434 research outputs found

    La politica linguistica di Cesare : origine e funzione del De analogia

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    As citações de autores gregos em Prisciano: um primeiro estado da questão.

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    L’article présente l’étape préalable d’une étude d’ensemble sur les citations grecques chez Priscien. Ces citations sont restées un peu aux marges des recherches sur l’histoire de la grammaire et ont intéressé davantage les éditeurs de textes grecs. Une première série de questions porte sur la transmission du texte. D’un côté, il y a des manuscrits qui réduisent de façon systématique la presque totalité des passages en grec. De l’autre côté, ceux qui les transmettent ne représentent pas une source toujours fiable; dans les éditions humanistes, par exemple, il faudra songer, plutôt qu’à de vraies leçons, à des conjectures et ajouts faits par les mêmes  humanistes qui prèparaient en parallèle les premières éditions des classiques grecs. Outre ce type de problèmes, il demeure un certain nombre d’incertitudes sur la structure argumentative de la démonstration grammaticale de Priscien, car celui qui chercherait des correspondances parfaites entre ces différents niveaux risque de rester souvent déçu. Un autre problème consiste encore dans la fiabilité des renvois proposés par Priscien, vu qu’il peut y avoir des cas de non-coïncidence entre ses références et les informations dont nous disposons par ailleurs. L’article s’achève par une liste récapitulative des auteurs et œuvres cités par Priscien et, finalement, par une étude de cas des citations d’Aristomène chez Priscien.O artigo apresenta uma etapa preliminar do estudo do conjunto das citações gregas em Prisciano. Tais citações têm sido relegadas a segundo plano nas pesquisas sobre a história da gramática e interessaram sobretudo os editores de textos gregos. Uma primeira série de questões diz respeito à transmissão do texto. De um lado, há manuscritos que reduzem sistematicamente a quase totalidade das passagens em grego. De outro lado, os que as transmitem não representam uma fonte sempre confiável; nas edições humanistas, por exemplo, mais que lições verdadeiras, devem-se considerar, antes, conjecturas e acréscimos feitos pelos mesmos humanistas que preparavam paralelamente as primeiras edições dos clássicos gregos. Além desse tipo de problemas, resta um certo número de incertezas sobre a estrutura argumentativa da demonstração gramatical de Prisciano; pois quem procurasse correspondências perfeitas entre a lição gramatical e o exemplo que a ilustra provavelmente se decepcionaria. Outro problema consiste ainda na fiabilidade das remissões feitas por Prisciano; de modo geral, o gramático é muito preciso nas suas remissões, mas podem ocorrer às vezes casos de não-coincidência entre as referências dele e os testemunhos externos de que dispomos. O artigo encerra-se com uma lista recapitulativa dos autores e obras citadas por Prisciano e, finalmente, com um estudo de caso das citações de Aristômenes

    Dal latino iam agli esiti nelle lingue romanze: verso una configurazione pragmatica complessiva*

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse a pragmatic marker from a pragmatic perspective, which is based both on the ‘global configuration’ of the relevant features and a prototype model. We will follow the diachronic development from Latin iam to its derivative forms in Romance languages, where the original values subsist, are reduced or augmented. The values shown in the fields of temporality (along the axes of past, present and future), aspectuality (particularly with regard to phasal features which characterise both iam and its Romance derivatives forms) and modality (with regard to different degrees of ‘expectation/sharing/presuppositionality and ‘emphasis/strengthening’ coming from the speaker’s commitment) are already present in Latin; only Rumanian testifies to the temporal value; Sardinian, Spanish, Portuguese display many modal features; Italian and French lie in an intermediate situation (even though not identical), where temporal and aspectual features are represented with a reduced presence of modal ones.Seguendo un modello a prototipo e una prospettiva pragmatica attenta alla configurazione complessiva dei tratti pertinenti, si analizza un pragmatic marker nel suo sviluppo diacronico dal latino iam ai diversi esiti nelle lingue romanze, ove i valori originari sono mantenuti, ridotti o accresciuti. I valori esplicati nell’ambito della temporalità (lungo i tre assi passato, presente, futuro), dell’aspettualità (in particolare in relazione ai tratti fasali che caratterizzano sia iam che i suoi esiti nelle lingue romanze) e della modalità (relativamente sia a gradi diversi di aspettativa/condivisione/presupposizionalità, sia ad aspetti di enfasi/rafforzamento derivanti dal commitment del parlante) sono già presenti in latino; il romeno si limita agli usi strettamente temporali; sardo, spagnolo, portoghese sfruttano vari tratti modali; italiano e francese invece sembrano porsi in una situazione intermedia (per altro non coincidente), di parziale presenza di tratti non solo temporali e aspettuali, ma anche - sebbene in misura ridotta - modali

    Italian allora, French alors : functions, convergences and divergences

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    The functions, convergences, and divergences of Italian allora and French alors are analyzed in two Italian texts (the Novellino, in Old Italian, and Paso Doble, in Modern Italian) and their French translations. The discourse marker is used differently in the two languages, and the contrastive analysis allows us to better assess those differences, by explicitly quantifying the degree of correspondence, omissions, and non-literal translations. Furthermore, our work confirms the existence of functions which may be identified as more central or more peripheral within a certain configuration, and emphasizes the existence of cross-language preferences for a more/less rich set of forms for expressing a particular function. The polyfunctionality and context-boundness which characterize discourse markers in general are held responsible for differences in translation, thus motivating the several shades of meaning which distinguish Italian allora (with regard both to Old and Modern Italian) from French alors.En aquest article analitzem les funcions, les convergències i les divergències del connector italià allora i del francès alors a partir de dos textos italians (Novellino, en italià antic, i Paso Doble, en italià actual) i les corresponents traduccions franceses. Aquest marcador del discurs s'utilitza de manera diferent en les dues llengües com l'anàlisi contrastiva permet posar de manifest quantificant explícitament el grau de correspondència, omissions i traduccions no literals. Més encara, aquest treball confirma l'existència de funcions que poden ser identificades com a més centrals o més perifèriques dins d'una certa configuració i també manifesta l'existència de preferències interlingüístiques en un grup de formes més o menys ric per a expressar una funció particular. La polifuncionalitat i la dependència contextual que caracteritza els marcadors del discurs en general expliquen les diferències de traducció i, per tant, motiven els diferents matisos de significat que diferencien allora (tant respecte a l'italià antic com a l'actual) del marcador francès alors

