145 research outputs found

    Imago, titulus et construction de la mémoire

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    Dans le monde romain, les monuments funéraires étaient conçus comme des instruments de communication utilisés par un émetteur qui voulait perpétuer sa mémoire au sein de sa communauté d’appartenance. Dans cette tâche, le défunt avait plusieurs façons de transmettre une image concrète de sa vie passée, avec une épitaphe, une image ou les deux. Dans cet article, nous analysons des épitaphes de medici ornées d’une représentation figurée du défunt, et, plus précisément, nous examinons les relations entre titulus et imago, compris comme des éléments qui fusionnent dans un même monumentum, ce dernier ayant un sens dans un milieu socio-culturel donné. Il devient possible d’établir un dialogue qui permet de comprendre les stratégies de représentation de soi et d’auto-promotion de ces professionnels, et d’offrir des réponses concernant la définition de l’identité sociale attachée au contexte socio-culturel de provenance et de l’identité individuelle déterminée par le statut ou la profession. Du point de vue géographique, l’étude se limite aux monuments de medici provenant de la regio X.In the Roman world, funerary monuments were considered instruments of communication that could be used by an individual to perpetuate his memory in the local community. In this endeavour, the deceased had several ways of transmitting a tangible image of his previous life – with an epitaph, an image or both. This paper analyzes a number of epitaphs of medici accompanied by a figurative representation of the deceased and investigates more specifically the interactions and relations between imago and titulus, understood as elements which merge in a monumentum that had a meaning in a given socio-cultural environment. This then leads to the creation of a dialogue which enables us to understand the strategies of self-representation and self-promotion developed by these professionals, and to suggest some answers about the definition of social identity related to belonging to a socio-cultural context, and about the identity of the individual defined by status or profession. Geographically, the study is limited to monuments of the medici in regio X

    On mean outer radii of random polytopes

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    In this paper we introduce a new sequence of quantities for random polytopes. Let KN = conv{X1, . . . ,XN} be a random polytope generated by independent random vectors uniformly distributed in an isotropic convex body K of Rn. We prove that the so-called k-th mean outer radius e Rk(KN) has order max{ pk,plogN}LK with high probability if n2 N epn. We also show that this is also the right order of the expected value of e Rk(KN) in the full range n N epn

    Morphological and molecular characterization of Trichuris muris (Nematoda: Trichuridae): studies from two commensal rodent species

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    In this paper we re-describe Trichuris muris based on morphological data following isolation from two commensal rodent species, Mus musculus from Mexico and Rattus rattus from Argentina. Furthermore, we provide a molecular characterization based on mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene) and nuclear (internal transcribed spacer 2 region) markers in order to support the taxonomic identification of the studied specimens of T. muris from M. musculus. We distinguished T. muris from 29 species of Trichuris found in American rodents based on morphological and biometrical features, such as the presence of a spicular tube, length of spicule, size of proximal and distal cloacal tube and non-protrusive vulva. We suggest that spicular tube patterns can be used to classify Trichuris species in three groups. Considering that the diagnosis among the species of this genus is mainly based on morphometry, this proposal represents a relevant contribution. We provide molecular studies on two markers, making this the first contribution for T. muris in the Americas. This study makes an important contribution to the integrative taxonomy of cosmopolitan nematode species, and its correct determination from the parasitological study of commensal rodents.Fil: Panti May, Jesús Alonso. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan (uady);Fil: Gómez Muñoz, María de Los Ángeles. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Yeh Gorocica, A. B.. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan (uady);Fil: Hernández Betancourt, S.. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan (uady);Fil: Milano, F.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Galliari, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Robles, Maria del Rosario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; Argentin

    El turismo como campo de investigacion: Las distintas miradas y el lugar del conocimiento 2. 16H280

