573 research outputs found

    Portuguese translation and Brazilian cultural adaptation of the Assessment of Burden in Chronic Venous Disease questionnaire (ABC-V)

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     Introduction: The Assessment of Burden in Chronic Venous Disease questionnaire (ABC-V) is a valuable tool for assessing the impact that chronic venous disease (CVD) has on patients’ quality of life (QL). There was a need for a translated and adapted version suitable for use in the Brazilian population. CVD is becoming a public health issue as the incidence and prevalence are high. The ABC-V can be used to collect information on patients’ QL and thus the development of a Brazilian version that facilitates research into the CVD population.  Objective: To provide translation and cultural validation of the Assessment of Burden in Chronic-Venous Disease (ABC-V) questionnaire for the Portuguese language.  Methods: The ABC-V was translated into Portuguese by two bilingual translators working independently. The translators then created a consensus version, which was translated back into English by two native English speakers. Finally all the versions were analysed by a committee of with expertise in translation and the two cultures involved. The committee produced a draft Portuguese-language version which was tested in a pilot sample of between 30 and 40 people. The committee evaluated feedback from the pilot sample on the clarity and comprehensibility of the draft version.  Results: The draft version was completed by 31 patients at the Chronic Venous Diseases Department of Padre Anchieta’s Teaching Hospital. With the analysis of the questionnaires used in the pre-test, it is possible to observe that in English, unlike Portuguese, verbs are often used in the passive tense. It also emerged that there was a need to use more colloquial terms and expressions so that the question would be easier to understand, whilst preserving the meaning of the original items. Changing the tone of the questionnaire in this way should make it more suitable for use with people from a wide range of socioeconomic levels, especially those with lower social status and less education. Because the questions are qualitative rather than quantitative they are more open to interpretation and elicit more subjective responses. This creates an additional difficulty in adapting the questionnaire for the Brazilian cultural context. The data from pilot-testing of the draft version was used to develop a translated and culturally adapted version of the ABC-V using the procedure described by Beaton et al.  Conclusion: A translated and culturally adapted version of the ABC-V suitable for use in Brazil has been developed and can be used to evaluate changes in the QL of Brazilian patients with CVD.  Introduction: The Assessment of Burden in Chronic Venous Disease questionnaire (ABC-V) is a valuable tool for assessing the impact that chronic venous disease (CVD) has on patients’ quality of life (QL). There was a need for a translated and adapted version suitable for use in the Brazilian population. CVD is becoming a public health issue as the incidence and prevalence are high. The ABC-V can be used to collect information on patients’ QL and thus the development of a Brazilian version that facilitates research into the CVD population. Objective: To provide translation and cultural validation of the Assessment of Burden in Chronic-Venous Disease (ABC-V) questionnaire for the Portuguese language. Methods: The ABC-V was translated into Portuguese by two bilingual translators working independently. The translators then created a consensus version, which was translated back into English by two native English speakers. Finally all the versions were analysed by a committee of with expertise in translation and the two cultures involved. The committee produced a draft Portuguese-language version which was tested in a pilot sample of between 30 and 40 people. The committee evaluated feedback from the pilot sample on the clarity and comprehensibility of the draft version.  Results: The draft version was completed by 31 patients at the Chronic Venous Diseases Department of Padre Anchieta’s Teaching Hospital. With the analysis of the questionnaires used in the pre-test, it is possible to observe that in English, unlike Portuguese, verbs are often used in the passive tense. It also emerged that there was a need to use more colloquial terms and expressions so that the question would be easier to understand, whilst preserving the meaning of the original items. Changing the tone of the questionnaire in this way should make it more suitable for use with people from a wide range of socioeconomic levels, especially those with lower social status and less education. Because the questions are qualitative rather than quantitative they are more open to interpretation and elicit more subjective responses. This creates an additional difficulty in adapting the questionnaire for the Brazilian cultural context. The data from pilot-testing of the draft version was used to develop a translated and culturally adapted version of the ABC-V using the procedure described by Beaton et al.  Conclusion: A translated and culturally adapted version of the ABC-V suitable for use in Brazil has been developed and can be used to evaluate changes in the QL of Brazilian patients with CVD

