991 research outputs found

    Satisfação no trabalho: um estudo de caso em uma fábrica de confecção e artigos esportivos na cidade de João Pessoa

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    Due to constant goals of organizations for competitive advantage, it is necessary to value the companies have more important, the human capital. This search aimed to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of the studied factory employees, the motivational and hygiene factors Herzberg, Maslow hierarchy of needs and the theory X and Y McGregor. The studied factory operates in the manufacturing industry and sporting goods. This research is a case study and used the deductive method, exploratory. The participants were 25 employees and the manager of the organization, which were applied structured interviews and one semi-structured. After this, was performed the analysis and interpretation of data. Overall, the level of employee satisfaction is high, although on many factors, they have not been shown to be satisfied. In this case, if this organization use research to improve low performance, employee point of view, the level of satisfaction tends to increase. In which case the theory has not been proven. The elements of autonomy, recognition, participation in decisions, work itself and career advancement, that are fundamental to the satisfaction of the individual were not achieved.Devido a constante busca das organizações pela vantagem competitiva, faz-se necessário a valorização do que as empresas têm de mais importante, que é o capital humano. Dessa forma, esta monografia teve como propósito verificar o grau de satisfação dos funcionários da fábrica X com relação ao fatores motivacionais e higiênicos de Herzberg, a hierarquia das necessidades de Maslow e a teoria X e Y de McGregor. A fábrica estudada atua no ramo de confecção e artigos esportivos. A presente pesquisa constitui um estudo de caso, sendo utilizado o método dedutivo, de caráter exploratório. Participaram da pesquisa 25 colaboradores e a gestora da organização, onde foram aplicadas entrevistas estruturadas e 1 semi-estruturada e, a partir delas, realizadas as análises e interpretação dos dados. De maneira geral, o nível de satisfação dos funcionários é alto, apesar de que em muitos fatores, eles não tenham se mostrado satisfeitos. Nesse caso, se a organização utilizar da pesquisa para melhorar os fatores de baixo rendimento do ponto de vista dos funcionários, o nível de satisfação do tende a aumentar, pois nesse caso a teoria não foi comprovada. Os elementos de autonomia, reconhecimento, participação nas decisões, trabalham em si e avanço na carreira que são fundamentais para a satisfação do indivíduo não foram alcançados

    Caracterização da coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos no Brasil: avanços e dificuldades

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    O manejo de resíduos sólidos tem sido uma preocupação presente na atualidade para a administração pública e para a população brasileira em geral. Nesse contexto, o serviço de coleta seletiva tem sido apontado como alternativa inovadora para diminuir a geração de resíduos sólidos domésticos e incentivar a reciclagem. Assim, esse trabalho se propõe caracterizar a ação da coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos no Brasil, considerando os dados de 2000 e 2008.  Especificamente, pretende-se descrever os avanços dessa prática sustentável no Brasil e mostrar as dificuldades de realização dessa medida no país. Para atender a esses objetivos propostos, empregou-se uma análise tabular e descritiva, utilizando a base de dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico do IBGE nas versões de 2000 e 2008. Os dados mostraram que as regiões Sudeste e Sul obtiveram melhores resultados em termos do número de municípios que fazem uso da coleta seletiva entre 2000 e 2008. Entretanto, o desempenho dos municípios ainda está muito abaixo do necessário para reduzir a quantidade de resíduos que acabam sendo destinados inadequadamente para aterros e lixões. Portanto, conclui-se que é necessário ampliar esse serviço como uma forma de gestão dos resíduos sólidos

    Toxoplasma gondii-skeletal muscle cells interaction increases lipid droplet biogenesis and positively modulates the production of IL-12, IFN-g and PGE2

