33 research outputs found

    Paleocene orthophragminids from the Lakadong Limestone, Mawmluh Quarry section, Meghalaya (Shillong, NE India). Implications for the regional geology and paleobiogeography

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    The late Paleocene orthophragminids, hitherto poorly known from the Himalayan foreland basins, are studied from the Lakadong Limestone in Meghalaya, northeastern India, in order to establish a systematic, biostratigraphic, and paleobiogeographical framework for them in the eastern Tethys. In the Mawmluh Quarry section (MQS) on the Shillong Plateau, to the southeast of Tibet, orthophragminids are associated with typical Paleocene orbitoidiform taxa endemic to the Indian subcontinent, i.e., Lakadongia Matsumaru & Jauhri ( D Setia Ferràndez-Cañadell) and Orbitosiphon Rao, and various species of alveolinids, miscellaneids, and rotaliids, characterizing the Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ) 3 and 4. The orthophragminids belong to two lineages of the genus Orbitoclypeus Silvestri: O. schopeni (Checchia-Rispoli) and O. multiplicatus (Gümbel), both well known from the peri-Mediterranean region and Europe (western Tethys). The latter species is identified here for the first time from the eastern Tethys. Previous records of the genus Discocyclina Gümbel from the Lakadong Limestone actually correspond to misidentified Orbitoclypeus; this implies that the late Paleocene orthophragminid assemblages from Meghalaya and eastern Tethys were less diverse than in the western Tethys. The lineage of Orbitoclypeus schopeni in the lower part of the Lakadong Limestone (SBZ 3) is identified as O. schopeni cf. ramaraoi based on the morphometry of a few specimens, whereas in the upper part (SBZ 4) it corresponds to a transitional development stage between O. schopeni ramaraoi and O. schopeni neumannae (with average Dmeanvalues ranging between 192 and 199 μ m). The embryon diameters of O. multiplicatus, recorded only in SBZ 4, range between 300 and 319 μ m on average, corresponding to transitional development stages of O. multiplicatus haymanaensis and O. multiplicatus multiplicatus. Our data, along with a review of previous Paleocene and Eocene records from India and Pakistan, suggest that Orbitoclypeus is the only orthophragminid in the Paleocene of the eastern Tethys, whereas Discocyclina first appears in early Eocene times, being mainly represented by endemic taxa confined to the Indian subcontinent. Facies change in the MQS from a marine to continental setting within SBZ 4 corresponds to the oldest record from the Indian plate in the Paleogene, which may be linked to the flexural uplift of the passive margin of the Indian plate, marking the onset of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates

    Multiple Orbitoides d’Orbigny lineages in the Maastrichtian? Data from the Central Sakarya Basin (Turkey) and Arabian Platform successions (Southeastern Turkey and Oman)

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    The standard reconstruction of species of Orbitoides d'Orbigny into a single lineage during the late Santonian to the end of the Maastrichtian is based upon morphometric data from Western Europe. An irreversible increase in the size of the embryonic apparatus, and the formation of a greater number of epi-embryonic chamberlets (EPC) with time, is regarded as the main evolutionary trends used in species discrimination. However, data from Maastrichtian Orbitoides assemblages from Central Turkey and the Arabian Platform margin (Southeastern Turkey and Oman) are not consistent with this record. The Maastrichtian Besni Formation of the Arabian Platform margin in Southeastern Turkey yields invariably biconvex specimens, with small, tri- to quadrilocular embryons and a small number of EPC, comparable to late Campanian Orbitoides medius (d'Archiac). The upper Maastrichtian Tarakli Formation from the Sakarya Basin of Central Turkey contains two distinct, yet closely associated forms of Orbitoides, easily differentiated by both external and internal features. Flat to biconcave specimens possess a small, tri- to quadrilocular embryonic apparatus of Orbitoides medius-type and a small number of EPC, whereas biconvex specimens possess a large, predominantly bilocular embryonic apparatus, and were assigned to Orbitoides ex. interc. gruenbachensis Papp-apiculatus Schlumberger based on morphometry. The flat to biconcave specimens belong to a long overlooked species Orbitoides pamiri Meric, originally described from the late Maastrichtian of the Tauride Mountains in SW Turkey. This species is herein interpreted to be an offshoot from the main Orbitoides lineage during the Maastrichtian, as are forms that we term Orbitoides 'medius', since they recall this species, yet are younger than normal occurrence with the accepted morphometrically defined lineage. The consistent correlation between the external and internal test features in O. pamiri implies that the shape of the test is not an ecophenotypic variation, but appears to be biologically controlled. We, therefore, postulate that more than one lineage of Orbitoides exists during the Maastrichtian, with a lineage that includes O. 'medius' and O. pamiri displaying retrograde evolutionary features

