292 research outputs found

    Possible Existence of an Extraordinary Phase in the Driven Lattice Gas

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    We report recent simulation results which might indicate the existence of a new low-temperature "phase" in an Ising lattice gas, driven into a non-equilibrium steady state by an external field. It appears that this "phase", characterized by multiple-strip configurations, is selected when square systems are used to approach the thermodynamic limit. We propose a quantitative criterion for the existence of such a "phase". If confirmed, its observation may resolve a long-standing controversy over the critical properties of the driven Ising lattice gas.Comment: 10 pages; 4 figure

    Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring

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    Biomonitoring in raptors can be used to study long-term and large-scale changes in environmental pollution. In Europe, such monitoring is needed to assess environmental risks and outcomes of chemicals regulation, which is harmonised across the European Union. To be effective, the most appropriate sentinels need to be monitored. Our aim was to identify which European raptor species are the likely most appropriate biomonitors when pollutant quantification is based on analysing tissues. Our current study was restricted to terrestrial exposure pathways and considered four priority pollutant groups: toxic metals (lead and mercury), anticoagulant rodenticides, pesticides and medicinal products. We evaluated information on the distribution and key ecological traits (food web, foraging trait, diet, preferred habitat, and migratory behaviour) of European raptors to identify the most appropriate sentinel species. Common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and/or tawny owl (Strix aluco) proved the most suitable candidates for many of the pollutants considered. Moreover, they are abundant in Europe, enhancing the likelihood that samples can be collected. However, other species may be better sentinels for certain pollutants, such as the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) for lead, the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) for mercury across areas including Northern Europe, and vultures (where they occur in Europe) are likely best suited for monitoring non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Overall, however, we argue the selection of candidate species for widescale monitoring of a range of pollutants can be reduced to very few raptor species. We recommend that the common buzzard and tawny owl should be the initial focus of any pan-European raptor monitoring. The lack of previous widespread monitoring using these species suggests that their utility as sentinels for environmnetal pollution has not been widely recognised. Finally, although the current study focussed on Europe, our trait-based approach for identifying raptor biomonitors can be applied to other continents and contaminants

    Gamma probe and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology of the sentinel node (GULF) trial

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    Background: Sentinel node (SN) biopsy (SNB) detects clinically occult metastases of breast cancer and melanoma in 20-30%. Wound infections, seroma and lymph edema occur in up to 10%. Targeted ultrasound (US) of the SN, (with fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) if appropriate) has been investigated as a minimally invasive alternative, but reported sensitivity rates are too low to replace SNB. Our hypothesis is that the use of a handheld gamma probe concomitant with US may improve sensitivity. Our aim is to provide an overview of the current literature on preoperative nodal staging of clinical N0 melanoma patients, report on a pilot, and present a study protocol for a minimally invasive alternative to the SNB: Gamma probe and Ultrasound guided Fine needle aspiration cytology of the sentinel node (GULF trial). Methods: The GULF trial is a multicenter open single arm observational trial. Newly diagnosed cT1b-4N0M0 cutaneous melanoma or cT1-3N0M0 breast cancer patients, aged >18years, presenting for SNB are eligible. 120 patients will be included for preoperative targeted gamma probe guided US and FNAC of the SN. Afterwards all patients proceed to surgical SNB. Primary endpoint is the sensitivity of FNAC. Secondary endpoints include SN identification rate and the histopathological compatibility of Core Needle Biopsy and FNAC vs. SNB. Secondary endpoints were investigated in a pilot with 10 FNACs and marker placements, and 10 FNACs combined with Core Needle Biopsy. Results: A pilot in 20 patients showed that SN identification rate was 90%, supporting the feasibility of this technique. Discussion: There is broad experience with US (in combination with FNAC) prior to SNB, but sensitivity and specificity are too low to completely abandon SNB. Promising alternative techniques potentially will replace SNB in the future but more evidence is needed in the form of prospective studies. Accurate identification of the SN for US-FNAC has been proven feasible in our pilot. When adequate sensitivity can be reached, US-FNAC provides a minimally invasive alternative for the surgical SNB procedure. Trial registration: The GULF trial is registered in the Netherlands Trial Registry (NTR), ID: NRT5193. May 1st 2015

    A standardized method for plasma extracellular vesicle isolation and size distribution analysis

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    The following protocol describes our workflow for isolation and quantification of plasma extracellular vesicles (EVs). It requires limited sample volume so that the scientific value of specimens is maximized. These steps include isolation of vesicles by automated size exclusion chromatography and quantification by tunable resistive pulse sensing. This workflow optimizes reproducibility by minimizing variations in processing, handling, and storage of EVs. EVs have significant diagnostic and therapeutic potential, but clinical application is limited by disparate methods of data collection. This standardized protocol is scalable and ensures efficient recovery of physiologically intact EVs that may be used in a variety of downstream biochemical and functional analyses. Simultaneous measurement quantifies EV concentration and size distribution absolutely. Absolute quantification corrects for variations in EV number and size, offering a novel method of standardization in downstream applications

