172 research outputs found

    Unexpected interfarm transmission dynamics during a highly pathogenic avian influenza epidemic

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    Next-generation sequencing technology is now being increasingly applied to study the within- and between-host population dynamics of viruses. However, information on avian influenza virus evolution and transmission during a naturally occurring epidemic is still limited. Here, we use deep-sequencing data obtained from clinical samples collected from five industrial holdings and a backyard farm infected during the 2013 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H7N7 epidemic in Italy to unravel (i) the epidemic virus population diversity, (ii) the evolution of virus pathogenicity, and (iii) the pathways of viral transmission between different holdings and sheds. We show a high level of genetic diversity of the HPAI H7N7 viruses within a single farm as a consequence of separate bottlenecks and founder effects. In particular, we identified the cocirculation in the index case of two viral strains showing a different insertion at the hemagglutinin cleavage site, as well as nine nucleotide differences at the consensus level and 92 minority variants. To assess interfarm transmission, we combined epidemiological and genetic data and identified the index case as the major source of the virus, suggesting the spread of different viral haplotypes from the index farm to the other industrial holdings, probably at different time points. Our results revealed interfarm transmission dynamics that the epidemiological data alone could not unravel and demonstrated that delay in the disease detection and stamping out was the major cause of the emergence and the spread of the HPAI strain

    Role of calcium desensitization in the treatment of myocardial dysfunction after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest

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    Abstract Introduction Rewarming from deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) produces calcium desensitization by troponin I (cTnI) phosphorylation which results in myocardial dysfunction. This study investigated the acute overall hemodynamic and metabolic effects of epinephrine and levosimendan, a calcium sensitizer, on myocardial function after rewarming from DHCA. Methods Forty male Wistar rats (400 to 500 g) underwent cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) through central cannulation and were cooled to a core temperature of 13°C to 15°C within 30 minutes. After DHCA (20 minutes) and CPB-assisted rewarming (60 minutes) rats were randomly assigned to 60 minute intravenous infusion with levosimendan (0.2 μg/kg/min; n = 15), epinephrine (0.1 μg/kg/min; n = 15) or saline (control; n = 10). Systolic and diastolic functions were evaluated at different preloads with a conductance catheter. Results The slope of left ventricular end-systolic pressure volume relationship (Ees) and preload recruitable stroke work (PRSW) recovered significantly better with levosimendan compared to epinephrine (Ees: 85 ± 9% vs 51 ± 11%, P\u3c0.003 and PRSW: 78 ± 5% vs 48 ± 8%, P\u3c0.005; baseline: 100%). Levosimendan but not epinephrine reduced left ventricular stiffness shown by the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship and improved ventricular relaxation (Tau). Levosimendan preserved ATP myocardial content as well as energy charge and reduced plasma lactate concentrations. In normothermia experiments epinephrine in contrast to Levosimendan increased cTnI phosphorylation 3.5-fold. After rewarming from DHCA, cTnI phosphorylation increased 4.5-fold in the saline and epinephrine group compared to normothermia but remained unchanged with levosimendan. Conclusions Levosimendan due to prevention of calcium desensitization by cTnI phosphorylation is more effective than epinephrine for treatment of myocardial dysfunction after rewarming from DHCA

    Unveiling the gut microbiota composition and functionality associated with constipation through metagenomic analyses

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    Functional constipation (FC) is a gastrointestinal disorder with a high prevalence among the general population. The precise causes of FC are still unknown and are most likely multifactorial. Growing evidence indicates that alterations of gut microbiota composition contribute to constipation symptoms. Nevertheless, many discrepancies exist in literature and no clear link between FC and gut microbiota composition has as yet been identified. In this study, we performed 16 S rRNA-based microbial profiling analysis of 147 stool samples from 68 FC individuals and compared their microbial profiles with those of 79 healthy subjects (HS). Notably, the gut microbiota of FC individuals was shown to be depleted of members belonging to Bacteroides, Roseburia and Coprococcus 3. Furthermore, the metabolic capabilities of the gut microbiomes of five FC and five HS individuals were evaluated through shotgun metagenomics using a MiSeq platform, indicating that HS are enriched in pathways involved in carbohydrate, fatty acid and lipid metabolism as compared to FC. In contrast, the microbiomes corresponding to FC were shown to exhibit high abundance of genes involved in hydrogen production, methanogenesis and glycerol degradation. The identified differences in bacterial composition and metabolic capabilities may play an important role in development of FC symptoms

    Exploring Amino Acid Auxotrophy in Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010

