793 research outputs found

    Mapping IS6110 in high-copy number Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains shows specific insertion points in the Beijing genotype

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    Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing strains are characterized by a large number of IS6110 copies, suggesting the potential implication of this element in the virulence and capacity for rapid dissemination characteristic of this family. This work studies the insetion points of IS6110 in high-copy clinical isolates specifically focusing on the Beijing genotype. Results: In the present work we mapped the insertion points of IS6110 in all the Beijing strains available in the literature and in the DNA sequence databases. We generated a representative primer collection of the IS6110 locations, which was used to analyse 61 high-copy clinical isolates. A total of 440 points of insertion were identified and analysis of their flanking regions determined the exact location, the direct repeats (DRs), the orientation and the distance to neighboring genes of each copy of IS6110. We identified specific points of insertion in Beijing strains that enabled us to obtain a dendrogram that groups the Beijing genotype. Conclusions: This work presents a detailed analysis of locations of IS6110 in high-copy clinical isolates, showing points of insertion present with high frequency in the Beijing family and absent in other strains. Keywords: IS6110, Insertion points, M. tuberculosis, Beijing genotype

    Analysis of the Narratives with Characters That Make Ethnic Diversity Visible¿ Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

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    This study follows the line of different authors who examined the visibility of ethnic diversity in children's television series and the psychoeducational implications of these media narratives for children. Specifically, this work analyses the behaviours/actions developed by the model characters of cultural diversity and how these characters promote a perspective on diversity that conditions children. Employing a qualitative methodology, we use content analysis and critical discourse analysis as tools to be able to read, describe and interpret said content. The results highlight that these children's programmes present a culture that reinforces certain values and behaviours. Likewise, the TV programmes analysed present stories marked by models of cultural diversity that contribute to the maintenance of certain social structures and the normalisation of inequality. We believe that educational institutions, through media education, should go deeper and teach students to look critically, deciphering codes of the audiovisual language present in the elements of children's stories. In the complex society of the 21st century, we must consider that the needs of children change depending on how their identity intersects with aspects such as ethnicity, class, gender, etc., in order to equip them with the appropriate tools to deal with these problems. Keywords: digital narratives; cultural diversity; media literac

    Análisis de la construcción de entornos virtuales en los "Centros Educativos Inteligentes"

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    El propósito de este artículo es plantear una metaevaluación de los primeros resultados obtenidos en un proyecto de investigación sobre la iniciativa ministerial Escuela 2.0. en la que han participado 12 universidades. Nuestra aportación se centra en el análisis de cuatro estudios de casos, todos ellos Centros Educativos Inteligentes de la Comunidad Valenciana. Con los datos e información recabada se inicia el tratamiento de la muestra con una metodología mixta para analizar cómo estos centros se van transformando progresivamente en entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje en colaboración. Transformación en la que la micropolítica de estas organizaciones es tanto o más relevante que los medios tecnológicos que hacen la virtualidad. Los resultados muestran el proceso de cambio que se produce así como las interacciones que en el seno de las organizaciones escolares interfieren y determinan el uso a realizar con dichos artefactos.The objective of this article is to set out a metaevaluation with the results of the research project about the ministerial initiative "Escuela 2.0". Twelve universities have been involved in this research project. Our contribution is focused on the analysis of four case studies, all of them developed in "Centros Educativos Inteligentes" from the Valencian Community. With the data and information collected starts treating the sample with a mixed methodology to show how these centers are gradually evolving into virtual teaching and collaborative learning. The aim is to show how these centers are progressively becoming a virtual collaborative teaching and learning environment. In this transformation, the micro-policy of the organization plays a relevant role, even more important than the technology that creates the virtual frame. The results show that the process of change and the interactions inside the educational organizations interferes and defines the use of the technology

    Identificación de carnes procedentes de aves de caza y de la avicultura alternativa mediante una técnica de PCR en tiempo real

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    En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una técnica de Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) en tiempo real empleando sondas TaqMan, para la identificación de carnes procedentes de codorniz (Coturnix coturnix), faisán (Phasianus colchicus), perdiz (Alectoris spp), pintada (Numida meleagris), paloma (Columba spp), becada (Scolopax rusticola) y zorzal (Turdus philomelos). El método combina el uso de cebadores y sondas TaqMan especie-específicos que amplifican fragmentos de pequeño tamaño (Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on TaqMan probes has been applied to the identification of meat from quail (Coturnix coturnix), pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), partridge (Alectoris spp), guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), pigeon (Columba spp), Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola), and song thrush (Turdus philomelos). The method combines the use of species-specific primers and TaqMan probes that amplify small fragments

