891 research outputs found

    The balanced scorecard of public investment in sport: proposal for change

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    Introduction – 1. Management tools for evaluating public initiatives – 2. Performance indicators for investment in sport – 3. Proposed indicators for public investment in sport – Conclusion – References

    Estudio e implementación de estrategias para el aislamiento de tareas de tiempo real en sistemas multinúcleo

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    Hoy en día un sistema de sobremesa de propósito general equipado con un procesador i7, común hoy en día, dispone de varios núcleos que proporcionan una gran potencia de procesamiento software. Este recurso es gestionado por los sistemas operativos de propósito general como Windows o Linux, balanceando la ejecución de procesos entre los diferentes núcleos e incluso migrando los procesos de un núcleo a otro si el planificador lo estima oportuno. En la mayoría de los casos esta gestión es la adecuada. Sin embargo, existen situaciones donde el uso de un núcleo en exclusiva mejora la respuesta temporal de la aplicación. Por ello, la posibilidad de aislar núcleos de un procesador es una aproximación interesante a la hora de ejecutar ciertas aplicaciones que necesitan ser ejecutadas en tiempo real, con requisitos de tiempo de respuesta muy cortos. Si se ejecutan estas aplicaciones en varios núcleos de forma simultánea como se suelen ejecutar el resto de las aplicaciones, la carga del planificador más las interrupciones se reparten entre los distintos núcleos, puede generar retardos en la aplicación que hacen impredecible la respuesta temporal de la misma. Estos retardos no son significativos a la hora de usar aplicaciones o lanzar tareas a nivel de usuario convencional, pero, sin embargo, cuando se tratan de aplicaciones en tiempo real, estos pequeños retardos pueden afectar al correcto funcionamiento de estas aplicaciones ya que requieren tiempos de respuesta específicos. A lo largo de este trabajo de fin de grado se van a analizar distintos mecanismos para el aislamiento de un núcleo, explicando en que consiste cada mecanismo y como se pueden utilizar, realizando pruebas con cada uno de estos tipos de mecanismos y observando los resultados que se obtienen de estas pruebas. De esta forma se podrá determinar cuál de estos mecanismos podría ser más efectivo para reducir los tiempos de respuesta y la latencia en las operaciones y, por tanto, ofrecer un mejor aislamiento del núcleo de ejecución.Nowadays a general purpose desktop system equipped with an i7 processor, which is common today, has several cores that provide great software processing power. This resource is managed by general purpose operating systems such as Windows or Linux, balancing the execution of processes between the different cores and even migrating processes from one core to another if the scheduler deems it appropriate. In most cases this management is adequate. However, there are situations where the exclusive use of one core improves the application’s time response. Therefore, the possibility of isolating cores of a processor is an interesting approach when running certain applications that need to be executed in real time, with very short response time requirements. If these applications are executed on several cores simultaneously in the same way as other applications are usually executed, the load of the scheduler plus the interrupts are distributed among the different cores, can generate delays in the application that make its time response unpredictable. These delays are not significant when using applications or launching tasks at the conventional user level, but nevertheless, when dealing with real-time applications, these small delays can affect the correct operation of these applications as they require limited response times. Throughout this thesis we will analyze different mechanisms for the isolation of a kernel, explaining what each mechanism consists of and how they can be used, performing tests with each of these types of mechanisms and observing the results obtained from these tests. In this way it will be possible to determine which of these mechanisms could be more effective to reduce response times and latency in operations and, therefore, provide a better isolation of the execution core.Grado en Ingeniería de Computadore

    La escala de temperaturas efectivas de las estrellas de la baja secuencia principal (tipos espectrales F0-K5)

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    Se determinan empíricamente las relaciones temperatura efectiva-color-metalicidad para estrellas de Secuencia Principal con tipos espectrales comprendidos en el rango FO-K5. Para ello se obtuvo la fotometría en las bandas J,H y K para 360 estrellas, se estableció la calibración absoluta de la estrella Vega en las longitudes de onda efectivas de las bandas fotométricas consideradas, se determinaron los flujos cromáticos infrarrojos de las estrellas del programa y se estudió el efecto de la metalicidad sobre los flujos bolométricos de las estrellas enanas con tipos espectrales F, G y K. También se determina la temperaturas de unas 500 estrellas utilizando una red homogénea de modelos de atmósfera teóricos que incluyen nuevas opacidades asociadas a líneas metálicas débiles

    Assessment of Postural Load during Melon Cultivation in Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    Health and safety at work directly influence the development of sustainable agriculture. In the agricultural sector, many farm workers suffer musculoskeletal disorders caused by forced posture. The objective of this research is to assess working postures during melon cultivation in Almería-type greenhouses. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) has been used with pictures of the tasks. The variables studied by multiple correspondence analysis were as follows: Subtask, Posture code, Back, Arms, Legs, Load, Risk, and Risk combination. The OWAS analysis showed that 47.57% of the postures were assessed as risk category 2, 14.32% as risk category 3, 0.47% as risk category 4, and the rest as risk category 1. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately, as soon as possible, or in the near future, depending on the risks detected

    Use of WebQuest to improve Operating Systems learning

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    The impact of the Internet on the Society also affects the learning at the University. Students not only use printed books and their own notes, but also the information available in the Net. WebQuests are learning tools that help the students use the Internet, but under the supervision of the professor, who have previously selected the most interesting sites to visit. An experience of using WebQuests with first year Computer Science students is shown, as well as the good results obtained, both in the increase of successful examinations and in the good attitude of the students when using WebQuest

