54 research outputs found

    Escritorio del trabajador para la gestión de nóminas

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    El objetivo del proyecto era crear un sistema para el departamento de nóminas, que sirviese para gestionar y tener accesible desde una misma pantalla toda la información referente al trabajador: persona, trabajador, nóminas, bajas IT, accidentes sin baja y embargos. La necesidad de este proyecto tiene su origen en la nueva versión de gestión de software de UNIT4 EKON 6, que aporta nuevas funcionalidades y un mejor diseño y facilidad de navegación para sus usuarios.The aim of the project was to create a system for the payroll department, which serve to manage and make accessible from a single screen all the information relating to the worker: person, employee, payroll, IT casualties, accidents without casualties and embargoes. The need for this project stems from the new version of UNIT4 management software EKON 6, which provides new functionalities and improved design and ease of navigation for users.L'objectiu del projecte era crear un sistema pel departament de nòmines, que fos útil per gestionar i tenir accessible des de una mateixa finestra tota la informació referent al treballador: persona, treballador, nòmines, baixes IT, accidents sense baixa y embargs. La necessitat d'aquest projecte té el seu origen en la nova versió del software de UNIT4 EKON6, que aporta noves funcionalitats i un millor disseny i facilitat de navegació pels seus usuaris


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    Ven y Bebe S.L. es una sociedad que tiene como objetivo a corto y medio plazo captar la atención de los jóvenes de entre 18 y 30 años para que puedan disfrutar en las tardes y noches de un ambiente festivo que les sirva para desconectar de la vida diaria. Para ello, se creará el Pub de Rumo, el primer bar de copas en Zaragoza que será capaz de satisfacer todas las necesidades de jóvenes zaragozanos en un mismo local. En cuanto al largo plazo, se tiene como objetivo crear una cadena de pubs repartidos por toda la ciudad para tener un mayor acercamiento a un círculo de clientes cada vez mayor.Este estudio va a ir enfocado a comprobar la viabilidad del Pub de Rumo, ya que es la pieza angular que va a determinar el crecimiento de la sociedad. Para su desarrollo, se va a comenzar con una breve descripción del negocio, continuando con los aspectos fiscales y legales necesarios para llevar a cabo el proyecto. A continuación, se mostrará el análisis de mercado realizado para identificar a los principales competidores y observar qué precios y ofertas tienen para sus clientes y cuántos consumidores suelen acudir diariamente a sus locales. Después, se mostrará el plan operativo en el que se desglosan las inversiones de inmovilizado, aprovisionamientos y suministros derivados de la actividad. Posteriormente, se especificarán los recursos humanos necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento del negocio. Como núcleo, tendremos las necesidades iniciales de fondos para poner en marcha el proyecto, el plan de financiación, la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias y los flujos de caja previsionales. Tras esto, se mostrará el análisis de la viabilidad, el análisis del entorno y el análisis de sensibilidad del proyecto. Para terminar, se añadirá un apartado de conclusiones en el que se resumirán los resultados obtenidos del plan de viabilidad realizado en este trabajo, así como posibles sugerencias tras haber realizado el estudio al completo.<br /

    Development and Implementation of a Supervisor Strategy and Sliding Mode Control Setup for Fuel-Cell-Based Hybrid Generation Systems

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    This paper presents the development and experimental results of a supervisor strategy and a sliding mode control setup to improve the performance of hybrid generation systems. The topology in this study is conformed by a core comprising a fuel cell module and a supercapacitor module, in combination with an alternative energy source module and an electrolyzer. In particular, a wind power turbine is considered as alternative power source to attain a hybrid generation system fully relying on renewable energy. First, a supervisor strategy is proposed to manage the power flows of the subsystems and coordinate the system as a whole. Subsequently, a sliding mode control setup for combined operation of the dc/dc power converters of the fuel cell/supercapacitor core is presented to track the power references synthesized by the supervisor control. Both control levels, supervisor strategy and sliding mode controllers, are implemented and assessed through extensive experimental tests under different wind conditions and heavy-load changes.Instituto de Investigaciones en Electrónica, Control y Procesamiento de Señale

