108 research outputs found

    Summary report on sensory-related socio-economic and sensory science literature about organic food products

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    Organic food’s initial attraction to the public was that it was perceived to be healthier and tastier, but scientists and policy makers have mainly stressed the benefits to the environment of organic and sustainable farming. Scientific support for marketing actions addressed to those who want to be healthier and who want to enjoy better taste, and are willing to pay more for these benefits is scarce. Past research has produced little clear evidence about the importance of sensory characteristics such as taste, smell, appearance etc in consumers’ preferences with regard to organic food. The Ecropolis project, funded by the E.U., was set up with the aim of investigating the role of the senses in consumers’ preferences regarding organic food, and leading to research into how best to satisfy those preferences. This deliverable is aimed at providing a solid basis for such research with an in-depth review of, and two reports on, the relevant scientific literature. The first report (Annex I) regards what consumers expect from organic products in terms of taste, smell, appearance, etc and how these expectations are (or are not) met; the second is about the science of the senses (Annex II). The first project tasks included creating and agreeing on a glossary of terms, deciding on search criteria (key words, etc.), setting up a bibliographical data base, preparing then circulating the above-mentioned reports, and finally preparing a summary of the reports. The report on consumers expectations highlights the suggestion that while organic food has traditionally been marketed through specialized retailers, its market share will only grow significantly if it is promoted by multiple retailers. Research literature from all over the world seems to agree in indicating that consumers’ choices are largely motivated by health, the environment, price and social status. Other considerations include ethics, the localness of the product and lifestyle choices. The literature also indicates that the organic market will expand significantly only if consumers are more willing, and able, to recognize quality, but this presents serious issues. When buying the product they cannot personally verify its quality and genuineness and thus must rely on regulation and inspection bodies. The recognition of quality can also be encouraged by effective communication by producers and retailers through appropriate branding, labelling and presentation. There are connections between this information and questions of sense perception, but researchers disagree about how important the latter is in influencing the customer, and in which ways it does so. The following report focuses, in fact, on the science of the senses, which tries to analyze in detail people’s responses to food, despite the many potential pitfalls in carrying out the research which might influence the reliability of the results. There is broad agreement on two points: - there is no proof that organic food is more nutritious or safer, and - most studies that have compared the taste and organoleptic quality of organic andconventional foods report no consistent or significant differences between organic and conventional produce. Therefore, claiming that all organic food tastes different from all conventional food would not be correct. However, among the well-designed studies with respect to fruits and vegetables that have found differences, the vast majority favour organic produce. Organic produce tends to store better and has longer shelf life, probably because of lower levels of nitrates and higher average levels of antioxidants. The former can accelerate food spoilage, while antioxidants help preserve the integrity of cells and some are natural antibiotics. The first conclusion may, however, depend on factors not directly connected to organic farming, such as harvesting and storage methods and the type of land used for growing the food. About the second finding it must be considered that measuring organoleptic quality is difficult and inherently subjective and evaluations may be clouded by the influence of numerous factors on the consumer’s perceptions of the food and not just its appearance and taste. Experimental research indicates that the information that a food is organic confers upon it a “halo effect” (making it seem better sense-wise simply because it is organic) which might make consumers like it more. Ecropolis researchers will analyze in detail which senses are indeed impacted on, and how, and try to match them to consumer needs and expectations in order to be able to offer suggestions for future policy, including how the food is stored, transported and presented, which is also essential for maintaining sensory properties. The workpackage WP1 has also produced a specific report on how organic food sensory aspects are regulated. International standards, with some important exceptions, are largely in line with European ones. Differences in standards usually regard whether there is orientation towards freshness “per se” as opposed to increasing shelf-life, or quality standardization as opposed to quality differentiation. Differences in regulations regard such aspects as ingredients, additives, processing aids and methods, packaging, storage and transport. The lack of harmony among the different regulatory systems often reflects different traditions and market conditions, however, more complicated compliance procedures result in higher costs for importers. Greater homogeneity would not only reduce such costs but would also increase consumer confidence in international standards. Ecropolis will also investigate the effect of different regulations on how people perceive organic goods sense-wise. The work done to date is seen as a starting point for future research aimed at producing practical results in the organic food market. Ecropolis will try to bring together separate strands of research concerning how organic goods are regulated and marketed with regard to taste, appearance, etc., and how consumers themselves are affected by such factors. The aim is to find optimal matches between the two, and thus to greatly increase organic food’s share of the food market


