93 research outputs found

    Mitotic Recombination Accelerates Adaptation in the Fungus Aspergillus nidulans

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    Understanding the prevalence of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes is a hard problem. At least two aspects still defy a fully satisfactory explanation, the functional significance of genetic recombination and the great variation among taxa in the relative lengths of the haploid and diploid phases in the sexual cycle. We have performed an experimental study to explore the specific advantages of haploidy or diploidy in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Comparing the rate of adaptation to a novel environment between haploid and isogenic diploid strains over 3,000 mitotic generations, we demonstrate that diploid strains, which during the experiment have reverted to haploidy following parasexual recombination, reach the highest fitness. This is due to the accumulation of recessive deleterious mutations in diploid nuclei, some of which show their combined beneficial effect in haploid recombinants. Our findings show the adaptive significance of mitotic recombination combined with flexibility in the timing of ploidy level transition if sign epistasis is an important determinant of fitness

    Signal Transduction by a Fungal NOD-Like Receptor Based on Propagation of a Prion Amyloid Fold

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    In the fungus Podospora anserina, the [Het-s] prion induces programmed cell death by activating the HET-S pore-forming protein. The HET-s β-solenoid prion fold serves as a template for converting the HET-S prion-forming domain into the same fold. This conversion, in turn, activates the HET-S pore-forming domain. The gene immediately adjacent to het-S encodes NWD2, a Nod-like receptor (NLR) with an N-terminal motif similar to the elementary repeat unit of the β-solenoid fold. NLRs are immune receptors controlling cell death and host defense processes in animals, plants and fungi. We have proposed that, analogously to [Het-s], NWD2 can activate the HET-S pore-forming protein by converting its prion-forming region into the β-solenoid fold. Here, we analyze the ability of NWD2 to induce formation of the β-solenoid prion fold. We show that artificial NWD2 variants induce formation of the [Het-s] prion, specifically in presence of their cognate ligands. The N-terminal motif is responsible for this prion induction, and mutations predicted to affect the β-solenoid fold abolish templating activity. In vitro, the N-terminal motif assembles into infectious prion amyloids that display a structure resembling the β-solenoid fold. In vivo, the assembled form of the NWD2 N-terminal region activates the HET-S pore-forming protein. This study documenting the role of the β-solenoid fold in fungal NLR function further highlights the general importance of amyloid and prion-like signaling in immunity-related cell fate pathways

    A mitochondrial mutator plasmid that causes senescence under dietary restricted conditions

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    BACKGROUND: Calorie or dietary restriction extends life span in a wide range of organisms including the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. Under dietary restricted conditions, P. anserina isolates are several-fold longer lived. This is however not the case in isolates that carry one of the pAL2-1 homologous mitochondrial plasmids. RESULTS: We show that the pAL2-1 homologues act as 'insertional mutators' of the mitochondrial genome, which may explain their negative effect on life span extension. Sequencing revealed at least fourteen unique plasmid integration sites, of which twelve were located within the mitochondrial genome and two within copies of the plasmid itself. The plasmids were able to integrate in their entirety, via a non-homologous mode of recombination. Some of the integrated plasmid copies were truncated, which probably resulted from secondary, post-integrative, recombination processes. Integration sites were predominantly located within and surrounding the region containing the mitochondrial rDNA loci. CONCLUSION: We propose a model for the mechanism of integration, based on innate modes of mtDNA recombination, and discuss its possible link with the plasmid's negative effect on dietary restriction mediated life span extension

    Initial Mutations Direct Alternative Pathways of Protein Evolution

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    Whether evolution is erratic due to random historical details, or is repeatedly directed along similar paths by certain constraints, remains unclear. Epistasis (i.e. non-additive interaction between mutations that affect fitness) is a mechanism that can contribute to both scenarios. Epistasis can constrain the type and order of selected mutations, but it can also make adaptive trajectories contingent upon the first random substitution. This effect is particularly strong under sign epistasis, when the sign of the fitness effects of a mutation depends on its genetic background. In the current study, we examine how epistatic interactions between mutations determine alternative evolutionary pathways, using in vitro evolution of the antibiotic resistance enzyme TEM-1 β-lactamase. First, we describe the diversity of adaptive pathways among replicate lines during evolution for resistance to a novel antibiotic (cefotaxime). Consistent with the prediction of epistatic constraints, most lines increased resistance by acquiring three mutations in a fixed order. However, a few lines deviated from this pattern. Next, to test whether negative interactions between alternative initial substitutions drive this divergence, alleles containing initial substitutions from the deviating lines were evolved under identical conditions. Indeed, these alternative initial substitutions consistently led to lower adaptive peaks, involving more and other substitutions than those observed in the common pathway. We found that a combination of decreased enzymatic activity and lower folding cooperativity underlies negative sign epistasis in the clash between key mutations in the common and deviating lines (Gly238Ser and Arg164Ser, respectively). Our results demonstrate that epistasis contributes to contingency in protein evolution by amplifying the selective consequences of random mutations

    Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factory Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88

