28 research outputs found

    Atunero congelador al cerco de 1935 m3 de capacidad de cubas

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    Tipo de buque: Atunero congelador al cerco. Capacidad de cubas de salmuera: 1935 m3. Volumen de combustible: 960 m3 (gasoil en cubas de salmuera incluido). Sociedad de clasificación: ABS con cota A1E + AMS + RMC * Fishing service. Velocidad: 15 nudos a plena carga al 90% MCR en pruebas. Equipo propulsor: Motor Diesel con reductor. Habilitación para 32 tripulante

    Pérdidas de fruto y movilización de semillas en olea europaea var. Sylvestris brot. (oleaceae)

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    Se analizan varios aspectos de la biología de reproducción del acebuche [Olea europaea var. sylvestris Brot. (Oleaceae)] relacionados con la dispersión de semillas. Se compara el éxito de remoción en dos habitat -uno en dos temporadas- y se analizan las similitudes y diferencias en las causas de pérdidas de frutos por agentes bióticos y abióticos. En general, el esfuerzo de producción de fruto fue poco recompensado, ya que el éxito de remoción fue bajo. Las pérdidas totales de fruto variaron considerablemente entre años, pero aparentemente no limitaron la dispersión de semillas. Los agentes abióticos causaron más pérdidas que los bió- ticos. Al final de la temporada permanecían muchos frutos en las ramas, lo que sugiere que la cantidad de dispersantes fue limitante para el éxito de remoción. La importancia relativa de la remoción y de cada tipo de pérdida permaneció constante entre habitat y tendió a mantenerse entre individuos. En conclusión, aunque el porcentaje de remoción fue bajo, los resultados sugieren que el éxito de la función de fructificación de los acebuches en estas parcelas dependió fundamentalmente de la acción de los dispersantes

    Genetic analysis of kinematic traits at the trot in Lusitano horse subpopulations with different types of training

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    The possibility of using quantitative kinematic traits as indirect selection criteria for sport performance could be beneficial to perform an early genetic evaluation of the animals. The genetic parameters for objectively measured kinematic traits under field conditions have been estimated for the first time, in order to potentially use these traits as indicators of gait quality in future selection of the Lusitano breed. The repeatability within three different types of training (dressage, bullfighting and untrained) was also discussed. A total of 176 males (4 to 14 years old) were recorded at trot in hand using a 3D videographic system. The speed and 10 kinematic traits were studied (one temporal, two linear and seven angular variables). The genetic parameters of the kinematic variables were estimated using VCE software. The heritability estimates were moderate to high (0.18 to 0.53). The stride length and the forelimb angular variables presented the highest heritabilities (0.49 to 0.53), whereas the hindlimb angular variables revealed the lowest values (0.18 to 0.40). More than half of the genetic correlations were moderately to highly positive (mostly 0.20 to 0.70; up to 0.88 between hindlimb traits). The dressage and bullfighting groups presented the highest repeatabilities (over 0.6) in the majority of the traits, maybe because of the acquired gait regularity expected in animals subjected to specific training, and suggesting a greater influence of the individuals over the kinematic traits studied in these two subpopulations than in the untrained subpopulation. The longer swing phase duration and the larger range of motion of the elbow, hock and pelvis joints observed in the dressage group may indicate a better gait quality of this group, according to FEI (International Equestrian Federation) standards. The bullfighting and untrained groups were more similar to each other in terms of kinematic traits. Selection of young horses for characteristics such as stride length and the hindlimbs traits can apparently contribute to further genetic improvement of the performance of Lusitano breed

    Genetic parameters of biokinematic variables of the trot in Spanish Purebred horses under experimental treadmill conditions

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of biokinematic variables in Spanish Purebred (SPB) horses in order to select those of sufficient interest to be measured in the pre-selection of the animals for possible inclusion in the breeding programme. Kinematic analysis of 130 SPB horses 4.6 ± 1.5 years old were recorded at the trot (4 m/s) on a treadmill. Genetic parameters were estimated using VCE software and a bivariate mixed animal model including age and stud as fixed effects and animal additive genetic effect and residual error as random effects. In general, heritabilities were high (0.33–0.88). The angular variables presented the lowest heritabilities, whereas the maximum height of the fore-hoof and the duration of swing phase in the hindlimb gave the highest scores. Genetic correlations were also very high, so it was possible to reduce the number of breeding programme characteristics to stride duration, hindlimb swing phase duration, range of stifle and elbow angles, minimal angle of carpus, and minimal retraction-protraction angle of the hindlimb.Unión Europea 1FD97-089

    Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field

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    The aim of this study is to prove the feasibility of a system able to apply local mechanical loading on cells seeded in a hydrogel for tissue engineering applications. This experimental study is based on a previously developed artificial cartilage model with different concentrations of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) that simulates the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM). Poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) microspheres with dispersed magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were produced with an emulsion method. These microspheres were embedded in aqueous PVA solutions with varying concentration to resemble increased viscosity of growing tissue during regeneration. The ability to induce a local deformation in the ECM was assessed by applying a steady or an oscillatory magnetic field gradient to different PVA solutions containing the magnetic microparticles, similarly as in ferrogels. PLLA microparticle motion was recorded, and the images were analyzed. Besides, PVA gels and PLLA microparticles were introduced into the pores of a polycaprolactone scaffold, and the microparticle distribution and the mechanical properties of the construct were evaluated. The results of this experimental model show that the dispersion of PLLA microparticles containing MNPs, together with cells in a supporting gel, will allow applying local mechanical stimuli to cells during tissue regeneration. This local stimulation can have a positive effect on the differentiation of seeded cells and improve tissue regeneration.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MAT2013-46467-C4-1-R project, including the Feder funds. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program. CIBER Actions are financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors thank "Servicio de Microscopia Electronica" of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their invaluable help. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Vikingsson, L.; Vinals Guitart, Á.; Valera Martínez, A.; Riera Guasp, J.; Vidaurre Garayo, AJ.; Gallego Ferrer, G.; Gómez Ribelles, JL. (2016). Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field. Journal of Materials Science. 51(22):9979-9990. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-0226-8S997999905122Eyre D (2002) Collagen of articular cartilage. Arthritis Res 4:30–35Roughley PJ, Lee ER (1994) Cartilage proteoglycans: structure and potential functions. Microsc Res Tech 28:385–397Gillard GC, Reilly HC, Bell-Booth PG, Flint MH (1979) The influence of mechanical forces on the glycosaminoglycan content of the rabbit flexor digitorum profundus tendon. Connect Tissue Res 7:37–46Quinn TM, Grodzinsky AJ, Buschmann MD, Kim YJ, Hunziker EB (1998) Mechanical compression alters proteoglycan deposition and matrix deformation around individual cells in cartilage explants. J Cell Sci 111:573–583Banes AJ, Tsuzaki M, Yamamoto J, Fischer T, Brigman B, Brown T, Miller L (1995) Mechanoreception at the cellular level: the detection, interpretation, and diversity of responses to mechanical signals. Biochem Cell Biol 73:349–365Appelman T, Mizrahi J, Elisseeff J, Seliktar D (2011) The influence of biological motifs and dynamic mechanical stimulation in hydrogel scaffold systems on the phenotype of chondrocytes. Biomaterials 32:1508–1516Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, Poole AR (1992) Cartilage and diarthrodial joints as paradigms for hierarchical materials and structures. Biomaterials 13:67–97Mow VC, Huiskes R (2005) Basic orthopaedic biomechanics and mechano-biology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, PhiladelphiaBrady MA, Waldman SD, Ethier CR (2015) The application of multiple biophysical cues to engineer functional neocartilage for treatment of osteoarthritis. Part I: cellular response. Tissue Eng Part B Rev 21:1–19Valhmu WB, Stazzone EJ, Bachrach NM, Saed-Nejad F, Fischer SG, Mow VC, Ratcliffe A (1998) Load-controlled compression of articular cartilage induces a transient stimulation of aggrecan gene expression. Arch Biochem Biophys 353:29–36Ingber DE (1997) Tensegrity: the architectural basis of cellular mechanotransduction. Ann Rev Physiol 59:575–599Khan S, Sheetz MP (1997) Force effects on biochemical kinetics. Ann Rev Biochem 66:785–805Hutmacher DW (2000) Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage. Biomaterials 21:2529–2543Crick FHC, Hughes AFW (1950) The physical properties of cytoplasm: a study by means of the magnetic particle method. Exp Cell Res 1:37–80Valberg PA, Albertini DF (1985) Cytoplasmic motions, rheology, and structure probed by a novel magnetic particle method. J Cell Biol 101:130–140Valberg PA, Feldman HA (1987) Magnetic particle motions within living cells. Measurement of cytoplasmic viscosity and motile activity. Biophys J 52:551–561Wang N, Ingber DE (1995) Probing transmembrane mechanical coupling and cytomechanics using magnetic twisting cytometry. Biochem Cell Biol 73:327–335Pommerenke H, Schreiber E, Durr F, Nebe B, Hahnel C, Moller W, Rychly J (1996) Stimulation of integrin receptors using a magnetic drag force device induces an intracellular free calcium response. Eur J Cell Biol 70:157–164Bausch AR, Hellerer U, Essler M, Aepfelbacher M, Sackmann E (2001) Rapid stiffening of integrin receptor-actin linkages in endothelial cells stimulated with thrombin: a magnetic bead microrheology study. Biophys J 80:2649–2657Li L, Yang G, Li J, Ding S, Zhou S (2014) Cell behaviors on magnetic electrospun poly-d, l-lactide nano fibers. Mater Sci Eng, C 34:252–261Fuhrer R, Hofmann S, Hild N, Vetsch JR, Herrmann IK, Grass RN, Stark WJ (2013) Pressureless mechanical induction of stem cell differentiation is dose and frequency dependent. PLoS One 8:e81362Cezar CA, Roche ET, Vandenburgh HH, Duda GN, Walsh CJ, Mooney DJ (2016) Biologic-free mechanically induced muscle regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113:1534–1539Vikingsson L, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gómez Ribelles JL (2014) An in vitro experimental model to predict the mechanical behaviour of macroporous scaffolds implanted in articular cartilage. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 32:125–131Vikingsson L, Gomez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gomez Ribelles JL (2015) An experimental fatigue study of a porous scaffold for the regeneration of articular cartilage. J Biomech 48:1310–1317Vikingsson L, Claessens B, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez Ribelles JL (2015) Relationship between micro-porosity, water permeability and mechanical behavior in scaffolds for cartilage engineering. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 48:60–69Li F, Su YL, Shi DF, Wang CT (2010) Comparison of human articular cartilage and polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel as artificial cartilage in microstructure analysis and unconfined compression. Adv Mater Res Trans Tech Publ 87:188–193Grant C, Twigg P, Egan A, Moody A, Eagland D, Crowther N, Britland S (2006) Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel as a biocompatible viscoelastic mimetic for articular cartilage. Biotechnol Prog 22:1400–1406Weeber R, Kantorovich S, Holm C (2015) Ferrogels cross-linked by magnetic nanoparticles—Deformation mechanisms in two and three dimensions studied by means of computer simulations. J Magn Magn Mater 383:262–266Lebourg M, Suay Antón J, Gómez Ribelles JL (2008) Porous membranes of PLLA–PCL blend for tissue engineering applications. Eur Polym J 44:2207–2218Santamaría VA, Deplaine H, Mariggió D, Villanueva-Molines AR, García-Aznar JM, Gómez Ribelles JL, Doblaré M, Gallego Ferrer G, Ochoa I (2012) Influence of the macro and micro-porous structure on the mechanical behavior of poly (l-lactic acid) scaffolds. J Non Cryst Solids 358:3141–3149Panadero JA, Vikingsson L, Gomez Ribelles JL, Lanceros-Mendez S, Sencadas V (2015) In vitro mechanical fatigue behaviour of poly-ε-caprolactone macroporous scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering. Influence of pore filling by a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel. J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater 103:1037–1043Hassan CM, Peppas NA (2000) Structure and applications of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels produced by conventional crosslinking or by freezing/thawing methods. 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    Anesthesic and surgical guidelines for the treatment of the ascending aorta andaortic arch. Consensus document of the Spanish Societies of Anesthesia and Cardiovascular Surgerya

