687 research outputs found

    Unsupervised entity linking using graph-based semantic similarity

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    Nowadays, the human textual data constitutes a great proportion of the shared information resources such as World Wide Web (WWW). Social networks, news and learning resources as well as Knowledge Bases (KBs) are just the small examples that widely contain the textual data which is used by both human and machine readers. The nature of human languages is highly ambiguous, means that a short portion of a textual context (such as words or phrases) can semantically be interpreted in different ways. A language processor should detect the best interpretation depending on the context in which each word or phrase appears. In case of human readers, the brain is quite proficient in interfering textual data. Human language developed in a way that reflects the innate ability provided by the brain’s neural networks. However, there still exist the moments that the text disambiguation task would remain a hard challenge for the human readers. In case of machine readers, it has been a long-term challenge to develop the ability to do natural language processing and machine learning. Different interpretation can change the broad range of topics and targets. The different in interpretation can cause serious impacts when it is used in critical domains that need high precision. Thus, the correctly inferring the ambiguous words would be highly crucial. To tackle it, two tasks have been developed: Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) to infer the sense (i.e. meaning) of ambiguous words, when the word has multiple meanings, and Entity Linking (EL) (also called, Named Entity Disambiguation–NED, Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation–NERD, or Named Entity Normalization–NEN) which is used to explore the correct reference of Named Entity (NE) mentions occurring in documents. The solution to these problems impacts other computer-related writing, such as discourse, improving relevance of search engines, anaphora resolution, coherence, and inference. This document summarizes the works towards developing an unsupervised Entity Linking (EL) system using graph-based semantic similarity aiming to disambiguate Named Entity (NE) mentions occurring in a target document. The EL task is highly challenging since each entity can usually be referred to by several NE mentions (synonymy). In addition, a NE mention may be used to indicate distinct entities (polysemy). Thus, much effort is necessary to tackle these challenges. Our EL system disambiguates the NE mentions in several steps. For each step, we have proposed, implemented, and evaluated several approaches. We evaluated our EL system in TAC-KBP4 English EL evaluation framework in which the system input consists of a set of queries, each containing a query name (target NE mention) along with start and end offsets of that mention in the target document. The output is either a NE entry id in a reference Knowledge Base (KB) or a Not-in-KB (NIL) id in the case that system could not find any appropriate entry for that query. At the end, we have analyzed our result in different aspects. To disambiguate query name we apply a graph-based semantic similarity approach to extract the network of the semantic knowledge existing in the content of target document.Este documento es un resumen del trabajo realizado para la construccion de un sistema de Entity Linking (EL) destinado a desambiguar menciones de Entidades Nombradas (Named Entities, NE) que aparecen en un documento de referencia. La tarea de EL presenta una gran dificultad ya que cada entidad puede ser mencionada de varias maneras (sinonimia). Ademas cada mencion puede referirse a mas de una entidad (polisemia). Asi pues, se debe realizar un gran esfuerzo para hacer frente a estos retos. Nuestro sistema de EL lleva a cabo la desambiguacion de las menciones de NE en varias etapas. Para cada etapa hemos propuesto, implementado y evaluado varias aproximaciones. Hemos evaluado nuestro sistema de EL en el marco del TAC-KBP English EL evaluation framework. En este marco la evaluacion se realiza a partir de una entrada que consiste en un conjunto de consultas cada una de las cuales consta de un nombre (query name) que corresponde a una mencion objetivo cuya posicion en un documento de referencia se indica. La salida debe indicar a que entidad en una base de conocimiento (Knowledge Base, KB) corresponde la mencion. En caso de no existir un referente apropiado la respuesta sera Not-in-KB (NIL). La tesis concluye con un analisis pormenorizado de los resultados obtenidos en la evaluacion.Postprint (published version

