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    Efeitos dos exercícios pilates na função do tronco e na dor de pacientes com lombalgia / Effects of pilates exercices on trunk function and pain in patients with low back pain

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    Introdução: Evidências científi cas atuais apontam que a falta de resistência da musculatura lombar é o principal fator para desenvolvimento das dores lombares. O exercício físico em geral tem se mostrado benéfi co para recuperação da funcionalidade bem como para melhora dos sintomas clínicos dos pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um treinamento físico por meio dos exercícios de Pilates de solo nas variáveis de dor, flexibilidade, equilíbrio, força e resistência dos músculos lombares em pacientes com lombalgia de origem desconhecida. Método: Foram avaliados 12 pacientes com lombalgia crônica (idade média de 33 anos), que realizaram um período de treinamento com o método tradicional de 13 exercícios Pilates (básico e intermediário no mat), duas vezes na semana, com duração de uma hora, durante um total de 11 semanas. As principais medidas de resultados analisadas pré- e pós-treinamento Pilates foram: (1) flexibilidade (Banco de Wells), (2) equilíbrio unipodal (plataforma de força), (3) força lombar (dinamometria), (4) resistência lombar (teste de Sorensen), e dor (Escala Visual Analógica: EVA). Resultados: A amostra fi nal do estudo foi de quatro voluntários devido à perda experimental. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição significativa da dor (P < 0.05), mas nenhuma diferença significativa entre pré- e pós-treinamento Pilates para as demais variáveis, apesar da leve melhora na fl exibilidade e força. Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo apresentaram efeitos benéfi cos do treinamento Pilates para diminuir os sintomas de dor. Entretanto, novos estudos com maior número amostral devem ser realizados para melhor estabelecer os protocolos de exercícios Pilates em pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Introduction: Scientific evidences report that poor back muscle endurance is the most risk factor for developing low back pain. Overall, physical exercise has been effective to recovery of the functioning as well as to improve the clinical symptoms of patients with low back pain. Objective: To assess the effects of Pilates training on mat in variables of flexibility, balance, strength and endurance of the lumbar extensor muscles in patients with low back pain unknown. Method: 16 patients with chronic low back pain (mean age 33 yrs) performed a training program with a mat method of 13 Pilates exercises (basic and intermediate), 2 x a week for a session of approximately 1h, during 11 weeks. The main outcome measures analyzed before (pre-) and post-Pilates training were: fl exibility (sit-and-reach during a Wells test), unipodal support (under a force platform), strength (lumbar dynamometer) and endurance (Sorensen test) of lumbar muscles and pain (VAS). Results: Significant decrease of the pain was found (P < 0.05). However, no significant changes were found for other variables analyzing in pre- and post-training, although the slight improvement in the flexibility and strength. Conclusions: The results of the present study showed the effi cacy of the Pilates exercises to decrease pain. However, more studies would be conducted using much more subjects to establish better standardization of Pilates exercises in patients with low back pain

    Chest physiotherapy effectiveness to reduce hospitalization and mechanical ventilation length of stay, pulmonary infection rate and mortality in ICU patients

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    Introduction: Although physiotherapy is an integral part of the multiprofessional team in most ICUs there is only limited evidence concerning the effectiveness of its procedures. the objectives of this study were to verify if physiotherapy care provided within 24 h/day for hospitalized patients in the ICU reduce the length of stay, mechanical ventilation support, pulmonary infection and mortality compared to a physiotherapy care provided within 6 h/day.Methods: A cohort study was designed to assess differences between one hospital where patients were given physiotherapy care for 24 h/day and another hospital with only 6 h/day. We considered the following as outcome measurements: clinical diagnosis, medication in use, presence of associated diseases, APACHE II and SOFA scores, ICU and mechanical ventilation length of stay, development of pulmonary infections and survival.Results: One hundred and forty-six patients were enrolled. Patients admitted in the service A presented a lower length of stay in mechanical ventilation (p < 0.0001), ICU stay (p = 0.0003), respiratory infections (p = 0.0043) than patients admitted in service B. No difference was found for APACHE II score (p = 0.8) and SOFA scores (p = 0.2) between groups. the mortality risk was OR 1.3 (1.01-2.33) (p = 0.04) for patients in the service B.Conclusion: the presence of a physiotherapist in the intensive care unit contributes decisively to the early recovery of the patient, reducing mechanical ventilation support need, number of hospitalization days, incidence of respiratory infection and risk of mortality. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Adventist Univ Unasp, Phys Therapy Dept, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo Unifesp, São Paulo, BrazilSão Paulo Med Sch, Inst Heart, São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Pampa Unipampa, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo Unifesp, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Lipid peroxidation and seed emergency in progenies of the yellow passion fruit plant.