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    La patología de la aorta supone un reto para la medicina. Tanto a nivel diagnóstico, como terapéutico,el volumen de variables implicado ha hecho que dicha patología sea abordada por una ingente cantidad de especialistas. El manejo quirúrgico de dichas patologías implica un esfuerzo extraordinario por parte de muchos profesionales, dada la complejidad técnica y tecnológica empleada. A lo largo de estos a˜nos,dichos esfuerzos están dando sus frutos en forma de mejoras de resultados, gracias a un abordaje sis-temático y protocolizado en el seno de un grupo de expertos (Comités de aorta o “Aortic team”) en el que se han de implicar cardiólogos, cirujanos cardíacos, cirujanos vasculares, anestesiólogos y radiólogos, principalmente. En este documento, consensuado entre los grupos de trabajo de Aorta de las sociedades españolas de Anestesiología (SEDAR) y Cirugía Torácica-cardiovascular (SECTCV) se busca difundir los modos de trabajo más consensuados entre los centros de mayor actividad del país por parte de ambas especialidades, en lo que al tratamiento quirúrgico se refiere de la patología de aorta ascendente y arco aórtico se refiere, así como del tratamiento de la disección aguda de aorta. Somos conscientes de la evolución constante de la terapéutica, lo cual sin duda puede hacer cuestionables algunas opiniones aquí expresadas y que sin duda irán modificándose en futuras edicionestThe pathology of the aorta is a challenge for medicine. Diagnostic and therapeutica move a huge volumeof variables. This has let this pathology to be addressed by a big number of specialists. The surgicalmanagement of these pathologies implies an extraordinary effort on the part of many professionals,given the technical and technological complexity employed. Throughout these years, these efforts arepaying off in the form of improved results, thanks to a systematic and protocolized approach within agroup of experts (Aortic Committees or “Aortic team”) in which they have to involve cardiologists, cardiacsurgeons, vascular surgeons, anesthesiologists and radiologists, mainly.In this document, agreed between the Aorta working groups of the Spanish societies of Anesthesiology(SEDAR) and Thoracic-Cardiovascular Surgery (SECCE), it is sought to disseminate the most agreed work-ing modes among the centers of greatest activity in the country by both specialties, as far as surgicaltreatment is concerned with ascending aortic and aortic arch pathology, as well as the treatment of acuteaortic dissection.We are aware of the constant evolution of therapeutics, which can undoubtedly make some of the opinionsexpressed here questionable and that will undoubtedly be modified in future editions.This document aims to be a working tool for the different professionals involved in the treatment of aorticpathology