    Efeito do levosimendan em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca sistólica severa e agravamento da função renal

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    FUNDAMENTO: O levosimendan, um sensibilizador de cálcio, aumenta a sensibilidade do coração para o cálcio, aumentando assim a contratilidade miocárdica, sem aumento do cálcio intracelular. Recentemente foi demonstrado que o levosimendan era benéfico na melhoria da função renal. No entanto, fica por determinar que o efeito benéfico esteja relacionado em forma diferencial ao status renal durante o evento-índice. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar se o levosimendan pode melhorar o resultado renal em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca aguda descompensada com e sem agravamento da função renal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e cinco pacientes consecutivos que tiveram uma taxa de filtração glomerular reduzida e pelo menos dois dados consecutivos quanto à função renal, antes da administração de levosimendan, foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram classificados em dois grupos, com e sem agravamento da função renal com base no aumento da creatinina sérica > 0,3 mg/dL. RESULTADOS: Uma melhoria significativa foi observada na função renal em pacientes com agravamento da função renal (creatinina sérica de 1,4 ± 0,16 a 1,21 ± 0,23 mg/dL, p = 0,001 e taxa de filtração glomerular de 48,9 ± 15 a 59,3 ± 21,8 mL/min/m², p = 0,011), apesar de que não houve melhoria significativa em aqueles sem agravamento da função renal (creatinina sérica de 1,29 ± 0,33 a 1,37 ± 0,66 mg/dL, p = 0,240 e taxa de filtração glomerular de 53,7 ± 17,6 a 52,9 ± 21,4 mL/min/m², p = 0,850). CONCLUSÃO: O levosimendan parece proporcionar um efeito de realce renal em pacientes com severa insuficiência cardíaca sistólica descompensada aguda e agravamento da função renal. Considerar esse efeito diferencial poderia contribuir a obter resultados renais benéficos. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0

    Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic

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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for- ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi- crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol- ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies. In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific areas of health biotechnology are discussed

    Early Eocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera (mainly Orthophragminids) From The El Garia Formation And Associated Carbonate Units, North Tunisia: Paleobiogeographic Insights

