxidants. We find certain stereodifferentiation favoring oxidation of the cis-isomer, in agreement with previous experimental data. Second, we determine the reaction profiles of the ring-opening mechanism of the cationic, neutral, and anionic systems and assess their feasibility based on their energy barrier heights and the stability of the reactants and products. Results show that oxidation largely decreases the ring-opening energy barrier for both stereoisomers, even though the process is forecast as too slow to be competitive. Conversely, one-electron reduction dramatically facilitates the ring opening of the azetidine heterocycle. Considering the overall quantum-chemistry findings, N,N-dimethylaniline is proposed as an efficient photosensitizer to trigger the photoinduced cycloreversion of the DNA lesion model.This work has been funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund through the postdoctoral contract APOSTD/2019/149 and the project GV/2020/226. It also was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN), projects CTQ2017-87054-C2-2-P and PGC2018-096684-B-I00, and a 2019 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. The Foundation takes no responsibility for the opinions, statements, and contents of this project, which are entirely the responsibility of its authors. D.R.-S. is grateful to the Spanish MICINN for the "Ramon y Cajal" grant (Ref. RYC-2015-19234). M.N.-M. acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana for the predoctoral grant (Ref. ACIF/2020/075).Navarrete-Miguel, M.; Francés-Monerris, A.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Lhiaubet, VL.; Roca-Sanjuan, D. (2021). Theoretical Study on the Photo-Oxidation and Photoreduction of an Azetidine Derivative as a Model of DNA Repair. Molecules. 26(10):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26102911S114261

    The Complexity of Bipartite Gaussian Boson Sampling

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    Gaussian boson sampling is a model of photonic quantum computing that has attracted attention as a platform for building quantum devices capable of performing tasks that are out of reach for classical devices. There is therefore significant interest, from the perspective of computational complexity theory, in solidifying the mathematical foundation for the hardness of simulating these devices. We show that, under the standard Anti-Concentration and Permanent-of-Gaussians conjectures, there is no efficient classical algorithm to sample from ideal Gaussian boson sampling distributions (even approximately) unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. The hardness proof holds in the regime where the number of modes scales quadratically with the number of photons, a setting in which hardness was widely believed to hold but that nevertheless had no definitive proof. Crucial to the proof is a new method for programming a Gaussian boson sampling device so that the output probabilities are proportional to the permanents of submatrices of an arbitrary matrix. This technique is a generalization of Scattershot BosonSampling that we call BipartiteGBS. We also make progress towards the goal of proving hardness in the regime where there are fewer than quadratically more modes than photons (i.e., the high-collision regime) by showing that the ability to approximate permanents of matrices with repeated rows/columns confers the ability to approximate permanents of matrices with no repetitions. The reduction suffices to prove that GBS is hard in the constant-collision regime.Comment: 44 pages; v3 - journal versio

    Star-formation histories of local luminous infrared galaxies

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    We present the analysis of the integrated spectral energy distribution (SED) from the ultraviolet (UV) to the far-infrared and Hα\alpha of a sample of 29 local systems and individual galaxies with infrared (IR) luminosities between 10^11 Lsun and 10^11.8 Lsun. We have combined new narrow-band Hα\alpha+[NII] and broad-band g, r optical imaging taken with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), with archival GALEX, 2MASS, Spitzer, and Herschel data. The SEDs (photometry and integrated Hα\alpha flux) have been fitted with a modified version of the MAGPHYS code using stellar population synthesis models for the UV-near-IR range and thermal emission models for the IR emission taking into account the energy balance between the absorbed and re-emitted radiation. From the SED fits we derive the star-formation histories (SFH) of these galaxies. For nearly half of them the star-formation rate appears to be approximately constant during the last few Gyrs. In the other half, the current star-formation rate seems to be enhanced by a factor of 3-20 with respect to that occured ~1 Gyr ago. Objects with constant SFH tend to be more massive than starbursts and they are compatible with the expected properties of a main-sequence (M-S) galaxy. Likewise, the derived SFHs show that all our objects were M-S galaxies ~1 Gyr ago with stellar masses between 10^10.1 and 10^11.5 Msun. We also derived from our fits the average extinction (A_v=0.6-3 mag) and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) luminosity to L(IR) ratio (0.03-0.16). We combined the A_v with the total IR and Hα\alpha luminosities into a diagram which can be used to identify objects with rapidly changing (increasing or decreasing) SFR during the last 100 Myr.Comment: 16 pages + online material, accepted for publication in A&

    Product Design by Additive Manufacturing for Water Environments: Study of Degradation and Absorption Behavior of PLA and PETG

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    Additive manufacturing technologies are shifting from rapid prototyping technologies to end use or final parts production. Polymeric material extrusion processes have been broadly addressed with a specific definition of all parameters and variables for all different of technologies approaches and materials. Recycled polymeric materials have been studied due to the growing importance of the environmental awareness of the contemporary society. Beside this, little specific research has been found in product development applications for AM where the printed parts are in highly moisture environments or surrounded by water, but polymers have been for long used in such industries with conventional manufacturing approaches. This work focuses on the analysis and comparison of two different additively manufactured polymers printed by fused filament fabrication (FFF) processes using desktop-size printers to be applied for product design. The polymers used have been a recycled material: polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) and polylactic acid (PLA). Degradation and water absorption behaviors of both materials are presented, analyzed and discussed in this paper, where different samples have been immersed in saturated solutions of water with maritime salt and sugar together with a control sample immersed in distilled water. The samples have been dimensionally and weight-controlled weekly as well as microscopically analyzed to understand degradation and absorption processes that appear in the fully saturated solutions. The results revealed how the absorption process is stabilized after a reduced number of weeks for both materials and how the degradation process is more remarked in the PLA material due to its organic nature