    Assessing the Effects of Climate on Host-Parasite Interactions: A Comparative Study of European Birds and Their Parasites

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    [Background] Climate change potentially has important effects on distribution, abundance, transmission and virulence of parasites in wild populations of animals. [Methodology/Principal Finding] Here we analyzed paired information on 89 parasite populations for 24 species of bird hosts some years ago and again in 2010 with an average interval of 10 years. The parasite taxa included protozoa, feather parasites, diptera, ticks, mites and fleas. We investigated whether change in abundance and prevalence of parasites was related to change in body condition, reproduction and population size of hosts. We conducted analyses based on the entire dataset, but also on a restricted dataset with intervals between study years being 5–15 years. Parasite abundance increased over time when restricting the analyses to datasets with an interval of 5–15 years, with no significant effect of changes in temperature at the time of breeding among study sites. Changes in host body condition and clutch size were related to change in temperature between first and second study year. In addition, changes in clutch size, brood size and body condition of hosts were correlated with change in abundance of parasites. Finally, changes in population size of hosts were not significantly related to changes in abundance of parasites or their prevalence. [Conclusions/Significance] Climate change is associated with a general increase in parasite abundance. Variation in laying date depended on locality and was associated with latitude while body condition of hosts was associated with a change in temperature. Because clutch size, brood size and body condition were associated with change in parasitism, these results suggest that parasites, perhaps mediated through the indirect effects of temperature, may affect fecundity and condition of their hosts. The conclusions were particularly in accordance with predictions when the restricted dataset with intervals of 5–15 years was used, suggesting that short intervals may bias findings.The Academy of Finland is acknowledged for a grant to TE (project 8119367) and EK (project 250709). PLP was supported by a research grant (TE_291/2010) offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Science. T. Szép received funding from OTKA K69068 and JT from OTKA 75618. JMP was supported by a JAE grant from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. SM-JM, FdL-AM, JF, JJS and FV were respectively supported by projects CGL2009-09439, CGL2012-36665, CGL2009- 11445, CGL2010-19233-C03-01 and CGL2008-00562 by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER and project EVITAR by the Spanish Ministry of Health. FV was also supported by the European Regional Development Fund. MACT was funded by a predoctoral FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP20043713). PM was supported by grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project 2P04F07030), and the Foundation for Polish Science

    Programación de un actuador inalámbrico y diseño de un módulo de visión complementario

