426 research outputs found


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    Having won two academy awards for best original score in two consecutive years, two BAFTA awards, Grammys and several others, Gustavo Santaolalla has become one of the world’s most accomplished and renowned composers in the modern industry. In June 2013, Video Game Developer Naughty dog released a new game: titled The last of us, published by Sony. It received worldwide critical acclaim being the fifth highest rated Playstation 3 game on Metacritic, which also received the “Game of the year” award. Gustavo Santaolalla was chosen to be the composer and his musical approach along with the game has been considered to be one of the best video game scores ever made. This paper will analyze several techniques used, which instruments were considered, and also how he approaches his music to be mixed in several game situations, changing the mood according to what the player is experiencing, providing a new psychological and revolutionary effect. A new approach to melancholy in video games.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/1032/thumbnail.jp

    Terciarización y nuevas formas de comercio en Asturias

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el reciente fenómeno de terciarización de una economía y un espacio regionales de fuerte tradición industrial como es Asturias en relación con el proceso de reestructuración de su base productiva. Dicho proceso de cambio tiene origen en la crisis del modelo industrial de tipo fordista, dominante hasta la década de los años ochenta, y en los efectos inducidos por el avance del capitalismo global, entre los que se cuenta la importancia creciente de las actividades comerciales y de las nuevas formas de comercio minorista, en particular las grandes superficies, cuyo impacto interesa en términos de organización y dinamismo territorial.L'objectiu d'aquest article és analitzar el fenomen recent de la terciarització d'una economia i un espai regionals de forta tradició industrial com és Astúries en relació amb el procés de reestructuració de la seva base productiva. Aquest procés de canvi té el seu origen en la crisi del model industrial de tipus fordista, dominant fins a la dècada dels anys vuitanta, i en els efectes induïts per l'avenç del capitalisme global, entre els quals cal tenir present la importància creixent de les activitats comercials i de les noves formes de comerç a la menuda, en particular les grans superfícies, l'impacte de les quals interessa en termes d'organització i dinamisme territorial. Cet article a comme objectif d'analyser le phénomène récent de troisième labour d'une économie et d'un espace régional à forte tradition industrielle comme c'est le cas des Asturies par rapport au processus de restructuration de la base de production régionale. Ce processus de changement découle de la crise du modèle industriel de type fordiste, modèle dominant jusqu'aux années quatre-vingts et dans les effets induits (amenés) par l'avance du capitalisme global. L'intérêt se centre sur l'étude de l'importance croissante des activités commerciales et les nouvelles formes de commerce au détail, avec une attention spéciale sur l'impact des grandes superficies en termes d'organisation et de dynamique territoriale.This paper intends to analyse the recent phenomenon of tertiarisation in the traditionally industrial region of Asturias (Spain) in connection with the restructuring process of the economic base of this region. This process of change originated as a result both of the crisis of the Fordist industrial model, prevailing until the 1980's, and of the effects of the rise of global capitalism. We focus on the study of the growing importance of retail activities and the new forms of retail commerce, paying attention to the impact of shopping malls in terms of organisation and territorial dynamics

    Association mapping of drought tolerance indices in wheat: QTL-rich regions on chromosome 4A

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    Drought is likely the main abiotic stress that affects wheat yield. The identification of drought-tolerant genotypes represents an effective way of dealing with the continuous decrease in water resources as well as the increase in world population. The aim of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with drought tolerance indices in wheat by using a genome-wide association study (GWAS) under fully irrigated and rain-fed conditions. The drought tolerance indices (i.e., Stress Susceptibility Index, Stress Tolerance Index, Tolerance Index and Yield Stability Index) were calculated based on grain yield, 1,000-kernel weight and kernels per spike. The association panel was genotyped using genotyping-bysequencing (GBS). A total of 175 SNPs exhibited statistical evidence of association with at least one drought tolerance index, explaining up to 6 % of the phenotypic variation. Forty-five SNPs were associated with more than one tolerance index (up to 4 agronomic traits). Most associations were located on chromosome 4A, supporting the hypothesis that this chromosome has a key role in drought tolerance which should be exploited for wheat improvement. In addition, statistical analysis detected SNPs associated with tolerance indices in both growing seasons, providing information about genetic regions with stable effects under different environmental conditions. This GWAS experiment serves as one of the few studies on association mapping for drought tolerance indices in wheat, which could increase the efficiency of rain-fed and irrigated crop production

    Gas exchange acclimation to elevated CO2 in upper-sunlit and lower-shaded canopy leaves in relation to nitrogen acquisition and partitioning in wheat grown in field chambers.

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    Growth at elevated CO2 often decreases photosynthetic capacity (acclimation) and leaf N concentrations. Lower-shaded canopy leaves may undergo both CO2 and shade acclimation. The relationship of acclimatory responses of flag and lower-shaded canopy leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the N content, and possible factors affecting N gain and distribution within the plant were investigated in a wheat crop growing in field chambers set at ambient (360 μmol mol-1) and elevated (700 μmol mol-1) CO2, and with two amounts of N fertilizer (none and 70 kg ha-1 applied on 30 April). Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration at a common measurement CO2, chlorophyll and Rubisco levels of upper-sunlit (flag) and lower-shaded canopy leaves were significantly lower in elevated relative to ambient CO2-grown plants. Both whole shoot N and leaf N per unit area decreased at elevated CO2, and leaf N declined with canopy position. Acclimatory responses to elevated CO2 were enhanced in N-deficient plants. With N supply, the acclimatory responses were less pronounced in lower canopy leaves relative to the flag leaf. Additional N did not increase the fraction of shoot N allocated to the flag and penultimate leaves. The decrease in photosynthetic capacity in both upper-sunlit and lower-shaded leaves in elevated CO2 was associated with a decrease in N contents in above-ground organs and with lower N partitioning to leaves. A single relationship of N per unit leaf area to the transpiration rate accounted for a significant fraction of the variation among sun-lit and shaded leaves, growth CO2 level and N supply. We conclude that reduced stomatal conductance and transpiration can decrease plant N, leading to acclimation to CO2 enrichment.This work was funded by the Spanish ‘Plan Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo’ (grant N° BFI2000-0871). A. Del Pozo was the recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education for a sabbatical leave. R. Morcuende had a Ramón y Cajal research contract from the Spanish Ministry of Education. The technical cooperation of A.L. Verdejo in gas exchange measurements, chlorophyll and Rubisco activity determination is acknowledged. We thank the staff of the experimental farm of IRNASA for assistance in crop husbandry.Peer reviewe

    Contribution of Annual Legumes Pasture to the Cereal in Mediterranean Agriculture Systems

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    The depletion of fossil fuels, the high demand of food for a constantly growing human population and, more recently, the strong expansion of biofuel crops, are causing sharp increases in the prices of fertilizers particularly nitrogen (N)(Crews and Peoples 2004; Jensen et al. 2011). Faced with this future scenario of high cost of N fertilizer, there is increasing interest in using legumes as N sources for sustainable agriculture and livestock. In the dryland (rainfed) cropping area of the Mediterranean climatic region of central Chile, bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) is predominantly grown in rotation with oats (Avena sativa); a system that relies heavily upon N fertilizers applied at sowing and tillering to support growth. The objectives of the study were to: (1) quantify the inputs of fixed N by two mixtures of annual legumes pastures; (2) determine the impact of including legume pastures in a cropping sequence on wheat N uptake and grain yield; and (3) compare the performance of wheat after legumes with standard farmer practice of applying N fertilizer to wheat grown following oats

    Gas exchange acclimation to elevated CO2 in upper-sunlit and lower-shaded canopy leaves in relation to nitrogen acquisition and partitioning in wheat grown in field chambers.