    Le De aduerbio de Priscien

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    International audienceQuantitativement, l’essentiel du De aduerbio est consacré à deux classifications: la classification morphologique selon la finale, et la classification sémantique. Cela étant, ce qui précède ces deux ensembles définit un cadre d’analyse qui leur donne leur sens. La définition initiale de l’adverbe en dégage deux caractères : l’un formel, l’invariabilité, l’autre sémantico-fonctionnel, à savoir que sa signification se combine avec celle du verbe. L’ensemble du livre sur l’adverbe illustre ensuite de diverses façons les problèmes que pose la relation entre ces niveaux formel, sémantique et fonctionnel

    Robust and Efficient Large Deformation Analysis of Kirchhoff–love Shells: Locking, Patch Coupling and Iterative Solution

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    Isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love elements have received an increasing attention in geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin walled structures. They make it possible to meet the C1requirement in the interior of surface patches, to avoid the use of finite rotations and to reduce the number of unknowns compared to shear flexible models. Locking elimination, patch coupling and iterative solution are crucial points for a robust and efficient nonlinear analysis and represent the main focus of this work. Patch-wise reduced integrations are investigated to deal with locking in large deformation problems discretized via a standard displacement-based formulation. An optimal integration scheme for third order C2NURBS, in terms of accuracy and efficiency, is identified, allowing to avoid locking without resorting to a mixed formulation. The Newton method with mixed integration points (MIP) is used for the solution of the discrete nonlinear equations with a great reduction of the iterative burden and a superior robustness with respect to the standard Newton scheme. A simple penalty approach for coupling adjacent patches, applicable to either smooth or non-smooth interfaces, is proposed. An accurate coupling, also for a nonmatching discretization, is obtained using an interface-wise reduced integration while the MIP iterative scheme allows for a robust and efficient solution also with very high values of the penalty parameter

    Damage Control in Hinchey III and IV Acute Diverticulitis

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    Acute diverticulitis is one of the most common surgical causes of admission to Emergency Departments in Western Countries. Although most of the cases can be managed conservatively or electively, a number of them will require an emergency surgical treatment. Among these patients, an even smaller number of them will present with a full-blown catastrophic septic shock. These minorities of cases have accounted for a significant part of the overall mortality and morbidity of complicated acute diverticulitis itself. The implementation of Damage Control strategies has shown to be useful also in these septic catastrophes, where a profound derangement of physiology makes unsafe a classic approach. Damage Control, as we intend it, is not a surgical “technique.” A close collaboration between different specialties brought forth a strategy of treatment. The Surgeon, the Anesthetist, and the Intensivist are the three most involved specialists in the treatment of these cases. It is paramount for them to learn how to work side by side and in harmony, since the patients will benefit from each-one’s input in their care

    L'histoire du texte de Térence à l'école

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    P.Vindob. inv. L 103 (Πª) et le texte de l'Andrienne ↓ III Andr. 513-521   IV Andr. 539-554 ↓ → II Andr. 489-499  I Andr. 573-582 → ll.8-9 interl. ΔΙΗΠΙΛΗΟΣ : δι’ ἐλλίψεως (cf. Donat. Andr. 496 et deest es: apta ἔλλειψις irascenti) ; διαπειληκώς (K. McNamee, Annotations in Greek and Latin Texts from Egypt, New Haven 2007 : 490 n° 2933.1 « “in a violently threatening manner”, explaining how the line should be delivered ») ; διηπ(ε)ιλη(κ)ώς (J. Soubiran, «Une glose grecque sur un papyrus de Té..

    Chapitres 14b-15 : le double verdict

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    (14.4.) non placuit ulli ex ueteribus missionem dari, ne uel Claudius umquam simile speraret. placuit nouam poenam constitui debere, excogitandum illi laborem irritum et alicuius cupiditatis spem sine effectu. tum Aeacus iubet illum alea ludere pertuso fritillo. et iam coeperat fugientes semper tesseras quaerere et nihil proficere. (15.1.) nam quotiens missurus erat resonante fritillo, utraque subducto fugiebat tessera fundo. cumque recollectos auderet mittere talos, lusuro similis semper sem...</cie

    Les épigrammes de Tiburtinus

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    La référence à l'auteur Tiburtinus epoese (absence de signes d'autographie dans les épigrammes) CIL vi 2938 = v *429,28 = CLE 1099,9-11 (Rome) uersiculos ︱ Cornelius epoi [sc. ἐπόει] ︱ colegae et amico. CLE 735,5 (Rome) coposuit uersos Marcian[us CIL xi 4246 = CLE 1825,1-2 (Terni, Ombrie) hos ego uersus feci Atinatia ︱ Verecunda … CLE 662,13 (Rome) H]esperius quem nutrit i(n)scripsit CIL ii 391,11 = CLE 485 (Conimbriga, Lusitanie) Valerius Avitus hoc scripsi Conimbrica natus CIL iv. 4966 = CL...</l