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    El turismo como campo de investigación está en proceso de delimitación de sus fronteras con otros campos de conocimiento, campos disciplinares con trayectoria científica y mayor consolidación de su autonomía; consecuentemente con posibilidades de producir determinaciones sobre él. Si bien durante el proceso de constitución como tal, el turismo se nutrió de los aportes teóricos y metodológicos de múltiples disciplinas, hoy se hace evidente la necesidad de pensarse a sí mismo con mayor autonomía. Ello significa construir una mirada transdisciplinar orientada a la construcción de un corpus epistemológico específico que integre de modo coherente a cada una de las dimensiones de este particular objeto de estudio. Se cree oportuno entonces, efectuar el análisis del turismo como campo de investigación enfocado críticamente a descubrir, por una parte, puntos de encuentro disciplinares que permitan generar miradas integradoras y, por la otra, identificar rupturas teórico-metodológicas que promuevan nuevas orientaciones y perspectivas. Así, la investigación se concentra en el análisis del turismo como campo de investigación en el período comprendido entre 2001 y 2008 en nuestro país. Su principal anclaje está centrado en la producción efectuada por los docentes-investigadores dependientes de las universidades públicas miembros del CONDET1. Se trata de un estudio interpretativo, abordado desde la perspectiva de la teoría de los campos, a partir del cual se puedan identificar posiciones y miradas; puntos de encuentro a la vez que rupturas epistemológicas

    A logistic model for the detection of circulating tumour cells in human metastatic colorectal cancer

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    The accuracy in the diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) represents one of the challenges in the clinical management of patients. The detection of circulating tumour cells (CTC) is becoming a promising alternative to current detection techniques, as it focuses on one of the players of the metastatic disease and it should provide with more specific and sensitive detection rates. Here, we describe an improved method of detection of CTC from mCRC patients by combining immune-enrichment, optimal purification of RNA from very low cell numbers, and the selection of accurate PCR probes. As a result, we obtained a logistic model that combines GAPDH and VIL1 normalized to CD45 rendering powerful results in the detection of CTC from mCRC patients (AUROC value 0.8599). We further demonstrated the utility of this model at the clinical setting, as a reliable prognosis tool to determine progression-free survival in mCRC patients. Overall, we developed a strategy that ameliorates the specificity and sensitivity in the detection of CTC, resulting in a robust and promising logistic model for the clinical management of metastatic colorectal cancer patients.Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social. Beca número: CP08/00142Programa Comisión Europea Fondo Europeo de Desarollo Regional (FEDER

    Difficulty of Chemistry concepts. How to make easy the learning. Gamification

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    Chemistry is considered highly complex by students. To achieve meaningful learning, it is necessary to show its usefulness in daily life, in the development of a country and a society. Learning will be significant when the student can incorporate it into the structures of prior knowledge that they possess, acquiring significance for them. In this specific case, the research aims to contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning processes of Chemistry in the studies of the Degree in Engineering. In this work we studied how gamification facilitates the learning of our students. For this reason, the research group has used an Escape Room based on the topics of our subject. The Escape Room is called Was it a murder or a suicide? They will find material in the classroom, and they will have to decide if it was a murder. In the end, the students who participate in these activities have increased their calcification in the matter by around 1-2 points. And in the final questionnaire, they have said that they would like to use gamification in other subjects. Some students told us that it was their first time taking an exam and that it was fun.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Survival prediction and treatment optimization of multiple myeloma patients using machine-learning models based on clinical and gene expression data

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) remains mostly an incurable disease with a heterogeneous clinical evolution. Despite the availability of several prognostic scores, substantial room for improvement still exists. Promising results have been obtained by integrating clinical and biochemical data with gene expression profiling (GEP). In this report, we applied machine learning algorithms to MM clinical and RNAseq data collected by the CoMMpass consortium. We created a 50-variable random forests model (IAC-50) that could predict overall survival with high concordance between both training and validation sets (c-indexes, 0.818 and 0.780). This model included the following covariates: patient age, ISS stage, serum B2-microglobulin, first-line treatment, and the expression of 46 genes. Survival predictions for each patient considering the first line of treatment evidenced that those individuals treated with the best-predicted drug combination were significantly less likely to die than patients treated with other schemes. This was particularly important among patients treated with a triplet combination including bortezomib, an immunomodulatory drug (ImiD), and dexamethasone. Finally, the model showed a trend to retain its predictive value in patients with high-risk cytogenetics. In conclusion, we report a predictive model for MM survival based on the integration of clinical, biochemical, and gene expression data with machine learning tools

    Dextran sulfate from Leuconostoc mesenteroides B512F exerts potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivo