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    The filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger is widely exploited by the fermentation industry for the production of enzymes and organic acids, particularly citric acid. We sequenced the 33.9-megabase genome of A. niger CBS 513.88, the ancestor of currently used enzyme production strains. A high level of synteny was observed with other aspergilli sequenced. Strong function predictions were made for 6,506 of the 14,165 open reading frames identified. A detailed description of the components of the protein secretion pathway was made and striking differences in the hydrolytic enzyme spectra of aspergilli were observed. A reconstructed metabolic network comprising 1,069 unique reactions illustrates the versatile metabolism of A. niger. Noteworthy is the large number of major facilitator superfamily transporters and fungal zinc binuclear cluster transcription factors, and the presence of putative gene clusters for fumonisin and ochratoxin A synthesis

    Experimental evolution reveals that high relatedness protects multicellular cooperation from cheaters

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    In multicellular organisms, there is a potential risk that cheating mutants gain access to the germline. Development from a single-celled zygote resets relatedness among cells to its maximum value each generation, which should accomplish segregation of cheating mutants from non-cheaters and thereby protect multicellular cooperation. Here we provide the crucial direct comparison between high- and low-relatedness conditions to test this hypothesis. We allow two variants of the fungus Neurospora crassa to evolve, one with and one without the ability to form chimeras with other individuals, thus generating two relatedness levels. While multicellular cooperation remains high in the high-relatedness lines, it significantly decreases in all replicate low-relatedness lines, resulting in an average threefold decrease in spore yield. This reduction is caused by cheating mutants with reduced investment in somatic functions, but increased competitive success when fusing with non-cheaters. Our experiments demonstrate that high-genetic relatedness is crucial to sustain multicellular cooperation

    Hybrid Mitochondrial Plasmids From Senescence Suppressor Isolates of Neurospora intermedia

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    We analyzed several natural suppressor isolates of the pKalilo-based fungal senescence syndrome of Neurospora intermedia. The pKalilo plasmid did not increase in titer in these isolates. Nor did it show integration “de novo.” In at least two of the senescence suppressor isolates, pKalilo had formed stable recombinants with other mitochondrial elements. pKalilo/mtDNA recombination junctions were complete and appeared to have been formed via a nonhomologous recombination mechanism. Further analysis revealed that pKalilo had recombined a novel, 2.6-kb cryptic mitochondrial retroplasmid, similar to the mitochondrial retroplasmid pTHR1 from Trichoderma harzianum and retroplasmids of the “Varkud” homology group. The recombinant molecules consisted of pKalilo, the novel element, and short intervening stretches of mtDNA. The latter stretches clearly corresponded to “in vivo” mitochondrial cDNA, suggesting that the molecules had formed via the action of a template-switching reverse transcriptase. We discuss how different types of mitochondrial plasmids interact and how their detrimental effect on the host may be suppressed

    Dynamics of dsRNA mycoviruses in black Aspergillus populations

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    Approximately 10% of all examined 668 representatives of black Aspergillus species, independent of worldwide location, were infected with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) mycoviruses. These isometric viruses (25-40 nm diameter) contained a variety of often multiple segments of different dsRNA sizes ranging from 0.8 to 4.4 kb in size. In one strain the virus shows clear visible effects on its host with non-sporulating sectors. We quantified the fitness costs of these and more 'cryptic' virus infections on mycelial growth rate and spore production, and on competitive ability with respect to other strains under different growth conditions. Mycovirus infection proved detrimental in all these measures. The reduced success in interference competition due to mycovirus infection belies co-evolution of mycovirus and host to a mutually beneficial symbiosis, like in killer virus systems in yeast and smut and agrees more to recent infections. For a stable virus infection frequency in the black Aspergillus population, fitness costs and spontaneous loss should be balanced with new infections. Implications of even small viral fitness effects combined with the observed transmission limits for host and mycovirus are discussed

    Selective Flamingo Medium for the Isolation of .

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    For various studies in the clinic as well as the environment, it is essential to be able to selectively isolate Aspergillus fumigatus from samples containing bacteria as well as various other fungi (mainly Mucorales). Six agar media were compared for effectiveness in selectively isolating Aspergillus fumigatus from agricultural plant waste, woodchip waste, green waste, soil, grass and air samples collected in The Netherlands at a 48 °C incubation. The Flamingo Medium incubated at 48 °C, provided the most effective condition for the isolation of A. fumigatus from environmental samples, since it effectively inhibited the growth of competing fungi (mainly Mucorales) present in the environmental samples. Flamingo Medium reduced the number of colonies of Mucorales species by 95% and recovered an average of 20-30% more A. fumigatus colonies compared to the other media. We further confirmed that Flamingo Medium can inhibit the growth of clinical Mucorales, which occasionally present in patient's tissue and can also be used for clinical applications. We suggest the use of Flamingo Medium as an efficient method for the study of A. fumigatus from important environmental niches for which there is increasing interest. Additionally, it can also be used in the clinic to isolate A. fumigatus especially from tissue contaminated with Mucorales