    Effects of agricultural use on endangered plant taxa in Spain

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    Agriculture is one of the most widespread human activities and has the greatest impact on terrestrial ecosystems, as it transforms natural ecosystems into artificial landscapes using, in many cases, large amounts of pesticides as well as overexploiting natural resources. Therefore, for effective biodiversity conservation, it is necessary to include agricultural systems in conservation programs. In this work, the 50 plant taxa described for Spain as threatened by agricultural use were selected. These were divided according to the type of threat into those affected by crop extension, intensification, or abandonment. In addition, information was obtained concerning their conservation status, level of protection and functional traits (life form, pollination, and dispersal). Finally, the evolution of land use, in the areas near the populations of the selected species, was identified. The selected taxa belong to 21 families and present different life forms and modes of dispersal or pollination. Forty-six percent are endangered (EN) and most are included in legal protection lists. Nearly three-quarters are threatened by crop expansion and land use dynamics, reflecting an expansion of cultivated areas, which adds further pressure to these species. In addition to agricultural expansion, taxa are also at risk, due to important rates of agricultural land abandonment, and mention agricultural intensification. Nevertheless, conservation measures do exist to promote biodiversity in agricultural landscapes that may help to reverse the negative effect of land use dynamics on selected species, but few are specific to threatened flora. Therefore, if threatened plants are to be conserved in agricultural areas, it is necessary to promote a profound transformation of our socioecological systems. One of these transformative changes could come from the human-nature reconnection

    Assessment of the ozone sensitivity of 22 native plant species from mediterranean annual pastures based on visible injury

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    Ozone (O3) phytototoxicity has been reported on a wide range of plantspecies, inducing the appearance of specific foliar injury or increasing leaf senescence. No information regarding the sensitivity of plantspecies from dehesa Mediterranean grasslands has been provided in spite of their great biological diversity. A screening study was carried out in open-top chambers (OTCs) to assess the O3-sensitivity of 22 representative therophytes of these ecosystems based on the appearance and extent of foliar injury. A distinction was made between specific O3injury and non-specific discolorations. Three O3 treatments (charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered air and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l−1 O3 during 5 days per week) and three OTCs per treatment were used. The Papilionaceae species were more sensitive to O3 than the Poaceae species involved in the experiment since ambient levels induced foliar symptoms in 67% and 27%, respectively, of both plant families. An O3-sensitivity ranking of the species involved in the assessment is provided, which could be useful for bioindication programmes in Mediterranean areas. The assessed Trifoliumspecies were particularly sensitive since foliar symptoms were apparent in association with O3 accumulated exposures well below the current critical level for the prevention of this kind of effect. The exposure indices involving lower cut-off values (i.e. 30 nl l−1) were best related with the extent of O3-induced injury on these species

    Cal Sitjo: A new Mesolithic to Neolithic sequence in a chert-rich region (Sant Martí de Tous, NE Iberia)

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    Cal Sitjo is a new archaeological sequence located in a chert-rich region of the NE Iberian Peninsula, in the town of Sant Martí de Tous (Anoia, Barcelona). The area has undergone significant anthropisation and several archaeological sites (e.g., Vilars de Tous), quarries and workshops for the exploitation of chert (e.g., La Guinardera) have been documented, corresponding to different periods. The abundance of chert made this region an almost obligatory passageway for hunter-gatherer communities such as those occupying the nearby cliffs of Cinglera del Capelló (Capellades), located at a direct distance of 15 km, as well as an ideal settlement for later farming communities. Discovered in 2019, the first excavation campaign was carried out in the fall of 2020. Dates have been obtained from a known sequence of around 8 m, providing a chronological framework that ranges from the Mesolithic to the Middle Neolithic. The preliminary results of this excavation have brought to light lithics, ceramics and charcoals from the Neolithic levels (Levels 3 and 4), and faunal, lithic and charcoal remains from the Mesolithic levels (cleaning section). Our preliminary results confirm that this sequence is an ideal location for a diachronic study of the evolution from the last hunter-gatherers to the first farmers, from a paleoenvironmental and technological perspective, as well as in terms of chert management and distribution in a territory with a great abundance of this raw material