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    The multidisciplinary study of planktic and benthic foraminifera, alkenone SST, and O and C stable isotope records allowed reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental history of the central Adriatic basin over the last 360 ka B. P. In general, the main paleoclimatic changes documented in the central Adriatic appear in phase with climate change in the North Atlantic realm, except for intervals which correspond to the deposition of sapropel levels in the eastern Mediterranean. In particular, the interval between Marine Isotope Stage ( MIS) 7.5 and MIS 5 appears to be strongly influenced by the monsoonal regime. The comparison with other Mediterranean records also suggests that the Adriatic Basin was affected by very low sea surface temperature ( SST) ( down to 2 degrees C for MIS 2) during glacial intervals, which is uncommon for the Mediterranean Basin. In addition, the SST record indicates that this basin was unable to maintain warm interglacial/ interstadial conditions for durations similar to the western Mediterranean. This fact can be explained by the landlocked position and shallow depth of this basin, which make it particularly exposed to atmospheric forcing ( e. g., Siberian High) and to the strong influence of the nearby landmass during glacial intervals, producing a lag in the demise of glacial intervals. Moreover, the progressively higher values of the delta(18)O records of glacial intervals, alongside the SST record and the foraminifera assemblage, imply an increasing impact of the formation of cold and dense water since the penultimate glacial

    Tephrochronology of core PRAD 1-2 from the Adriatic Sea: insights into Italian explosive volcanism for the period 200-80ka

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    Core PRAD 1-2, located on the western flank of the Mid-Adriatic Deep, was investigated for tephra content within the part of the sequence assigned on biostratigraphic and sapropel-layer stratigraphy to MIS 5 and 6 (ca. 80–200 ka BP). A total of 11 discrete tephra layers are identified, 8 visible and 3 cryptotephra layers. 235 geochemical measurements obtained from individual glass shards using WDS-EPMA enabled 8 of the 11 tephras to be correlated to known eruption events, 5 of which are represented in the Lago Grande di Monticchio (LGdM) regional tephra archive sequence. Three of these layers are recognised ultra-distally for the first time, extending their known distributions approximately 210 km further north. The results provide an independent basis for establishing an age-depth profile for the MIS 5–6 interval in the PRAD 1-2 marine record. This approach allowed age estimates to be interpolated for the tephra layers that could not be correlated to known events. It also provides an independent test of, and support for, the broad synchroneity of sapropel-equivalent (S-E) events in the Adriatic Sea with the better-developed sapropel layers of the eastern Mediterranean, proposed by Piva et al. (2008a)

    Fate of terrigenous organic carbon in muddy clinothems on continental shelves revealed by stratal geometries: Insight from the Adriatic sedimentary archive

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    Continental shelves host 90% of modern Organic Carbon (OC) burial and play a key role in the sequestration of terrigenous OC over geological timescales. The efficiency of OC burial in these systems, however, varies greatly depending on the duration of exposure to oxic-suboxic conditions during sediment transport. In this study, we use observations across a wide range of stratigraphic and sedimentological scales coupled with geochemistry data from muddy shelf deposits along the western Adriatic to investigate the relation between sediment transport and burial of terrigenous (land-derived) fraction of OC (OCTerr). Our analysis focused on the Little Ice Age (LIA, 1500-1850 CE) interval, which was characterized by wet, cold, and stormy weather conditions, before the time of widespread regulation and damming of rivers. On the Adriatic shelf, LIA deposits are organized as clinothem: strata that dip gently seawards. The LIA clinothem becomes progressively steeper and deeper from north to south. Basin-scale seismic-stratigraphic analysis and biogeochemical data show evidence of elongated stratal units associated with low OCTerr content in the northern sector of the LIA clinothem, whereas farther south, where clinoforms are steeper, the LIA clinothem exhibits wavy stratal units with limited cross-shelf continuity and high OCTerr concentrations. Based on these data we infer two contrasting scenarios for OCTerr deposition during the LIA: 1) protracted sediment redistribution under the influence of coastal currents with efficient OCTerr degradation prior to final burial in the northern sector; and (2) rapid deposition of OCTerr-rich event beds as a result of flood-driven hyperpycnal flows with limited dispersion across the shelf in the southern sector. The latter scenario of deposition resulted in scattered hot spots of OCTerr burial along the apparently homogeneous western Adriatic shelf deposit. Our work documents significant lateral variability of a fine-grained system in which hot spots of OCTerr can be preserved in scattered prodelta bedsets (<1 km in across-shelf lateral continuity) over a 600 km long shelf. Shelfal clinothems worldwide should not be considered as homogeneous pools of OCTerr because of the influence of river, storm, and oceanic currents

    Submarine Slides During Relative Sea Level Rise: Two Examples from the Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin

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    Abstract Two extensive mass-failure deposits originated during the late-Quaternary sea level rise on the eastern Tyrrhenian margin. The deposits that failed had markedly different architectures: offshore Cape Licosa, a shelf-margin low-stand wedge failed along its basal downlap surface; in Paola slope basin, extensive failure on the upper slope involved a few-m-thick mud drape and older consolidated units. Regardless of their geometric differences, both failures occurred close to an interval of accelerated lateQuaternary sea-level rise (ca.13.8 cal. kyr BP). This evidence suggests that rapid drowning of unconsolidated sediment resulted in increased water load; enhanced pore pressure played a role in favoring failure