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    The objective was to evaluate the percentage of emergency plantlets and lipid peroxidation in seeds of 29 half-sib progenies of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) after 24 months under storage. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications of 50 seeds each, from which the treatments were the progenies (1-29). The evaluation of the percent plantlet emergency was accomplished at 14 and 28 days after sowing. The lipid peroxidation of the seeds was expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA) content that was determined by the TBARS method. Approximately 21% of those half-sib progenies maintained the viability of their seeds for twenty-four months under storage. The results point out a remarkable genetic variability for vigor and emergency of the yellow passion fruit plantlets, with occurrence of individuals with high and other ones with low capacity to maintaining the physiologic quality of their seeds after storage

    Fertilidade do solo em sistemas silvipastoris integrando leguminosas arbóreas com capim-braquiária (Urochloa decumbens Stapf. R. Webster)

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    Silvopastoral Systems (SPS) can increase overall productivity and generate continuous income in order to stimulate simultaneous growth and development of trees, forage and livestock. Moreover, the SPS with tree legumes would be important for add nutrients to the system, mainly N, and ensure the soil health and quality. Soil properties were assessed in two SPS, implanted in 2011, using tree legumes and Urochloa decumbens Stapf. R. Webster (Signalgrass). Treatments were Signalgrass + Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth (Sabia) and Signalgrass + Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. (Gliricidia), and they were allocated in a randomized complete block design, with three replications. Soil was sampled in 2013, 2017, and 2018, at 0, 4, and 8 m along transects perpendicular to tree double rows, from 0- to 20- and 20- to 40-cm layers. Soil chemical properties included pH, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, H++Al3+, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and base saturation. In addition, light fraction of soil organic matter (LF-SOM), soil basal respiration (SBR), and natural abundance of 13C of the respired CO2 (δ13C-CO2) were analyzed. Soil pH (5.3, 5.2, 5.1), P (11.3, 7.2, 3.6 mg dm-3), and CECeffective (5.8, 5.1, 5.0 cmolc dm-3) decreased (P &lt; 0.05) along the years 2013, 2017, and 2018, respectively. In 2018, the LF-SOM and δ13C-CO2 was greater in Sabia (1.1 g kg-1 and -16.4‰) compared to Gliricidia (0.7 g kg-1 and -18.2‰). Silvopastoral systems reduced soil fertility regardless of the tree legume species used as result of biomass nutrient stock, without maintenance fertilization. Sabia had greater deposition of LF-SOM, without increasing SBR, providing potential for microbial C use efficiency. Enriched C-CO2 isotope composition shows an efficient SOM oxidize in SPS with Gliricidia or Sabia. This information can contribute to the assessments related to CO2 balance and C retention. Both SPS contribute to C sequestration.Los Sistemas Silvopastoriles (SSP) pueden aumentar la productividad general y generar ingresos. Además, SSP con leguminosas arbóreas adicionan nutrientes al sistema, principalmente N, asegurando la salud y calidad del suelo. Propiedades del suelo fueron evaluadas en dos SSP utilizando leguminosas arbóreas en asociación con Urochloa decumbens Stapf. R. Webster (Barrera). Los tratamientos fueron Barrera + Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth (Sabiá) y Barrera + Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. (Gliricidia), distribuidos en un diseño de bloques aleatorizados (tres repeticiones). Se realizaron colectas de suelo en los años 2013, 2017 y 2018, a 0, 4 y 8 m en transectos perpendiculares a las hileras de árboles, en las profundidades de 0-20 y 20-40 cm. Propiedades químicas del suelo evaluadas incluyeron pH, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, H++Al3+, capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CIC) y saturación de bases. Se analizaron la