652 research outputs found

    Thin n-i-p radiation-resistant solar cell feasibility study

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    Silicon solar cells were fabricated to verify the predictions that: (1) thin n(+)pp(+) cells can provide high values of open circuit voltage even when high resistivity base material ( 1000 omega-cm) is used; (2) cells with good p(+) back contacts will display an increase in open circuit voltage with decreasing cell thickness; and (3) high quality, thin, high resistivity, solar cells can be made using processing compatible with conventional practice. Analysis of I-V and spectral response measurements of these cells confirmed theoretical predictions and thereby pointed to voltages beyond the near 600 mV obtained in this study

    Recent progress in high-output-voltage silicon solar cells

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    The status of the technology associated with the development of high output voltage silicon solar cells is reported. The energy conversion efficiency of a double diffusion process is compared to that of a single diffusion process. The efficiency of a 0.1 ohm/cm solar cell is characterized both before and after covering

    A comparison of multiple shRNA expression methods for combinatorial RNAi

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    RNAi gene therapies for HIV-1 will likely need to employ multiple shRNAs to counter resistant strains. We evaluated 3 shRNA co-expression methods to determine their suitability for present use; multiple expression vectors, multiple expression cassettes and single transcripts comprised of several dsRNA units (aka domains) with each being designed to a different target. Though the multiple vector strategy was effective with 2 shRNAs, the increasing number of vectors required is a major shortcoming. With single transcript configurations we only saw adequate activity from 1 of 10 variants tested, the variants being comprised of 2 - 3 different target domains. Whilst single transcript configurations have the most advantages on paper, these configurations can not yet be rapidly and reliably re-configured for new targets. However, our multiple cassette combinations of 2, 3 and 4 (29 bp) shRNAs were all successful, with suitable activity maintained in all positions and net activities comparable to that of the corresponding single shRNAs. We conclude that the multiple cassette strategy is the most suitably developed for present use as it is easy to design, assemble, is directly compatible with pre-existing shRNA and can be easily expanded

    Testing Lorentz Invariance with Neutrinos from Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions

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    We have previously shown that a very small amount of Lorentz invariance violation (LIV), which suppresses photomeson interactions of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with cosmic background radiation (CBR) photons, can produce a spectrum of cosmic rays that is consistent with that currently observed by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO) and HiRes experiments. Here, we calculate the corresponding flux of high energy neutrinos generated by the propagation of UHECR protons through the CBR in the presence of LIV. We find that LIV produces a reduction in the flux of the highest energy neutrinos and a reduction in the energy of the peak of the neutrino energy flux spectrum, both depending on the strength of the LIV. Thus, observations of the UHE neutrino spectrum provide a clear test for the existence and amount of LIV at the highest energies. We further discuss the ability of current and future proposed detectors make such observations.Comment: final version to appear in Astroparticle Physic

    Clinical impairment in premanifest and early Huntington's disease is associated with regionally specific atrophy.

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    TRACK-HD is a multicentre longitudinal observational study investigating the use of clinical assessments and 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging as potential biomarkers for future therapeutic trials in Huntington's disease (HD). The cross-sectional data from this large well-characterized dataset provide the opportunity to improve our knowledge of how the underlying neuropathology of HD may contribute to the clinical manifestations of the disease across the spectrum of premanifest (PreHD) and early HD. Two hundred and thirty nine gene-positive subjects (120 PreHD and 119 early HD) from the TRACK-HD study were included. Using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), grey and white matter volumes were correlated with performance in four domains: quantitative motor (tongue force, metronome tapping, and gait); oculomotor [anti-saccade error rate (ASE)]; cognition (negative emotion recognition, spot the change and the University of Pennsylvania smell identification test) and neuropsychiatric measures (apathy, affect and irritability). After adjusting for estimated disease severity, regionally specific associations between structural loss and task performance were found (familywise error corrected, P < 0.05); impairment in tongue force, metronome tapping and ASE were all associated with striatal loss. Additionally, tongue force deficits and ASE were associated with volume reduction in the occipital lobe. Impaired recognition of negative emotions was associated with volumetric reductions in the precuneus and cuneus. Our study reveals specific associations between atrophy and decline in a range of clinical modalities, demonstrating the utility of VBM correlation analysis for investigating these relationships in HD

