1,523 research outputs found

    Servicios Sociales en la Comunitat Valenciana: el actual `modelo valenciano´y una nueva agenda de construcción de un modelo de derechos sociales

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    La aprobación de la LRSAL* presenta un panorama de cambio para los Sistemas de Servicios Sociales de España, sobre todo en lo atingente a lo local. Un grupo de expertos/as de la Comunitat Valenciana ha trabajado esta circunstancia como una oportunidad positiva. Material y Métodos: Mediante el análisis documental y el debate de la realidad del sector realizado por este grupo de expertos/as, se ha desgranado el modelo actual de los servicios sociales municipales valencianos, se ha reflexionado en sus diferencias con los modelos basados en leyes de tercera generación, y a partir de ello, se atreve a proponer las bases para la construcción de un nuevo modelo del Sistema Valenciano de Servicios Sociales. Resultados: Los resultados nos han llevado a indicar que el modelo actual de los servicios sociales valencianos se caracteriza por haberse desarrollado de forma centralizada, desordenada, con escasa calidad y al margen del territorio. La comparativa en legislación nos indica que no se asienta sobre derechos subjetivos, tiene desestructurados e invisibilizados sus recursos, y sobre todo carece por completo de planificación en todos los ámbitos del sistema, siendo especialmente grave en el ámbito de la organización funcional y territorial. Discusión y conclusiones: El nuevo modelo se debe asentar en la planificación estratégica, la proximidad, la prevención, la calidad, la colaboración de y entre todos sus actores, y sobre todo en la primacía de las personas sobre el sistem

    An IEEE 802.11 protocol test-bed in industrial environments using personal computing devices

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    IEEE 802.11 is being currently considered to develop telecommunications infrastructures in industrial environments. However, in such environments there may exist a high level of electromagnetic fields (EMF) contamination, due to the machinery in use. Wireless LANs are sensitive to this type of hazard, and therefore the performance of the protocols may be affected inside the industrial facilities. In this paper we conduct a study of the wireless link performance in these industrial scenarios, using personal computing devices. Such equipments will be likely used by employees rather than conventional computers. Since the results do not characterize the environment itself, but the set of environment and hardware, a proper measurement test-bed must include direct measurements with these devices. Besides, due to limitations in these equipments, a specific protocol to measure pairs of packet error probability and latency is also developed. Results reveal a significant linear dependency between both magnitudes, and a large correlation coefficient in the measurements under high EMF activity at mid-large ranges (distances greater than 5 meters)This work has been cofunded by the Economy,Industry and Innovation Council,with the SOLIDMOVIL project(2I04SU044),supported by Fundación Séneca,from the Región of Murcia with the ARENA Project(00546/PI/04),and by the Spanish Research Council with the ARPaq project(TEC2004-05622-C04-02/TCM)and the CSI-RHE Tproject(TEC2005-08068-C04-01/TCM)

    Ground topography estimation on over forests considering polarimetric SAR interferometry

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    The work detailed in this paper analyzes the topographic phase retrieval process on forested areas by means of Polarimetric Interferometric SAR data. On the basis of the Random Volume over Ground scattering model, an alternative implementation for the retrieval of the topographic phase, avoiding the bias introduced by the volumetric scattering components is presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    modelling the long-term effect of climate change on a zero energy and carbon dioxide building through energy efficiency and renewables.