    The late Pleistocene Po River lowstand wedge in the Adriatic Sea : Controls on architecture variability and sediment partitioning

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    The authors dedicate this study to their colleague Giovanni Bortoluzzi, who passed away in 2015. A special tanks is due to Marco Ligi and Nevio Zitellini for geophysical data acquisition and processing; Marco Pastore and Filippo D'Oriano for their support during the cruise LSD2014 and processing of geophysical data. Elisabetta Campiani provided additional support for processing the multibeam bathymetry. A particular thank goes to Cpt. Emanuele Gentile and the crew of the R/V Urania during cruise LSD 2014. We thank Ronald Steel and an anonymous Reviewer for their constructive comments. This project was funded by ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company and by the Flagship Project RITMARE–The Italian Research for the Sea. We acknowledge the European Union Project PROMESS-1 (contract EVR1-2001-41) for borehole PRAD 1-2. This is ISMAR-CNR contribution number 1959.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Changes in western Mediterranean thermohaline circulation in association with a deglacial Organic Rich Layer formation in the Alboran Sea

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    We thank the constructive comments of three anonymous reviewers that substantially improved this manuscript. JNPA has been funded by a Postdoctoral fellowship Beatriu de PinĂłs funded by the AGAUR from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Union through the Marie Curie-COFUND actions. LDP acknowledges support from the RamĂłn y Cajal program (MINECO, Spain), JF from the Serra HĂșnter Programme (Generalitat de Catalunya) and IC from the ICREA-Academia program from the Generalitat de Catalunya. We are indebted to Albert CatalĂ  and Montse Guart (University of Barcelona), and Joaquim Perona and Regina Roca (CCiT-UB) for their support with the laboratory work.Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106075.The accumulation of an Organic Rich Layer (ORL) during the last deglaciation in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) and its link to changes in deep and intermediate water circulation are here investigated. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the shallow infaunal foraminifer Uvigerina peregrina ÎŽ13C record support the establishment of sustained high organic matter fluxes, and thus eutrophic conditions at the sea floor, during the late phase of the ORL (Younger Dryas to early Holocene periods). Since organic matter fluxes were lower (mesotrophic conditions) during the BĂžlling-AllerĂžd period, they cannot be solely responsible for the ORL initiation. Geochemical, sedimentological and micropalaeontological proxies support a major weakening of the deep-water convection in the Gulf of Lion as the main driver for the development of poorly-ventilated conditions from intermediate depths (946 m) to the deep western Mediterranean basin that promoted the beginning of the ORL deposition. Nevertheless, a better ventilation at intermediate depths was established during the late ORL, while the deep basin remained poorly ventilated. We propose that our data reflect the arrival of a new better-ventilated intermediate water mass analogue to the current Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) and/or a new intermediate water mass from the Gulf of Lion. The ultimate source of this water mass needs to be further explored but chronologies of the changes recorded here indicate that intermediate and deep ventilation phases were decoupled between the western and eastern Mediterranean basins during the deglaciation and early-middle Holocene.This work was funded by the projects TIMED (Call ref: ERC-CoG-2015; proposal number 683237) of the European Research Council (Consolidator Grants), CHIMERA (CTM2016-75411-R), CGL2015-66835-P and RTI2018-099489-B-I00 of the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad of Spain. The Research Group GRC GeociĂšncies Marines (2017 SGR 315) of the Generalitat de Catalunya is also acknowledged, as well as the Research Groups RNM-178 and RNM-190 (Junta de AndalucĂ­a)

    Polymorphous adenocarcinoma of the salivary glands : reappraisal and update

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    Although relatively rare, polymorphous adenocarcinoma (PAC) is likely the second most common malignancy of the minor salivary glands (MiSG). The diagnosis is mainly based on an incisional biopsy. The optimal treatment comprises wide surgical excision, often with adjuvant radiotherapy. In general, PAC has a good prognosis. Previously, PAC was referred to as polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA), but the new WHO classification of salivary gland tumours has also included under the PAC subheading, the so-called cribriform adenocarcinoma of minor salivary glands (CAMSG). This approach raised controversy, predominantly because of possible differences in clinical behaviour. For example, PLGA (PAC, classical variant) only rarely metastasizes, whereas CAMSG often shows metastases to the neck lymph nodes. Given the controversy, this review reappraises the definition, epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, genetics, treatment modalities, and prognosis of PAC of the salivary glands with a particular focus on contrasting differences with CAMSG.Peer reviewe
