82 research outputs found

    Les dades personals en l'àmbit terapèutic

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    El dato personal terapéutico

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    Los nuevos avances científicos y la utilización masiva de tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones están transformando los sectores farmacéutico y sanitario, estableciendo como punto central de las relaciones al ciudadano y su datos personales relativos a la salud

    Preliminary results from characterization of the Iberian Peninsula sturgeon based on analysis of the mtDNA cytochrome b

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    Historically, the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio L., 1758 was considered the only sturgeon species that inhabited rivers of the Iberian Peninsula. Nevertheless, in a recent paper, Garrido- Ramos et al. (1997) identified specimen EBD 8174 (museum collection of the Doñana Biological Station, Spain), from the Guadalquivir River, as the Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836, suggesting that both A. sturio and A. naccarii could be native to Spain. To test this theory, we compared partial mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene sequences obtained from museum specimens of A. sturio that originated from the Iberian Peninsula, the Adriatic and the North Sea, as well as from live individuals of the Gironde River population in France. Specimens of A. naccarii and of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869 from fish farms were also included in the study. DNA from museum specimens was successfully amplified using the protocol of France and Kocher (1996) for DNA extraction from formalin-fixed and ethanol-preserved samples. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on partial cyt b gene sequences (over 402-bp and 245-bp). We identified specimen EBD 8174 as A. sturio, confirming the opinion that A. sturio is the only sturgeon species of the Iberian Peninsula. Further molecular analyses of museum specimens are needed for a description of the historical intraspecies genetic variation within A. sturio. This information is crucial for any future recovery plan for this species. Our comparison also showed interspecies sequence divergence ranging from 6.91% (A. sturio/A. naccarii) to 7.43% (A. sturio/A. baerii).Históricamente, el esturión atlántico Acipenser sturio L., 1758 ha sido considerado la única especie de esturión que vive en los ríos de la península Ibérica, siendo así demostrado por múltiples estudios morfológicos recientes. Sin embargo, un trabajo reciente identificó el ejemplar del río Guadalquivir EBD 8174 como Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte, 1836, sugiriendo que ambas especies de esturión podrían ser nativas de España. Para comprobar esta nueva teoría, se han analizado las secuencias del gen citocromo b mitocondrial en muestras de esturión atlántico preservadas en varios museos procedentes de la península Ibérica, el mar Adriático y el mar del Norte, así como material fresco del río Garona. Además, se han estudiado con fines comparativos varias muestras de A. naccarii y Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869 procedentes de piscifactorías. Las muestras de museos fueron amplificadas con éxito usando un protocolo específico utilizado para material fijado en formol y preservado en alcohol. La muestra de esturión de España (EBD 8174) fue identificada como A. sturio. Este resulta do confirma que A. sturio es la única especie de esturión en la península Ibérica. De cualquier manera, antes de abordar los planes de recuperación, sería necesario realizar análisis moleculares complementarios para describir las posibles variaciones genéticas existentes entre poblaciones. La comparación de las secuencias de citocromo b de A. sturio con A. naccarii y A. baerii mostró valores de divergencia de 6,91% y 7,43% respectivamente.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Hypermethylated 14-3-3-σ and ESR1 gene promoters in serum as candidate biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment efficacy of breast cancer metastasis

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    9 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.-- et al.[Methods]: We studied two cohorts of patients: 77 patients treated for breast cancer with no signs of disease, and 34 patients with metastatic breast cancer. DNA was obtained from serum samples, and promoter methylation status was determined by using DNA bisulfite modification and quantitative methylation-specific PCR. [Results]: Serum levels of methylated gene promoter 14-3-3-σ significantly differed between Control and Metastatic Breast Cancer groups (P < 0.001), and between Disease-Free and Metastatic Breast Cancer groups (P < 0.001). The ratio of the 14-3-3-σ level before the first chemotherapy cycle to the level just before administration of the second chemotherapy cycle was defined as the Biomarker Response Ratio [BRR]. We calculated BRR values for the "continuous decline" and "rise-and-fall" groups. Subsequent ROC analysis showed a sensitivity of 75% (95% CI: 47.6 - 86.7) and a specificity of 66.7% (95% CI: 41.0 - 86.7) to discriminate between the groups for a cut-off level of BRR = 2.39. The area under the ROC curve (Z = 0.804 ± 0.074) indicates that this test is a good approach to post-treatment prognosis. [Conclusions]: The relationship of 14-3-3-σ with breast cancer metastasis and progression found in this study suggests a possible application of 14-3-3-σ as a biomarker to screen for metastasis and to follow up patients treated for metastatic breast cancer, monitoring their disease status and treatment response.This study was supported by a grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación: SAF 2004-00889; JL Linares is supported by the Junta de Andalucía (P06-CTS-1385).Peer reviewe

