13 research outputs found

    SAMPLEX: Automatic mapping of perturbed and unperturbed regions of proteins and complexes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The activity of proteins within the cell is characterized by their motions, flexibility, interactions or even the particularly intriguing case of partially unfolded states. In the last two cases, a part of the protein is affected either by binding or unfolding and the detection of the respective perturbed and unperturbed region(s) is a fundamental part of the structural characterization of these states. This can be achieved by comparing experimental data of the same protein in two different states (bound/unbound, folded/unfolded). For instance, measurements of chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) from NMR <sup>1</sup>H-<sup>15</sup>N HSQC experiments gives an excellent opportunity to discriminate both moieties.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe an innovative, automatic and unbiased method to distinguish perturbed and unperturbed regions in a protein existing in two distinct states (folded/partially unfolded, bound/unbound). The SAMPLEX program takes as input a set of data and the corresponding three-dimensional structure and returns the confidence for each residue to be in a perturbed or unperturbed state. Its performance is demonstrated for different applications including the prediction of disordered regions in partially unfolded proteins and of interacting regions in protein complexes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The proposed approach is suitable for partially unfolded states of proteins, local perturbations due to small ligands and protein-protein interfaces. The method is not restricted to NMR data, but is generic and can be applied to a wide variety of information.</p

    A novel antifolate suppresses growth of FPGS-deficient cells and overcomes methotrexate resistance

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    Cancer cells make extensive use of the folate cycle to sustain increased anabolic metabolism. Multiple chemotherapeutic drugs interfere with the folate cycle, including methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil that are commonly applied for the treatment of leukemia and colorectal cancer (CRC), respectively. Despite high success rates, therapy-induced resistance causes relapse at later disease stages. Depletion of folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS), which normally promotes intracellular accumulation and activity of natural folates and methotrexate, is linked to methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil resistance and its association with relapse illustrates the need for improved intervention strategies. Here, we describe a novel antifolate (C1) that, like methotrexate, potently inhibits dihydrofolate reductase and downstream one-carbon metabolism. Contrary to methotrexate, C1 displays optimal efficacy in FPGS-deficient contexts, due to decreased competition with intracellular folates for interaction with dihydrofolate reductase. We show that FPGS-deficient patient-derived CRC organoids display enhanced sensitivity to C1, whereas FPGS-high CRC organoids are more sensitive to methotrexate. Our results argue that polyglutamylation-independent antifolates can be applied to exert selective pressure on FPGS-deficient cells during chemotherapy, using a vulnerability created by polyglutamylation deficiency

    PRODIGY-crystal: a web-tool for classification of biological interfaces in protein complexes

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    Distinguishing biologically relevant interfaces from crystallographic ones in biological complexes is fundamental in order to associate cellular functions to the correct macromolecular assemblies. Recently, we described a detailed study reporting the differences in the type of intermolecular residueā€“residue contacts between biological and crystallographic interfaces. Our findings allowed us to develop a fast predictor of biological interfaces reaching an accuracy of 0.92 and competitive to the current state of the art. Here we present its web-server implementation, PRODIGY-CRYSTAL, aimed at the classification of biological and crystallographic interfaces. PRODIGY-CRYSTAL has the advantage of being fast, accurate and simple. This, together with its user-friendly interface and user support forum, ensures its broad accessibility

    PRODIGY : a web server for predicting the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes

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    Gaining insights into the structural determinants of protein-protein interactions holds the key for a deeper understanding of biological functions, diseases and development of therapeutics. An important aspect of this is the ability to accurately predict the binding strength for a given protein-protein complex. Here we present PROtein binDIng enerGY prediction (PRODIGY), a web server to predict the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes from their 3D structure. The PRODIGY server implements our simple but highly effective predictive model based on intermolecular contacts and properties derived from non-interface surface. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: PRODIGY is freely available at: http://milou.science.uu.nl/services/PRODIGY CONTACT: [email protected], [email protected]

    PRODIGY-crystal: a web-tool for classification of biological interfaces in protein complexes

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    Distinguishing biologically relevant interfaces from crystallographic ones in biological complexes is fundamental in order to associate cellular functions to the correct macromolecular assemblies. Recently, we described a detailed study reporting the differences in the type of intermolecular residueā€“residue contacts between biological and crystallographic interfaces. Our findings allowed us to develop a fast predictor of biological interfaces reaching an accuracy of 0.92 and competitive to the current state of the art. Here we present its web-server implementation, PRODIGY-CRYSTAL, aimed at the classification of biological and crystallographic interfaces. PRODIGY-CRYSTAL has the advantage of being fast, accurate and simple. This, together with its user-friendly interface and user support forum, ensures its broad accessibility

    PRODIGY: a web server for predicting the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes

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    Gaining insights into the structural determinants of protein-protein interactions holds the key for a deeper understanding of biological functions, diseases and development of therapeutics. An important aspect of this is the ability to accurately predict the binding strength for a given protein-protein complex. Here we present PROtein binDIng enerGY prediction (PRODIGY), a web server to predict the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes from their 3D structure. The PRODIGY server implements our simple but highly effective predictive model based on intermolecular contacts and properties derived from non-interface surface. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: PRODIGY is freely available at: http://milou.science.uu.nl/services/PRODIGY CONTACT: [email protected], [email protected]

    MTMDAT-HADDOCK : high-throughput, protein complex structure modeling based on limited proteolysis and mass spectrometry

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    Background MTMDAT is a program designed to facilitate analysis of mass spectrometry data of proteins and biomolecular complexes that are probed structurally by limited proteolysis. This approach can provide information about stable fragments of multidomain proteins, yield tertiary and quaternary structure data, and help determine the origin of stability changes at the amino acid residue level. Here, we introduce a pipeline between MTMDAT and HADDOCK, that facilitates protein-protein complex structure probing in a high-throughput and highly automated fashion. Results A new feature of MTMDAT allows for the direct identification of residues that are involved in complex formation by comparing the mass spectra of bound and unbound proteins after proteolysis. If 3D structures of the unbound components are available, this data can be used to define restraints for data-driven docking to calculate a model of the complex. We describe here a new implementation of MTMDAT, which includes a pipeline to the data-driven docking program HADDOCK, thus streamlining the entire procedure. This addition, together with usability improvements in MTMDAT, enables high-throughput modeling of protein complexes from mass spectrometry data. The algorithm has been validated by using the protein-protein interaction between the ubiquitin-binding domain of proteasome component Rpn13 and ubiquitin. The resulting structural model, based on restraints extracted by MTMDAT from limited proteolysis and modeled by HADDOCK, was compared to the published NMR structure, which relied on twelve unambiguous intermolecular NOE interactions. The MTMDAT-HADDOCK structure was of similar quality to structures generated using only chemical shift perturbation data derived by NMR titration experiments. Conclusions The new MTMDAT-HADDOCK pipeline enables direct high-throughput modeling of protein complexes from mass spectrometry data. MTMDAT-HADDOCK can be downloaded from http://www.ifm.liu.se/chemistry/molbiotech/maria_sunnerhagens_group/mtmdat/webcitetogether with the manual and example files. The program is free for academic/non-commercial purposes.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council||European Molecular Biology Organization for an EMBO long-term fellowship|ALTF 276-2010|Swedish Cancer Foundation||Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)|700.96.442|</p