    Using Java and C# for educational simulators: the case of SIMPLE-2

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    P. 77-92Due to the impact of the new technologies in our Society, special efforts to use them for teaching-learning computer architectures have been done. This work presents a simulator of a simple architecture (Simple-2) using two different technologies: Java and C#. In the one hand, the Java version is an applet which runs inside a web browser; in the other hand, the C# version runs as an application that needs a virtual machine be installed in the system. The impact of both technologies on first year Computer Science students has been analyzed, as well as the degree of learning achieved when using the simulator for learning an architecture in a semi-autonomous wa

    Combined study of archaeomagnetism and Raman spectroscopy of experimentally burnt limestones from the middle-palaeolithic site of Pinilla del Valle (Madrid, Spain)

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    Se presentan los resultados arqueomagnéticos, de propiedades magnéticas y espectroscopia Raman obtenidos de analizar muestras de dos tipos de calizas calentadas experimentalmente bajo con-diciones controladas. Estas calizas han sido fre-cuentemente identificadas en los yacimientos de paleolítico medio de Cueva Descubierta y Abrigo de Navalmaíllo (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, Es-paña). Mediante un sistema de termopares, se re-gistraron temperaturas máximas de calentamiento de 400-450 ºC durante una hora. El objetivo es caracterizar las variaciones en la mineralogía fe-rromagnética y los compuestos (in)orgánicos, así como estudiar el registro de la dirección del campo magnético terrestre en el momento del enfriamien-to. Esto permitirá obtener un patrón extrapolable a las calizas arqueológicas de cara a identificar estructuras de combustión en el yacimiento. Los experimentos de ambas técnicas fueron realizados en muestras representativas de ambas litologías tanto antes como después de la quema experimen-tal. Antes de la quema, ambos tipos de caliza es-taban dominados por dolomita y calcita y, como principales óxidos de hierro, goetita y magnetita. Tras la quema, la goetita original pervivió en las muestras calentadas <200 ºC mientras que se transformó a hematites y/o magnetita en las ca-lentadas en torno a 450 ºC. Las alteraciones mi-neralógicas se centraron mayoritariamente en el 1ercm de profundidad. La neoformación de magnetita como paso intermedio en el proceso de deshidra-tación de la goetita hacia hematites ha sido poco documentada y tiene implicaciones paleomagnéti-cas. Se discuten los resultados mineralógicos, sus implicaciones para la identificación de fuego en el yacimiento así como sus potenciales aplicaciones a casos de estudio similare.Here we report the archaeomagnetic, rock-magnetic and Raman spectroscopy results of sample analysis from two types of limestones that were experimentally heated under controlled conditions. These lithologies have been commonly identified at the middle-palaeolithic sites of Descubierta Cave and Navalmaillo rock-shelter (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, Spain). By means of a thermocouple system, maximum heating temperatures of 400 − 450 ºC were recorded during one hour. The main goal was to characterize the variations in the magnetic mineralogy and (in)organic compounds, and to study the record of the Earth´s magnetic field direction at the time of cooling. This allowed us to obtain a pattern that is potentially applicable to archaeological limestones in order to identify combustion structures at the site. All experiments were carried out on representative samples both before and after experimental heating. Before heating, both types of limestones were dominated by dolomite and calcite and as main iron oxides, goethite and magnetite. After heating, the original goethite persisted in samples heated to low temperatures (<200 ºC) whereas it transformed to haematite and/or magnetite in those heated to 450 ºC. Mineralogical alterations mostly focused on the outermost 1st cm of depth. The neoformation of magnetite as intermediate step in the dehydration process of goethite to haematite has been barely documented and has palaeomagnetic implications. The mineralogical results obtained, their implications for the identification of fire at the site as well as potential applications to similar cases studies are discussed.Junta de Castilla y León (projects BU066U16 and BU235P18) and the European Fund for Economic and Regional Development (FEDER

    On the regulator problem for linear systems over rings and algebras

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    [EN] The regulator problem is solvable for a linear dynamical system Σ if and only if Σ is both pole assignable and state estimable. In this case, Σ is a canonical system (i.e., reachable and observable). When the ring R is a field or a Noetherian total ring of fractions the converse is true. Commutative rings which have the property that the regulator problem is solvable for every canonical system (RP-rings) are characterized as the class of rings where every observable system is state estimable (SE-rings), and this class is shown to be equal to the class of rings where every reachable system is pole-assignable (PA-rings) and the dual of a canonical system is also canonical (DP-rings).SIThis research was partially supported by RIASC, Research Institute of Applied Sciences and Cybersecurity (riasc.unileon.es)

    Rosenbrock's theorem for systems over von Neumann regular rings

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    pp. 122-130If is a finite system over a commutative von Neumann regular ring R, the problem of searching for a matrix F such that the pencil has some prescribed Smith normal form is reduced to the case where R is a field, a problem which for controllable systems is described by a well-known theorem of Rosenbrock on pole assignment [12], and was then generalized to noncontrollable pairs [14]. It this paper, von Neumann regular rings are characterized as the class of commutative rings for which the solution of the above problem over the ring is equivalent to its solution in each residue field.S