6,607 research outputs found

    Postura dos proprietários florestais face ao cumprimento da legislação florestal

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    A necessidade de defesa e valorização da Floresta Portuguesa, nas dimensões económica, ambiental e social, tem merecido a atenção das instituições responsáveis, originando a produção de legislação. O nível de cumprimento da legislação deve ser acompanhado e objeto de estudo no sentido de contribuir para o desenvolvimento da floresta sustentável. O relacionamento das pessoas com a legislação, o seu entendimento e cumprimento são fatores determinantes neste processo. Face ao número de processos de contraordenação, que tem vindo a ser instruídos nestes últimos anos, o trabalho tem como objetivo perceber as causas das contraordenações, assim como tentar encontrar formas de reduzir o seu número. Procedeu-se à análise de 366 processos de contraordenação na área do PBIS entre 2005 e 2009 relativas à legislação florestal: preservação do arvoredo (sobreiro, azinheira) - D.L. 169/2001; arborização com espécies de rápido crescimento - D.L. 175/1988; reposição do coberto vegetal após o incêndio - D.L 139/1988; defesa de pessoas e bens - D.L.124/2006. Apurámos que os infratores são os proprietários, sendo 78% do género masculino, residentes no local e, maioritariamente, com uma idade avançada. Os anos em que se verificaram mais infrações foram em 2006 e 2007. A infração mais frequente foi a de “não inscrição do ano de descortiçamento nos sobreiros”, sendo Castelo Branco o concelho mais representativo. Verificou-se que os proprietários utilizam formas expeditas de rentabilizar os terrenos, não cumprindo a legislação em vigor, alegando como principal causa o desconhecimento da mesma. Por outro lado, o estudo permite perceber a importância dos meios de acuação/fiscalização na sensibilização do proprietário

    Michel Foucault y la construcción discursiva del cuerpo de lo sujeto moderno y su relación con la psicologia

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    Michel Foucault investigates the history of the relations between thought and truth and how the correlation between the two factors is established. The body's enunciation is a fundamental discursive element on the modern subject's truth game. Foucault's bibliography, commentators and other modern philosophers foreground current research which studies the issue of the body in the French philosopher's archaeological phase, mainly in The Order of Things. The discursive constitution of the body, life and man in their subjectification effects are highlighted, with special reference to the psychological subject's discursive constitution. In fact, Foucault de-naturalizes the body and presents it as a key concept (specification grade) in the production of discourses on modern man. Psyche is thus understood not as emanation or as the body's metaphysical essence, but as a discursive instrument, singularly emergent in the history of modern thought (FAPESP).Michel Foucault investiga la historia de las relaciones que el pensamiento mantiene con la verdad y como la correlación entre el pensamiento y la verdad es establecida, al traer el cuerpo como elemento discursivo fundamental en los juegos de verdades sobre la constitución del sujeto moderno. A través de la lectura de la bibliografía de este autor, comentaristas y otros filósofos, la investigación estudia la cuestión del cuerpo en la fase de Foucault arqueológica, principalmente en Las Palabras y las Cosas, destacando las formaciones discursivas del cuerpo, de la vida y del hombre en sus efectos sujetivadores, a la constitución del sujeto psicológico. Se comprobó que Foucault desnaturaliza el cuerpo, presentándolo como concepto-clave en la producción de discursos sobre el hombre moderno. Lo que nos permite comprender también la psiqué, no como emanación o esencia metafísica del cuerpo, sino como instrumento discursivo, emergente en la historia del pensamiento moderno.Michel Foucault investiga a história das relações que o pensamento mantém com a verdade e como se estabelece a correlação entre pensamento e verdade, tendo o enunciado do corpo como elemento discursivo fundamental na constituição dos jogos de verdades sobre o sujeito moderno. Através da leitura da bibliografia desse autor, de comentaristas e de outros filósofos modernos, esta pesquisa estuda a questão do corpo na fase arqueológica foucaultiana, principalmente no livro As Palavras e As Coisas, destacando as formações discursivas do corpo, da vida e do homem em seus efeitos subjetivadores, com especial referência à constituição discursiva do sujeito psicológico. Verificou-se que Foucault desnaturaliza o corpo, apresentando-o como conceito-chave (ou grade de especificação) na produção de discursos sobre o homem moderno, o que nos permite também compreender a psiqué não como emanação ou essência metafísica do corpo, mas como instrumento discursivo, singularmente emergente na história do pensamento moderno.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm and human immunodeficiency virus infection, a new indication for endovascular aneurysm repair?