    Skills and hands ability: dealing with the teaching of semiotics in nursing

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    Objective: Production of ideas from incentive to imagination that may indicate troubleshooting identified by nursing students and presenting ideas and potential products resulting from their imagination. Method: Carthografic qualitative. The institutional research scenario is a public university in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Sixteen Nursing students were part of this study. Results: Twelve images were produced by Nursing students (73,4%), while only four students (26,6%) did not elaborate any image. The produced data came from three moments: "tracking to play", "playing to land" and "landing to reconize". Conclusion: There were identified problems resulting from experience with the families, to the creation of ideas into products or procedures involving innovations soft-hard technologies and building applications, tablets for hospitalized clients

    Surviving a transfixing gunshot wound to the head 70 years ago.

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    Surviving a gunshot wound to the head is a rare event, particularly in the past when medical treatment was much less advanced than it is today. Moreover, the finding of such a case as an identified specimen within a museum collection is even more uncommon. This led us to report on this unique case in this paper as it poses a challenge to forensic anthropology and provides a unique educational oppourtunity. The skull from the Collection at the Cranium Museum in the Department of Morphology and Genetic at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) dates back to 1946. For trauma registration the bone location, severity, trauma aetiology, trauma classification, description, callus formation, periosteal reaction, degree and success of repair, and an estimate of the time elapsed since the trauma, were all assessed. To explore the case radiologically a CT scan of the skull was performed. Considering the survival of the patient and the morphology of the wound it is likely that the injury was caused by a small calibre, low-velocity gunshot. The bullet path shows an almost vertical direction on the right side of the individual's splanchno and neurocranium. The path of the projectile is consistent with a suicide attempt, although the possibility of a homicide simulating a suicide cannot be discarded. This case highlights how informative such cases can be to the practice of forensic anthropology

    Changes related to softening of soursop during postharvest maturation

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar mudanças físicas, químicas e bioquímicas relacionadas ao amaciamento de graviola (Annona muricata L.) Crioula durante a maturação. Os frutos foram colhidos no estádio de maturidade fisiológica, em plantas cultivadas na Estação Experimental da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, em Pacajus, Ceará, armazenados a 26,3±0,6ºC e 88±12% de umidade relativa, durante 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 dias. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: perda de massa, amido, pectina total e solúvel, e atividades das enzimas amilase, pectinametilesterase, poligalacturonase, alfa-galactosidases e beta-galactosidases. Não houve variação significativa no conteúdo de pectina solúvel. Após cinco dias, a perda de massa atingiu 5%, mas não promoveu murcha dos frutos. As reduções nos conteúdos de amido e de pectina total coincidiram com período de expressiva atividade, respectivamente, das enzimas amilase e da poligalacturonase e beta-galactosidase de parede celular. As modificações mais acentuadas no conteúdo de amido, de pectina total, na solubilização de pectinas e na atividade das enzimas amilase, pectinametilesterase, poligalacturonase e beta-galactosidase de parede celular ocorreram no período do segundo ao quarto dia após a colheita.This work aimed to evaluate the physical, chemical and biochemical changes related to softening during maturation of Crioula soursop fruit (Annona muricata L.). Fruits were harvested at the physiological maturity stage from plants grown at Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical Experimental Station, in Pacajus, CE, Brazil, and were stored at 26.3±0.6ºC and 88±12% relative humidity, during 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days. A completely randomized design was used with four replicates. The following variables were evaluated: weight loss; starch content; total and soluble pectin content and enzymatic activity of amylase, pectin methylesterase, polygalacturonase and alfa- and beta-galactosidases. There was no significant variation in the soluble pectin content. Weight loss reached 5% in the fifth day, without causing fruit shriveling. Reductions on starch and on total pectin contents occurred in the period of great enzymatic activity, respectively, of amylase and of polygalacturonase, and cell wall beta-galactosidase. The most significant changes on the contents of starch and total pectin, on pectin solubilization and on the activity of the enzymes amylase, pectin methylesterase, polygalacturonase and cell wall beta-galactosidase occurred from the second to the fourth day after harvest

    Cultura popular e escrita: diálogos através da religião e da literatura de cordel / Popular culture and writing: dialogs through religion and cordel literature

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo expor os elementos do imaginário religioso popular existente nos folhetos de cordel da Biblioteca Átila Almeida, situada no Campus I da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB) e sua importância como documento histórico. A pesquisa se realizou por meio da catalogação e classificação dos folhetos cujos títulos apresentavam vocábulos associados à religiosidade, e posterior “análise de conteúdo” de seus versos, com base em Fonseca Júnior (2009). Para o  presente estudo, os cordéis foram categorizados obedecendo ao critério semântico proposto por  Bardin (1988, p. 117), sendo enquadrados em 15 temas recorrentes à religiosidade, estabelecidos por Albuquerque (2011). Os dados coletados mostraram que ao estudar a religiosidade encontrada nos cordéis              da Biblioteca Átila Almeida, é possível compreender a sua importância como meio de comunicação, que aborda, de maneira engenhosa e descontraída, conteúdos críticos e lúdicos relacionados ao  imaginário religioso

    Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases from a Pet Blue-Fronted-Amazon Parrot (Amazona aestiva)

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    Background: The indiscriminate use of antibiotics both in humans and in animals, has contributed to the development of bacterial resistance. One of the key mechanisms in the resistance of enterobacteria to antibiotics is the production of extendedspectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), which reduce the therapeutic options available. Several studies have been performed in different animal species in order to isolate and identify multidrug-resistant strains and determine their antibiotic sensitivity profile. The purpose of this study was to detect ESBL-producing enterobacteria in isolates from a pet blue-fronted amazon parrot.Case: A 16-year-old pet blue-fronted-amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) weighing 0.445 kg, from the city of Presidente Castelo Branco, Paraná, Brazil, was admitted into a specialized veterinary clinic in the city of Maringá. This parrot was presented with agitation and aggressive behavior. It was fed with sunflower seeds, and its cage was small and unsanitary especially in the feeding and drinking areas, which were heavily contaminated with feces. The parrot had been diagnosed with acute sinusitis approximately one year prior, with a history of treatment with tylosin, thuya (a herbal remedy popularly used for fowl pox), and a mineral-vitamin complex. The clinical symptoms included dyspnea and bilateral increase of facial swelling, with a mass in the peri-nasal region. A membranous red tissue not related to the nictitating membrane was observed in the lower left eyelid. To obtain a better clinical evaluation, the bird was anesthetized with an intramuscular injection of dextroketamine 50 mg/kg (KetaminS+™). Subsequently, physical examination, head radiographic examinations, and an attempt at sinus draining were performed. The radiographic examinations showed a decreased amount of air in the nasal sinuses. For treatment, oral itraconazole and vitamin A were prescribed, and a dietary improvement, prioritizing the offering of fruits and industrialized food for parrots was proposed. Samples were collected from the cloaca and choanae by making rotating movements with compressed sterile swabs in the corresponding locations. All samples were kept in Amies transport media with activated coal and forwarded under refrigeration to the Laboratory of Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Public Health in the Post-Graduation Program in Animal Sciences with Emphasis in Bioactive Products at Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR).Discussion: The samples were subjected to phenotypic antimicrobial sensitivity tests and phenotypic testing for detecting ESBL-producing strains. Escherichia coli was identified and isolated from the cloacal sample. Phenotypic tests for antimicrobial sensitivity, detected resistance to the following antimicrobials: ceftriaxone, ceftiofur, cefotaxime, cefepime, ampicillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin + clavulanate, and tetracycline. The phenotypic test for detecting ESBL-producing strains was positive. The findings in this study had no relation with the clinical symptoms presented by the parrot. However, in the samples collected, it was possible to detect the presence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli, indicating that this parrot had strains in its cloacal microbiota that were either multidrug-resistant or at a subclinical stage of an infection. This knowledge is important, since the presence of this bacteria in a pet represents an important factor in the dissemination of multidrug-resistant strains into the environment, as well as being a source of contamination for both humans and other animals

    Postharvest changes and respiratory pattern of bacuri fruit (Platonia insignis Mart.) at different maturity stages during ambient storage

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    ABSTRACT Bacuri (Platonia insignis, Mart.) is one of the most important among Amazonian fruits. However, little is known about its postharvest physiology, such as maturity stages, changes during ambient storage, and respiratory pattern. Fruits were harvested at three maturity stages based on epicarp colour: dark green, light green, and turning (50% yellow), in order to determine colour modification and respiratory pattern during ambient storage (25.2 0 C, 75.1 % RH). Fruit of all maturity stages showed, after three days of harvest, a non-climacteric respiratory pattern, with turning fruit presenting the highest CO 2 production rate until the fourth storage day (177.63 mg.CO 2 .kg -1 .h -1 ). Yellowing increased throughout storage as related to lightness, chromaticity, and hue angle reductions. Turning fruit can be stored at ambient conditions for up to 10 days without any loss in marketability. KEY WORD

    Primeiro caso de leishmaniose visceral humana de transmissao autoctone no centro urbano do Rio de Janeiro: relato de caso

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    Visceral leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis that is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, especially Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, and is transmitted to humans by the bite of sandflies of the genus Lutzomyia, such as Lutzomyia longipalpis. There are many reservoirs, including Canis familiaris. It is a chronic infectious disease with systemic involvement that is characterized by three phases: the initial period, the state period and the final period. The main symptoms are fever, malnutrition, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. This article reports a case of a patient diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis in the final period following autochthonous transmission in the urban area of Rio de Janeiro. The case reported here is considered by the Municipal Civil Defense and Health Surveillance of Rio de Janeiro to be the first instance of autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis in humans in the urban area of this city. The patient was discharged and is undergoing a follow-up at the outpatient clinic, demonstrating clinical improvement.A leishmaniose visceral é uma antropozoonose causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania, principalmente Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum e transmitida ao homem pela picada do flebotomíneo do gênero Lutzomyia, destacando-se no Brasil a Lutzomyia longipalpis. Os animais reservatórios são muitos, tendo o cão doméstico (Canis familiaris) como principal reservatório. Trata-se de uma doença infecciosa crônica, de envolvimento sistêmico e caracterizado por três fases: período inicial, período de estado e período final. As principais manifestações são febre, hepatoesplenomegalia, desnutrição e pancitopenia. Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de paciente diagnosticada com leishmaniose visceral em período final, de transmissão autóctone na área urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O caso relatado neste artigo é considerado, após investigação, pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro como o primeiro caso autóctone de leishmaniose visceral em humanos na área urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O tratamento oferecido foi eficaz e a paciente encontra-se em acompanhamento ambulatorial

    Alterações físicas, fisiológicas e químicas durante o armazenamento de duas cultivares de sapoti

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical, physiological and chemical changes during storage of two sapodilla cultivars (Manilkara sapota L.). Fruits were picked and evaluated at the physiological maturation point, and stored at temperature of 26±2ºC and 55±5% relative humidity. Respiration activities and ethylene production were daily evaluated, while the loss of mass, firmness, pulp color, total titratable acidity, pH, soluble solids content, total sugar and senescence were determined in the 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 days of storage. Fruits of BRS-228 cultivar had respiration activities, ethylene production picks and senescence retarded when compared to BRS-227 cultivar. Fruits of BRS-228 maintained larger firmness, soluble solids and total sugar contents and smaller loss of mass than BRS-227. The cultivar BRS-228 presents higher postharvest storage potential than BRS-227.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações físicas, fisiológicas e químicas, durante a maturação de duas cultivares de sapoti (Manilkara sapota L.), relacionando-as às taxas respiratórias e de liberação de etileno. Os frutos foram colhidos no estádio de maturidade fisiológica, avaliados no dia da colheita e armazenados em temperatura de 26±2ºC e umidade relativa de 55±5%. A atividade respiratória e a produção de etileno foram determinadas diariamente; perda de massa, firmeza, acidez total titulável, pH, sólidos solúveis, açúcares solúveis totais e senescência foram avaliados nos tempos de 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 dias de armazenamento. A cultivar BRS-228 teve pico respiratório, produção de etileno e senescência retardada em relação à cultivar BRS-227. A cultivar BRS-228 manteve maior firmeza, maiores teores de sólidos solúveis e açúcares solúveis totais, e menor perda de massa do que a cultivar BRS-227. A cultivar BRS-228 apresenta maior potencial de conservação pós-colheita do que a cultivar BRS-227

