142 research outputs found

    Modelling, Optimisation and Explicit Model Predictive Control of Anaesthesia Drug Delivery Systems

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    The contributions of this thesis are organised in two parts. Part I presents a mathematical model for drug distribution and drug effect of volatile anaesthesia. Part II presents model predictive control strategies for depth of anaesthesia control based on the derived model. Closed-loop model predictive control strategies for anaesthesia are aiming to improve patient's safety and to fine-tune drug delivery, routinely performed by the anaesthetist. The framework presented in this thesis highlights the advantages of extensive modelling and model analysis, which are contributing to a detailed understanding of the system, when aiming for the optimal control of such system. As part of the presented framework, the model uncertainty originated from patient-variability is analysed and the designed control strategy is tested against the identified uncertainty. An individualised physiologically based model of drug distribution and uptake, pharmacokinetics, and drug effect, pharmacodynamics, of volatile anaesthesia is presented, where the pharmacokinetic model is adjusted to the weight, height, gender and age of the patient. The pharmacodynamic model links the hypnotic depth measured by the Bispectral index (BIS), to the arterial concentration by an artificial effect site compartment and the Hill equation. The individualised pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variables and parameters are analysed with respect to their influence on the measurable outputs, the end-tidal concentration and the BIS. The validation of the model, performed with clinical data for isoflurane and desflurane based anaesthesia, shows a good prediction of the drug uptake, while the pharmacodynamic parameters are individually estimated for each patient. The derived control design consists of a linear multi-parametric model predictive controller and a state estimator. The non-measurable tissue and blood concentrations are estimated based on the end-tidal concentration of the volatile anaesthetic. The designed controller adapts to the individual patient's dynamics based on measured data. In an alternative approach, the individual patient's sensitivity is estimated on-line by solving a least squares parameter estimation problem.Open Acces

    Advanced model-based control studies for the induction and maintenance of intravenous anaesthesia

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    This paper describes strategies toward model-based automation of intravenous anaesthesia employing advanced control techniques. In particular, based on a detailed compartmental mathematical model featuring pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics information, two alternative model predictive control strategies are presented: a model predictive control strategy, based on online optimization, the extended predictive self-adaptive control and a multiparametric control strategy based on offline optimization, the multiparametric model predictive control. The multiparametric features to account for the effect of nonlinearity and the impact of estimation are also described. The control strategies are tested on a set of 12 virtually generated patient models for the regulation of the depth of anaesthesia by means of the bispectral index (BIS) using Propofol as the administrated anaesthetic. The simulations show fast response, suitability of dose, and robustness to induce and maintain the desired BIS setpoint

    Lexicografia Pedagógica: uma proposição prática exemplificada

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    A Lexicografia Pedagógica (LP) é motivada pela compreensão do importante papel didático que os dicionários podem desempenhar no ensino/aprendizagem das línguas. Um dos objetivos da Lexicografia Pedagógica  consiste, portanto, em evidenciar a produtividade do dicionário em diferentes situações de aprendizado não só de língua estrangeira, mas também da língua materna. Neste artigo, salienta-se a importância das relações entre níveis e/ou projetos de ensino e a proposta lexicográfica que rege a organização estrutural de dicionários escolares de língua materna. Estudos de LP constatam a carência de formação em lexicografia dos professores no Brasil. Isso explica o desconhecimento da estrutura e do potencial de lições sobre a língua e a linguagem que os dicionários oferecem.  Consequentemente, evidencia-se o pouco aproveitamento dos dicionários nas práticas pedagógicas de língua materna. No entanto, percebe-se que os princípios da LP vem produzindo impactos positivos sobre a produção editorial da lexicografia escolar brasileira. Nesse contexto, este texto tem por objetivo  apresentar resultados de um trabalho prático, publicado sob a forma de Caderno de Exercícios (KRIEGER e MÜLLER, 2017). Dois eixos pautam a organização dos Cadernos: 1) Para conhecer e consultar o dicionário e 2) Para aproveitar o dicionário. Todo o material compreende um conjunto de 90 exercícios que podem auxiliar os professores em diversas atividades didáticas com o uso de dicionários

    Terminologia no contexto das empresas: um estudo de caso

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    No contexto dos estudos terminológicos, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma descrição de termos que circulam em empresas e compõem a categoria da terminologia empresarial. A terminologia empresarial é um domínio novo de conhecimento, ainda pouco explorado. O estudo apresentado ampara-se teoricamente na abordagem linguístico-comunicacional da Terminologia, segundo a qual o termo é visto como um item lexical que pode assumir o valor especializado de acordo com o seu contexto comunicativo. Metodologicamente, apresenta-se o estudo de caso com a Empresa Y M&amp;E Brasil, identificando-se que a terminologia empresarial é híbrida e está constituída por dois grandes eixos: o eixo da Terminologia de Operacionalização Administrativa e o eixo da Terminologia de Operacionalização de Processo e Produto. O estudo mostrou que esses dois eixos permitiram descrever a categoria terminológica empresarial e apresentar as características do que se denominou como Termo Organizacional e Termo Operacional. Palavras-chave: linguagem, terminologia, terminologia empresarial, termo organizacional e operacional.</p