fracción activa de la materia orgánica (FA-MOS), respiración basal (RBS) y abundancia natural de 13C del CO2 respirado (δ13C-CO2). El pH (5.3, 5.2, 5.1), P (11.3, 7.2, 3.6 mg dm-3) y la CICefectiva (5.8, 5.1, 5.0 cmolc dm-3) disminuyeron (P &lt; 0.05) a través de los años 2013, 2017 y 2018, respectivamente. En 2018, la FA-MOS y δ13C-CO2 fue mayor en Sabiá (1,1 g kg-1 y -16,4‰) comparada con Gliricidia (0,7 g kg-1 y -18,2‰). Los SSP redujeron la fertilidad del suelo independientemente de las especies arbóreas utilizadas como resultado de la reserva de nutrientes de la biomasa, sin fertilización de mantenimiento. Sabiá tuvo mayor deposición de FA-MOS, sin aumentar RBS, favoreciendo potencialmente la eficiencia del uso de C microbiano. La composición isotópica de C-CO2 enriquecida muestra una oxidación eficiente de la MOS en SSP con Gliricidia o Sabiá. Esta información puede contribuir a las evaluaciones relacionadas con el balance de CO2 y retención de C. Ambos SSP contribuyen al secuestro de C.Os Sistemas Silvipastoris (SSP) podem aumentar a produtividade e gerar renda. Também, SSP com leguminosas arbóreas adicionam nutrientes ao sistema, principalmente N, garantindo a saúde e qualidade do solo. Propriedades do solo foram avaliadas em dois SSP utilizando leguminosas arbóreas em consorcio com Urochloa decumbens Stapf. R. Webster (capim-braquiaria). Os tratamentos foram capim-braquiária + Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth (Sabiá) e capim-braquiária + Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. (Gliricídia), sendo distribuídos em delineamento casualizado em blocos (três repetições). Coletas de solo foram realizadas nos anos 2013, 2017 e 2018, a 0, 4 e 8 m ao longo de transectos perpendiculares às fileiras duplas de árvores, nas profundidades de 0-20 e 20-40 cm. As propriedades químicas do solo avaliadas incluíram pH, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, H++Al3+, capacidade de troca de cátions (CTC) e saturação por bases. Foram analisadas a fração leve da matéria orgânica (FL-MOS), a respiração basal (RBS) e a abundância natural do 13C do CO2 respirado (δ13C-CO2). O pH (5,3; 5,2; 5,1), P (11,3; 7,2; 3,6 mg dm-3) e CTCefetiva (5,8; 5,1; 5,0 cmolc dm-3) diminuíram (P &lt; 0,05) ao longo dos anos 2013, 2017 e 2018, respectivamente. No 2018, a FL-MOS e δ13C-CO2 foi maior em Sabiá (1,1 g kg-1 e -16,4‰) em comparação com Gliricídia (0,7 g kg-1 e -18,2‰). Os SSP reduziram a fertilidade do solo independentemente das espécies arbóreas utilizadas em decorrência do estoque de nutrientes da biomassa, sem adubação de manutenção. Sabiá teve maior deposição de FL-MOS, sem aumentar a RBS, proporcionando potencial para a eficiência do uso do C microbiano. A composição enriquecida de isótopos de C-CO2 mostra uma eficiente oxidação da MOS em SSP com Gliricídia ou Sabiá. Essas informações podem contribuir para as avaliações relacionadas ao balanço de CO2 e retenção de C. Ambos SSP contribuem para o sequestro de C

    Directional field-dependence of magnetoimpedance effect on integrated YIG/Pt-stripline system

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    We investigated the magnetization dynamics through the magnetoimpedance effect in an integrated YIG/Pt-stripline system in the frequency range of 0.5 up to 2.0 GHz. Specifically, we explore the dependence of the dynamic magnetic behavior on the field orientation by analyzing beyond the traditional longitudinal magnetoimpedance effect of the transverse and perpendicular setups. We disclose here the strong dependence of the effective damping parameter on the field orientation, as well as verification of the very-low damping parameter values for the longitudinal and transverse configurations. We find considerable sensitivity results, bringing to light the facilities to integrate ferrimagnetic insulators in current and future technological applications.This research was funded by CNPq grand numbers 304943/2020-7 and 407385/2018-5, Capes grand number 88887.573100/2020-00 and FCT grant number CTTI-31/18-CF(2)

    \u3cem\u3eIn Situ\u3c/em\u3e Digestibility of \u3cem\u3eGliricidia sepium\u3c/em\u3e Combined with \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria decumbens\u3c/em\u3e in a Silvopastoral System

