45 research outputs found
Sustainable development in Cameroon’s forestry sector: Progress, challenges, and strategies for improvement
This paper examines initiatives formulated by the government of Cameroon to promote sustainable development within its forestry sector, and proffers a series of policy recommendations for advancing sustainable forest management in Cameroon. Since the enactment of Cameroon’s comprehensive forestry law (Law N0. 94/01 of 20th January 1994), which regulated the forestry sector in the country, the government, in particular, the Ministry of Forests and Fauna, has made a series of efforts with relevant ministries, as well as civil society to promote sustainable forest practices within its forestry sector. However, careful evaluation reveals that while these efforts have led to some progress, the sector is still plagued with a series of socio-economic and ecological challenges namely, poverty, corruption, inadequate capital and technical expertise for producing value-added wood products, illegal logging, insufficient university input, inter institutional conflicts, and inadequate monitoring. The paper concludes by advancing a series of recommendations that could be used to promote sustainable forest management in Cameroon.Key words: Sustainable development, forestry sector, sustainable forest management, Cameroon
Analyzing the Contribution of Cameroon’s Council Forests to Climate Change Mitigation and Socioeconomic Development
Council forests were officially enacted in Cameroon in 1994 as part of the forestry law reform. The law provided rural councils with the legal right to create their own forests estate within the Permanent Forest Estate (PFE) of the State, following the preparation of a management plan approved by the forest administration. In this chapter, we analyze the socioeconomic and climate change mitigation potentials of these forests and propose possible options for improving their socioeconomic importance as well as their ability to mitigate climate change. Results indicate that Cameroon’s council forests provide socioeconomic opportunities to communities in which they are located including employment and revenue from the sale of timber and nontimber forest products emanating from these forests. Additionally, given their diversity in terms of the various forest types (e.g., humid dense evergreen forests, humid dense semideciduous forests, and gallery forests), these forests have enormous carbon stocks which can provide huge opportunities for international climate initiatives such as the REDD+ mechanism to be initiated within them as a potential for mitigating global climate change. The chapter identifies and discusses possible options for improving the socioeconomic and climate change mitigation potential of these forests. Progress on the options the chapter opines, will help in improving the contributions of these forests to socioeconomic development and climate change mitigation
Safety in maritime oil sector: Content analysis of machinery space fire hazards
An in-depth study of the practice within the maritime oil industry was undertaken to ascertain safety issues in seafaring vessels. It was more concentrated on the type of accidents that occur in machine spaces of seafaring vessels in this industry. The main focus of the research was streamlined to fire in machinery spaces. The literature review later concentrated on two of such incidences, they are oil spill and fire events. An investigation was done to assess those factors which actually contribute or are in association to fire outbreak. A content analysis methodology was used to investigate the associative relationships to fire outbreak with the aid of NVivo 9.0 software. The investigation focused on 15 key in-depth reports on machinery space incidences which were uploaded into the software. The results indicate that leakages on hot surfaces were the major causes of fire hazards in seafaring vessels. The results from using this methodology also highlighted two more fire hazards that were not so apparent in previous studies. They are generator fire and compressors fire. The results supported other studies about leakages on hot surfaces as a major contributor, but also clearly show that there are other hazardous factors of fire in machinery spaces that require further investigation
Synergizing climate change mitigation and adaptation in Cameroon: An overview of multi-stakeholder efforts
Purpose - This paper aims to examine the policy environments, institutional arrangements and practical implementation of some initiatives undertaken by the Government of Cameroon, together with some relevant stakeholders, in addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation at various levels in the country, which are prerequisites to promote synergistic ways of addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation. Design/methodology/approach - Using a qualitative approach to data collection, the paper draws upon information collected from relevant literature and interviews with 18 key country resource personnel. Findings - Results revealed that most reviewed policies/programs/strategies do not mention “climate change” explicitly but propose some activities which indirectly address it. Interaction is fair within the government ministries but weak between these ministries and other institutions. Inadequate financial resources are being opined as the most important challenge stakeholders are (and would continue) facing as a result of adopting integrated approaches to climate change. Other