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    AbstractEndovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is indicated in high-risk patients for conventional surgery, with anatomic conditions for endoprosthesis implantation. Low morbidity, mortality and physiological aggressiveness have been expanding the indications for its use. Still, EVAR is questionable in younger patients, with a low surgical risk and a prolonged life expectancy. Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are rare in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients in western countries and have singular characteristics: an unknown etiology, multiple arterial involvement, poor open surgery results and risk of infection transmission to surgeons. For these reasons EVAR opened new therapeutic perspectives in this group of patients. We present our experience with two HIV patients in whom an AAA was diagnosed, one with a 10cm diameter treated by EVAR, excluded with an aorto-uni-iliac endoprosthesis, other followed regularly, describing their features and therapeutic results. The reported cases allow us to speculate on the importance of anti-retroviral and endovascular treatments reducing the inflammatory process on the arterial wall, with a consequent delay in aneurysm growth and even its regression, which reinforces the possible relevance of EVAR as a first line treatment for this particular pathology

    Meandering and eddy formation in separating western boundary currents

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    The dynamics of meandering and eddy detachment in separating western boundary currents are explored by considering inviscid, quasi-geostrophic current systems with both data analysis and modeling. In chapter two, hydrographic and velocity observations of the North Brazil Current (NBC) retroflection region during the 1990-1991 Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment are examined. A three-layer quasi-geostrophic approximation to the NBC region is built. Stream function and potential vorticity (PV) fields are presented. The upper and middle layer flows simulate the retroflection of the NBC waters at surface and subthermocline levels, respectively. The deepest layer is represented by a meandering weak southward flow that resembles the Deep Western Boundary Current. The participation of baroclinic instability in the NBC eddy-shedding is verified by isolating the effect of PV anomalies in each of the layers on each of the layers. In chapter three, a 1121\over2 layer contour dynamical model of two converging western boundary currents that form a zonal jet is built. It is intended to investigate the role of the coastline tilt and transport asymmetry between the converging currents in meander formation. The respective effects of coastline tilt and coastal current asymmetry can reinforce or cancel each other. In the former case, a retroflection type of boundary current separation, as observed in the Brazil Current separation, is obtained. In the latter case, a much smoother separation results, as observed in the Gulf Stream. In chapter four, a 2121\over2-layer contour dynamical model is built to investigate the role of baroclinic instability in forming eddies. The upper active layer flow structure is similar to that of the 1121\over2-layer model (chapter three). The lower active layer flow structure ranges from converging to diverging coastal current configurations. Unstable waves must either propagate westward or slowly in the eastward direction to allow coast/retroflection eddy formation. When retroflection eddies pinch off, both upper and lower layers present opposite-signed, closed, PV contours. This characterizes a dipolar vortex which can self-propagate away from the jet axis

    Small electron transfer proteins as mediators in enzymatic electrochemical biosensors

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    The final publication is available at Springer."Electrochemical mediators transfer redox equivalents between the active sites of enzymes and electrodes and, in this way, trigger bioelectrocatalytic redox processes. This has been very useful in the development of the so-called second generation biosensors, where they are able to transduce the catalytic event into an electrical signal. Among other pre-requisites, redox mediators must be readily oxidized/reduced at the electrode surface and easily interact with the biorecognition component. Small chemical compounds (e.g. ferrocene derivatives, ruthenium or osmium complexes and viologens) are frequently used for this purpose, but lately, small redox proteins (e.g. horse heart cytochrome c) have also played the role of redox partners in biosensing applications. In general, the docking between two complementary proteins introduces a second level of selectivity to the biosensor and enlarges the list of compounds targeted for analysis. Moreover, electrochemical interferences are frequently minimized owing to the small overpotentials achieved. This paper aims to provide an overview of enzyme biosensors that are mediated by electron transfer proteins. The article begins with a few considerations on mediated electrochemistry in biosensing 2 systems and proceeds with a detailed description of relevant works concerning the cooperative use of redox enzymes and biological electron donors/acceptors.

    How can a changing climate influence the productivity of traditional olive orchards? Regression analysis applied to a local case study in Portugal

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    Nowadays, the climate is undoubtedly one of the main threats to the sustainability of olive orchards, especially in the case of rainfed traditional production systems. Local warming, droughts, and extreme weather events are some of the climatological factors responsible for environmental thresholds in relation to crops being exceeded. The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of microclimatic variability on the productivity of traditional olive orchards in a municipality located in northeastern Portugal. For this purpose, official data on climate, expressed through agrobioclimatic indicators, and olive productivity for a 21-year historical period (2000–2020) were used to evaluate potential correlations. In addition, a comprehensive regression analysis involving the dataset and the following modeling scenarios was carried out to develop regression models and assess the resulting predictions: (a) Random Forest (RF) with selected features; (b) Ordinary Least- Squares (OLS) with selected features; (c) OLS with correlation features; and (d) OLS with all features. For the a and b scenarios, features were selected applying the Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross-Validation (RFECV) technique. The best statistical performance was achieved considering nonlinearity among variables (a scenario, R2 = 0.95); however, it was not possible to derive any model given the underlying methodology to this scenario. In linear regression applications, the best fit between model predictions and the real olive productivity was obtained when all the analyzed agro-bioclimatic indicators were included in the regression (d scenario, R2 = 0.85). When selecting only the most relevant indicators using RFECV and correlation techniques, moderate correlations for the b and c regression scenarios were obtained (R2 of 0.54 and 0.49, respectively). Based on the research findings, especially the regression models, their adaptability to other olive territories with similar agronomic and environmental characteristics is suggested for crop management and regulatory purposes.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020). This work was carried out under the Project “OleaChain: Competências para a sustentabilidade e inovação da cadeia de valor do olival tradicional no Norte Interior de Portugal” (NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000188), an operation to hire highly qualified human resources, funded by NORTE 2020 through the European Social Fund (ESF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Technological innovation in the traditional olive orchard management: advances and opportunities to the Northeastern region of Portugal