    Effect of a two-year national quality improvement program on surgical checklist implementation

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    Use of the surgical checklist in Switzerland is still incomplete and unsatisfactory. A national improvement program was developed and conducted in Switzerland to implement and improve the use of the surgical safety checklists. The aims of the implementation program were to implement comprehensive and correct checklist use in participating hospitals in every patient and in every surgical procedure; and to improve safety climate and teamwork as important cultural context variables. 10 hospitals were selected for participation in the implementation program. A questionnaire assessing use, knowledge, and attitudes towards the checklist and the Safety Climate Survey were conducted at two measurement occasions each in October/November 2013 and January/February 2015. Significant increases emerged for frequency of checklist use (F(1,1001)=340.9, p<0.001), satisfaction (F(1,1232)=25.6, p<0.001), and knowledge(F(1,1294)=184.5, p<0.001). While significant differences in norms (F(1,1284)=17.9, p<0.001) and intentions (F(1,1284)=7.8, p<0.01) were observed, this was not the case for attitudes (F(1,1283)=.8, n.s.) and acceptance (F(1,1284)=0.1, n.s.). Significant differences for safety climate and teamwork emerged in the present study (F(1,3555)=11.8, p<0.001 and F(1,3554)=24.6, p<0.001, respectively). However, although statistical significance was reached, effects are very small and practical relevance is thus questionable. The results of the present study suggest that the quality improvement program conducted by the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation in 10 hospitals led to successful checklist implementation. The strongest effects were seen in aspects concerning behaviour and knowledge specifically related to checklist use. Less impact was achieved on general cultural variables safety climate and teamwork. However, as a trend was observable, these variables may simply need more time in order to change substantially

    The Topological B-model on a Mini-Supertwistor Space and Supersymmetric Bogomolny Monopole Equations

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    In the recent paper hep-th/0502076, it was argued that the open topological B-model whose target space is a complex (2|4)-dimensional mini-supertwistor space with D3- and D1-branes added corresponds to a super Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions. Without the D1-branes, this topological B-model is equivalent to a dimensionally reduced holomorphic Chern-Simons theory. Identifying the latter with a holomorphic BF-type theory, we describe a twistor correspondence between this theory and a supersymmetric Bogomolny model on R^3. The connecting link in this correspondence is a partially holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on a Cauchy-Riemann supermanifold which is a real one-dimensional fibration over the mini-supertwistor space. Along the way of proving this twistor correspondence, we review the necessary basic geometric notions and construct action functionals for the involved theories. Furthermore, we discuss the geometric aspect of a recently proposed deformation of the mini-supertwistor space, which gives rise to mass terms in the supersymmetric Bogomolny equations. Eventually, we present solution generating techniques based on the developed twistorial description together with some examples and comment briefly on a twistor correspondence for super Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions.Comment: 55 pages; v2: typos fixed, published versio

    Twenty five years after KLS: A celebration of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

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    When Lenz proposed a simple model for phase transitions in magnetism, he couldn't have imagined that the "Ising model" was to become a jewel in field of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Its role spans the spectrum, from a good pedagogical example to a universality class in critical phenomena. A quarter century ago, Katz, Lebowitz and Spohn found a similar treasure. By introducing a seemingly trivial modification to the Ising lattice gas, they took it into the vast realms of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. An abundant variety of unexpected behavior emerged and caught many of us by surprise. We present a brief review of some of the new insights garnered and some of the outstanding puzzles, as well as speculate on the model's role in the future of non-equilibrium statistical physics.Comment: 3 figures. Proceedings of 100th Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers, NJ (December, 2008

    Resistência a Septoria lycopersici em espécies de Solanum (Secção Lycopersicon) e em progênies de S. lycopersicum &#215; S. peruvianum

