371 research outputs found


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    This paper explores the actual and future impact of the Metaverse as a virtual space. Thus, it focuses the probe on the technical challenges that face this everlasting emerging technology. Today, the Metaverse presents a digital environment to build collective architecture and historical heritage in a virtual space. In this digital world, the modeling and design methodology is based on individual archetypes that can puzzle new elements. Currently, traditional methods require change and adaptation in both the education and work market, especially due to the remote-work integration in the last few years. For example, many components are required to build a Virtual Reality (VR) laboratory or a VR museum. Virtual environments present us with novel opportunities to bring together the real world with a virtual extension or duplication. This technology will remove physical boundaries and design constraints and consequently will open a gate to a metaphysical world. Imagine a world with limitless space where gravity doesn’t exist, and water can float upward. There is no limit for art and architecture but even this magic has its limitation related to computer technology. Therefore, this paper surveys the state-of-the-art computational technologies and the ecosystems of the Metaverse. The paper covers the fields of Computer Vision, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, and future mobile networks. In application, the Metaverse will allow users to have a fantastic experience being part of worldwide entertainment and socio-economic network

    A jejunal stromal tumour in a patient with metastatic neuroendocrine cancer of unknown origin; a rare coexistence, diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

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    Pacjentkę 59-letnią przyjęto do Kliniki Gastroenterologii z powodu postępującego spadku masy ciała, biegunki o niewyjaśnionej etiologii, oraz wykrytych w badaniu ultrasonograficznym licznych ognisk hyperechogenicznych w wątrobie. Wykonano celowaną biopsją cienkoigłową i rozpoznano zmiany przerzutowe o utkaniu neuroendokrynnym o wysokim stopniu zróżnicowania (cytologia + immunohistochemia). Badania biochemiczne wykazały podwyższone stężenie chromogranin A (CGA) w surowicy krwi i zwiększone wydalanie kwasu 5-hydroksyindolooctowego (5-HIAA) w dobowej zbiórce moczu. Scyntygrafia receptorowa ujawniła dodatnią ekspresję receptorów somatostatynowych w obrębie zmian w wątrobie, natomiast nie znaleziono żadnego pozawątrobowego patologicznego ogniska gromadzenia znacznika mogącego odpowiadać pierwotnemu guzowi neuroendokrynnemu. Rozpoczęto leczenie objawowe długodziałającym analogiem somatostatyny i równolegle do tego podjęto decyzję o zakwalifikowaniu pacjentki do celowanej peptydowej receptorowej terapii radioizotopowej. W tym celu wykonano kontrolne badanie tomografii komputerowej jamy brzusznej, które oprócz zmian w wątrobie, wykazało nieopisanego wcześniej dobrze unaczynionego guza w jelicie cienkim (pierwotny guz neuroendokrynny?). Pacjentkę skierowano do leczenia operacyjnego. Ku zaskoczeniu autorów pracy badanie histopatologiczne wykazało dodatnią ekspresję CD117 potwierdzającą rozpoznanie rzadkiego guza stromalnego jelita cienkiego. Dwa miesiące później rozpoczęto peptydową receptorową terapię radioizotopową z użyciem 90Y/77Lu-DOTA-TATE. Pacjentka otrzymała dwie dawki tego leku, obecnie jest stabilna, zaplanowano dalsze leczenie.A 59-year-old woman presented to the Department of Gastroenterology complaining of progressing weight loss, unexplained diarrhoea, and, as revealed by abdominal ultrasound, numerous hyperechogenic foci in the liver. The immunohistochemical evaluations of the specimens from biopsy revealed well-differentiated hepatic neuroendocrine metastases. The biochemical marker levels, including serum chromogranin A (CGA) and urine 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) 24-hour excretion, were significantly elevated. Whole body somatostatin receptor scintigraphy showed tracer accumulation in the liver lesions, with no extrahepatic tumour, possibly the primary origin. Long-term somatostatin analog therapy was initiated and a peptide-receptor targeted radionuclide therapy decision was made parallel to this treatment. Therefore, a followed-up CT scan of the abdomen showed, as well as the metastatic changes within the liver, a wellvascularised jejunal tumour suspected to be the primary focus of the disseminated neuroendocrine neoplasm. Unexpectedly, the pathological examination revealed a positive cell reaction for CD 117, confirming the diagnosis of a rare jejunal stromal tumour. Two months later peptide-receptor therapy with 90Y/77Lu-DOTA-TATE was commenced

    Immunoexpression of TTF-1 and Ki-67 in a coexistent anaplastic and follicular thyroid cancer with rare long-life surviving.

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    We report the immunohistochemical diagnosis, including TTF-1 (thyroid transcription factor 1) and Ki-67, of a rare mixed thyroid neoplasm composed of minimally invasive well differentiated follicular areas and highly aggressive undifferentiated anaplastic areas. A 75 old female presented to our clinic with a rapidly growing neck mass. Considering the dynamics of the disease and the multiple challenges presented by the patient: advanced age, tumor size, history of a longstanding goiter we decided to transfer her to the department of surgery. The intraoperative findings were an enlarged right lobe with tracheal and surrounding tissues infiltration. Total thyroidectomy, radical neck lymph nodes dissection and tracheostomy were performed. The histopathological and immunohistochemical examination revealed a coexistent anaplastic and follicular thyroid carcinoma. The proliferation index Ki-67, a cell proliferation marker, was found to be significantly higher in the anaplastic areas (30 +/- 5%) in the comparison with the follicular areas (2 +/- 1%). The evaluation of the thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1) expression revealed a correlation with the tumor cells aggressiveness accordingly to the cancer areas. After a radical surgery an external adjuvant radiation was applied. The patient is alive and more than five years after diagnosis she presented an increase of the serum thyroglobulin level suggesting, probably, a recurrence of the follicular form of the cancer. According to our survey we suggest that in thyroid cancers TTF-1 and Ki-67 could provides useful information on the differentiation activities of thyroid tumor cells and may be helpful to distinguish well differentiated and undifferentiated areas in a mixed thyroid cancer