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    Background: The interest in the mechanisms involved in Toxoplasma gondii lipid acquisition has steadily increased during the past few decades, but it remains not completely understood. Here, we investigated the biogenesis and the fate of lipid droplets (LD) of skeletal muscle cells (SkMC) during their interaction with T. gondii by confocal and electron microscopy. We also evaluated whether infected SkMC modulates the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), cytokines interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interferon-gamma (INF-g), and also the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) gene induction. Methods: Primary culture of skeletal muscle cells were infected with tachyzoites of T. gondii and analysed by confocal microscopy for observation of LD. Ultrastructural cytochemistry was also used for lipid and sarcoplasmatic reticulum (SR) detection. Dosage of cytokines (IL-12 and INF-g) by ELISA technique and enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) for PGE2 measurement were employed. The COX-2 gene expression analysis was performed by real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results: We demonstrated that T. gondii infection of SkMC leads to increase in LD number and area in a time course dependent manner. Moreover, the ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that SR and LD are in direct contact with parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM), within the vacuolar matrix, around it and interacting directly with the membrane of parasite, indicating that LD are recruited and deliver their content inside the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) in T. gondii-infected SkMC. We also observed a positive modulation of the production of IL-12 and IFN-g, increase of COX-2 mRNA levels in the first hour of T. gondii-SkMC interaction and an increase of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis from 6 h up to 48 h of infection. Conclusions: Taken together, the close association between SR and LD with PV could represent a source of lipids as well as other nutrients for the parasite survival, and together with the increased levels of IL-12, INF-g and inflammatory indicators PGE2 and COX-2 might contribute to the establishment and maintenance of chronic phase of the T. gondii infection in muscle cell


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    Education is one of the main fundamentals for the growth and development of any administrative unit. However, the Northeastern region of Brazil still shows poor results regarding the educational inequality. Even the state of Bahia shows insignificant results in educational level. In order to mitigate this problem, it’s important to investigate the allocation of public resources in basic education in Bahia. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the public expenditure of the municipal educational network in this state. In order to achieve that, the Data Envelopment Analysis method was adopted. Data from the Finances of Brazil (FINBRA) and from the School Census of 2012 were used. The results show that the municipalities of the state of Bahia may reduce approximately 30% of their educational expenditure, without reducing their educational production. At a regional level, the Center-South mesoregion of Bahia exhibited the best performance, whereas the worst result was that of the Center-North mesoregion of Bahia.A educação é um dos principais fundamentos para o crescimento e desenvolvimento de qualquer unidade administrativa. A região Nordeste, porém, ainda apresenta resultados desfavoráveis quanto à desigualdade educacional. Mesmo o estado da Bahia mostra resultados pífios em nível educacional. Para mitigar esse problema, torna-se importante investigar a alocação dos recursos públicos em educação básica na Bahia. Assim, este estudo objetiva avaliar a eficiência dos gastos públicos da rede de ensino municipal nesse Estado. Para tanto, adotou-se como método a Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA). Utilizaram-se dados das Finanças do Brasil (FINBRA) e do Censo Escolar, no ano de 2012. Os resultados sinalizam que os municípios baianos podem diminuir aproximadamente 30% seus gastos educacionais, sem reduzir a sua produção educacional. Em nível regional, a mesorregião Centro-Sul Baiano apresentou o melhor desempenho, enquanto o pior resultado foi registrado pela mesorregião do Centro-Norte Baiano

    Hepatic Lipidosis in Banded Armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) Bred in Captivity