challenges include inadequate coordination, insufficient sensitization and capacity building, ineffective implementation, inadequate compliance, lack of proper transparency and inadequate public participation. To redress the aforementioned constraints and challenges, the paper concludes by outlining a number of recommendations for policy design. Originality/value - The following recommendations were made: create a national technical committee to oversee and provide scientific guidance to the government on synergistic approaches; promote private sector investment and sponsorship on synergistic approaches; create local awareness, etc. It is important to underscore that minimal studies have been conducted to analyze multi-stakeholder perspectives on synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation in Cameroon. This study attempts to bridge this major gap
Zu einer umfassenden Strategie für das effektive und effiziente Management der Industrieverschmutzung entlang der Atlantikküste Kameruns
This dissertation closely examines industrial pollution along the Atlantic coast of Cameroon. In recent years, there has been the formulation of both governmental initiatives and corporate voluntary practices with the view of curbing industrial pollution along the coast of Cameroon. However, a majority of studies have failed to ascertain the extent to which these initiates and practices have been successful in addressing industrial pollution, which is undoubtedly fundamental to policy makers in the decision making process. Therefore, this thesis attempts to bridge this major gap by examining both governmental and voluntary corporate practices vis-à-vis industrial pollution along the polluted coast of Cameroon. The thesis analysis efforts formulated by the government of Cameroon to mitigate industrial pollution. It identifies constraints to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) practice in Cameroon. Environmental management system (EMS) initiatives adopted by industries along the coast of Cameroon that has been hitherto ignored is unveiled as well in this thesis. Furthermore, a more compelling case is made by addressing the drivers, benefits and barriers stemming from EMS implementation by these industries. A robust reflexive methodological research strategy is developed and utilized both qualitative and quantitative data collected from unstructured interviews, questionnaire based surveys, personal observations, relevant literature, consultancy reports and documentation form governmental departments. Analysis of these data facilitates detailed discussion of both governmental initiatives and corporate environmental management systems.The thesis contends that there is an urgent need to complement governmental policy and regulations with corporate voluntary environmental management systems. It purports that efforts made by the government of Cameroon to address industrial pollution have had minimal impacts on industrial pollution along the coast of Cameroon and submits that the EMS process in these industries is still at its infancy. Moreover, it is argued that a plethora of barriers still prevail that deter a rigorous implementation of EMS in these industries. On the basis of this, the thesis advances a comprehensive strategy for the effective and efficient management of industrial pollution along the coast of Cameroon and emphasizes that a holistic or concerted approach from all stakeholders is absolutely mandatory for the successful implementation of the recommended strategies.Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet eine eingehende Untersuchung der Industrieverschmutzung entlang der Atlantikküste Kameruns. In den letzten Jahren gab es sowohl Regierungsinitiativen als auch freiwillige Bemühungen der Unternehmen mit dem Ziel, die Industrieverschmutzung entlang der Küste Kameruns zu verringern. Anhand der meisten bisherigen Studien konnte jedoch nicht festgestellt werden, inwieweit diese Initiativen und Leistungen bei der Bekämpfung der Industrieverschmutzung erfolgreich waren, was im Entscheidungsfindungsprozess zweifellos ein grundlegendes Kriterium für die Entscheidungsträger ist. Anhand der vorliegenden Abhandlung soll nun diese große Kluft überbrückt werden, indem sowohl die Regierungsinitiativen als auch die freiwilligen Leistungen der Unternehmen zur Bekämpfung der Industrieverschmutzung entlang der verschmutzten kamerunischen Küste eingehend betrachtet werden. Die Abhandlung analysiert die von der kamerunischen Regierung formulierten Aktivitäten zur Minderung der Industrieverschmutzung. Einschränkungen bei der Anwendung des Verfahrens zur Bewertung der Umweltauswirkungen (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)) in Kamerun werden identifiziert. Außerdem zeigt die Abhandlung die von der entlang der kamerunischen Küste ansässigen Industrie angewandten und bisher ignorierten Initiativen des Umweltmanagementsystems (Environmental management system (EMS)) auf. Des Weiteren wird eine zwingende Notwendigkeit darin gesehen, die Treiber, Nutzen und Hürden aufzuzeigen, welche die Implementierung des EMS durch die Industrie mit sich bringt. Die so entwickelte solide, reflexive und methodologische Forschungsstrategie bedient sich sowohl qualitativer als auch quantitativer Informationen aus unstrukturierten Interviews, fragebogenbasierten Meinungsforschungen, persönlichen Beobachtungen, relevanter Literatur, Beraterberichten und Behördendokumentation. Die Analyse dieser Informationen erleichtert die ausführliche Erörterung der Regierungsinitiativen und der