    A Geografia da minha aldeia: Um olhar geográfico construído pelos discentes da LINTER do IFBA (Porto Seguro)

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    This work aims to describe an experience developed in the Geography curricular component, offered in the Indigenous Intercultural Degree Course (LINTER), at the Federal Institute of Bahia, Campus Porto Seguro. It is not an easy task to propose and materialize a connection between scientific knowledge and traditional knowledge, especially in the academic environment, in which there is still resistance to this union. However, we are witnessing a great effort, mainly from the Humanities, in opening its doors and welcoming the orality of the different traditional peoples. In this context, the project “The geography of my village” proposed the construction of an indigenous view of their community in times of globalization. Therefore, in this study, a qualitative descriptive analytical approach was taken as a basis, articulating methodological procedures in an empirical perspective. Extensive field research was carried out, with the production of ethnomaps and images recorded by a group of indigenous teacher-students. The result achieved was to make their villages visible. Keywords: Territory. Geography. Village. Porto Seguro/BA.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir una experiencia desarrollada en el componente curricular de Geografía, que se ofrece en el Curso de Grado Intercultural Indígena (LINTER), en el Instituto Federal de Bahía, Campus Porto Seguro. No es una tarea fácil proponer y lograr una conexión entre los conocimientos científicos y los conocimientos tradicionales, especialmente en el ámbito académico, en la que todavía hay resistencia a esta unión. Sin embargo, hemos visto un gran esfuerzo, especialmente de las ciencias humanas, para abrir sus puertas y acoger la oralidad de los diferentes pueblos tradicionales. En este contexto, el proyecto "La Geografía de mi pueblo" propuso la construcción de una mirada indígena a su comunidad en tiempos de globalización. Por lo tanto, en este estudio, tomamos como base un enfoque analítico descriptivo, de naturaleza cualitativa, articulando los procedimientos metodológicos desde una perspectiva empírica. Se llevaron a cabo una extensa investigación de campo, con la producción de etnomapas e imágenes grabadas por un grupo de estudiantes-profesores indígenas. El resultado obtenido fue visualizar sus aldeas. Palabras clave: Territorio. Geografía. Pueblo. Puerto Seguro/BA.Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever uma experiência desenvolvida no componente curricular de Geografia, oferecido no Curso de Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena (LINTER), no Instituto Federal da Bahia, Campus Porto Seguro. Não é uma tarefa fácil propor e concretizar uma conexão entre o conhecimento científico e os saberes tradicionais, sobretudo, no meio acadêmico, no qual ainda há resistência para essa união. Entretanto, assistimos a um grande esforço, principalmente, das Ciências Humanas, em abrir suas portas e acolher a oralidade dos diferentes povos tradicionais. Nesse contexto, o projeto “A Geografia da minha aldeia” propôs a construção de um olhar indígena sobre a sua comunidade em tempos de globalização. Portanto, neste estudo, tomou-se como base uma abordagem descritiva analítica, de cunho qualitativo, articulando os procedimentos metodológicos em uma perspectiva empírica. Uma extensa pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida, com a produção de etnomapas e imagens registradas por um grupo de discentes-professores indígenas. O resultado alcançado foi o de visibilizar suas aldeias. Palavras-chave: Território. Geografia. Aldeia. Porto Seguro/BA