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    Silvopastoral system (SPS) are characterized by a combination of trees, pasture and herbivores animals, in the same physical area, in order to obtain diversified products. A promising legume tree that has been studied and used in SPS in tropical areas is gliricidia [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud]. Advantages of gliricidia use in SPS include N inputs via biological fixation, improvement of soil properties, nutrient cycling and also a source of feed to grazing animals (Cubillos-Hinojosa et al., 2011). Gliricidia has high crude protein concentration in its leaves, which complements the usual N-poor diet of ruminants grazing warm-season grasses. The introduction of gliricidia in SPS faces a problem due to the low initial acceptability by cattle, being necessary an adaptation period in order to cattle reach satisfactory intake levels (Carvalho Filho et al., 1997). In general, the quality of the forages can be predicted by accessing their nutritive value, represented by the chemical composition and digestibility of the forage constituents (Van Soest, 1994). The digestibility of dry matter in forages consumed in a SPS can be influenced by the forage species used, by grass/legume combinations, and by the proportion that each forage species takes in the diet of the ruminants. This study evaluated in situ digestibility of gliricidia in increasing levels of inclusion in the diet composed by sabi grass (Brachiaria decumbens, Stapf) in a silvopastoral system

    Surgical Myocardial Revascularization of Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and Severe Left Ventricular Disfunction

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine long-term survival, identify preoperative factors predictive of a favorable outcome, and assess functional improvement after coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with advanced left ventricular dysfunction. METHODS: Between 1995 and 2001, 244 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and had a preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction less than or equal to 35% were included. left ventricular ejection fraction was determined by uniplanar or biplanar ventriculography during left heart catheterization. Indication for surgery was predominance of tissue viability. Functional improvement was evaluated through echocardiography and gated scintigraphy at exercise/ rest. Survival was determined by Kaplan-Meier analysis. RESULTS: Mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 29±4% (ranged from 9% to 35%). An average of 3.01 coronary bypass grafts per patient were performed. In-hospital mortality was 3.7% (9 patients). The 4-year survival rate was 89.7%. Multivariate correlates of favorable short- and long-term outcome were preoperative New York Heart Association Funcional classification for congestive heart failure class I/II, lower PAsP, higher left ventricular ejection fraction and gated left ventricular ejection fraction Ex/Rest ratio >5%. Left ventricular ejection fraction rise from 32±5% to 39±5%, p <0.001. Gated left ventricular ejection fraction at exercise/ rest increased markedly after surgery: from 27±8%/ 23±7% to 37±5%/ 31±6%, p <0.001. CONCLUSIONS: In selected patients with severe ischemic left ventricular dysfunction and predominance of tissue viability, coronary artery bypass grafting may be capable of implement preoperative clinical/ functional parameters in predicting outcome as left ventricular ejection fraction and gated left ventricular ejection fraction at exercise/ rest

    Intraspecific leaf trait variability along a boreal-to-tropical community diversity gradient

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    Disentangling the mechanisms that shape community assembly across diversity gradients is a central matter in ecology. While many studies have explored community assembly through species average trait values, there is a growing understanding that intraspecific trait variation (ITV) can also play a critical role in species coexistence. Classic biodiversity theory hypothesizes that higher diversity at species-rich sites can arise from narrower niches relative to species-poor sites, which would be reflected in reduced ITV as species richness increases. To explore how ITV in woody plant communities changes with species richness, we compiled leaf trait data (leaf size and specific leaf area) in a total of 521 woody plant species from 21 forest communities that differed dramatically in species richness, ranging from boreal to tropical rainforests. At each forest, we assessed ITV as an estimate of species niche breadth and we quantified the degree of trait overlap among co-occurring species as a measure of species functional similarity. We found ITV was relatively invariant across the species richness gradient. In addition, we found that species functional similarity increased with diversity. Contrary to the expectation from classic biodiversity theory, our results rather suggest that neutral processes or equalizing mechanisms can be acting as potential drivers shaping community assembly in hyperdiverse forests.Leaf data used to come to this manuscript resulted from many different studies involving different funding sources: European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 265171; Spanish-funded project REMEDINAL3eCM (S2013/MAE-2719); Ecometas excellence network (CGL2014-53840-REDT); a FPU grant by the Spanish Government (AP2010-5600); a Marie Curie IEF fellowship (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF. no. 302445);Peer Reviewe