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    The acquisition and assimilation strategies followed by members of the infant gut microbiota to retrieve nitrogen from the gut lumen are still largely unknown. In particular, no information on these metabolic processes is available regarding bifidobacteria, which are among the first microbial colonizers of the human intestine. Here, evaluation of amino acid auxotrophy and prototrophy of Bifidobacterium bifidum, with particular emphasis on B. bifidum strain PRL2010 (LMG S-28692), revealed a putative auxotrophy for cysteine. In addition, we hypothesized that cysteine plays a role in the oxidative stress response in B. bifidum. The use of glutathione as an alternative reduced sulfur compound did not alleviate cysteine auxotrophy of this strain, though it was shown to stimulate expression of the genes involved in cysteine biosynthesis, reminiscent of oxidative stress response. When PRL2010 was grown on a medium containing complex substrates, such as whey proteins or casein hydrolysate, we noticed a distinct growth-promoting effect of these compounds. Transcriptional analysis involving B. bifidum PRL2010 cultivated on whey proteins or casein hydrolysate revealed that the biosynthetic pathways for cysteine and methionine are modulated by the presence of casein hydrolysate. Such findings support the notion that certain complex substrates may act as potential prebiotics for bifidobacteria in their ecological niche

    Attitudes of health professionals towards suicidal behavior: an intervention study

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção educativa sobre comportamento suicida nas atitudes dos profissionais de saúde da atenção primária. MÉTODO Ensaio clínico randomizado por conglomerados, com amostra de 261 profissionais de saúde, provenientes de 22 unidades de saúde selecionados por amostragem estratificada, elegidos e alocados aleatoriamente, mediante sorteio, em dois grupos: intervenção (n = 87) e controle (n = 174). Os participantes do grupo intervenção foram expostos a uma capacitação sobre comportamento suicida com duração de 20 horas. Todos os 261 participantes foram avaliados, antes e após a intervenção, e os grupos foram comparados para avaliar a atitude frente ao comportamento suicida utilizando o Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ), avaliação feita por comparação das médias via teste t-Student para amostras independentes e Teste t pareado para amostras dependentes. RESULTADOS O grupo intervenção, na comparação intragrupos antes e depois da capacitação, bem como na comparação com o grupo controle, demonstrou diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas atitudes frente ao comportamento suicida, avaliadas a partir das diferenças de scores nos domínios: “percepção da capacidade profissional”, em todos os quatro itens; “sentimento negativo”, em seis dos sete itens; e no domínio “direito ao suicídio”, três dos cinco itens. CONCLUSÃO A capacitação breve desenvolvida na atenção primária à saúde foi efetiva para a melhora das atitudes dos participantes que integravam o grupo intervenção frente ao comportamento suicida.OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of an educational intervention on the attitudes of primary healthcare providers regarding patients with suicidal behavior. METHODS Clinical trial randomized by clusters, with a sample of 261 healthcare professionals, from 22 health units selected by stratified sampling, were chosen and randomly allocated, by drawing, into two groups: intervention (n = 87) and control (n = 174). The participants of the intervention group were exposed to a 20-hour training on suicidal behavior. All 261 participants were evaluated before and after the intervention; the groups were compared to evaluate their attitude towards suicidal behavior using the Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ), an evaluation made by comparison of the means via t-Student test, for independent samples, and paired t-test, for dependent samples. RESULTS The intervention group, in comparison to their evaluation before and after training, as well as in the comparison with the evaluation of the control group, showed statistically significant differences in attitudes towards suicidal behavior, according to the differences presented in the scores for the domains: “perception of professional capacity,” in all four items; “negative feeling,” in six of the seven items; and in the “right to commit suicide” domain, in three of the five items. CONCLUSION The brief training developed in primary health care was effective to improve the attitudes of the participants who were part of the intervention group regarding patients with suicidal behavior

    Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 alleviates intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    Mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion is a clinical emergency with high morbidity and mortality due to the transient reduction of blood supply to the bowel. In recent years, the critical contribution of gut microbiome to human health and proper gastrointestinal functions has gradually emerged. In the current study, we investigated the protective effects of five days supplementation with Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 in a murine model of gut ischemia/reperfusion. Our findings indicate that animals pretreated with B. bifidum PRL2010 showed lower neutrophil recruitment in the lungs, remarkably reduced bacterial translocation and decreased transcription levels of TNFalpha and IL-10 both in liver and kidneys, at the same time increasing those of IL-12 in kidneys. Inhibiting the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria and boosting host innate immunity responses are among the possible protective mechanisms enacted by the probiotic. These results demonstrate that short-period treatment with B. bifidum PRL2010 is a potential strategy to dampen remote organ injury due to mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion

    Genetic insights into the dark matter of the mammalian gut microbiota through targeted genome reconstruction