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    [EN] The following document will discuss the Final Master's Work done during the Master's Degree in Automatic and Industrial Computer Science. The design of a prototype wireless modular clamp, the programming of the actuator to be coupled and the development of a sensing application. The system is divided into two blocks, the master card and the slave card. The master card is an interlocutor between the robot and the final actuator. The wireless clip or slave card, be responsible for interacting with the system and collect data and then send them to the master card. The slave in turn can be divided into two blocks, the main block and the complementary. In the main block you can find the slave board, the clamp and the recharge system of the block. In the complementary block are the sensors with which ambient values will be measured. The communication between the two blocks is done with serial communication of the complementary block to the main and digital in the opposite direction. The communication of the slave card is based on a ZigBee wireless communication system. This type of communication is present in industrial systems because it is a low power digital broadcasting system with low data rate and maximize battery life. As for the development stage, in this project two different applications have been developed for the classification of plugs. The first, simpler, uses a colorimeter to determine the color of the object that holds the clip to a short range, send the data and the robot is responsible for its subsequent classification. The second, more complex, is a camera system that analyzes the image and determines the width of the object in real time. To this application, a positioning function of the clamp is also added to place the end effector in the best position to be able to capture the cap. This TFM covers the development of the complementary block and the communication with the slave card, as well as the programming of the application of a color detector. These sections constitute the extension of a project in development extending the range of work for industrial scope, in systems where eliminating the wiring of the final actuator is a significant advantage.En el siguiente Trabajo Final de Máster se realiza el diseño de un prototipo de pinza inalámbrica modular, la programación del actuador que se aclopará y el desarrollo de una aplicación de sensorización. El sistema se divide en dos bloques, la tarjeta maestra que se encarga de interlocutor entre el robot y el actuador final para mandar las ordenes a la tarjeta esclavo y recibir los datos para mandarlos al robot; pinza inalámbrica o esclavo, se encargar de interactuar con el sistema y recoger datos para luego mandarlos a la tarjeta maestra. El esclavo a su vez se puede dividir en dos bloques, el bloque principal y el complementario. En el bloque principal se puede encontrar la tarjeta esclava, la pinza y el sistema de recarga del bloque. En el bloque complementario se encuentran los sensores con los que se medirán valores del entorno. La comunicación entre los dos bloques se realiza con comunicación serie del bloque complementario al principal y digitales en sentido opuesto. La comunicación de la tarjeta esclavo se basa en un sistema de comunicación inalámbrica ZigBee. Este TFM cubre el desarrollo del bloque complementario y la comunicación con la tarjeta esclava, así como la programación de la aplicación de un detector de color. Estos apartados constituyen la ampliación de un proyecto en desarrollo ampliando el rango de trabajo para ámbito industrial, en sistemas en donde, eliminar el cableado del actuador final sea una significativa ventaja.Valera Martínez, A. (2017). Programación de un actuador inalámbrico y diseño de un módulo de visión complementario. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/86271TFG

    Diseño e implementación de un dispositivo de excitación armónica de nanoparticulas magnéticas

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    El proyecto se enmarca en el campo de la ingeniería tisular. El objetivo final es la estimulación de las células de cartílago articular durante el proceso de remodelación tisular. Se ha demostrado que la estimulación mecánica de las células favorece los procesos de diferenciación para producir la adecuada regeneración del nuevo tejido. En este proyecto se ha optado por la estimulación magnética. Para ello se ha partido de nanopartículas magnéticas de ferrita incluidas en micropartículas de ácido poliláctico. Dichas micropartículas se situarán en el entorno de las células y al responder al estímulo magnético transmitirán las fuerzas al resto del tejido, incluidas las células. El campo magnético en la región de interés será generado por dos electroimanes y dependerá de la intensidad de la corriente de entrada y del tipo de señal. También influyen otros factores como el núcleo del electroimán, el número de vueltas del bobinado, el tamaño del entrehierro, la densidad de nanopartículas, etc. Para que se ejerza una fuerza sobre las nanopartículas magnéticas el campo magnético debe variar de unos puntos a otros, siendo la fuerza proporcional al gradiente del campo magnético. Con objeto de generar un movimiento oscilante de las micropartículas magnéticas se parte de dos señales sinusoidales desfasadas π rad. Con ello se pretende conseguir crear una variación del gradiente del campo que oscile generando un movimiento oscilatorio armónico de las micropartículas. La señal utilizada por alimentar los electroimanes será generada a partir de un circuito de control que permitirá variar tanto la forma, valor y frecuencia de la señal. Para que se dé un campo magnético lo suficientemente intenso, será preciso disponer de fuentes que proporcionen suficiente intensidad.Valera Martínez, A. (2015). Diseño e implementación de un dispositivo de excitación armónica de nanoparticulas magnéticas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/56231Archivo delegad

    Educar en el 2000 : revista de formación del profesorado

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    El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a intercambio de experienciasSe describe una experiencia de deporte interescolar desarrollada en la localidad de Bullas (Murcia) en la que los menores participantes han tenido la oportunidad de disfrutar de un conjunto de actividades lúdico deportivas, en horario extraescolar, en el que los elementos típicos de la competición se desdibujan a favor de los aspectos relacionales y de cooperación.MurciaES