    Método de obtención de un biomaterial

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    La presente invención está dirigida a un método de obtención de un biomaterial que comprende un soporte de fibras de carbón activado y células de linaje osteocondral, en el que células madre se ponen en contacto con dicho soporte y se cultivan en presencia de suero y ausencia de factores de diferenciación osteogénica y/o condrogénica adicionales. La invención se dirige asimismo al biomaterial así obtenido y a las diferentes aplicaciones médicas de dicho biomaterial.Peer reviewedUniversidad de Granada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Early and late skin reactions to radiotherapy for breast cancer and their correlation with radiation-induced DNA damage in lymphocytes

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    INTRODUCTION: Radiotherapy outcomes might be further improved by a greater understanding of the individual variations in normal tissue reactions that determine tolerance. Most published studies on radiation toxicity have been performed retrospectively. Our prospective study was launched in 1996 to measure the in vitro radiosensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes before treatment with radical radiotherapy in patients with breast cancer, and to assess the early and the late radiation skin side effects in the same group of patients. We prospectively recruited consecutive breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy after breast surgery. To evaluate whether early and late side effects of radiotherapy can be predicted by the assay, a study was conducted of the association between the results of in vitro radiosensitivity tests and acute and late adverse radiation effects. METHODS: Intrinsic molecular radiosensitivity was measured by using an initial radiation-induced DNA damage assay on lymphocytes obtained from breast cancer patients before radiotherapy. Acute reactions were assessed in 108 of these patients on the last treatment day. Late morbidity was assessed after 7 years of follow-up in some of these patients. The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) morbidity score system was used for both assessments. RESULTS: Radiosensitivity values obtained using the in vitro test showed no relation with the acute or late adverse skin reactions observed. There was no evidence of a relation between acute and late normal tissue reactions assessed in the same patients. A positive relation was found between the treatment volume and both early and late side effects. CONCLUSION: After radiation treatment, a number of cells containing major changes can have a long survival and disappear very slowly, becoming a chronic focus of immunological system stimulation. This stimulation can produce, in a stochastic manner, late radiation-related adverse effects of varying severity. Further research is warranted to identify the major determinants of normal tissue radiation response to make it possible to individualize treatments and improve the outcome of radiotherapy in cancer patients

    La quimera de la luz: evolución de las cúpulas en el barroco iberoamericano

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    En el pasado la arquitectura americana fue desarrollada, en ciertos casos, por ingenieros militares y, en otros muchos, por misioneros que llegaron desde Europa a través de España y Portugal, y por eso es a menudo denominada o identificada como Barroco Colonial. Sin embargo, las condiciones climáticas de América del Sur eran normalmente opuestas a las que se daban en la península Ibérica (1) e incluso la naturaleza de estas diferencias climáticas no podía predecirse con el conocimiento científico disponible en la época, a manera de ejemplo podemos citar la posición invertida de las trayectorias solares. Lo anterior produjo un conjunto de graduales y sucesivas transformaciones en las tipologías importadas desde el viejo continente. Estas adaptaciones fueron lentas, intuitivas y no siempre reconocibles por la cultura Metropolitana. En el campo de las características ambientales nada es tan diferenciador para nosotros como el recurso de la iluminación y especialmente de las bóvedas y cúpulas que constituyeron el arte más elevado de la construcción en mampostería en muchos países, tales como Brasil, México, Perú y Ecuador