    Topic modeling for entity linking using keyphrase

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    This paper proposes an Entity Linking system that applies a topic modeling ranking. We apply a novel approach in order to provide new relevant elements to the model. These elements are keyphrases related to the queries and gathered from a huge Wikipedia-based knowledge resourcePeer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Newspaper Reading Comprehension Development through Vocabulary or Structure Instruction

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    The purpose of this study is investigating the effect of specific vocabularies and structures instruction on the upper intermediate EFL learners’ newspaper reading comprehension development. For this purpose, fifty four female upper intermediate EFL learners were selected and randomly assigned in three groups each consisting of eighteen learners, two experimental and one control. At the first session,a researcher-made newspaper reading comprehension test was applied as the pretest. The learners of one experimental group received instruction of newspaper structures and the other one received related vocabularies instruction and the control one received just translation of newspaper content by the teacher. In the last session, another researcher-made comprehension test was administered for three groups as the post test. The findings indicate thatstructure instruction is significantly the most beneficial one and the mere translation of newspaper content is the least beneficial in developing learner's newspaper reading comprehension.The results of interviews confirmed the study findings as well

    Synchronization dynamics of two nanomechanical membranes within a Fabry-Perot cavity

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    Spontaneous synchronization is a significant collective behavior of weakly coupled systems. Due to their inherent nonlinear nature, optomechanical systems can exhibit self-sustained oscillations which can be exploited for synchronizing different mechanical resonators. In this paper, we explore the synchronization dynamics of two membranes coupled to a common optical field within a cavity, and pumped with a strong blue-detuned laser drive. We focus on the system quantum dynamics in the parameter regime corresponding to synchronization of the classical motion of the two membranes. With an appropriate definition of the phase difference operator for the resonators, we study synchronization in the quantum case through the covariance matrix formalism. We find that for sufficiently large driving, quantum synchronization is robust with respect to quantum fluctuations and to thermal noise up to not too large temperatures. Under synchronization, the two membranes are never entangled, while quantum discord behaves similarly to quantum synchronization, that is, it is larger when the variance of the phase difference is smaller


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    Considering the differences between environmental conditions of concrete structures and laboratory conditions, it is important to determine the parameters of the materials at the site of the structure. One of these materials is cement-based repair mortars due to the damage of concrete structures that may arise due to chemical or physical factors, these structures are required to be repaired. For this reason, in this paper, to determine the strength of repair mortars of different ages and under different Curing, Situ methods "Friction-Transfer" and "Pull-off" were used and the relationships between the Flexural Compressive, Tensile and readings obtained from the above methods on cementations mortars are presented. Experiments were performed on mortars at ages 3, 7, 28, 42 and 90 days under the conditions of "waterlogging", "Curing Agent" and "releasing in the outdoor". The results show the high impact of the process on the Flexural Compressive, Tensile of the repair mortars and the results of the "Friction-Transfer" and "Pull-off" methods. Also, a high correlation coefficient was obtained between the mechanical properties of the mortars and the results of the above tests; it is possible to measure the mechanical properties of repair mortars in situ with high confidence and in sit

    4E Advancement of Heat Recovery During Hot Seasons for a Building Integrated Photovoltaic Thermal (BIPV/T) System

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    In conventional building integrated photovoltaic thermal (BIPV/T) systems, heat is only recovered during cold seasons. However, no recovery takes place in hot seasons. Therefore, this study comes up with an answer to the question “how much improvement in the amount of annual recovered heat (ANRH), average exergy efficiency (AAEE), and CO2 saving (ACDS), as well as payback period (PBP), is achieved when heat recovery is done in hot seasons?”. These are representatives of energy, exergy, environmental and economic (4E) aspects, respectively. The results show a 135.6%, 1.8% and 123.0% enhancement in the ANRH, AAEE and ACDS, respectively, while PBP decreases from 6.10 to 3.94 years

    Undersampling bandpass modulator architectures

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    Continuous-time delta sigma modulators -- Undersampling Delta-sigma modulators for radio receivers -- A novel continuous-time delta sigma modulator -- New delta modulator based on undersampling
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