Umweltmanagementsysteme der Unternehmen. Die vorliegende Abhandlung macht deutlich, dass ein dringender Bedarf besteht, Gesetze und Vorschriften durch freiwillige Umweltmanagementsysteme der Unternehmen zu ergänzen. Es wird angenommen, dass die Anstrengungen der kamerunischen Regierung betreffend die Industrieverschmutzung bisher nur minimale Auswirkungen auf die Industrieverschmutzung entlang der kamerunischen Küste hatten und es wird verdeutlicht, dass der EMS-Prozess in diesen Industriezweigen noch immer in den Kinderschuhen steckt. Darüber hinaus wird argumentiert, dass es noch immer eine Vielzahl von Hürden gibt, welche eine strikte EMSImplementierung in den besagten Industriezweigen verhindern. Darauf basierend schlägt die Abhandlung eine umfassende Strategie für das effektive und effiziente Management der Industrieverschmutzung entlang der Küste Kameruns vor und betont, dass ein ganzheitlicher oder gemeinsamer Ansatz aller Beteiligten absolut unerlässlich für die erfolgreiche Implementierung der empfohlenen Strategien ist
Comparative Multi-Criteria Assessment of Climate Policies and Sustainable Development Strategies in Cameroon: Towards a GIS Decision-Support Tool for the Design of an Optimal REDD+ Strategy
Cameroon is committed to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation plus conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks (REDD+). To achieve this goal, the government has introduced a series of policy reforms and formulated a number of key strategic planning documents to advance the REDD+ readiness process in Cameroon. This paper assesses the extent to which major cross-sectoral policies support or impede the development and implementation of an optimal REDD+ strategy in Cameroon from a comparative multi-criteria perspective. Study results reveal that a majority of the policy instruments reviewed appeared to be less prescriptive in terms of any tangible REDD+ strategy, as they do not have provisions for tangible measures to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Given the lack of adequate flexibility, prompt review and responsiveness of these cross-sectoral policies to adapt themselves to new realities and respond to a changing environment, this paper introduces a GIS-REDD+ decision support system (GIS-REDD+DSS) that is necessary to support the adaptive element of an adaptive REDD+ strategy in Cameroon. The GIS-REDD+DSS, an electronic REDD+agri intermediary hub, serves the following purpose: (1) host a database of locally-relevant climate information, improved input technologies, best practices as well as land use and forest cover geo-spatial maps; (2) host a virtual economic tool that performs economic valuations (costs and benefits) and financial analysis of REDD+agri projects to aid investment decision-making; and (3) host an electronic marketplace to mediate any-to-any transactions among REDD+agri project developers, service providers, input suppliers, private and institutional investors and buyers (wholesalers and retailers), thereby creating value in two ways: aggregation and matching. This decision support tool, we argue, is a fundamental prerequisite for “policy and REDD+ safeguard integration” innovation that allows new scientific findings to be integrated into REDD+ strategies in a short period of time
Comparative multicriteria assessment of climate policies and sustainable development strategies in Cameroon: towards a GIS decisionsupport tool for the design of an optimal REDD+ strategy
Cameroon is committed to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation plus conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks (REDD+). To achieve this goal, the government has introduced a series of policy reforms and formulated a number of key strategic planning documents to advance the REDD+ readiness process in Cameroon. This paper assesses the extent to which major cross-sectoral policies support or impede the development and implementation of an optimal REDD+ strategy in Cameroon from a comparative multi-criteria perspective. Study results reveal that a majority of the policy instruments reviewed appeared to be less prescriptive in terms of any tangible REDD+ strategy, as they do not have provisions for tangible measures to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Given the lack of adequate flexibility, prompt review and responsiveness of these cross-sectoral policies to adapt themselves to new realities and respond to a changing environment, this paper introduces a GIS-REDD+ decision support system (GIS-REDD+DSS) that is necessary to support the adaptive element of an adaptive REDD+ strategy in Cameroon. The GIS-REDD+DSS, an electronic REDD+agri intermediary hub, serves the following purpose: (1) host a database of locally-relevant climate information, improved input technologies, best practices as well as land use and forest cover geo-spatial maps; (2) host a virtual economic tool that performs economic valuations (costs and benefits) and financial analysis of REDD+agri projects to aid investment decision-making; and (3) host an electronic marketplace to mediate any-to-any transactions among REDD+agri project developers, service providers, input suppliers, private and institutional investors and buyers (wholesalers and retailers), thereby creating value in two ways: aggregation and matching. This decision support tool, we argue, is a fundamental prerequisite for “policy and REDD+ safeguard integration” innovation that allows new scientific findings to be integrated into REDD+ strategies in a short period of time