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    Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) is one of the major fungal diseases of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) in tropical and subtropical regions with humid climates and/or in areas cultivated under sprinkler irrigation systems. Sources of resistance have been found in accessions of Solanum (section Lycopersicon) species. However, many of the described sources are not effective under Brazilian conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate wild and cultivated Solanum (section Lycopersicon) germplasm to S. lycopersici isolates. A collection of 124 accessions was initially evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Ten accessions were highly resistance (HR), whereas 33 were classified as having a resistant (R) response to S. lycopersici isolates. Field evaluation was also conducted with a sub-set of accessions identified as either HR or R in the greenhouse experiment. This field evaluation confirmed greenhouse tests and indicated the presence of some potential sources of rate-reducing resistance. One highly resistant and eight resistant S. habrochaites accessions were identified as being resistant under both conditions, confirming that this wild species is one of the most promising sources of resistance to S. lycopersici. Five new sources with high levels of resistance were found in S. peruvianum accessions (PI-306811, CNPH-1036, LA-1910, LA-1984 and LA-2744). One accession derived from an interspecific cross between S. lycopersicum and S. peruvianum was also found to be highly resistant and might be useful to introgress resistance factors from this wild species into cultivated tomato germplasm. However, additional breeding efforts will be necessary to introgress into the cultivated tomato the resistance factors identified in other S. peruvianum accessions due to the presence of natural crossing barriers between the two species.A mancha-de-septória (Septoria lycopersici) é importante doença fúngica do tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum) em áreas tropicais e subtropicais com alta umidade ou quando esta hortaliça é cultivada sob irrigação por aspersão. Fontes de resistência têm sido encontradas em germoplasma de Solanum (secção Lycopersicon). No entanto, muitas das fontes descritas não funcionam nas condições brasileiras. Avaliou-se uma coleção de germoplasma de tomate cultivado e selvagem (Solanum secção Lycopersicon) visando identificar novas fontes de elevada resistência. Uma coleção de 124 acessos foi inicialmente avaliada sob condições de casa de vegetação. Somente dez acessos foram classificados como altamente resistentes e 33 foram classificados como resistentes. Um ensaio de campo foi também conduzido com um subconjunto de acessos promissores identificados no primeiro experimento. Foi confirmada a resposta da maioria dos acessos avaliados em casa de vegetação e indicou a presença de fontes de resistência capazes de reduzir a taxa de progresso da doença. Um acesso de S. habrochaites com elevada resistência e oito acessos resistentes foram identificados, confirmando que esta espécie representa uma das mais promissoras fontes de genes de resistência a S. lycopersici. Cinco novas fontes com elevados níveis de resistência foram identificadas em acessos da espécie S. peruvianum (PI-306811, CNPH-1036, LA-1910, LA-1984 e LA-2744). Um acesso, derivado de cruzamento interespecífico entre S. lycopersicum e S. peruvianum também mostrou-se altamente resistente e poderá ser útil na introgressão deste(s) gene(s) em germoplasma de tomateiro cultivado. No entanto, esforços adicionais de melhoramento serão necessários para transferir para o tomateiro cultivado os fatores de resistência identificados em outros acessos de S. peruvianum, uma vez que existem barreiras naturais de cruzamentos entre estas duas espécies

    Does Culture Impact Preferred Employee attributes in Complaint Handling Encounters?

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    Recently, Gruber et al.’s (2011) Kano study revealed that complaining customers in Saudi Arabia are less difficult to delight than UK customers. The present study investigates whether these differences are caused by different service sector development stages, as suggested in their study, or by cultural differences instead. Data were collected using Kano questionnaires from 151 respondents with complaining experience in Singapore. This country was chosen as it has a highly developed service economy (like the UK) but also a collectivistic culture (like Saudi Arabia). The analysis reveals that Singaporean customers show the same preferences as those in the UK. We consider this as a strong indicator for the suggested impact of the stage of service sector development rather than cultural differences on complaining customers’ preferences of frontline employee attributes. Our results support the findings by Gruber et al. (2011). By doing so, they surprisingly refute previous research which concluded that national culture plays a significant role in shaping customer expectations during complaint handling encounters. Our study especially corroborates the notion of a life cycle of quality attributes that had been found for goods and services and the preferred attributes of frontline employees dealing with customer complaints

    Mammary Gland Evaluation in Juvenile Toxicity Studies: Temporal Developmental Patterns in the Male and Female Harlan Sprague-Dawley Rat

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    There are currently no reports describing mammary gland development in the Harlan Sprague-Dawley (HSD) rat, the current strain of choice for National Toxicology Program (NTP) testing. Our goals were to empower the NTP, contract labs, and other researchers in understanding and interpreting chemical effects in this rat strain. To delineate similarities/differences between the female and male mammary gland, data were compiled starting on embryonic day 15.5 through postnatal day 70. Mammary gland whole mounts, histology sections, and immunohistochemically stained tissues for estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors were evaluated in both sexes; qualitative and quantitative differences are highlighted using a comprehensive visual timeline. Research on endocrine disrupting chemicals in animal models has highlighted chemically induced mammary gland anomalies that may potentially impact human health. In order to investigate these effects within the HSD strain, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, diethylstilbestrol, or vehicle control was gavage dosed on gestation day 15 and 18 to demonstrate delayed, accelerated, and control mammary gland growth in offspring, respectively. We provide illustrations of normal and chemically altered mammary gland development in HSD male and female rats to help inform researchers unfamiliar with the tissue and may facilitate enhanced evaluation of both male and female mammary glands in juvenile toxicity studies