22 research outputs found

    Student Satisfaction in Polytechnic Higher Education: Assessment Model Based on the ECSI Index

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    The assessment of student satisfaction is an integral part of the concerns of those responsible for Higher Education Institutions. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify the determinants of students' satisfaction in Polytechnic Higher Education. The study was based on ECSI (European Customer Satisfac-tion Index). The methodology was based on the application of a survey with a sample of 361 Polytechnic students, in order to understand which attributes stu-dents most value in a higher education institution. The results show that the at-tributes that most contribute to the students' satisfaction are, in order of im-portance, the expectations, the quality and perceived values and the image, all pre-senting statistically significant values. In turn, satisfaction is the variable that most influences loyalty, which is also influenced by image and complaint resolution. The levels of global satisfaction towards the Higher Education Institutions ana-lysed are significantly lower than the levels of other sectors, also studied in Por-tugal through this same methodology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O marketing das cidades

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    O Marketing das Cidades, é uma área de aplicação do Marketing, com crescente importância para o desenvolvimento e crescimento de cidades, regiões, países, no limite de qualquer lugar. É o processo de gestão que é desenvolvido nas cidades para atender à satisfação das necessidades e desejos de indivíduos e organizações. Assim pretende-se, neste artigo, descrever e analisar o uso e a importância das ferramentas de marketing no desenvolvimento das cidades, através da elaboração de um modelo para posterior aplicação na análise do marketing de cada cidade. The Marketing of Cities consists in a marketing application field with growing importance for the development and growth of cities, regions, countries, wherever they are located. It is the management process developed in cities in order to fulfil the needs and desires of the individuals as well as organizations. Therefore, this paper is aimed at describing and analysing the use and importance of marketing tools in the development of cities by a model that will be later applied in the marketing analysis of each city.The Marketing of Cities consists in a marketing application field with growing importance for the development and growth of cities, regions, countries, wherever they are located. It is the management process developed in cities in order to fulfil the needs and desires of the individuals as well as organizations. Therefore, this paper is aimed at describing and analysing the use and importance of marketing tools in the development of cities by a model that will be later applied in the marketing analysis of each city


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    The main objective of this work is to understand the importance of Nautical Tourism in the Island of Faial and to differentiate the island as destination of Nautical Tourism and Tourism of Nature and Adventure. It is also intended to indicate the necessary actions that can contribute to the increase of the attractive capacity of Faial, its valorization and development and, mainly, the affirmation of the island of Faial and the city of Horta as the Capital of Nautical Tourism. In order to better understand the importance of nautical tourism, surveys were carried out on 160 tourists that circulated in the island of Faial during the period between July 1, 2016 and August 31, 2016, and some interviews were conducted, both to entrepreneurs in the Maritime-tourist branch as well as the Regional Tourism Director. Through this work it is concluded that Faial is an island facing the sea, not only in the present but through a historical past connected to the whaling and, together with the neighboring island of Pico, knew how to use this history and this tradition, adapting to the new reality of Whale Watching. Taking in advantage of what the island has the best, its landscape, nature, natural attractions, diversity of fauna, tranquility, security and authenticity, it will be necessary to focus on a sustainable and structured development, not only in what is directly Connected to Tourism, Nautical Tourism and the Sea, but to everything that can bring to the island better quality of life, better quality of services, better access and connections, at a fair but differentiating price. It is important to live up to the past and the nautical history of the island and to know how to take advantage of the product “Triângulo”, joining synergies between the three islands where all will benefit, differentiating Faial and Horta, in order to make this destination a reference of Nautical Tourism

    Goiânia, "Cidade Sertaneja", "Capital Country": mídia, representações sociais e identidades

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    Resumo: discutimos aqui as representações sociais que, divulgadas pela mídia, atribuem a Goiânia as identidades de capital sertaneja ou country. Cabe entender se essas representações são validadas por moradores da cidade. A análise de jornais, de revistas, de guias turísticos locais e de dados coletados com grupos focais de moradores de diversos bairros de Goiânia embasa essa discussão. Palavras-chave: Goiânia. Sertão. Modernidade. Representações Sociais. Identidades

    Cuidar : A Prática dos enfermeiros que trabalham numa sala de partos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências de Enfermagem apresentada ao Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar da Universidade do Port

    Estudos de linguística histórica: mudança e estandardização

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    This book contains a set of different works unified by a common theme and by a common analysis approach: historical linguistics and the processes of linguistic change and standardisation. The volume combines two types of contributions, providing contact with research directions and research projects being conducted in different parts of the world. Some texts discuss theoretical and methodological subjects currently considered in linguistic studies, particularly in the field of historical linguistics. Other chapters aim to study the change of linguistic structures and linguistic usages. In these cases, detailed analysis of empirical and diversified data is provided. Finally, some contributions of this volume take codificatory work over Portuguese as corpus. Such data supports research on the knowledge of the ancient language and provides the researcher with relevant elements for the comprehension and clarification of the standardisation processes, a phenomenon that usually accompanies the elaboration of languages

    Parques Públicos em Goiânia: paisagens de consumo e de representações sociais

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    Resumo: neste artigo discute-se as representações sociais que a mídia constrói e/ou divulga sobre a paisagem dos parques de Goiânia, contrapondo-as com as representações que moradores locais têm desses espaços públicos. A análise de folders, revistas, guias e folhetos divulgados pelo trade turístico goianiense no período entre 2004-2008 embasa a proposta. Além desses referenciais, a investigação de campo, com utilização da técnica de entrevistas com grupos focais compostos por moradores de diferentes bairros de Goiânia também integra o conjunto de procedimentos empregados para gerar dados e subsidiar a discussão. Palavras-chave: Mídia. Representações Sociais. Goiânia. Parques. Paisagem