53 research outputs found

    A multi-dimensional energy-based analysis of neighbourhood sustainability assessment tools: are institutional indicators really missing?

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    Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment Tools (NSATs) have become the modern day template for urban planners to achieve sustainable development in their communities, districts and cities. The popularity of the pioneering NSATs led to the creation of other tools in different regions. Also, with the popularity and replication of these tools came the replication of their limitations. The most notable limitation and motivation for this study is the inadequate recognition of the complexities of institutional dimensions (i.e. policies, laws and regulation) that contribute to mainstreaming and operationalising sustainable neighbourhood development. Studies that have investigated NSATs generally argue lack of coverage of the institutional dimension. However, there has been little consistent and explicit mention of the precise indicators and criteria sought out to make this claim. Also, there is a clear confusion as to what institutional indicators actually are, what characteristics they possess and how best they can be identified. This study, via the lens of energy-based indicators, expands on the role of the institutional indicator and its associated dimensions. This study also utilises a multi-dimensional approach to indicator analysis and draws out current trend or characteristics of institutional indicators in 15 currently existing NSATs. The results show a limited view on the classification of institutional indicators. The study also demonstrates that there are more institutional indicators than previously reported in prior studies. Additionally, this study confirms that an institutional indicator cannot be a single entity or identity but rather it must operate under the linkage of the other dimensions (environment, social and economic). Finally, this study, based on the analysis of 15 NSATs provides a definition of what can be considered an institutional indicator. In conclusion, it is recommended that future development of NSATs should ensure a constant institutional link to indicators, as this could provide an enhanced alternative to the development of NSATs, particularly for regions that are looking into developing their own assessment tools

    The impact of the urban canyon geometry in the nocturnal heat island intensity: analysis by a simplified model adapted to a GIS

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    A geometria urbana é um dos fatores de maior influência na intensidade da ilha de calor urbana. Seu estudo requer a caracterização de cânions urbanos, geralmente medidos pela relação entre a altura dos edifícios e a largura da rua (H/W), conceito aplicado no modelo numérico de Oke em 1981. O objetivo deste artigo é verificar o impacto da geometria do cânion urbano na intensidade de ilhas de calor noturna. Para isso, foram realizados levantamento de dados climáticos e de geometria urbana em duas cidades brasileiras. Os valores de intensidade de ilha de calor foram confrontados com os simulados pelo modelo original de Oke (1981), o qual foi calibrado e adaptado à plataforma SIG, de forma a possibilitar a incorporação de outro parâmetro de geometria, além da relação H/W: o comprimento de rugosidade. Esse processo gerou uma nova ferramenta de cálculo, que é denominda THIS (Tool for Heat Island Simulation). Aplicou-se o novo modelo para simular alguns cenários urbanos hipotéticos, que representam vários tipos de cânions urbanos. Os resultados demonstraram que cânions urbanos de maior rugosidade amenizam as intensidades de ilha de calor noturna em relação a um cânion de mesmo valor de relação H/W e menor rugosidade.Urban geometry is one of the main factors influencing the development of urban heat islands. The study of urban geometry requires a characterization of urban canyons, which can be usually measured by the H/W ratio (a relationship between the height and the width of a street), a concept applied in a numerical model by Oke in 1981. The aim of this paper is to verify the impact of the canyon geometry on the intensity of the nocturnal urban heat islands. For this purpose, measurements of climate data and urban geometry were conducted in two Brazilian cities. The values of heat island intensity were cross-examined to those generated with the application of the original Oke's model. Therefore, this latter was calibrated and adapted to run in a GIS platform, allowing the incorporation of a geometric parameter other than the H/W ratio - the roughness length. Then, this process produced a new calculation tool, which is called THIS (Tool for Heat Island Simulation). The new model was applied to simulate some hypothetical urban scenarios representing several urban canyons types. The results showed that the urban canyons with the largest roughness reduce the nocturnal heat island intensities in relation to an urban canyon of the same H/W value, but presenting lower roughness rates instead.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    urban sustainable development in the mediterranean area the case of sestri ponente genoa

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    In November 2014 a green facade was built in the Sestri Ponente district in Genoa, Italy, on an office building owned by the Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale (National Institute of Social Insurance). This area, which is characterized by a relatively high population density, faces important environmental issues related to, for example, air pollution, stormwater management, and the urban heat island effect. The Department of Sciences for Architecture at the University of Genoa (Italy) is conducting monitoring activity to evaluate the effectiveness of the green facade with regard to summer cooling, winter heating – in collaboration with Research on the Energy System – air quality improvement, and economic and environmental sustainability. Starting from this first pilot project a question arises: what would be the effect of vegetation at the district scale? This article discusses the potentialities for urban sustainable development of the integration of green infrastructure. Simulations carried out with ENVI-Met software demonstrate the potentialities of different amounts of vegetation for urban heat island mitigation. In addition, the possible stormwater runoff reduction was calculated. Such calculations are based on urban design projects developed for the area to evaluate the possible improvement to environmental quality owing to the integration of green infrastructure

    Thermal comfort in urban spaces: a cross-cultural study in the hot arid climate

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    This cross-cultural research is an inaugural attempt to investigate the outdoor thermal comfort and the effect of cultural and social differences in hot arid climates. Case studies were carefully selected in two different parts of the world (Marrakech in North Africa and Phoenix, Arizona, in North America) to represent two different cultures in similar climatic context. Field surveys, carried out during winter and summer, included structured interviews with a standard questionnaire, observations and microclimatic monitoring. The results demonstrate a wide thermal comfort zone and prevalence of air-conditioning influencing thermal comfort requirements. The work also provides evidence of substantial cross-cultural differences in thermal comfort requirements between residents in Marrakech and Phoenix. It shows that adaptive measures, such as level of clothing, changing place, cold drinks consumption and thermal experience, varies between cultures and this influences the thermal evaluation of visitors in outdoor spaces in the hot arid climate. Evidence between the time spent in outdoor spaces and thermal expectations has been found. Moreover, environmental variables such as air temperature and solar radiation have a great impact on the use of the outdoor spaces in the hot arid climate and may determine the number of people in urban spaces. The study also identified significant differences in thermal comfort requirements between different socio-economic groups, highlighting the need for comfortable open spaces

    Estudo de conforto em espaços abertos em região de clima temperado: o caso de Glasgow, Reino Unido

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    O estudo da sensação de conforto térmico em espaços abertos deve ser entendido como primordial para o planejamento climaticamente adequado de áreas urbanas. Através do aumento da atratividade das àreas abertas e do incentivo às atividades ao ar livre, o planejamento urbano norteado do pelas preferências térmicas da população torna-se um agente facilitador do uso desses espaços. O presente trabalho analisa a sensação térmica de moradores de Glasgow, Reino Unido, localizada em região temperada, comparando respostas obtidas por meio de entrevistas estruturadas a índices utilizados pela meteorologia (Wind Chill e THSW) e em estudos de conforto (PET e PMV). Os dados foram coletados em 19 campanhas de monitoramento, no período do inverno ao verão de 2011. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada uma estação Davis Vantage Pro2, contendo sensores de temperatura e umidade relativa, anemômetro e piranômetro. Foi confeccionado um termômetro de globo, utilizado para obtenção da temperatura radiante média (TRM), equipado com um data logger (Tinytag-TGP-4500). Os resultados indicam que os índices THSW e PET foram os que mais se aproximaram da resposta térmica dos entrevistados, podendo ser aplicados no entendimento das condições do clima na cidade e entorno de Glasgow

    Health and climate related ecosystem services provided by street trees in the urban environment

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