6 research outputs found

    In Silico Analysis of Seven PCR Markers Developed from the <i>CHD1</i>, <i>NIPBL</i> and <i>SPIN</i> Genes Followed by Laboratory Testing Shows How to Reliably Determine the Sex of Musophagiformes Species

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    Sex determination in birds, due to the very common lack of sexual dimorphism, is challenging. Therefore, molecular sexing is often the only reliable way to differentiate between the sexes. However, for many bird species, very few genetic markers are available to accurately, quickly, and cost-effectively type sex. Therefore, in our study, using 14 species belonging to the order Musophagiformes, we tested the usefulness of seven PCR markers (three of which have never been used to determine the sex of turacos), developed based on the CHD1, NIPBL, and SPIN genes, to validate existing and develop new strategies/methods of sex determination. After in silico analysis, for which we used the three turaco nuclear genomes available in GenBank, the suitability of the seven selected markers for sexing turacos was tested in the laboratory. It turned out that the best of the markers tested was the 17th intron in the NIPBL gene (not previously tested in turacos), allowing reliable sex determination in 13 of the 14 species tested. For the one species not sexed by this marker, the 9th intron in the CHD1 gene proved to be effective. The remaining markers were of little (4 markers developed based on the CHD1 gene) or no use (marker developed based on the SPIN gene)

    The Length Polymorphism of the 9th Intron in the Avian CHD1 Gene Allows Sex Determination in Some Species of Palaeognathae

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    In palaeognathous birds, several PCR-based methods and a range of genes and unknown genomic regions have been studied for the determination of sex. Many of these methods have proven to be unreliable, complex, expensive, and time-consuming. Even the most widely used PCR markers for sex typing in birds, the selected introns of the highly conserved CHD1 gene (primers P2/P8, 1237L/1272H, and 2550F/2718R), have rarely been effective in palaeognathous birds. In this study we used eight species of Palaeognathae to test three PCR markers: CHD1i9 (CHD1 gene intron 9) and NIPBLi16 (NIPBL gene intron 16) that performed properly as Psittaciformes sex differentiation markers, but have not yet been tested in Palaeognathae, as well as the CHD1iA intron (CHD1 gene intron 16), which so far has not been used effectively to sex palaeognathous birds. The results of our research indicate that the CHD1i9 marker effectively differentiates sex in four of the eight species we studied. In Rhea americana, Eudromia elegans, and Tinamus solitarius, the electrophoretic patterns of the amplicons obtained clearly indicate the sex of tested individuals, whereas in Crypturellus tataupa, sexing is possible based on poorly visible female specific bands. Additionally, we present and discuss the results of our in silico investigation on the applicability of CHD1i9 to sex other Palaeognathae that were not tested in this study

    New Bird Sexing Strategy Developed in the Order Psittaciformes Involves Multiple Markers to Avoid Sex Misidentification: Debunked Myth of the Universal DNA Marker

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    Sexing of birds is indispensable for scientific, breeding and conservation programs but is difficult in many species and is particularly problematic in the case of nestlings showing no sexual dimorphism. Most useful and efficient methods of sex determination are based on unique features of the Z and W sex chromosomes detected via PCR to distinguish males (ZZ) and females (ZW). During the last twenty-five years researchers searched for the universal marker capable of sexing a maximally wide spectrum of species in a single PCR assay. We screened the phylogenetically representative set of 135 Psittaciformes species including 59 species sexed for the first time. Two known (P2P8, CHD1iA) PCR markers and four additional W/Z polymorphisms (CHD1iE, CHD1i16, CHD1i9 and NIPBLi16) located within the Chromo Helicase DNA binding CHD1 or the Nipped-B homolog NIPBL genes were applied. We present the electrophoretic patterns obtained for the PCR products of the analyzed markers including most typical and atypical patterns allowing sex determination, as well as those obtained when the given marker failed in sexing. Technical aspects of molecular sex determination are discussed: the optimization of amplification conditions, direct PCR and potential misinterpretations. A truly universal marker has not been found, and therefore, we propose a sexing strategy based on multiple CHD1i16, NIPBLi16, CHD1i9 and CHD1iE markers. This new strategy confirms the sex of a given bird with at least two markers detecting independent Z/W polymorphisms, reduces the number of necessary PCR reactions and minimizes the risk of sex misidentification

    Resolving Phylogenetic Relationships within Passeriformes Based on Mitochondrial Genes and Inferring the Evolution of Their Mitogenomes in Terms of Duplications

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