    Terminologia no contexto das empresas: um estudo de caso

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    Within the context of terminological studies, this paper aims at describing terms that circulate within business companies and compose the business terminology category. Business terminology is a new area of knowledge, to which little attention has yet been paid. To carry this study, the theoretical framework we use is the linguistic-communication theory of Terminology, which establishes that terms are lexical units which assume a specialized value in accordance with their communicative context. Concerning methodology, this paper presents a case study carried out at the Y M&amp;E Brasil Company, identifying that business terminology terminology is hybrid, because it is constituted by two major axes: the Terminology of Administrative Operationalization axis and the Terminology of Product and Process Operationalization axis. The study showed that these two axes enabled a description of the respective terminological category, as well as an introduction to characteristics of the Organizational Term and Operational Term categories.Keywords: language, terminology, business terminology, organizational and operational term.No contexto dos estudos terminológicos, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma descrição de termos que circulam em empresas e compõem a categoria da terminologia empresarial. A terminologia empresarial é um domínio novo de conhecimento, ainda pouco explorado. O estudo apresentado ampara-se teoricamente na abordagem linguístico-comunicacional da Terminologia, segundo a qual o termo é visto como um item lexical que pode assumir o valor especializado de acordo com o seu contexto comunicativo. Metodologicamente, apresenta-se o estudo de caso com a Empresa Y M&amp;E Brasil, identificando-se que a terminologia empresarial é híbrida e está constituída por dois grandes eixos: o eixo da Terminologia de Operacionalização Administrativa e o eixo da Terminologia de Operacionalização de Processo e Produto. O estudo mostrou que esses dois eixos permitiram descrever a categoria terminológica empresarial e apresentar as características do que se denominou como Termo Organizacional e Termo Operacional. Palavras-chave: linguagem, terminologia, terminologia empresarial, termo organizacional e operacional

    Influence of Shape Elements on Performance during Haptic Rotation

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    Krieger K, Moringen A, Kappers AML, Ritter H. Influence of Shape Elements on Performance during Haptic Rotation. In: Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications 11th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2018, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10893. Cham: Springer; 2018: 125-137

    "Turbokapitalismus versus Soziale Marktwirtschaft" - Findet ein Ausverkauf deutscher Unternehmen durch ausländische Fonds statt?

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    Verhindern kurzfristige Gewinninteressen von Hedge- und Private-Equity-Fonds eine solide Unternehmensstrategie und gefährden die Existenz von Traditionsunternehmen? Zu diesen Fragen fand vom 20. bis 22. Oktober 2006 unter der Leitung von Dr. Wolfgang Quaisser in der Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing die Tagung "Dem Raubtier auf die Zähne gefühlt: Turbokapitalismus versus Soziale Marktwirtschaft" statt. Friedrich L. Sell, Universität der Bundeswehr München, äußerte sich dort zu den Möglichkeiten des IWF, zur Stabilisierung internationaler Finanzmärkte beizutragen. Martin Hüfner, ehemals HypoVereinsbank, München, analysierte die Situation der deutschen Banken im internationalen Wettbewerb. Rüdiger von Rosen, Deutsches Aktieninstitut, Frankfurt, unterstrich, dass funktionierende Kapitalmärkte für das Wachstum und die Beschäftigungsaussichten von Volkswirtschaften eine entscheidende Voraussetzung bilden, und fragte nach der Kapitalmarktakzeptanz und insbesondere der "Akzeptanz der Aktie" in Deutschland auf Seiten der Anleger, der Unternehmen und der Politik. Für Bernd Rudolph, Universität München, übernehmen Private-Equity-Gesellschaften ebenso wie Hedgefonds "wichtige Funktionen in einem Finanzsystem, die von anderen Finanzintermediären nicht in dieser Form und nicht mit dieser Effizienz erfüllt werden können. … Wenn man von einigen zum Teil beklagenswerten Einzelfällen absieht, dann lässt sich in der Umwälzung des Finanzsystems klar ausmachen, dass mit diesen neuen Investmentvehikeln der Kapitalmarkt vervollkommnet und vervollständigt werden kann." Peter Aiello und Dieter Wermuth, Wermuth Asset Management GmbH, gaben einen Überblick über die Funtionsweise von Hedgefonds und bewerteten deren Vor- und Nachteile. Alexandra Krieger, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf, setzte sich kritisch mit dem Geschäftsmodell der Private-Equity-Fonds auseinander. Und Christoph Lütge, Universität München, stellte einige grundsätzliche Überlegungen "zur Ethik in der Marktwirtschaft"Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Kapitalismus, Übernahme, Unternehmen, Fonds, Devisenmarkt, Internationaler Finanzmarkt, Internationaler Wettbewerb, Wirtschaftsethik, Deutschland

    Cell therapy prevents structural, functional and molecular remodeling of remote non-infarcted myocardium

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    Background/objectives: Therapy using bone marrow (BM) cells has been tested experimentally and clinically due to the potential ability to restore cardiac function by regenerating lost myocytes or increasing the survival of tissues at risk after myocardial infarction (MI). in this study we aimed to evaluate whether BM-derived mononuclear cell (MNC) implantation can positively influence the post-MI structural remodeling, contractility and Ca(2+)-handling proteins of the remote non-infarcted tissue in rats.Methods and results: After 48 h of MI induction, saline or BM-MNC were injected. Six weeks later, MI scars were slightly smaller and thicker, and cardiac dilatation was just partially prevented by cell therapy. However, the cardiac performance under hemodynamic stress was totally preserved in the BM-MNC treated group if compared to the untreated group, associated with normal contractility of remote myocardium as analyzed in vitro. the impaired post-rest potentiation of contractile force, associated with decreased protein expression of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and phosphorylated-phospholamban and overexpression of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, were prevented by BM-MNC, indicating preservation of the Ca(2+) handling. Finally, pathological changes on remodeled remote tissue such as myocyte hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis and capillary rarefaction were also mitigated by cell therapy.Conclusions: BM-MNC therapy was able to prevent cardiac structural and molecular remodeling after MI, avoiding pathological changes on Ca(2+)-handling proteins and preserving contractile behavior of the viable myocardium, which could be the major contributor to the improvements of global cardiac performance after cell transplantation despite that scar tissue still exists. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Dept Struct & Funct Biol, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Heart, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc