95 research outputs found

    La perspectiva del bio-derecho

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    9 p.El doctor Castaño Bedoya (Castaño, 2019) indica que “La ley natural se expresa como derecho natural, cuando se refiere a las relaciones de justicia entre los seres humanos: entre las personas físicas, morales y el poder público. Se pasa de la categoría antropológica y moral a la categoría jurídica” a partir de ello se puede analizar que la justicia entre los seres humanos ha ido cambiando en donde la justicia antigua no es la misma que se da actualmente por normas, por ejemplo, en la clase de las ideas políticas en la historia se enseñó, la justicia a partir del ejercicio de los pueblos antiguos como Atenas. Cuando se iba a juzgar a una persona que había cometido actos incorrectos los jueces votaban a favor o en contra, el fallo seria la mayor cantidad de votos obtenidos y según la persona y el acto iba a tener una pena

    Semantic web data warehousing for caGrid

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    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing caGrid as a means for sharing cancer-related data and services. As more data sets become available on caGrid, we need effective ways of accessing and integrating this information. Although the data models exposed on caGrid are semantically well annotated, it is currently up to the caGrid client to infer relationships between the different models and their classes. In this paper, we present a Semantic Web-based data warehouse (Corvus) for creating relationships among caGrid models. This is accomplished through the transformation of semantically-annotated caBIG® Unified Modeling Language (UML) information models into Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies that preserve those semantics. We demonstrate the validity of the approach by Semantic Extraction, Transformation and Loading (SETL) of data from two caGrid data sources, caTissue and caArray, as well as alignment and query of those sources in Corvus. We argue that semantic integration is necessary for integration of data from distributed web services and that Corvus is a useful way of accomplishing this. Our approach is generalizable and of broad utility to researchers facing similar integration challenges

    Influencia de la deprivación psicosocial en el desarrollo del lenguaje.

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    Tesis (Educación Parvularia, Licenciado en Educación)El presente seminario tiene como objetivo principal contribuir con mayor información sobre la relación que existe entre la deprivación psicosocial y el desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños de 4 a 6 años. El lenguaje permite a los seres humanos comunicarse oralmente; por lo que nos hace ser seres privilegiados. Sin el lenguaje no podríamos tener identidad, ni comunicarnos, ya que es un punto singular en la evolución del hombre. Pues al no tener identidad significa que no pertenecemos a ninguna cultura o estrato social determinado. Las condiciones en las cuales el niño adquiere el lenguaje juegan un papel fundamental; puesto que el medio ambiente, la familia, el grupo de pares etc ejercen una gran influencia en el aumento, calidad o deterioro de este. Lo cual se ve reflejado en las diferencias lingüísticas que se presentan entre una clase o estrato social y otra. Los niños a la edad de 4 a 6 años que asisten a Jardines Infantiles particulares y subvencionados contarían con un importante bagaje lingüístico lo que lleva a pensar que el sistema de expresión es adquirido. Pero, a pesar de que éstos centros educativos trabajan de igual forma, utilizando currículos y metodologías muy similares; el resultado que presentan los niños en relación al léxico deja en claro que la buena, regular o mala calidad del lenguaje, es un fiel reflejo de la familia y el medio ambiente más cercano que rodea al niño

    Megalitismo no funerario en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica: los nuevos enclaves de “La Torre” y “La Janera” (Ayamonte-Villablanca, Huelva)

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    Se exponen en este trabajo las circunstancias del hallazgo y los resultados del estudio preliminar de un vasto conjunto de elementos megalíticos distribuidos por las fincas “La Torre” y “La Janera”, un entorno de aproximadamente 600 hectáreas localizado en los municipios de Ayamonte y Villablanca (Huelva, España). Los trabajos de prospección y documentación realizados han permitido identificar un espacio de ocupación prehistórico de enorme interés debido a la presencia de más de un millar de megalitos (menhires y estelas decorados y sin decoración). La profusión y variedad de los soportes ortostáticos, la existencia de arte rupestre asociado y la constatación de patrones de distribución significativos, hacen de este lugar un caso de estudio único para el conocimiento histórico y la interpretación del fenómeno megalítico en el suroeste peninsular.This paper sets out the circumstances of the discovery and the results of the preliminary study of a vast group of megalithic elements distributed around the “La Torre” and “La Janera” estates, an area of approximately 600 hectares located in the municipalities of Ayamonte and Villablanca (Huelva, Spain). The developed works of prospection and documentation have allowed to identify a space of prehistoric occupation of enormous interest due to the presence of more than a thousand megaliths (menhirs and steles, decorated and without decoration). The profusion and variety of orthostatic supports, the existence of associated rock art and the confirmation of significant distribution patterns, make this place a unique case study for the historical knowledge and interpretation of the megalithic phenomenon in the southwest of the peninsula

    Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment at Home: A Topic Review Importance and Generalities of the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment as a Tool for Eldery Approach in Home Care

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    La atención domiciliaria es uno de los niveles asistenciales más populares en los últimos años, dada la sobreocupación hospitalaria y el alto riesgo de complicaciones en las personas mayores hospitalizadas; además, permite dar continuidad a la atención y brindar educación, intervenciones preventivas y manejo a personas con condiciones crónicas, discapacidad y trastornos neurocognitivos. Con este estudio, se resalta la importancia de la valoración geriátrica en el domicilio, sus objetivos, componentes y beneficios. Palabras clave servicios de atención de salud a domicilio; geriatría; atención domiciliaria.Home care is one of the most popular levels of care in recent years given hospital overcrowding, the high risk of complications in hospitalized older people, and also allows continuity of care for hospitalized people and education, preventive intervention and management people with chronic conditions, disabilities and neurocognitive disorders. With this study, we highlight the importance of geriatric assessment at home, its objectives, components and benefits. Keywords home health care services; geriatrics; home carehttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4479-6875https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000035119Revista Nacional - IndexadaS