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    Background: Wild animals bred in captivity may develop steatosis due to unbalanced dietary intake and obesity caused by sedentary behaviour. In some rural areas, six-banded armadillos are raised in captivity inside some metal barrels, with restricted space, and are often overfeed. After getting fattening, armadillos they are slaughtered and used as food. Theunfavorable conditions may somehow contribute to likely underlie the development of many diseases, among them we can including hepatic steatosis. The present report aims to describe the pathological fndings of hepatic lipidosis in banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus), bred in captivity.Case: The animals were three female adult six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus), caught in the native forest of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil and raised in domestic environment in a small enclosure and fed with human food leftovers. After eight months kept in these conditions armadillos had severe obesity and then were donated to the city zoo, where they were quarantined and presented clinical symptoms of anorexia for two weeks, weight loss and exhaustion. After being found dead during daily inspection carried out by the veterinarian zoo, the six-banded armadillos were sent to the Animal Pathology Laboratory of Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA) for pathological examination.The animals presented with a history of anorexia were extremely obese and the autopsy detected had extensive deposits of fat in the carcass and liver. Histopathologically, the liver cells hepatocytes showed marked intracytoplasmic vacuolization and with peripheral displacement of the nucleus to the periphery, with and positive staining for lipids using scarlet Sudan III. To our knowledge, this is the frst report of hepatic lipidosis in banded.Discussion: Hepatic lipidosis can be categorized into normal liver and mild, moderate, or severe fatty liver. In severe cases, it is estimated that 80% of the hepatocytes are affected. Therefore, we classifed the hepatic lipidosis of the three studied female six-banded armadillos as severe, since the lipids were deposited diffusely. Based on the severity of the lesions and absence of other fndings, we concluded here that hepatic lipidosis contributed to the cause of the six-banded armadil los death. The weight of the animals in this report may be associated with innapropriate enclosure dimensions and a diet based on human food leftovers. Such diet was reportedly composed of rice, beens, spaghetti, and bread, which are food with high levels of carbohydrate. The armadillos of the Euphractus sexcinctus species usually weigh between 3 and 6 kg and hence, the animals of this report showed twice the normal weight. The occurrence of hepatic lipidosis associated with anorexia triggered by a stressful event such as a change of environment and diet armadillos observed in the present study is in agreement with literature data pointing anorexia in obese animals as a major predisposing factors for the occurrence of hepatic lipidosis by promoting energy restriction, peripheral lipolysis and large intake of fatty acids to the liver.Keywords: Euphractus sexcinctus, armadillos, anatomopathology, liver, lipidosis


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    Ce travail fait partie d'un projet qui étudie les sols et les plantes de Caatinga, en les reliant à la géomorphologie, au climat et au type de couverture végétale de l'écorégion de Dépression Sertaneja Setentrionelle. L'objectif est d'étudier les modifications de la végétation liées aux variations climatiques du Quaternaire par le biais de biominéralisations de silice, d'analyses pédologiques, d'isotopes de carbone et de relevés floristiques. Des échantillons ont été prélevés dans un profil de sol et de 8 familles de plantes à Aracati, Ceará. Toutes les plantes étudiées produisent des phytolithes sauf Poincianella bracteosa. L'analyse δ13C indique la présence de plantes C3. Des mégascleres de spicules marines ont été trouvées. Il existe une prédominance des grains grossiers mais les fractions fines augmentent avec la profondeur. Les phytolithes sont bien conservés, avec une prédominance de types bulliform, acicular et globular. La densité des arbres augmente entre environ 2300 et 700 ans cal. AP, indiquant des moments où l’environnement et le climat était relativement plus humides qu’au présent.Este trabalho faz parte de um projeto que estuda solos e plantas da Caatinga, relacionando-os com a geomorfologia, clima e tipo de cobertura vegetal na Ecorregião da Depressão Sertaneja Setentrional. O objetivo é estudar mudanças na vegetação ligadas a variações climáticas do Quaternário, através de biomineralizações de sílica, análises pedológicas, isótopos de carbono e levantamento florístico. Foram coletadas amostras em um perfil de solo e amostras de 8 famílias de plantas em Aracati, CE. Todas as plantas estudadas produzem fitólitos, exceto Poincianella bracteosa. O δ13C indica presença de plantas C3. Foram encontradas megascleras de espículas marinhas. Há predominância de granulometria grossa, porém aumentam as frações finas com a profundidade. Os fitólitos estão bem preservados, com predominância dos tipos bulliform, acicular e globular. A densidade arbórea aumenta nos períodos de cerca de 2300 e 700 anos cal AP, indicando momentos de ambiente e clima relativamente mais úmido que o atual