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    Producción CientíficaOver the last few years, studies have predicted an increase in the overall air temperature due to climate change. Today’s society is already sensing this change, which could have a negative impact on the envi- ronment and effort s are being made to seek all possible measures to curb it. One of the consequences of this temperature rise would be its effect on indoor comfort within buildings, which may cause higher energy consumption and operational costs, while reducing the useful lifetime of air-conditioning equip- ment. In this paper, an existing zero energy building (ZEB) is being studied to understand the possible effects of climate change on its zero energy status. The building is also a zero carbon building because all of its generated energies come from renewable sources (biomass, geothermal and solar photovoltaic systems). The building LUCIA has the highest innovative technologies in energy systems, design and con- struction elements and is currently considered as one of the top three buildings with the highest LEED certification in the world. According to current European regulations, buildings will tend to become self- sufficient in terms of energy after 2020, and therefore this study will help us to understand the changes in energy consumption within a long-term timeframe, for such zero-energy buildings. With the aid of the Design Builder version 5 software and its EnergyPlus building energy engine, a building model is simu- lated and energy consumption is analyzed for the years 2020, 2050 and 2080 timeframe. The climatic conditions pertain to the city of Valladolid, Spain, which has a continental climate, while the expected changes in climatic conditions have been produced through the methodology developed by the University of Southampton, called CCworldweathergen. Results have shown that the cooling demand would significantly increase for the years 2050 and 2080, while space heating would drop. This will increase the overall demand for burning more biofu- els to cover the added demand in absorption cooling systems. Moreover, the previously excess generated electricity of the building by photovoltaics would then be totally consumed within the building due to increased demand. This implies that the installed systems will operate for longer hours, which will in- crease maintenance and replacement costs. As a result of this study, it becomes possible to quantify the expected changes in energy consumption and prepare preventive actions to anticipate this change, while improving the management and control of both the energy systems and the building

    Compliance, practices, and attitudes towards VTIs (Vehicle Technical Inspections) in Spain: What prevents Spanish drivers from checking up their cars?

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    Objective Mechanical conditions of vehicles may play a determinant role in driving safety, the reason why vehicle periodical technical inspections (VTIs) are mandatory in many countries. However, the high number of drivers sanctioned for not complying with this regulation is surprisingly high, and there is not much evidence on what kind(s) of motives may explain this concerning panorama. This study aimed to identify the aspects that modulate the relationship between complying (or not) with VTI's standards in a nationwide sample of Spanish drivers. The study design also addressed the drivers' awareness regarding different risky behaviors while driving, depending on their sex and their crash record. Methods 1,100 Spanish drivers completed a survey on the aforementioned issues. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post-hoc adjustment was conducted to assess significant differences (p<0.05) in the study variables. Results Most of the surveyed drivers (99.18%) reported that they always comply with VTI's requirements. The main reasons to comply were related to compliance with traffic regulation and fear of penalties, while the reasons attributed to its incompliance are, instead, stated as involuntary. Conclusion The findings of this study support the idea that more actions are needed to increase drivers' awareness of the relevance of VTIs for road safety, as well as warning them about the dangers of neglecting vehicle checking beyond merely punishing measures. For this reason and given the greater prevalence of the issue among younger segments of the driving population, it is suggested that more emphasis on the matter could be made during novice driver's training

    Energy Management by Dynamic Monitoring of a Building of the University of Valladolid

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    Producción CientíficaThe continuous increase of energy consumption in buildings enhances the importance of implementing energy management systems within the building facilities. These tools allow us to know precisely both energy consumption and use within the building. Monitoring energy consumption provides a clear view not only of the amount, but also of where and when energy is consumed in the building. Besides, a rear analysis of this information allows us to deduce whether there exists an inappropriate consumption, and thus the possibilities of improving building efficiency. A monitoring tool has been implemented within an academic building at the University of Valladolid, applying technological resources of Information Technology and Communication through dynamic monitoring of electrical and thermal parameters. Results obtained are gathered and analysed to directly contribute to improve the use of energy, reduce costs associated with its generation and use, and improve the thermal comfort of the building occupants. Keywords: Dynamic monitoring, energy performances, energy management, reduction of building consumption

    Reconstructing the historical shoreline evolution of the Northern Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain) from geomorphological and geoarchaeological data

