38 research outputs found

    Regeneración de campus para la creación de un laboratorio vivo de sostenibilidad ("living lab") en el Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Moncloa

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    La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) a través de su Centro de Innovación en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano (itdUPM) está propiciando la generación de conciencia, conocimiento y soluciones innovadoras que contribuyen al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a través de un edificio que sirve como laboratorio de prueba para nuevas tecnologías verdes y como plataforma de ideación colaborativa y activación social

    Universal surface-enhanced Raman tags : individual nanorods for measurements from the visible to the infrared (514 – 1064 nm)

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a promising imaging modality for use in a variety of multiplexed tracking and sensing applications in biological environments. However, the uniform production of SERS nanoparticle tags with high yield and brightness still remains a significant challenge. Here, we describe an approach based on the controlled co-adsorption of multiple dye species onto gold nanorods to create tags that can be detected across a much wider range of excitation wavelengths (514 – 1064 nm) compared to conventional approaches that typically focus on a single wavelength. This was achieved without the added complexity of nanoparticle aggregation or growing surrounding metallic shells to further enhance the surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) signal. Correlated Raman and scanning electron microscopy mapping measurements of individual tags were used to clearly demonstrate that strong and reproducible SERRS signals at high particle yields (>92 %) were readily achievable. The polyelectrolyte-wrapped nanorod-dye conjugates were also found to be highly stable as well as non-cytotoxic. To demonstrate the use of these universal tags for the multimodal optical imaging of biological specimens, confocal Raman and fluorescence maps of stained immune cells following nanoparticle uptake were acquired at several excitation wavelengths and compared with dark-field images. The ability to colocalize and track individual optically encoded nanoparticles across a wide range of wavelengths simultaneously will enable the use of SERS alongside other imaging techniques for the real-time monitoring of cell-nanoparticle interactions

    Integrated monitoring of mola mola behaviour in space and time

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    Over the last decade, ocean sunfish movements have been monitored worldwide using various satellite tracking methods. This study reports the near-real time monitoring of finescale (< 10 m) behaviour of sunfish. The study was conducted in southern Portugal in May 2014 and involved satellite tags and underwater and surface robotic vehicles to measure both the movements and the contextual environment of the fish. A total of four individuals were tracked using custom-made GPS satellite tags providing geolocation estimates of fine-scale resolution. These accurate positions further informed sunfish areas of restricted search (ARS), which were directly correlated to steep thermal frontal zones. Simultaneously, and for two different occasions, an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) videorecorded the path of the tracked fish and detected buoyant particles in the water column. Importantly, the densities of these particles were also directly correlated to steep thermal gradients. Thus, both sunfish foraging behaviour (ARS) and possibly prey densities, were found to be influenced by analogous environmental conditions. In addition, the dynamic structure of the water transited by the tracked individuals was described by a Lagrangian modelling approach. The model informed the distribution of zooplankton in the region, both horizontally and in the water column, and the resultant simulated densities positively correlated with sunfish ARS behaviour estimator (r(s) = 0.184, p < 0.001). The model also revealed that tracked fish opportunistically displace with respect to subsurface current flow. Thus, we show how physical forcing and current structure provide a rationale for a predator's finescale behaviour observed over a two weeks in May 2014

    Variability in storm climate along the Gulf of Cadiz: the role of large scale atmospheric forcing and implications to coastal hazards

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    In the context of increased coastal hazards due to variability in storminess patterns, the danger of coastal damages and/or morphological changes is related to the sum of sea level conditions, storm surge, maximum wave height and run up values. In order to better understand the physical processes that cause the variability of the above parameters a 44 years reanalysis record (HIPOCAS) was used. The HIPOCAS time-series was validated with real wave and sea-level data using linear and vector correlation methods. In the present work changes in the magnitude, duration, frequency and approach direction of the Atlantic storms over the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula) were identified by computing various storm characteristics such as maximum wave height, total energy per storm wave direction and storm duration. The obtained time-series were compared with large-scale atmospheric indices such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the East Atlantic pattern. The results show a good correlation between negative NAO values and increased storminess over the entire Gulf of Cadiz. Furthermore, negative NAO values were correlated with high residual sea level values. Finally, a joint probability analysis of storm and sea level analysis resulted in increased probabilities of the two events happening at the same time indicating higher vulnerability of the coast and increased coastal risks. The above results were compared with coastal inundation events that took place over the last winter seasons in the province of Cadiz.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Taller práctico de soluciones de escaneado láser para modelado BIM