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016Erken Eosen (geç İpreziyen) yaşlı El Garia Formasyonu başlıca nummulitid ve orthophragminid gibi iri bentik foraminifer (İBF) gruplarının yığışımını içeren sığ denizel karbonat çökelimi olup, Akdeniz havzasında petrol üretimi açısından önemli hazne kayaç istifini oluşturur. El Garia Formasyonu ve daha önceki çalışmalarda bu birim altında sınıflanan ancak bu çalışmada farklı bir birim (erken İpreziyen-erken geç İpreziyen yaşlı Karbonat Birimi I) olarak ayırt edilen bir karbonat istifi Tunus’un kuzeyinde başkent Tunus ve Beja kasabası arasında düzensiz, kopuk ilişkiler gösteren mostralar vermektedir. Bu birimlerin altında Chouabina Formasyonu'nun planktonik foraminifer içeren ince taneli derin denizel kırıntılı ve karbonatları yer alır. Planktonik foraminiferli derin denizel marnlar Karbonat Birimi I ve El Garia Formasyonu'nun bazı seviyelerinde de kaydedilmektedir. Bu tez çalışması kapsamında orthophragminidlerin daha önceki çalışmalarda Afrika kuzeyinde, Tetis güney platformlarında çok nadiren tanımlandıklarını temel alarak bu birimlerde a-orthophragminidlerin taksonomisini oluşturması, b- orthophragminid biyostratigrafik zonlarını (OZ) tanımlaması ve, c- Avrupa-Doğu Asya da çok iyi bilinen bu fosil grubunun Afrika kuzeyinde paleobiocoğrafik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması için detaylı çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Yaşları iyi bilinmeyen derin-sığ-denizel kaya paketlerinin korelasyonu amacıyla iri bentik grupları içinde en yaygın olarak bulunan orthophragminidler, nummulitidler bazı seviyelerden tane olarak çıkarılmış ve ekvatoryal düzlemlerini gözlemleyebilmek için yönlendirilmiş kesitler elde edilmiştir. Bu kaya paketleri çok sert olup bazı seviyelerden tane fosil birey elde etmek oldukça zor olmasına rağmen Munchar ve Chaouache Main Road kesitlerinde istifin ya tabanından/orta kısmından ve de üst kısımlarından veri elde edilmiştir. Sığ-senizel paketlerin alt kısmında bulunan planktonik foraminifer tayin edilmiştir. Chouabine Formasyonu’nu genel olarak planktonik foraminiferli ve textularidli çamurtaşları ve vaketaşları ile temsil edilmektedir. Bazı seviyeler killi, killi çamurtaşları ile karakterize olur. Planktonik foraminiferler genelde seyrek olarak gözlenir. Benzer fasiyesler Munchar kesitinde bentik foraminiferlerle arakatkılı planktonik foraminifer içeren seviyelerde de tanımlanmıştır. El Garia Formasyonu genel olarak iri bentik foraminiferli istiftaşı ve çok seyrek olarakta tanetaşı fasiyesleri ile temsil edilir. Ortamsal koşullara göre bazen nummulitler bazende orthophragminidler bu fasiyesin temel bileşenini oluşturur. Bunlara ek olarak kırmızı algler, bryozoanlar, miliolidler, textularidler ve rotalidler yaygındır. Munchar kesiti Beja kasabası doğusu El Munchar köyü kuzeyinde ölçülmüş olup 97 metre kalınlığa sahip istif iri bentik foraminiferli kireçtaşları ve bazı seviyelerinde planktonik foraminiferli marn-silttaşı ara katkılarının olduğu karbonat-klastik kısımlar ile karakterize olur. İstifin diğer ölçülen kesitlere çok göre daha kalındır. Bir mercek şeklinde KD-GB yönünde 2.63 km yayılıma sahip olan istifin tabanı iyi gözlenmemekle beraber Tunus jeolojik haritasında Triyas yaşlı evaporatik bir istifin olduğu gösterilmiştir. MUN SPOT Munchar kesitinin daha güneyinde aynı istifin tabanından nokta örnek olarak alınmıştıor. İri bentik foraminiferli (İBF) kireçtaşı seviyeleri çok sert olmakla beraber 2 seviyeden MUN.3 ve MUN.20 nolu örneklerden bol tane İBF ayıklanmıştır. MUN.3 ve 20 ve MUN SPOT nolu örnekler Tunus’da şimdiye kadar çalışılan kesitler içinde en yaşlı düzeyleri temsil etmekte olup bu seviyeler MUN.3 nolu örnek Erken-Orta Ilerdiyen (SBZ 5/6-7) MUN.20 nolu örnek ise Orta Ilerdiyen (SBZ 7/8) i temsil etmektedir. Bu veriler Stratigrafi-Paleontoloji kısmında kesitlerin korelasyonu kapsamında verilecektir.