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    Whole metagenomic shotgun (WMS) sequencing has dramatically enhanced our ability to study microbial genomics. The possibility to unveil the genetic makeup of bacteria that cannot be easily isolated has significantly expanded our microbiological horizon. Here, we report an approach aimed at uncovering novel bacterial species by the use of targeted WMS sequencing. Employing in silico data retrieved from metabolic modelling to formulate a chemically defined medium (CDM), we were able to isolate and subsequently sequence the genomes of six putative novel species of bacteria from the gut of non-human primates.We thank GenProbio srl for the financial support of the Laboratory of Probiogenomics. Part of this research is conducted using the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility of the University of Parma. D.v.S. is a member of The APC Microbiome Institute funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), through the Irish Government's National Development Plan (Grant numbers SFI/12/RC/2273a and SFI/12/RC/2273b). This work was financially supported by a PostDoc fellowship (Bando Ricerca Finalizzata) to G.A. F.T. is funded by Italian Ministry of Health through the Bando Ricerca Finalizzata (Grant Number GR-2018-12365988)

    Heterogeneity of Early Host Response to Infection with Four Low-Pathogenic H7 Viruses with a Different Evolutionary History in the Field

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    Once low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIVs) of the H5 and H7 subtypes from wild birds enter into poultry species, there is the possibility of them mutating into highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs), resulting in severe epizootics with up to 100% mortality. This mutation from a LPAIV to HPAIV strain is the main cause of an AIV's major economic impact on poultry production. Although AIVs are inextricably linked to their hosts in their evolutionary history, the contribution of host-related factors in the emergence of HPAI viruses has only been marginally explored so far. In this study, transcriptomic sequencing of tracheal tissue from chickens infected with four distinct LP H7 viruses, characterized by a different history of pathogenicity evolution in the field, was implemented. Despite the inoculation of a normalized infectious dose of viruses belonging to the same subtype (H7) and pathotype (LPAI), the use of animals of the same age, sex and species as well as the identification of a comparable viral load in the target samples, the analyses revealed a heterogeneity in the gene expression profile in response to infection with each of the H7 viruses administered

    Atitudes frente ao comportamento suicida: o efeito de uma intervenção educativa em docentes universitários

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    Objetivo: Analisar o efeito de uma intervenção educativa nas atitudes de docentes universitários frente ao comportamento suicida.Métodos: Estudo experimental, que realizou uma intervenção educativa com 100 docentes universitários, divididos em dois grupos, controle e intervenção, desenvolvido em três momentos, a pré-avaliação, intervenção e pós avaliação, utilizando a Escala Eskin de Atitudes em Relação ao Suicídio (E-ATSS). As comparações pré e pós-intervenção no mesmo grupo foram realizadas a partir do Teste t pareado para amostras dependentes e Teste de Postos comSinais de Wilcoxon, e para comparações entre os grupos utilizou-se o Teste t pareado para amostras independentes e Teste U-Mann Whitney, nível de significância adotado foi de p <0,05.Resultados: Observou-se mudança de atitude dos docentes nos dois domínios da escala suicídio como doença mental (p< 0,001) e punição após a morte (p< 0,001) cujas atitudes eram negativas na fase pré-avaliação. Para o grupo controle não foram evidenciadas modificações.Conclusão: A intervenção educativa promoveu mudanças positivas de atitudes, com significativa alteração avaliada ao final da intervenção nos domínios: suicídio como doença mental e punição após a morte. Palavras-chave: Atitude. Docentes. Suicídio. Comportamento. Capacitação de professores

    Effects of initial-state dynamics on collective flow within a coupled transport and viscous hydrodynamic approach

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    We evaluate the effects of preequilibrium dynamics on observables in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. We simulate the initial nonequilibrium phase within A MultiPhase Transport (AMPT) model, while the subsequent near-equilibrium evolution is modeled using (2+1)-dimensional relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. We match the two stages of evolution carefully by calculating the full energy-momentum tensor from AMPT and using it as input for the hydrodynamic evolution. We find that when the preequilibrium evolution is taken into account, final-state observables are insensitive to the switching time from AMPT to hydrodynamics. Unlike some earlier treatments of preequilibrium dynamics, we do not find the initial shear viscous tensor to be large. With a shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of 0.120.12, our model describes quantitatively a large set of experimental data on Pb+Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) over a wide range of centrality: differential anisotropic flow vn(pT) (n=26)v_n(p_T) ~(n=2-6), event-plane correlations, correlation between v2v_2 and v3v_3, and cumulant ratio v2{4}/v2{2}v_2\{4\}/v_2\{2\}.Comment: 10 pages, v2: minor revisio