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    The emergent human coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its resistance to current drugs makes the need for new potent treatments for COVID-19 patients strongly necessary. Dextran sulfate (DS) polysaccharides have long demonstrated antiviral activity against different enveloped viruses in vitro. However, their poor bioavailability has led to their abandonment as antiviral candidates. Here, we report for the first time the broad-spectrum antiviral activity of a DS-based extrapolymeric substance produced by the lactic acid bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides B512F. Time of addition assays with SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses in in vitro models confirm the inhibitory activity of DSs in the early stages of viral infection (viral entry). In addition, this exopolysaccharide substance also reports broad-spectrum antiviral activity against several enveloped viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, HCoV229E, HSV-1, in in vitro models and in human lung tissue. The toxicity and antiviral capacity of DS from L. mesenteroides was tested in vivo in mouse models which are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The described DS, administered by inhalation, a new route of administration for these types of polymers, shows strong inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection in vivo, significantly reducing animal mortality and morbidity at non-toxic doses. Therefore, we suggest that it may be considered as a potential candidate for antiviral therapy against SARS-CoV-2Financial support for the study was provided by the REACT-EU 2021 grant from Comunidad de Madrid to the Project COVTRAVI19-CM, Plataformas y modelos preclínicos para el abordaje multidisciplinar en COVID-19 y en respuesta a futuras pandemia

    Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Fanhdi<sup>®</sup>, a Plasma-Derived VWF/Factor VIII Concentrate, in von Willebrand Disease in Spain: A Retrospective Study

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a plasma-derived factor VIII concentrate containing von Willebrand Factor (pdVWF/FVIII) in standard clinical practice in von Willebrand Disease (VWD) patients. Methods: A retrospective, multicentric, observational study of VWD patients treated with Fanhdi®, a pdVWF/FVIII concentrate, from January 2011 to December 2017 was conducted at 14 centers in Spain. Efficacy and safety were evaluated for acute bleeding episodes, for prevention of bleeding in surgeries, and for secondary long-term prophylaxis. Results: Seventy-two eligible patients, type 1, 2, 3 VWD (25%/38.9%/36.1%) were treated for spontaneous and traumatic bleeding (140 episodes, n = 41 patients), to prevent surgical bleeding (69 episodes, n = 43 patients); and for secondary long-term prophylaxis (18 programs, n = 13 patients). Replacement therapy with pdVWF/FVIII showed an excellent to good clinical efficacy in 96.7% of the bleeding episodes, 100% during surgical procedures and 100% during prophylaxis. No adverse events (AEs), nor serious AEs related to the product were observed. Conclusions: Fanhdi® was effective, safe and well tolerated in the management of bleeding episodes, the prevention of bleeding during surgeries, and for secondary long-term prophylaxis in VWD patientsThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the followingfinancial support forthe research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This workwas supported by Grifols, manufacturer of the pdVWF/FVIII,Fanhdi

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año IX Invierno 1991 n. 1 pp. 201-222]

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    J. M. López García: La transición del feudalismo al capitalismo en un señorío monástico castellano. El Abadengo de la Santa Espina (1147-1835) (Por Miguel Ángel Melón Jiménez).-- Richard J. Salvucci: Textiles and Capitalism in México. An Economic History of the Obrajes, 1539-1840 (Por Pedro Fraile).-- Marjorje Grice-Hutchinson: Aproximación al pensamiento económico en Andalucía: de Séneca a finales del siglo XVIII. (Por Andrés Moreno Mengíbar).-- John Komlos: Nutrition and economic development in the eighteenth-century Hansburg Monarchy. And anthropometric history (Por José M. Martínez Carrión).-- Jean-Charles Sournia: Histoire de l'alcoolisme (Por Juan Pan-Montojo).-- David Christian: Living Water Vodka and Russian Society on the Eve of Emancipation (Por Juan Pan-Montojo).-- Jeffrey G. Williamson: Coping with City Gnwth During the British Industrial Revolution (Por Blanca Sánchez Alonso).-- Jacques Maurice: El anarquismo andaluz. Campesinos y sindicalistas, 1868-1936 (Por Juan Pro Ruiz).-- Eugene White (ed.): Crashes and Panics: The lessonsfrom History (Por Mª Angeles Pons).-- Alfonso W. Quiroz: Banqueros en conflicto. Estructura financiera y Economía Peruana, 1884-1930 (Por Mª Angeles Pons).-- Pedro San Miguel: El mundo que creó el azúcar. Las haciendas en Vega Baja, 1800- 1873 (Por Juan Velarde Fuertes)Publicad