Çalışılan bu istifin önemli bir kısmı El Garia formasyonundan farklı olduğu için bu çalışmada ‘Karbonat İstifi I’ olarak adlandırılmıştır. Chaouache (CH) ve Chaouache Main Road (CMR) kesitleri Beja kasabasından 32 km ve Munchar kesitinin 20 km doğusunda bulunan Chaouache köyünde ve yakın civarında tabanda derin-denizel marn-silttaşları üzerine gelen 45 metre kalınlığında genelde İBF’ce zengin sığ-denizel El Garia Formasyonu gelmektedir. Aynı bölgede derin-denizel marnların ve üstüne gelen sığ-denizel paketin iyi gözlendiği 2 ayrı yerde kesit ölçülmüştür. İstifin altındaki planktonik foraminiferce zengin kısım Tunus’da genelde glakonitik marn’ lar ile temsil edilen Chouabina Formasyonuna karşılık gelmektedir. Chouabine-El Garia formasyonlarının geçişi Chaouache Main Road (CMR) kesitinde iyi gözlenmekte olup Chouabina Formasyonu’nun üst kısımlarında bazı seviyelerde planktonik foraminiferli vaketaşları platformdan taşınmış İBF içerirler (Örneğin CMR 46 ve 47 nolu örnekler). İstifin orta kısmı alt ve üstüne göre daha masif olup eski dönemlerde insanlar tarafından yerleşim için yapılan mağaralar istifin bu kısmındadır. El Garia formasyonu çeşitliliği az olan nummulitidler ve genelde Orbitoclypeus ve Asterocyclina ile karakterize olan orthophragminidler ile temsil edilir. Discocyclina grubuna ait bireyler hiç gözlenmemiştir. Chaouache Main Road kesitinde El Garia Formasyonunun en taban kısmında (51 nolu örnek) çok zengin bir orthophragminid topluluğu tane olarak kayadan çıkarılmış olup bu veri birimin taban yaşının saptanmasında önem arz eder. Bu örnek OZ 6 (SBZ 10)’ i temsil etmekte olup Erken Kuviziyen dönemindeki sığ-denizel bir gelişimi kayıt eder ki bu Munchar kesitin tabanında elde edilen verilerle uyum göstermemektedir. Bu veri Kesra Platosunda önceki çalışmalar tarafından El Garia Formasyonu için verilen yaş konağı ile genel anlamda uyumlu görünmekle beraber Chaouache bölgesinde elde ettiğimiz bu yaş konağı Chaouache bölgesinde sığlaşmanın biraz daha yaşlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Chaouache kesiti genel olarak orthophragminid ve nummulitid iri bentik foraminiferleri bakımından zengin olup kesitin alt-orta kısımda bulunan masif kısmın tam üstünde nadir olmakla beraber Alveolinidler bulunmuştur. Bu alveolinler çalışılan tüm kesitlerde bulunan tek alveolinli seviyeyi temsil etmektedir. El Garia Formasyonu alveolinler bakımından oldukça fakirdir. Bu çalışma sonucunda Munchar kesitinin önemli bir kısmının (Karbonat İstifi I) El Garia Formasyonundan daha yaşlı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu seviyeler P6b planktonik foraminifer zonu ve SBZ 5-8, SBZ 8/9? bentik foraminifer zonları ile temsil edilir. Chaouache bölgesinde ölçülen kesitlerde Chaouabine Formasyonun daki planktonik foraminiferler P7-9 veya P7-9 zonlarını temsil etmekte olup bentik foraminiferler ise SBZ 10-11 zonlarını temsil etmektedir. Bu veriler bu bölgede El Garia Formasyonun Geç İpreziyen döneminde çökeldiğini ve bunların Munchar kesitinde tanımlanan Karbonat İstifi I’den daha genç olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bölgede en genç bentik foraminifer topluluğu Gorra kesitinde tayin edilmiş olup bu topluluk SBZ 12/13’i (Geç İpreziyen ve Erken Lütesyen) temsil etmektedir. Gorra kesitindeki El Garia Formasyonu Chaouache bölgesindeki aynı birimden daha genç bir stratigrafik konuma sahiptir. Orthophragminidler yaygın olarak Orbitoclypeus, Asterocyclina, Nemkovella ve nadir olarak Discocyclina grupları ile temsil edilir. Hem ribli hem de ribsiz formların oluşturduğu orbitoclypeidler Orbitoclypeus schopeni, O. munieri, O. bayani, ve O. multiplicatus grupları ile temsil edilir. Asterocyclinidler