    Case report: Primary cardiac lymphoma manifesting as superior vena cava syndrome

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    A 64-year-old man presented with symptoms indicative of superior vena cava syndrome. Imaging work-up revealed an obstructing right atrial mass, which was subsequently excised and diagnosed as primary cardiac lymphoma. Post-surgery, the patient showed significant clinical improvement and was started on a chemotherapy regimen with complete remission at 1 year

    Brain metastasis and renal cell carcinoma : prognostic scores assessment in the era of targeted therapies

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    Aim: This study aimed at exploring several brain metastatic prognostic scores in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data of 93 metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients who were diagnosed with brain metastases between October 2005 and July 2016 who received targeted therapy. Potential prognostic factors (RTOG RPA, BS-BM, and a newly developed score CERENAL) were analyzed. Results: A total of 75 patients received targeted therapy. All scores showed prognostic value in progression-free survival after first-line treatment with CERENAL being the sole independent prognostic factor associated with improved duration of first-line treatment. Both RTOG RPA and CERENAL were potential prognosticators for overall survival, whereas only the CERENAL score was associated with prolonged disease-specific survival. Conclusion: Several prognostic scores can be useful to predict survival of patients with brain metastases from renal cancer, especially the newly developed CERENAL score

    Research, Development and Application of Hybrid Model of Back-to-Back HVDC Link

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    Recent hybrid simulators (or co-simulators) of the electric power system are focused on scientific and research features to propose and develop novel and more accurate simulators. The present paper demonstrates one more hybrid modelling approach based on application and combination of three modeling approaches all together: physical, analog and digital. The primary focus of the proposed approach is to develop the simulation tool ensuring such vital characteristics as three-phase simulation and modeling of a single spectrum of processes in electric power system, without separation of the electromagnetic and electromechanical transient stages. Moreover, unlimited scalability of the electric power system model and real-time simulation to ensure the opportunity of data exchange with external devices have been considered. The description of the development of the hybrid model of back-to-back HVDC link based on the proposed approach is discussed and analyzed. To confirm properties of the mentioned hybrid simulation approach and hybrid model of back-to-back HVDC link, the simulation results of the interconnection of non-synchronously operating parts of the electric power system; power flow regulation; dynamic response to external fault and damping of power oscillation in electric power system are presented and examined. Moreover, to confirm the adequacy of the obtained results, the comparison with a detailed voltage source converter HVDC model (Simulink Matlab) and Eurostag software are introduced

    Burden of musculoskeletal disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990–2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

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    Moradi-Lakeh M, Forouzanfar MH, Vollset SE, et al. Burden of musculoskeletal disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990–2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2017;76(8):annrheumdis-2016-210146

    Burden of obesity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study

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    Mokdad AH, El Bcheraoui C, Afshin A, et al. Burden of obesity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2018;63(Suppl. 1):165-176.We used the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015 study results to explore the burden of high body mass index (BMI) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). We estimated the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children (2-19 years) and adults (20 years) in 1980 and 2015. The burden of disease related to high BMI was calculated using the GBD comparative risk assessment approach. The prevalence of obesity increased for adults from 15.1% (95% UI 13.4-16.9) in 1980 to 20.7% (95% UI 18.8-22.8) in 2015. It increased from 4.1% (95% UI 2.9-5.5) to 4.9% (95% UI 3.6-6.4) for the same period among children. In 2015, there were 417,115 deaths and 14,448,548 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) attributable to high BMI in EMR, which constitute about 10 and 6.3% of total deaths and DALYs, respectively, for all ages. This is the first study to estimate trends in obesity burden for the EMR from 1980 to 2015. We call for EMR countries to invest more resources in prevention and health promotion efforts to reduce this burden

    Multinational prospective cohort study of rates and risk factors for ventilator-associated pneumonia over 24 years in 42 countries of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East: Findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC)

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    Objective: Rates of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) are several times above those of high-income countries. The objective of this study was to identify risk factors (RFs) for VAP cases in ICUs of LMICs. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: This study was conducted across 743 ICUs of 282 hospitals in 144 cities in 42 Asian, African, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern countries. Participants: The study included patients admitted to ICUs across 24 years. Results: In total, 289,643 patients were followed during 1,951,405 patient days and acquired 8,236 VAPs. We analyzed 10 independent variables. Multiple logistic regression identified the following independent VAP RFs: male sex (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.16-1.28; P <.0001); longer length of stay (LOS), which increased the risk 7% per day (aOR, 1.07; 95% CI, 1.07-1.08; P <.0001); mechanical ventilation (MV) utilization ratio (aOR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.23-1.31; P <.0001); continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which was associated with the highest risk (aOR, 13.38; 95% CI, 11.57-15.48; P <.0001)Revisión por pare