    Prácticas docentes y uso pedagógico de las TIC en un Centro Educativo Inteligente de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Esta contribución analiza los cambios organizativos de los procesos de enseñanza provocados por la presencia masiva de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, tanto en el centro escolar como en las aulas ordinarias. Desde las observaciones y entrevistas realizadas, mostramos algunas de las prácticas de enseñanza que se organizan en el contexto del aula, aprovechando la dotación de recursos tecnológicos en un Centro Educativo Singular

    Detección de ADN bovino y ovino en piensos comerciales mediante una técnica de PCR en tiempo real

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    En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una técnica de Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) en tiempo real utilizando sondas TaqMan, para la detección de la presencia de ADN bovino y ovino en piensos comerciales. El método combina el uso de cebadores específicos de vaca y oveja que amplifican fragmentos de ADN de 84 pb en el gen mitocondrial 12S ARNr y 88 pb en la región mitoncondrial D-loop, respectivamente, junto con cebadores universales que amplifican un fragmento conservado de ADN de 141 pb en el gen nuclear 18S ARNr de los organismos eucariotas. La técnica desarrollada permitió detectar hasta un 0,1% de harinas de carne y hueso en las muestras de piensos comerciales analizados.A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using TaqMan probes has been developed for detection of bovine and ovine DNA commercial feedstuffs. The real-time PCR method combines the use of bovine and ovine-specific primers that amplify DNA fragments of 84 bp on the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene and 88 bp on the mitochondrial D-loop region, respectively, together with universal primers that amplify a 141 bp DNA fragment on the nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA gene from eukaryotic organisms. The PCR method developed in this assay was able to identify as low as 0.1% bovine and ovine content of meat and bone meals in the feed samples analyzed

    Graphene oxide electrodeposited electrode enhances start-up and selective enrichment of exoelectrogens in bioelectrochemical systems

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    15 p.This study seeks to assess the impact that the anodic electrodeposition of graphene oxide (GO) has on the start-up process and on the development of microbial communities on the anode of BESs. The GO electrodeposited electrodes were characterised in abiotic conditions to verify the extent of the modifcation and were then transferred to a bioelectrochemical reactor. Results showed that the modifed electrode allowed for a reduced start-up time compared to the control electrode. After three months, high throughput sequencing was performed, revealing that electrochemically reduced graphene oxide acts as a selective agent toward exoelectrogenic bacteria as Geobacter. Overall, this study shows that GO modifed electrodes enhance bioflm build up in BES. This research was possible thanks to the financial support of the ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’ project ref: CTQ2015-68925-R, cofinanced by FEDER funds. Ana Sotres thanks the regional ‘Junta de Castilla y León’ for the postdoctoral contract associated with project ref: LE060U16, cofinanced by FEDER fundsS

    Fear of death and its relationship to resilience in nursing students: A longitudinal study

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    .Aim Taking a corpus of nursing students enrolled in the 2017−2021 nursing degree, we aim to analyse how students' levels of resilience and fear of death evolve in the first three years of the degree and whether there are differences between students based on age and gender. In addition, we aim to describe the relationship between resilience and fear of deathS

    Active learning and generic competences in an operating systems course

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    The Bologna Declaration and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area are promoting the use of active learning methodologies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects obtained after applying active learning methodologies to the achievement of generic competences as well as to the academic performance. This study has been carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where these methodologies have been applied to the Operating Systems I subject of the degree in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems. The fundamental hypothesis tested was whether the implementation of active learning methodologies (cooperative learning and problem based learning) favours the achievement of certain generic competences (‘teamwork’ and ‘planning and time management’) and also whether this fact improved the academic performance of our students. The original approach of this work consists in using psychometric tests to measure the degree of acquired student’s generic competences instead of using opinion surveys, as usual. Results indicated that active learning methodologies improve the academic performance when compared to the traditional lecture/discussion method, according to the success rate obtained. These methods seem to have as well an effect on the teamwork competence (the perception of the behaviour of the other members in the group) but not on the perception of each students’ behaviour. Active learning does not produce any significant change in the generic competence ‘planning and time management’