ise Asterocyclina taramellii, A. alticostata ve A. stella ile temsil edilirken, A. stellata’ nın varlığı şüphelidir. Discocyclinidler ise sadece Discocyclina archiaci, nemkovellidler ise Nemkovella stockari ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu grupların morfometrik olarak tanımlanmaları sonucu alt türler saptanmış olup elde edilen veriler ile orthophragminid zonları (OZ) 3-8a kabaca belirlenmiştir. Çalışılan kesitlerde bazı seviyelerde planktonik foraminiferlerce zengin marn ve kireçtaşı seviyelerindeki planktonik foraminiferler daha detaylı bir stratigrafinin kurulması için çalışılmışlardır. Orthophragminidlerle beraber bulunan fosil fauna ve florası çok yaygın nummulitidler, rotalidler, textularidler, miliolidler, çok seyrek alveolinidler, kırmızı algler, ekinidler, bryozoalar, ve bivalvler ile temsil edilirler. Bu çalışma ile ilk kez Tetis erken Eosen orthophragminid gruplarınının Kuzey Afrika’da dağılımı ile ilgili detaylı veriler üretilmiş olup, stratigrafik önemi olan bazı grupların Tetis güney şelflerindeki dağılımı Tunus örneği ile ortaya konulmuştur.The shallow marine El Garia Formation is a prominent late Ypresian (late Early Eocene) carbonate reservoir in Mediterranean Basin offshore Tunisia (North Africa), characterized by the prolific development of larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) and composed of mainly nummulitids and orthophragminids. The El Garia Formation and a similar carbonate sequence, previously attributed to the El Garia Formation but distinguished as a separate unit in this study (Carbonate Unit I of mainly early Ypresian to early Late Ypresian age), crop out patchy in northern Tunisia, between capital Tunisia and Beja town. These units are underlain by planktonic foraminiferal deep-marine fine clastics and carbonates of the Chouabine Formation, while deep marine marls with planktonic foraminifera are also recorded in several levels of the Carbonate Unit I and lower part of the El Garia Formation. Considering the very poor information on the orthophragminids in the northern margin of Africa, we have studied this group; a- to clarify the taxonomy of orthophragminids, b -to establish a orthophragminid biostratigraphic scheme (OZ) and c- to recognize the paleobiogeographic affinities of this group, well known in Europe and west Asia but not in Africa. We have recorded a widespread occurrence of genera Orbitoclypeus, Asterocyclina and Nemkovella along with rather rare Discocyclina. The orbitoclypeids, characterized by both ribbed and unribbed taxa, are mostly represented by Orbitoclypeus schopeni, O. munieri, O. bayani, and O. multiplicatus lineages. Asterocyclinids are represented by Asterocyclina taramellii, A. alticostata and A. stella lineages while the presence of A. stellata is suspected. While Discocyclinids is represented by Discocyclina archiaci and nemkovellids is represented by Nemkovella stockari. The morphometry of these lineages resulted in the definition of their respective subspecies and a tentative orthophragminid zonal scheme (OZ) 3 to 8a was established. The planktonic foraminifera identified in some levels of the Carbonate Unit I and lower part of the El Garia Formation provide an independent tool for a more rigid stratigraphy. The associated fossil fauna and biota include common nummulitids, rotalids, textularids, miliolids, very sporadic alveolinids, red algae, echinoids, bryozoans, and bivalves. We extend the paleobiogeographic distribution of some Tethyan orthophragminids to North Africa.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Bartonian orthophragminids from the Fulra Limestone (Kutch, W India) and coeval units in Sulaiman Range, Pakistan: a synthesis of shallow benthic zone (SBZ) 17 for the Indian Subcontinent