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    Growth at elevated CO2 often decreases photosynthetic capacity (acclimation) and leaf N concentrations. Lower-shaded canopy leaves may undergo both CO2 and shade acclimation. The relationship of acclimatory responses of flag and lower-shaded canopy leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the N content, and possible factors affecting N gain and distribution within the plant were investigated in a wheat crop growing in field chambers set at ambient (360 μmol mol-1) and elevated (700 μmol mol-1) CO2, and with two amounts of N fertilizer (none and 70 kg ha-1 applied on 30 April). Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration at a common measurement CO2, chlorophyll and Rubisco levels of upper-sunlit (flag) and lower-shaded canopy leaves were significantly lower in elevated relative to ambient CO2-grown plants. Both whole shoot N and leaf N per unit area decreased at elevated CO2, and leaf N declined with canopy position. Acclimatory responses to elevated CO2 were enhanced in N-deficient plants. With N supply, the acclimatory responses were less pronounced in lower canopy leaves relative to the flag leaf. Additional N did not increase the fraction of shoot N allocated to the flag and penultimate leaves. The decrease in photosynthetic capacity in both upper-sunlit and lower-shaded leaves in elevated CO2 was associated with a decrease in N contents in above-ground organs and with lower N partitioning to leaves. A single relationship of N per unit leaf area to the transpiration rate accounted for a significant fraction of the variation among sun-lit and shaded leaves, growth CO2 level and N supply. We conclude that reduced stomatal conductance and transpiration can decrease plant N, leading to acclimation to CO2 enrichment.This work was funded by the Spanish ‘Plan Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo’ (grant N° BFI2000-0871). A. Del Pozo was the recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education for a sabbatical leave. R. Morcuende had a Ramón y Cajal research contract from the Spanish Ministry of Education. The technical cooperation of A.L. Verdejo in gas exchange measurements, chlorophyll and Rubisco activity determination is acknowledged. We thank the staff of the experimental farm of IRNASA for assistance in crop husbandry.Peer reviewe

    Didactic audiovisual translation

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    This paper discusses the uses and applications of interlingual subtitling for the d/Deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) in the language classroom and builds on a pilot experiment involving over a hundred students who partook in a didactic initiative based on the use of SDH. The present study forms part of the TRADILEX (2020–2023) international project, which draws on action-oriented approaches to produce didactic sequences of didactic audiovisual translation (AVT) and media accessibility (MA) tasks in foreign language education (FLE). A pilot experiment involving didactic interlingual captioning (Spanish into English) was carried out with two cohorts of students (N = 104) from two undergraduate programmes at a Spanish higher-education institution. The results shed light on the students’ perception of didactic SDH, as well as the pedagogical benefits of learning English by captioning video clips. The students boosted their translation skills in different ways, and awareness was raised on the importance of analysing visual, acoustic and paralinguistic information when localising clips. Ultimately, this paper examines the potential benefits of action-oriented captioning tasks and advocates for integrating didactic AVT-MA into the FLE curriculum

    Crecimiento de fruto, caracteristicas organolepticas y vida poscosecha en Vaccinium corymbosum sv. Brigitta bajo mallas sombreadoras