    Respiratory complexes III and IV can each bind two molecules of cytochrome c at low ionic strength

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    The transient interactions of respiratory cytochrome c with complexes III and IV is herein investigated by using heterologous proteins, namely human cytochrome c, the soluble domain of plant cytochrome c1 and bovine cytochrome c oxidase. The binding molecular mechanisms of the resulting cross-complexes have been analyzed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. Our data reveal that the two cytochrome c-involving adducts possess a 2:1 stoichiometry – that is, two cytochrome c molecules per adduct – at low ionic strength. We conclude that such extra binding sites at the surfaces of complexes III and IV can facilitate the turnover and sliding of cytochrome c molecules and, therefore, the electron transfer within respiratory supercomplexes.España, MINECO Grant Nos. BFU2010-19451/BMC and BFU2012-31670/BMCJunta de Andalucía Grant PAI, BIO198España Ministerio de Educación, y European Social Fund-ERDF AP2009-409

    Structural basis of mitochondrial dysfunction in response to cytochrome c phosphorylation at tyrosine 48

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    Regulation of mitochondrial activity allows cells to adapt to changing conditions and to control oxidative stress, and its dysfunction can lead to hypoxia-dependent pathologies such as ischemia and cancer. Although cytochrome c phosphorylation—in particular, at tyrosine 48—is a key modulator of mitochondrial signaling, its action and molecular basis remain unknown. Here we mimic phosphorylation of cytochrome c by replacing tyrosine 48 with p-carboxy-methylL-phenylalanine (pCMF). The NMR structure of the resulting mutant reveals significant conformational shifts and enhanced dynamics around pCMF that could explain changes observed in its functionality: The phosphomimetic mutation impairs cytochrome c diffusion between respiratory complexes, enhances hemeprotein peroxidase and reactive oxygen species scavenging activities, and hinders caspase-dependent apoptosis. Our findings provide a framework to further investigate the modulation of mitochondrial activity by phosphorylated cytochrome c and to develop novel therapeutic approaches based on its prosurvival effects.España, MINECO BFU2015-71017-P/BMC and BFU2015- 19451/BMCUnión Europea, Bio-NMR-00130 and CALIPSO-312284España, Ministerio de Educación AP2009-409

    Effect of Increasing Supplementation Levels of Coffee Pulp on Milk Yield and Food Intake in Dual-Purpose Cows: An Alternative Feed Byproduct for Smallholder Dairy Systems of Tropical Climate Regions

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    Se presenta el artículo en texto completoCoffee is one of the main traded commodities worldwide, unfortunately, it generates massive amounts of by-products like coffee pulp (CoP), which could be utilized as an alternative feedstuff for cattle contributing to mitigate coffee production environmental damage. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of CoP supplementation on milk production, milk composition, and grass dry matter intake (GDMI) by dual-purpose tropical cows. A 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design was conducted, where four multiparous dual-purpose Holstein x Cebu cows with an average live weight of 477 ± 7 kg and milk yield of 12.1 ± 2.7 kg/d were used. The cows grazed 10 h/d on a Cynodon plectostachius sward with a stocking rate of three cows/ha. All cows received 6 kg/d DM of an experimental concentrate (EC), and the treatments consisted of four supplementation levels of CoP: T1 = 0, T2 = 0.6, T3 = 0.9, and T4 = 1.2 kg DM/d, which was provided on top of the concentrate and mixed with the EC. Grass intake was determined by the n-alkanes technique. A significant difference was observed for the average total daily DM intake (p 0.05) were observed for milk yield, milk composition, body weight, and GDMI for all the inclusion levels of CoP. It was concluded that CoP can be included at levels of 0.6 to 0.9 kg DM/d in the diets of cows without compromising milk yield or GDMI.This research was funded by the ICAMEX-Estado de México under grant number 15-2005- 0724 and the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México under grant number 1873/2009C

    Getting Environmentally Friendly and High Added-Value Products from Lignocellulosic Waste

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    In recent years, alternatives have been sought for the reuse of lignocellulosic waste generated by agricultural and other industries because it is biodegradable and renewable. Lignocellulosic waste can be used for a wide variety of applications, depending on their composition and physical properties. In this chapter, we focus on the different treatments that are used for the extraction of natural cellulose fibers (chemical, physical, biological methods) for more sophisticated applications such as reinforcement in biocomposites. Due to the different morphologies that the cellulose can present, depending from sources, it is possible to obtain cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), micro- nanofibrillated cellulose (MFC/NFC), and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) with different applications in the industry. Among the different cellulose nanomaterials highlighted characteristics, we can find improved barrier properties for sound and moisture, the fact that they are environmentally friendly, increased tensile strength and decreased weight. These materials have the ability to replace metallic components, petroleum products, and nonrenewable materials. Potential applications of cellulose nanomaterials are present in the automotive, construction, aerospace industries, etc. Also, this chapter exhibits global market predictions of these new materials or products. In summary, lignocellulosic residues are a rich source of cellulose that can be extracted to obtain products with high value-added and eco-friendly characteristics