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    Orthophragminids from the Bartonian Fulra Limestone in Kutch, India and the coeval units in Sulaiman Range in Pakistan suggest the establishment of a significant number of endemic species in the Indian subcontinent (Eastern Tethys). Among a total of fifteen species of Discocyclina, Orbitoclypeus and Asterocyclina, six of them appear to be confined to Indian subcontinent while seven species are common both to the peri-Mediterranean/Europe region (Western Tethys) and Indian subcontinent. Two species, Asterocyclina sireli, a four-ribbed species of possibly Indo-Pacific origin, and Orbitoclypeus haynesi that form large populations in Fulra Limestone, appear to have spread into North Africa and Turkey but not into European platforms as a response to Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). The lack of Lutetian and Priabonian fauna in the studied sections, either due to a hiatus or unsuitable depositional environments, hampers the establishment of the actual stratigraphic ranges of the identified taxa. Our record provides us to characterize the orthophragminids in shallow benthic zone (SBZ) 17 for Eastern Tethys in detail by comparing the data from the above localities with those from the North Africa, Europe and Turkey, showing the change in diversity

    Traffic Safety at Median Ditches: Steel vs. Concrete Barrier Performance Comparison Using Computer Simulation

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    In Turkey, concrete V-shaped ditches are formed at the median section of divided highways to provide drainage. Recent accidents show that these ditches actually present safety risks to vehicles entering the medians. Vehicles either cross over the ditch, roll over, or become trapped in the ditch, depending upon the mass, size, speed, and angle of the entering vehicle. To overcome this safety risk and reduce the severity of these accidents, longitudinal barriers are installed along these ditches. Currently, in Turkey, steel barriers are extensively used to improve traffic safety at median ditches. In this paper, the crash performances of steel and concrete barriers used at medians with ditches are compared. A model of a standard steel EDSP-1.33 barrier and a model of a newly developed concrete C470 barrier were constructed, and impact simulations were performed for when they are installed at a ditch slope break point. A nonlinear finite element program, LS-DYNA, was used for the analysis. A 13,000 kg bus model was used to impact both barriers in accordance with European standard requirements for crash tests. Simulation results show that when the steel EDSP-1.33 barrier is used, the bus has the potential for excessive penetration of the ditch, with significant barrier deformation. Moreover, the barrier damage is extensive, resulting in increased maintenance costs. On the other hand, the concrete C470 barrier successfully contains and redirects the 13,000 kg bus impact, with minimal barrier deformation and safety risk. Even though the concrete barrier slides toward the inside of the ditch, the bus does not enter the ditch area and exits the barrier in a stable manner. Therefore, to increase traffic safety at ditches located at the median section of divided highways in Turkey, utilization of the newly developed concrete barrier C470 is recommended

    Bartonian orthophragminids with new endemic species from the Pirkoh and Drazinda formations in the Sulaiman Range, Indus Basin, Pakistan

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    The Pirkoh and Drazinda formations in the Sulaiman Range, central Pakistan, yielded assemblages of (early) Bartonian orthophragminids, characterized predominantly by discocyclinids with a significant number of species probably endemic to Indian Subcontinent. The rarity of Asterocyclina and the absence of Orbitoclypeus and Nemkovella are noteworthy. Ten species of Discocyclina Gümbel and two species of Asterocyclina Gümbel, referable to the Shallow Benthics Zone (SBZ) 17 are described for the first time from Pakistan. The discocyclinids, i.e. Discocyclina praeomphalus, D. sulaimanensis, D. kutchensis, along with the new taxa established here, D. zindapirensis sp. nov., D. rakhinalaensis sp. nov., and D. pseudodispansa sp. nov., seem to be confined to the Indo-Pakistani region (Eastern Tethys). The Discocyclina dispansa, D. discus, D. nandori, and D. augustae lineages known from Western Tethys are also common in the Indian Subcontinent, as are asterocyclinids, such as Asterocyclina sireli and A. stellata. The upper part of the Drazinda Formation (‘Pellatispira beds’), referable to latest Bartonian and/or the early Priabonian, is poor in orthophragminids and is characterized by the occurrence of reticulate Nummulites, Heterostegina, Pellatispira and Silvestriella. The records of ‘Lepidocyclina of Caribbean affinity’ with large embryons from the Eocene of the Indian Subcontinent correspond to misidentified Discocyclina discus. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Primitive Helicorbitoides (Foraminifera) and associated larger benthic foraminifera from the Campanian Tonya Formation, Trabzon, eastern Pontides, NE Turkey