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    During the last 3 ka, different human communities occupied the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain), including Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Medieval and Modern settlements. Traces of such historical occupations have been recognized along the bay from a geoarchaeological point of view. Some of them bear a palaeogeographical interest related to the historical location of the shoreline. At the same time, Holocene sedimentary units and geomorphological elements identified along the bay can be interpreted as evidences of its morphological evolution. The objective of the present paper is to represent all the available data about archaeological sites and geomorphology in the northern Bay of Cádiz, with the aim of combining both sources of data for elaborating a simple proposal of landscape evolution during the last 3 millennia. The base for mapping was multiple, from historical aerial photographs to satellite imagery and a digital terrain model with a maximum resolution of 0.35 m.12 página

    Sistema embebido para el control de carga de baterías en un vehículo eléctrico híbrido ligero (EPISOL)

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    El presente trabajo es resultado de un proyecto para desarrollar un vehículo híbrido con varias fuentes de carga de baterías. Su objetivo es contribuir a reducir las emisiones debidas al tráfico urbano de vehículos, tendencia muy buscada en los últimos años, donde se han acometido importantes proyectos de investigación orientados al desarrollo de sistemas de propulsión y combustibles alternativos a los actualmente mayoritarios. A continuación se describe el sistema embebido de control realizado, en el que un microcontrolador se encarga del ajuste de la carga de las baterías, a partir de las contribuciones de una pila de combustible, unos paneles solares y un generador conectado a un motor de combustión interna, para conseguir el mayor rendimiento energético y lograr unos niveles de emisiones casi nulos

    Optimización de piezoeléctricos comerciales para su uso en sistemas de Energy Harvesting = Piezoelectric business optimization for use in energy systems harvesting

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    En este trabajo se caracterizan electromecánicamente materiales piezoeléctricos comerciales individuales y en diferentes configuraciones para su potencial uso en dispositivos detransformación de energía mecánica en eléctrica, con el objetivo de almacenarla y usarla en la alimentación de sistemas electrónicos de bajo consumo. Se plantean modelos optimizados de almacenamiento de dicha energía, teniendo en cuenta 2 posibilidades: captación de energía a partir de vibraciones continuas, incluso de baja intensidad, o captación de energía a partir de impactos. Se estudian diferentes configuraciones y se analiza la viabilidad de los modelos presentados mediante sistemas de vibración de frecuencia controlada y un banco de pruebas de simulación de paso de vehículos, dise˜nado y patentado por el grupo POEMMA R&D. Se enumeran aplicaciones cotidianas en las que pueden usarse los dispositivos en las configuraciones descritas. ABSTRACT. In this work, commercial piezoelectric materials are electromechanically characterized, indifferent configurations for potential use in harvesting devices of mechanical energy, inorder to store and use in the feeding of low power electronic systems. Optimization models considering two different types of mechanical energy are proposed:one for capture energy from continuous vibration, even low intensity and other for capture energy from impacts.Different configurations are discussed, and the feasibility of the models presented is analyzed by frequency vibration systems controlled and a test simulation of passing vehicles, designed and patented by POEMMA R&D group. Everyday applications in which devices in the configurations described may be used are listed

    Definición de la gestión energética de un vehículo híbrido basada en la simulación del funcionamiento de los componentes del sistema propulsor en las condiciones de operación de diseño

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    La tendencia actual hacia el incremento de la movilidad en las sociedades más avanzadas va en contradicción con criterios de control de la contaminación local y la explotación de los recursos de combustible. Entre las soluciones planteadas, se encuentran los vehículos híbridos. En este artículo se presenta la definición y simulación de la gestión energética de uno de estos vehículos, a partir de las condiciones de operación. El vehículo híbrido diseñado en su totalidad combina propulsión con un motor eléctrico alimentado por baterías y un motor térmico, incluyéndose, además, paneles solares, así como carga externa por red eléctrica. Se han desarrollado modelos de simulación de los componentes y su integración. Analizando el campo de aplicación del vehículo, se ha planteado un ciclo de conducción a partir de ciclos estándar. Con el modelo, se ha analizado la idoneidad de diferentes estrategias de control de la energía, considerando diversas condiciones operativas