195 research outputs found

    Rank ectopic expression in the presence of Neu and PyMT oncogenes alters mammary epithelial cell populations and their tumorigenic potential

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    Determination of the mammary epithelial cell that serves as the cell of origin for breast cancer is key to understand tumor heterogeneity and clinical management. In this study, we aimed to decipher whether Rank expression in the presence of PyMT and Neu oncogenes might affect the cell of origin of mammary gland tumors. We observed that Rank expression in PyMT+/- and Neu(+/-) mammary glands alters the basal and luminal mammary cell populations already in preneoplasic tissue, which may interfere with the tumor cell of origin restricting their tumorigenesis ability upon transplantation assays. In spite of this, Rank expression eventually promotes tumor aggressiveness once tumorigenesis is established

    ACV Libre:la Utilización del ELCD en la Fase de Diseño

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Badajoz , 8-10 de julio de 2009Small and medium enterprises are more and more conscious about knowing the actual products environmental impact. However, they are coming up against two obstacles: firstly, the economic cost by the buy of specialized software; secondly, the difficulty supposed by its use. Moreover, it is essential to provide an integrated LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) approach that considers environmental impacts of product design in CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) programs. This work shows an approximation to a new free LCA based in the ELCD (European Reference Life Cycle Data) system using new available web technologies such as RIA (Rich Internet Applications). Based on the information that manages the product and process representation, the tool applies the calculation of Eco-Indicator 99 using the European Reference Life Cycle Data System (ELCD). The results are shown in a graphical user interface compatible with any CAE system.Las pequeñas y medianas empresas cada vez son más conscientes que deben conocer el impacto ambiental real que produce un producto. No obstante, se encuentran con dos obstáculos: por una parte, el coste económico por la compra de un software especializado y por otra, la dificultad que supone su uso. Además es esencial proporcionar un enfoque del Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) que considere los impactos ambientales de un diseño de producto en los programas CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering – Ingeniería Asistida por Ordenador). Este trabajo presenta una aproximación a una nueva herramienta libre de ACV basada en la base de datos libre ELCD (European Reference Life Cycle Data – Datos de Ciclo de Vida de Referencia Europeos) haciendo uso de las nuevas tecnologías web disponibles tales como RIA (Rich Internet Applications - Aplicaciones de Internet Enriquecidas). Basado en la información que proporciona la representación del producto y el proceso, la herramienta aplica el cálculo del Eco-indicador 99 usando el sistema ELCD. Los resultados se muestran en una interfaz gráfica compatible con cualquier sistema CAE

    Influencia de la evaluación ambiental y económica del reciclado de pavimentos asfálticos en caliente en la rehabilitación de vías

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la evaluación ambiental y económica del reciclado de pavimentos asfálticos en caliente en la rehabilitación de vías en el año 2022, tomando como base investigaciones nacionales e internacionales; el método de estudio de la investigación fue inductivo con una orientación aplicada, del tipo descriptiva con un nivel explicativo y con un diseño no experimental, transversal y retro prospectivo debido a que se tomó información de años anteriores. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se tomó datos del diseño de mezcla óptimo con pavimentos asfálticos reciclados en caliente de la tesis titulada “Reutilización de pavimento flexible envejecido mediante el empleo de una planta procesadora de mezcla asfáltica en caliente para pavimentos en Huancayo”, presentada por el tesista Chuman, J. (2017), además se tomó en cuenta 5 investigaciones adicionales con la finalidad de análisis la parte económica y ambiental usando reciclado de pavimentos asfalticos en caliente en una rehabilitación de vía para evaluar cómo influye en estos ámbitos. Finalmente, se concluyó con el análisis de impacto ambiental y económico mediante el uso de los pavimentos asfálticos reciclados en caliente influye positivamente, mejorando la calidad de los factores ambientales y la reducción de costos para proveer en uso de reciclado en nuestro país

    Health professionals’ attitudes toward religiosity and spirituality: a NERSH Data Pool based on 23 surveys from six continents [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background In order to facilitate better international and cross-cultural comparisons of health professionals (HPs) attitudes towards Religiosity and/or Spirituality (R/S) using individual participant data meta-analysis we updated the NERSH Data Pool. Methods We performed both a network search, a citation search and systematic literature searches to find new surveys. Results We found six new surveys (N=1,068), and the complete data pool ended up comprising 7,323 observations, including 4,070 females and 3,253 males. Most physicians (83%, N=3,700) believed that R/S had “some” influence on their patients’ health (CI95%) (81.8%–84.2%). Similarly, nurses (94%, N=1,020) shared such a belief (92.5%–95.5%). Across all samples 649 (16%; 14.9%–17.1%) physicians reported to have undergone formal R/S-training, compared with nurses where this was 264 (23%; 20.6%–25.4%). Conclusions Preliminary analysis indicates that HPs believe R/S to be important for patient health but lack formal R/S-training. Findings are discussed. We find the data pool suitable as a base for future cross-cultural comparisons using individual participant data meta-analysis

    Exact meron Black Holes in four dimensional SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    In this paper an intrinsically non-Abelian black hole solution for the SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions is constructed. The gauge field of this solution has the form of a meron whereas the metric is the one of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in which, however, the coefficient of the 1/r21/r^2 term is not an integration constant. Even if the stress-energy tensor of the Yang-Mills field is spherically symmetric, the field strength of the Yang-Mills field itself is not. A remarkable consequence of this fact, which allows to distinguish the present solution from essentially Abelian configurations, is the Jackiw, Rebbi, Hasenfratz, 't Hooft mechanism according to which excitations of bosonic fields moving in the background of a gauge field with this characteristic behave as Fermionic degrees of freedom.Comment: LaTex, 17 pages, 1 figure. A detailed derivation of the Jackiv-Rebbi-Hasenfratz-t Hooft in this curved space-time has been added. Accepted for pubication in Phys. Lett.

    Luminal Rank loss decreases cell fitness leading to basal cell bipotency in parous mammary glands

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    Rank signaling pathway regulates mammary gland homeostasis and epithelial cell differentiation. Although Rank receptor is expressed by basal cells and luminal progenitors, its role in each individual cell lineage remains unclear. By combining temporal/lineage specific Rank genetic deletion with lineage tracing techniques, we found that loss of luminal Rank reduces the luminal progenitor pool and leads to aberrant alveolar-like differentiation with high protein translation capacity in virgin mammary glands. These Rank-deleted luminal cells are unable to expand during the first pregnancy, leading to lactation failure and impairment of protein synthesis potential in the parous stage. The unfit parous Rank-deleted luminal cells in the alveoli are progressively replaced by Rank-proficient cells early during the second pregnancy, thereby restoring lactation. Transcriptomic analysis and functional assays point to the awakening of basal bipotency after pregnancy by the induction of Rank/NF-kappa B signaling in basal parous cell to restore lactation and tissue homeostasis. Rocha and co-authors show that loss of luminal Rank signaling causes abnormal alveolar differentiation and lactation failure. Subsequent pregnancies activate bipotency in basal cells, replacing unfit luminal cells, and restoring lactation