21 research outputs found

    Lexical retrieval in Russian-Czech bilingual speakers

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    The present thesis is devoted to the lexical acquisition of bilingual speakers in their first language, specifically Russian-speaking individuals living in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to follow up on previous foreign and Czech studies, focusing on the lexical acquisition of bilingual speakers. Such lexical acquisition is slower in their first language than the acquisition of comparable monolingual individuals. In the theoretical part, the thesis discusses the concepts of bilingualism, lexical deficit and language dominance, and presents an analysis of several recent foreign and Czech studies on the topic of lexical acquisition of bilingual speakers. In next part, we introduce the Russian-speaking community in the Czech Republic and the speech behaviour of this minority in the Czech Republic. The core of the thesis is a sophisticated experimental research design, which includes a verbal fluency test, a picture naming task and a questionnaire survey. The pre- survey for the picture naming task was conducted with participation of 243 respondents whose mother tongue is Russian. The output of the paper is a design of an experiment that can be followed up by further research. Keywords bilingualism, lexical acquisition, linguistic dominance, Russian-speaking community in the Czech Republi

    Understanding gene regulatory mechanisms of mouse immune cells using a convolutional neural network

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    Cell differentiation is controlled via complex interactions of genomic regulatory sites such as promoters and enhancers that lead to precise cell type-specific patterns of gene expression. Local chromatin accessibility at these sites is a requirement of regulatory activity, and is therefore an important component of the gene regulation machinery. To understand how DNA sequence drives local chromatin accessibility within the context of immune cell differentiation, we examined a dataset of open chromatin regions (OCRs) derived with the ATAC-seq assay from 81 closely related mouse immune cell types. We selected and optimized a convolutional neural network (CNN), which we named AI-TAC, that takes as input a 250bp DNA sequence of a potential OCR and predicts the relative chromatin activity at that OCR across the 81 different immune cell types in our dataset. Test dataset results showed that for many OCRs, AI-TAC is able to predict chromatin state with a high degree of accuracy, even differentiating between closely related cell types. Using CNN interpretability methods we identified sequence motifs used by the model to make predictions, many of which match closely to known transcription factor (TF) binding sites. The cell type - specific influence assigned to each motif by AI-TAC in many instances recapitulates prior biological knowledge about the role of these TFs in immune cell differentiation, lending credibility to our model and interpretation methods. Finally, we attempt to discern if the model detected any combinatorial activity between TFs that is predictive of chromatin accessibility.Science, Faculty ofGraduat

    Collocations of the lemmas "země" and "nebe" in the Czech National Corpus

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    In this bachelor thesis we are examining lemmas "nebe" and "země" in the Czech National Corpus. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on explaining the terms of basic lexical units, lemmas and collocations. Beyond that, it contains a brief description of phraseology and idiomics and introduction to the Czech National Corpus. The practical part contains the materials obtained in the search in dictionaries and in the corpus, its comparative analysis and more detailed description of data founded in the corpus

    RUSS 302-01, Advanced Russian, Spring 2008

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    This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructorObjectives: Cognitive 1. learning more complex elements of Russian grammar; 2. acquiring active vocabulary for discussing everyday topics, as well as history and literature in Russian; 3. understanding important conceptual relationships in the Russian language system; 4. exercising and improving speaking skills; 5. improving spelling skills; 6. developing writing skills (competent, grammatically accurate and creative writing); Affective 7. developing further appreciation of Russian culture; 8. developing attitudes for lifelong learning