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    In Portugal, the olive orchard is the most representative agricultural crop and one of the most impactful on the national economy. Therefore, a production structure accompanying the technological advances in this field would be expected; however, such a structure has not yet been realized, especially within traditional systems. Thus, taking northeastern Portugal as a case study, where a great expression of traditional orchards is visible, the following aspects are addressed within this paper: the region’s biophysical framework, the olive orchard’s environmental and socio- economic importance and its current management practices and associated pressures. As a result of that assessment, which demonstrates a low level of sustainability for traditional olive orchards, mainly in terms of economic viability, the most effective and simple solution is to act appropriately on factors that interfere with the crop yield, namely, irrigation and fertilization issues. With that purpose, a multiscale precision oliviculture system is also presented that is being developed in order to support decision making in traditional olive orchard management, aiming to obtain economically efficient productions based on eco-friendly cultural practices. Throughout the entire process, it is essential to ensure stakeholder engagement, in particular, olive growers, so that they recognize the effectiveness of potential measures that may avoid the reconversion/abandonment of the traditional olive production system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Celiac disease : a review

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2020A doença celíaca (DC) é uma doença sistémica desencadeada pela exposição ao glúten em doentes geneticamente susceptíveis. Manifesta-se como uma enteropatia auto-imune associada a auto-anticorpos e aos haplótipos HLA-DQ2 ou HLA-DQ8. A primeira referência a uma doença malabsortiva crónica que leva a um estado de desnutrição remonta a Aretaeus, na Cappadocia, no seculo III d.C, contudo, a primeira descrição clínica moderna da DC data de 1888, no artigo de Samuel Gee, “On the coeliac affection”. De acordo com uma meta-análise recente, a prevalência de DC é 1,4% por serologia e 0,7% por biopsia. Nos últimos 20 anos registou-se um aumento de 33% na prevalência de DC, possivelmente associado a factores ambientais. Acresce que a prevalência está seguramente subestimada, admitindo-se que por cada doente diagnosticado há quatro não diagnosticados. A presença do haplotipo HLA-DQ2/8 é o principal factor de risco para a DC sendo condição necessária, ainda que não suficiente, para o desenvolvimento da doença. Cerca de 40% da população geral apresenta um dos haplótipos, contudo, só 2 a 3% destes vêm a desenvolver doença. Vários factores ambientais têm sido estudados como possíveis factores de risco ou protectores na DC, como a idade de introdução do glúten, doenças infeciosas e o aleitamento materno. A literatura não é consistente relativamente a uma possível associação entre DC e a idade de introdução do glúten, não parecendo haver associação com o aleitamento materno. As infecções gastrointestinais (por rotavírus e adenovírus em crianças e Campylobacter nos adultos) e respiratórias recorrentes (nos primeiros 18 meses de vida) têm sido associadas à DC, contudo o nível de evidência nesta matéria é fraco.Celiac disease (CD) is a systemic disease that is triggered by gluten ingestion, in genetically predisposed individuals. It manifests as an autoimmune small bowel enteropathy associated with specific circulating autoantibodies and human leucocyte antigen haplotype (HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8). It afflicts roughly 1% of the population, even though the majority of patients remain undiagnosed. While children with CD manifest with diarrhea and malabsorption, adults can be paucisymptomatic and present extra-intestinal manifestations such as anemia, osteoporosis and abnormal liver tests. Although CD screening is not recommended for the general population, it should be focused on high-risk groups. CD diagnosis is challenging and relies on serological tests, duodenal histology, and genetic testing. Treatment rely on lifelong gluten free diet. An increased medical awareness, biopsy sparing diagnostic algorithms and alternative effective treatments should be the goals for the future in terms of CD


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    A Gestão orientada por Indicadores de Desempenho se consolida cada vez mais como uma prática de gestão e, ao reconhecer uma Universidade como um mundo repleto de informações, é importante saber escolher aquelas que são relevantes. Dessa forma, os indicadores assumem duas funções básicas: de descrever por meio da geração de informações o estado real dos acontecimentos e o seu comportamento, bem como analisar as informações presentes com base nas anteriores de forma a realizar proposições valorativas. Esse artigo apresenta uma proposta de indicadores institucionais, tendo em vista a importância da elaboração e utilização destes, como grandes norteadores e apoiadores de decisões no âmbito da gestão universitária. Ao respeitar instrumento atualizado que subsidia os atos de credenciamento e recredenciamento de instituições de educação superior de janeiro de 2014, que possui cinco eixos temáticos a serem avaliados, estabeleceu-se 25 critérios a serem mensurados com a proposição de pelo menos um indicador para cada quesito. Tal proposta de indicadores inclui uma série deles com características indutoras, que visam nortear os processos de planejamento, monitoramento, avaliação e informação das unidades institucionais da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), bem como suas rotinas acadêmicas e administrativas