    Age differences in heroin and prescription opioid abuse among enrolees into opioid treatment programs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the United States, among those entering opioid treatment programs (OTPs), prescription opioid (PO) abusers tend to be younger than heroin users. Admissions of older persons to OTPs have been increasing, and it is important to understand typical patterns of use among those older enrolees.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To disentangle the effect of age on recent heroin and PO abuse 29,114 enrolees into 85 OTPs were surveyed across 34 states from 2005-2009. OTPs where PO use was prevalent were oversampled.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean age was 34; 28% used heroin only. Younger enrolees had increased odds of using POs relative to using heroin only but mixed model analysis showed that much of the total variability in type of use was attributed to variation in age between OTPs rather than within OTPs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Organizational and cultural phenomena (e.g., OTP characteristics) must be examined to better understand the context of individual characteristics (e.g., age). If nesting of enrolees within OTPs is ignored, then associations that primarily operate at the OTP level may be misinterpreted as exclusively dependent on individuals.</p

    Minimum requirements for publishing hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur stable-isotope delta results (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    Stable hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur (HCNOS) isotope compositions expressed as isotope-delta values are typically reported relative to international standards such as Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) or Vienna CaΓ±on Diablo Troilite (VCDT). These international standards are chosen by convention and the calibration methods used to realise them in practice undergo occasional changes. To ensure longevity and reusability of published data, a comprehensive description of (1) analytical procedure, (2) traceability, (3) data processing, and (4) uncertainty evaluation is required. Following earlier International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry documents on terminology and notations, this paper proposes minimum requirements for publishing HCNOS stable-isotope delta results. Each of the requirements are presented with illustrative example

    Development and Psychometric Evaluation of an Item Bank for Computerized Adaptive Testing of the EORTC Insomnia Dimension in Cancer Patients (EORTC CAT-SL)

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    To further advance assessment of patient-reported outcomes, the European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group has developed computerized adaptive test (CAT) versions of all EORTC Quality of Life Core Questionnaire (QLQ-C30) scales/items. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate an item bank for CAT measurement of insomnia (CAT-SL). In line with the EORTC guidelines, the developmental process comprised four phases: (I) defining the concept insomnia and literature search, (II) selection and formulation of new items, (III) pre-testing and (IV) field-testing, including psychometric analyses of the final item bank. In phase I, the literature search identified 155 items that were compatible with our conceptualisation of insomnia, including both quantity and quality of sleep. In phase II, following a multistep-approach, this number was reduced to 15 candidate items. Pre-testing of these items in cancer patients (phase III) resulted in an item list of 14 items, which were field-tested among 1094 patients in phase IV. Psychometric evaluations showed that eight items could be retained in a unidimensional model. The final item bank yielded greater measurement precision than the original QLQ-C30 insomnia item. It was estimated that administering two or more items from the insomnia item bank with CAT results in a saving in sample size between approximately 15–25%. The 8-item EORTC CAT-SL item bank facilitates precise and efficient measurement of insomnia as part of the EORTC CAT system of health-related quality life assessment in both clinical research and practice

    Towards a Clinically Relevant Lentiviral Transduction Protocol for Primary Human CD34+ Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells

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    Background: Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), in particular mobilized peripheral blood stem cells, represent an attractive target for cell and gene therapy. Efficient gene delivery into these target cells without compromising self-renewal and multipotency is crucial for the success of gene therapy. We investigated factors involved in the ex vivo transduction of CD34 + HSCs in order to develop a clinically relevant transduction protocol for gene delivery. Specifically sought was a protocol that allows for efficient transduction with minimal ex vivo manipulation without serum or other reagents of animal origin. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using commercially available G-CSF mobilized peripheral blood (PB) CD34 + cells as the most clinically relevant target, we systematically examined factors including the use of serum, cytokine combinations, prestimulation time, multiplicity of infection (MOI), transduction duration and the use of spinoculation and/or retronectin. A self-inactivating lentiviral vector (SIN-LV) carrying enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as the gene delivery vehicle. HSCs were monitored for transduction efficiency, surface marker expression and cellular function. We were able to demonstrate that efficient gene transduction can be achieved with minimal ex vivo manipulation while maintaining the cellular function of transduced HSCs without serum or other reagents of animal origin. Conclusions/Significance: This study helps to better define factors relevant towards developing a standard clinical protocol for the delivery of SIN-LV into CD34 + cells
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