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    51 p.El arándano de arbusto alto (Vaccinium corymbosum L) en su ambiente natural (Norteamérica) crece condiciones de sotobosque. En los últimos 15 años nuestro país ha incrementado fuertemente la superficie plantada (998%). En este ámbito, es necesario aumentar la eficiencia del cultivo en términos productivos, así como también respecto a la logística y sistema de cosecha. En este contexto, el uso de mallas sombreadoras podría reducir el estrés de las plantas, como ha sido demostrado en frutales de hoja caduca y plantas ornamentales. Últimamente se han realizado ensayos con mallas de sombreamiento en arándano, pero se desconoce el efecto que las mallas (color y porcentaje de sombra), puedan tener sobre la curva de crecimiento del fruto y las características organolépticas asociadas en cada etapa (desde cambio de color hasta el máximo crecimiento de fruto). Por ello se realizó un ensayo comparativo de un control (sin malla), cuatro tipos de sombreamiento con mallas blancas de 25, 50 y 70 % y malla negra de 50%, en la temporada 2008/09, en un huerto comercial adulto del cv. de arbusto alto Brigitta en Linares. Con frutos que presenten etapa fisiológica de desarrollo similar, los tratamientos presentaron una curva de crecimiento doble sigmoidea. Una vez que alcanzaron el cambio de color (maduración), los frutos siguieron aumentando su diámetro entre 9,5 (blanca 50%) y 15,8% (blanca 70%). Blanca 25% presentó maduración más concentrada (38 días) que los demás tratamientos (60 días). Al final de la temporada, no hubo diferencias entre tratamientos en el rendimiento acumulado. Las mallas negra 50% y blanca 70% presentaron mayores pesos y tamaños de fruto respecto al control y un retraso del peak de cosecha de casi 2 semanas. Las mallas no alteraron las presiones de cosecha. Blanca (25 y 50%) y control tuvieron similar contenido de sólidos solubles a lo largo de la temporada, el cual fue mayor que Blanca 70% y negra 50%. Los tratamientos en base al porcentaje de pleno sol presentaron una correlación significativa donde a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol menor es el porcentaje de acidez, situación contraria presentó la correlación sólidos soluble/acidez, ya que a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol, mayor fue dicha relación. Los tratamientos en base al porcentaje de pleno sol presentaron una correlación significativa para acidez y relación sólidos solubles/acidez, donde a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol menor es el porcentaje de acidez, sin embargo, a mayor porcentaje de pleno sol mayor es la relación sólidos solubles/acidez. Las mallas blanca (70 y 50%) y negra (50%) presentaron mayor contenido de agua de la fruta a cosecha (86, 85,9 y 85,8% promedio respectivamente) en comparación al control (84,8%). Palabras claves: Vaccinium corymbosuma, malla sombreadora, calidad, postcosecha./ ABSTRACT: The highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L) is an understory plant in its natural condition (North America). In the past 15 years Chile has greatly increased its area planted (998%). It is necessary to improve the crop in terms of productivity, as well as harvest logistics and system. In this context, the use of shading nets could reduce stress in plants, as has been demonstrated in deciduous fruit trees and ornamental plants. Recent trials have been conducted with shading nets in blueberry, but it is unknown the effect that nets (color and shade percentage) can have on the fruit growth curve and organoleptic characteristics in each growth stage (from color change to maximum fruit growth). In this context, a trial was conducted to compare a control (no net), and four types of shading with white nets 25, 50 and 70% and 50% black net in the 2008/09 season, in an adult commercial orchard cv. Brigitta in Linares. With fruit of similar physiological stage of development, the treatments showed a double sigmoid growth curve. Once the color change was reached (maturation), fruits continued to increase their diameter from 9.5 (white 50%) to 15.8% (white 70%). White 25% had more concentrated ripening (38 days) than the other treatments (60 days). At the end of the season, the cumulative yield per treatment did not differ statistically. Black 50% and white 70% had higher fruit weights and sizes than control and a delayed harvest peak of about 2 weeks. The nets did not alter fruit firmness at harvest. White (25 and 50%) and control had similar soluble solids throughout the season which was greater than white 70% and black 50%. Treatments based on the percentage of full sunlight showed a significant correlation relationship for acidity and soluble solids / acidity, where a higher percentage of full sun lower the percentage of acidity, however, a higher percentage of full sun is the most solid relationship soluble acidity. White (70 and 50%) and black nets (50%) had the highest fruit water content at harvest (averages of 86.0, 85.9 and 85.8%, respectively) compared to control (84.8%)

    Aporte de nitrógeno por parte de Leguminosas de grano al trigo (Titicum aestivum L.)