    Fingerprints as Predictors of Schizophrenia: A Deep Learning Study

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    Background and hypothesis: The existing developmental bond between fingerprint generation and growth of the central nervous system points to a potential use of fingerprints as risk markers in schizophrenia. However, the high complexity of fingerprints geometrical patterns may require flexible algorithms capable of characterizing such complexity. Study design: Based on an initial sample of scanned fingerprints from 612 patients with a diagnosis of non-affective psychosis and 844 healthy subjects, we have built deep learning classification algorithms based on convolutional neural networks. Previously, the general architecture of the network was chosen from exploratory fittings carried out with an independent fingerprint dataset from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The network architecture was then applied for building classification algorithms (patients vs controls) based on single fingers and multi-input models. Unbiased estimates of classification accuracy were obtained by applying a 5-fold cross-validation scheme. Study results: The highest level of accuracy from networks based on single fingers was achieved by the right thumb network (weighted validation accuracy = 68%), while the highest accuracy from the multi-input models was attained by the model that simultaneously used images from the left thumb, index and middle fingers (weighted validation accuracy = 70%). Conclusion: Although fitted models were based on data from patients with a well established diagnosis, since fingerprints remain lifelong stable after birth, our results imply that fingerprints may be applied as early predictors of psychosis. Specially, if they are used in high prevalence subpopulations such as those of individuals at high risk for psychosis.This work was supported by several grants funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund “Investing in your future”): Miguel Servet Research Contract (CPII13/00018 to RS, CPII16/00018 to EP-C, CP20/00072 to MF-V), PFIS Contract (FI19/0352 to MG-R). Research Mobility programme (MV18/00054 to EP-C), Research Projects (PI18/00877 and PI21/00525 to RS). It has also been supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental and the Generalitat de Catalunya: 2014SGR1573 and 2017SGR1365 to EP-C and SLT008/18/00206 to IF-R from the Departament de Salut. The authors have declared that there are no conflicts of interest in relation to the subject of this study.S

    Design and implementation of Integrated Didactic Units: CLIL in action

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    Este trabajo desarrolla el diseño y la implementación de Unidades Didácticas Integradas (UDI) en el marco de la educación superior siguiendo el enfoque AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras). El diseño y la implementación de una metodología conjunta ha permitido poner en práctica dichas UDI durante el curso 2015/2016 en diferentes ámbitos de contenido. Ello ha ofrecido datos relevantes sobre el nivel de lengua y contenidos que el alumnado ha adquirido. La integración de diferentes áreas en las dos ramas de conocimiento (Ciencias Sociales e Ingeniería) ha constituido un marco interesante y especialmente adecuado para la puesta en práctica de estas UDI en el marco de la Educación Superior Europea.This paper addresses the design and implementation of Integrated Didactic Units (IDUs) within Higher Education following the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach. The design of a joint methodology for different content areas has allowed the teaching staff herein to implement different IDUs along the 2015/2016 academic year. The data collected on initial and final language level and contents from the joint and complementary work of two different content areas (Social Sciences and Engineering) has offered an interesting working framework which we consider suitable for an EHEA teaching innovation after the analysis and discussion of our results

    Potential impacts of climate change on flow regime and fish habitat in mountain rivers of the southwestern Balkans

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    The climate change in the Mediterranean area is expected to have significant impacts on the aquatic ecosystems and particular in the mountain rivers and streams that often host important species such as the Salmo farioides, Karaman 1938. These impacts will most possibly affect the habitat availability for various aquatic species resulting to an essential alteration of the water requirements, either for dams or other water abstractions, in order to maintain the essential levels of ecological flow for the rivers. The main scope of this study was to assess potential climate change impacts on the hydrological patterns and typical biota for a south-western Balkan mountain river, the Acheloos. The altered flow regimes under different emission scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were estimated using a hydrologicalmodel and based on regional climate simulations over the study area. The Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) methodology was then used to assess the potential streamflow alterations in the studied river due to predicted climate change conditions. A fish habitat simulation method integrating univariate habitat suitability curves and hydraulic modeling techniques were used to assess the impacts on the relationships between the aquatic biota and hydrological status utilizing a sentinel species, the West Balkan trout. The most prominent effects of the climate change scenarios depict severe flow reductions that are likely to occur especially during the summer flows, changing the duration and depressing the magnitude of the natural low flow conditions. Weighted Usable Area-flow curves indicated the limitation of suitable habitat for the native trout. Finally, this preliminary application highlighted the potential of science-based hydrological and habitat simulation approaches that are relevant to both biological quality elements (fish) and current EUWater policy to serve as efficient tools for the estimation of possible climate change impacts on the south-western Balkan river ecosystems.This study was supported by the ECOFLOW project funded by the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology in the framework of the NSRF 2007-2013. The W. B. trout data collection was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the project SCARCE (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00065).Papadaki, C.; Soulis, K.; Muñoz Mas, R.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Zogaris, S.; Ntoanidis, L.; Dimitriou, E. (2016). Potential impacts of climate change on flow regime and fish habitat in mountain rivers of the southwestern Balkans. Science of the Total Environment. 540:418-428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.134S41842854