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    The genus Helicorbitoides MacGillavry represents an evolutionary stage in the transition of rotaloidean with primary spiral chambers to the forms displaying an orbitoidal-type growth pattern in the Campanian. Unlike the widespread distribution of its possible ancestor Pseudosiderolites (Douville) and its descendant Lepidorbitoides Silvestri, Helicorbitoides was reported from only a few localities in Europe and Turkey (Western Tethys). The genus has been previously subdivided into two evolutionary stages, H. voigti van Gorsel and H. longispiralis (Papp and Kupper) based on quantitative and qualitative test parameters. We here introduce a primitive developmental stage of Helicorbitoides by studying a new population from a calciturbidite bed of the Campanian Tonya Formation in NW Turkey. This provides the first biometric data of the genus from this part of the Tethys. The Helicorbitoides specimens, with thick robust lenticular tests, possess a low trochospiral to planispiral primary spiral of chambers that reach up to the periphery of the test, and 'orbitoidal-type' chamberlets (secondary chamberlets) between the whorls and on the wall of the last whorl. The secondary chamberlets, however, never form complete cycles. In axial sections, the lateral chambers are dense and occupy both the axial and the lateral sides of the whorls. The number of primary spiral chambers with a single stolon varies between 8 and 12 (with an average of 9.63). According to previously proposed species limits, our population is assigned to an advanced developmental stage of H. voigti, and represents a transitional developmental stage between two successive species (H. voigti-longispiralis). The associated orbitoidids belong to Orbitoides medius, with an embryo size (Li + li) ranging from 370 to 800 pm (with an average of 525.4 mu m). The number of epi-embryonic chambers (E) varies between 4 and 6 (with an average of 4.5). Pseudosiderolites vidali is the only siderolitid genus in the studied sample. The age of the turbidite bed is considered as early late Campanian (referable to the Radotruncana calcarata Zone) or slightly older ('Inoceramus' tenuilineatus Zone) based on the previous records of planktonic foraminifera and inoceramids from the same section and the occurrence of Pseudosiderolites vidali. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Late Campanian larger benthic foraminifera from the Zekeriyakiiy Formation (Istanbul, NW Turkey): taxonomy, stratigraphy, and paleogeography

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    North of Istanbul, the thick Upper Cretaceous volcanic and volcanoclastic sequence of the Yemislicay Group is nonconformably overlain by the neritic clastic and carbonate sequence of the Zekeriyakoy Formation. This unit, either placed within the volcanic sequence or interpreted to overlie it, was studied near Zekeriyakoy for its larger foraminifera, previously recurrently referred to as the Maastrichtian. The basal epiclastic sandstone beds of the Zekeriyakoy Formation immediately above the volcanic sequence contain Praesiderolites dordoniensis and rare rudist shells. The higher sandstone and limestone beds comprise assemblages of Lepidorbitoides campaniensis, Orbitoides megaloformis, Vanderbeekia catalana, Siderolites gr. calcitrapoides, Sirtina orbitoidiformis, Praestorrsella roestae, Lenticulina rotulata, Planorbulina sp., agglutinated and rotaliid foraminifera, rudist fragments, bryozoans, and red algae. Lepidorbitoides, the most abundant foraminifera in the studied material, has predominantly L. campaniensis-type embryons with a single auxiliary chamberlet, and rarely, L. bisambergensis-type embryons, characterized by having 2 such chamberlets. The Praesiderolites dordoniensisLepidorbitoides campaniensis-Vanderbeekia catalana assemblages, recorded for the first time in Turkey, suggested a late Campanian age for the Zekeriyakoy Formation, with the implication that Late Cretaceous volcanism terminated in the Istanbul region during or prior to the late Campanian. The fauna shows a great resemblance to those from the Late Campanian type-section in Aubeterre (SW France) and Late Campanian fauna of the Pyrenean Basin (N Spain), and correspond to the most eastern record of the European Faunal Province of the Tethys