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    32 p.En este trabajo se evaluó la influencia de tres leguminosas de grano, arveja (Pisum sativum), lupino australiano (Lupinus angustifolius) y lupino amarillo (Lupinus luteus), una mezcla de avena (Avena sativa) - vicia (Vicia atropurpurea) como abono verde, avena sin nitrógeno (N) como testigo y de avena con N (100 kg/ha), como cultivo antecesor de trigo. Los precultivos se establecieron y desarrollaron durante la temporada 2008/09, y en la temporada 2009/10 se sembraron todas las parcelas con trigo primaveral cv. Pandora – INIA. La siembra de trigo se realizó el 20 de mayo 2009, en un suelo alfisol de la Estación Experimental de Cauquenes del INIA (35º 56’ 38,33’’ S, 72º 16’ 51,97’’ O, 160 m.s.n.m., localizada en la zona mediterránea subhúmeda), comuna de Cauquenes, VII región. El diseño fue de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Se evaluó materia seca aérea y de raíces, concentración y contenido de nitrógeno, índice de área foliar (IAF), radiación interceptada por el cultivo, rendimiento de grano y sus componentes, número de espigas por m2, número de granos por espiga y peso de 1000 granos. El tratamiento de trigo después de avena con nitrógeno, obtuvo los valores más altos de nitrógeno (%) en raíces y parte aérea, IAF, materia seca total, cantidad de nitrógeno en la planta, radiación interceptada por el cultivo y rendimiento de granos. Los tratamientos de trigo después de las leguminosas con lupino amarillo, lupino australiano y arveja no tuvieron una diferencia sobre el testigo (trigo después de avena sin nitrógeno) y sobre trigo después de avena – vicia, pero en el rendimiento de granos hubo una marcada diferencia de alrededor de 1,0 ton/ha de las leguminosas sobre el testigo. El rendimiento promedio de trigo después de avena con nitrógeno fue de 3,3 ton/ha, mientras que las leguminosas bordearon los 2,5 ton/ha y el trigo después de avena – vicia obtuvo un rendimiento promedio de 1,9 ton/ha./ ABSTRACT The influence of three pulses, pea (Pisum sativum), blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) and yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus), a mixture of oats (Avena sativa) - vetch (Vicia atropurpurea) as green manure, oats without nitrogen (N) as a control, and oat with N (100 kg / ha) were evaluated as an antecessor crop for wheat. The antecessor crops were established and grown during the 2008/09 season and in the 2009/10 season all plots were planted with a spring wheat cv. Pandora – INIA. The wheat crop was established on 20 May 2009, in a alfisol at the Experimental Station Cauquenes of INIA (35 º 56 '38.33''S, 72 º 16' 51.97''W, 160 m, located in the Mediterranean sub-humid). The design was a complete randomized block with four replications. Evaluations were root and shoot dry matter, nitrogen concentration and content, leaf area index (LAI), intercepted radiation, grain yield and its components, number of spikes per square meter, number of kernel per spike and thousand kernel weight. The treatment of wheat after oats with nitrogen obtained the highest values of % nitrogen in roots and shoot LAI, total dry matter, intercepted radiation and grain yield. The treatments of wheat after yellow lupine, blue lupine and peas did not have a marked difference over the control (wheat after oats without nitrogen) and wheat after oat - vetch, but in grain yield there was a clear difference of around 1.0 ton/ha of legumes over the control. The average yield of wheat after oats with nitrogen was 3.3 ton/ha while legumes were around the 2.5 ton/ha, and wheat after oats - vetch was on average 1.9 ton/ha

    Determinacion de la concentracion de carbohidratos en el tallo de 25 lineas RCSLs de cebada y su relacion con la capacidad de producir granos en condiciones de estres hidrico.

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    46 p.El contenido de carbohidratos (CHO) en el tallo de 24 Líneas Recombinantes por Sustitución Cromosómica (RCSLs) de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) fueron evaluadas en dos ambientes, Cauquenes (con y sin riego, precipitación anual 260 mm), 35°58' lat. Sur; 72°17' long. Oeste; 177 m.s.n.m) y Santa Rosa, Chi116n (con riego, 36°32' lat. Sur; 71°55' long. Oeste; 220 m.s.n.m), durante la temporada 2006-2007. Las RCSLs derivan del cruce entre H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum (Caeserea 26-24 de origen israelf), como padre donante, y H. vulgare subsp. vulgare cv. Harrington (de origen norteamericano de alta calidad maltera) como padre recurrente. El cv. Harrington fue usado como referencia en ambos ambientes. La siembra fue realizada el 1 de julio y 24 agosto 2007 en Cauquenes y Santa Rosa respectivamente, en tanto que la cosecha de grano se realiz6 el 5 diciembre 2007 y 14 enero 2008 en ambos ambientes correspondientemente. El diseño experimental correspondi6 a un a-látice con cuatro repeticiones y cinco bloques incompletos por cada repetición. La concentración de carbohidratos fue determinada usando el método de la Antrona y medición espectrofotórnetrica a 620 nm, en dos estados de desarrollo de la planta: antesis y madurez fisiológica. Además se midi6 durante la misma temporada: rendimiento, peso de mil granos, N° granos por espiga e índice de cosecha. El ANDEVA indico que el ambiente tuvo una influencia altamente significativa sobre la expresión de todas las variables, indicando que la concentración de carbohidratos fue mayor en el ambiente seco (Cauquenes), las variables rendimiento, peso de mil granos e índice de cosecha fueron mayores en el ambiente favorable (Santa Rosa). El efecto del genotipo fue significativo para todas las variables. El análisis de correlaciones no mostr6 relaciones significativas entre carbohidratos y rendimiento, índice de cosecha y componentes del rendimiento en la localidad de Cauquenes, pero presento una correlación positiva y significativa entre carbohidratos en antesis y peso de los 1000 granos (r=0,44; p<0,05) en Santa Rosa. Del mismo modo en Santa Rosa se presentaron correlaciones negativas entre carbohidratos y rendimiento, así como índice de cosecha y número de granos por espiga