    Розробка нової форми рівняннь збуреного руху супутника на майже кругових орбітах

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    The use of simple physical reasoning instead of the method of varying constants has made it possible to elaborate a short scheme of deriving equations of disturbed motion of a satellite in nearly circular orbits. The use of a circular Keplerian orbit as a reference orbit has ensured the nondegeneracy of equations and their simple relation with time. All this taken together has made it possible to propose a form of equations convenient for carrying out numerical and analytical studies with its variables having a simple physical meaning.A relationship between the introduced variables and the Keplerian elements of the orbits was described for undisturbed motion. It was shown that the variables describing the deviation of the orbit radius from the radius of the reference orbit are proportional to eccentricity and deviation of the focal parameter is proportional to the square of the eccentricity.Relationships were constructed that describe the connection between the introduced variables and the Cartesian coordinates of position and velocity in the inertial coordinate system as well as arguments for choosing the radius of the reference orbit. From the condition of equality of energies of motion along circular reference orbit and in elliptical Keplerian orbit, it is expedient to take the radius of the reference orbit equal to the semi-major axis of the Keplerian ellipse.Approaches to the possible development of the proposed equations were presented. They make it possible to describe changes in the argument of the orbit perigee. The proposed change of variables makes it possible to avoid degeneracy of equations at very small eccentricities when studying the change in the orbit perigee.The advantages of using the proposed equations for numerical and analytical studies of satellite motion in nearly circular orbits were shown on concrete calculation examples. It was shown that the results of numerical integration in the proposed variables give almost five orders of magnitude less error than the results of the integration of equations in Cartesian coordinatesИспользование простых физических соображений вместо метода вариации постоянных позволило провести краткую схему вывода уравнений возмущенного движения спутника на почти круговых орбитах. Использование в качестве орбиты сравнения круговой кеплеровой орбиты обеспечило невырожденность уравнений и простую связь их со временем. Совместно это позволило предложить удобную для проведения численных и аналитических исследований форму уравнений, переменные которой имеют простой физический смысл.Для невозмущенного движения описана связь введенных переменных с кеплеровыми элементами орбит. Показано, что переменные, описывающие отклонение радиуса орбиты от радиуса орбиты сравнения, пропорциональны эксцентриситету, а отклонения фокального параметра – квадрату эксцентриситета.Построены соотношения, описывающие связь введенных переменных с декартовыми координатами положения и скорости в инерциальной системе координат, а также приведены аргументы по выбору радиуса орбиты сравнения. Из условия равенства энергий движения по круговой орбите сравнения и по эллиптической кеплеровой орбите целесообразно принять радиус орбиты сравнения равным большой полуоси кеплерова эллипса.Представлены подходы к возможному развитию предложенных уравнений, позволяющие описывать изменения аргумента перигея орбиты. Предложенная замена переменных позволяет избежать вырожденности уравнений при очень малых эксцентриситетах при исследовании изменения перигея орбиты.На конкретных расчетных примерах показаны преимущества использования предложенных уравнений для численных и аналитических исследований движения спутника по почти круговым орбитам. Показано, что результаты численного интегрирования в предложенных переменных почти на пять порядков дают меньшую погрешность, чем результаты интегрирования уравнений в декартовых координатахВикористання простих фізичних міркувань замість методу варіації постійних дозволило провести коротку схему виведення рівнянь збуреного руху супутника на майже кругових орбітах. Використання в якості орбіти порівняння кругової кеплерової орбіти забезпечило невиродженість рівнянь і простий зв'язок їх з часом. Спільно це дозволило запропонувати зручну для проведення чисельних і аналітичних досліджень форму рівнянь, змінні якої мають простий фізичний зміст.Для незбуреного руху описаний зв'язок введених змінних з кеплеровими елементами орбіти. Показано, що змінні, що описують відхилення радіуса орбіти від радіуса орбіти порівняння пропорційні ексцентриситету, а відхилення фокального параметра – ексцентриситету в квадраті.Побудовані співвідношення, що описують зв'язок введених змінних з декартовими координатами положення і швидкості в інерціальній системі координат, а також наведені аргументи щодо вибору радіуса орбіти порівняння. З умови рівності енергій руху на круговій орбіті порівняння і на еліптичній кеплеровій орбіті доцільно прийняти радіус орбіти порівняння рівним великій напіввісі кеплерового еліпсу.Представлені підходи до можливого розвитку запропонованих рівнянь, що дозволяють описувати зміни аргументу перигею орбіти. Запропонована заміна змінних дозволяє уникнути виродженність рівнянь при дуже малих ексцентриситетах при дослідженні зміни перигею орбіти.На конкретних розрахункових прикладах показані переваги використання запропонованих рівнянь для чисельних і аналітичних досліджень руху супутника по майже кругових орбітах. Показано, що результати чисельного інтегрування в запропонованих змінних майже на п'ять порядків дають меншу похибку, ніж результати інтегрування рівнянь в декартових координата

    Development of A New Form of Equations of Disturbed Motion of A Satellite in Nearly Circular Orbits

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    The use of simple physical reasoning instead of the method of varying constants has made it possible to elaborate a short scheme of deriving equations of disturbed motion of a satellite in nearly circular orbits. The use of a circular Keplerian orbit as a reference orbit has ensured the nondegeneracy of equations and their simple relation with time. All this taken together has made it possible to propose a form of equations convenient for carrying out numerical and analytical studies with its variables having a simple physical meaning.A relationship between the introduced variables and the Keplerian elements of the orbits was described for undisturbed motion. It was shown that the variables describing the deviation of the orbit radius from the radius of the reference orbit are proportional to eccentricity and deviation of the focal parameter is proportional to the square of the eccentricity.Relationships were constructed that describe the connection between the introduced variables and the Cartesian coordinates of position and velocity in the inertial coordinate system as well as arguments for choosing the radius of the reference orbit. From the condition of equality of energies of motion along circular reference orbit and in elliptical Keplerian orbit, it is expedient to take the radius of the reference orbit equal to the semi-major axis of the Keplerian ellipse.Approaches to the possible development of the proposed equations were presented. They make it possible to describe changes in the argument of the orbit perigee. The proposed change of variables makes it possible to avoid degeneracy of equations at very small eccentricities when studying the change in the orbit perigee.The advantages of using the proposed equations for numerical and analytical studies of satellite motion in nearly circular orbits were shown on concrete calculation examples. It was shown that the results of numerical integration in the proposed variables give almost five orders of magnitude less error than the results of the integration of equations in Cartesian coordinate

    Electrochemically synthesized Pt/TiO2-C catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell applications

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    The Pt/TiO2-C catalysts with different TiO2 loadings have been prepared by electrochemical oxidation/dispersion, and their good catalytic activity in CO stripping and methanol electrooxidation reactions has been shown