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    La dirección del evento cuenta con la autorización de cada asistente para la difusión de las imágenes de la jornada, facilitada al inscribirse al workshop.En este workshop se combinó el formato conferencia con el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, mediante la aplicación de la técnica Scan-to-BIM a un caso práctico real, con la intención de familiarizar y concienciar a los asistentes con las posibilidades que este sistema de levantamiento y documentación patrimonial ofrece. La acción constó de 2 partes: 1) La primera parte de la actividad se realizó en la Capilla del Puerto de Málaga y consistió en un ejemplo práctico de escaneado láser 3D mediante nube de puntos del monumento. Para ello, los interesados y ponentes acudieron al Paseo de la Farola, nº 10 (Muelle 1) donde se explicaron los pasos para realizar dicho proceso, a la vez que se escanó el monumento durante un par de horas. 2) La segunda parte del taller tuvo lugar de 16:00 a 18:00 en un aula de informática de la Universidad de Málaga, por lo que las plazas fueron limitadas a 30 inscritos, que era el máximo aforo del aula. Durante esas dos horas se realizó un ejemplo práctico de procesamiento de los datos obtenidos en los ordenadores del aula para, posteriormente, importar la nube de puntos 3D al software BIM Autodesk Revit y así poder modelar el edificio. Este taller se encuadró en el marco de las conferencias científicas organizadas por la Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga sobre nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la arquitectura y fue promovido por el Proyecto de Innovación Educativa PIE 17-140 “Estrategias para la integración del BIM en el Grado de Arquitectura”, contando con la codirección y ponencias de Ciro de la Torre Fragoso, María Jesús García Granja, como PDI de la UMA, con Mercedes Aldeanueva Fernández, como colaboradora honoraria y con José Manuel Moreno Domingo, como director de servicios BIM de BIMnD. Enlace a video-noticia: https://youtu.be/pwylaIoC7ps Enlace a entrevista televisiva: https://youtu.be/MLJBwAwKr9s Enlace a nota de prensa: https://www.uma.es/sala-de-prensa/noticias/monumentos-al-detalle-gracias-la-tecnologia-con-laser-3d

    Integration of BIM methodology into the transversal teaching of architecture

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    Se adjunta archivo de autorización del editor del libro para la publicación del capítulo en RUIMAGiven the need and the evident progress of the implementation of the BIM Methodology in the AEC sector in our country, it is necessary to transfer new forms of teaching to the academic field that prepare the student for this incipient reality. The strategy of a new teaching method and a multidirectional and integrationist work philosophy must be taken from the joint collaboration of the Schools of Architecture and Engineering and their respective departments. In the same way, it must be a descending pyramidal decision, that is, the management and teaching staff of the Schools must assume the need for change and help, to the best of their ability, to consolidate a high level of long-term BIM maturity in Spain. . With this objective, the creation of a BAP (BIM Academy Plan) is proposed: a document that maintains obvious similarities with the BEP (BIM Executive Plan), and that allows the customization of the different study plans through the regularization and standardization of the different parts. In this way, the possibility of order and the interoperability of all the parts is demonstrated without sacrificing the originality or the distinction of each one of the agents. The BIM Academy Plan (BAP) takes, for consistency, as a reference the regulations to which the Spanish commission es.BIM (BSSCHE) looks and is structured into three areas of action: 1. Management 2. Training 3. Scope or the BIM philosophy. In the following communication, each of the parts are explained, understood as essential in the short term to eliminate the duplication of roles that the sector suffers in the workplace and reduce the distance between the current training that students receive and the reality that is will find at the end of the studies

    "Integración de la Metodología BIM en la Enseñanza Transversal de la Arquitectura" (en libro de resúmenes de ponencias del Congreso EDINNACH 2017)

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    Ante la necesidad d y los evidentes progresos de la implantación de la Metodología BIM en el sector AEC en nuestro país, resulta necesario trasladar al ámbito académico nuevas formas de enseñanza que preparen al alumno para esta incipiente realidad. La estrategia de un nuevo método docente y una filosofía de trabajo multidireccional e integracionista debe tomarse desde la colaboración conjunta de las Escuelas de Arquitectura e Ingenierías y sus respectivos departamentos. De la misma forma debe ser una decisión piramidal descendente, es decir, la dirección y el cuerpo docente de las Escuelas deben asumir la necesidad del cambio y ayudar en la medida de sus posibilidades a consolidar un alto nivel de madurez BIM a largo plazo en España. Con este objetivo se propone la creación de un BAP (BIM Academic Plan): un documento que mantiene obvias similitudes con el BEP (BIM Execution Plan), y que permite la personalización de los distintos planes de estudio mediante la regularización de las distintas partes, sin sacrificar la originalidad o la distinción de cada uno de los agentes. El BAP toma, por coherencia, como referncia las normativas a las que mira la comisión española es.BIM (BSSCHE) y se estructura en tres ámbitos de actuación: 1) La gestión, 2) La formación, 3) El alcance o la filosofía BIM. En esta comunicación se explican cada una de las partes, entendidas como indispensables para eliminar, a corto plazo, la duplicidad de roles que sufre el sector en el ámbito laboral y distribuir la distancia entre la formación que actualmente reciben los alumnos y la realidad que se encontrarán al finalizar sus estudios. Enlace al Congreso (programa de ponencias, vídeos…): https://www.arquitectura.uma.es/edinnarch-2017/ Enlace a noticia sobre el Congreso: https://www.uma.es/sala-de-prensa/noticias/arranca-el-i-congreso-internacional-de-innovacion-educativa-en-la-arquitectura-y-la-ingenieria-edinnarch-2017

    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering biomedical applications of plasmonic colloidal particles

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    This review article presents a general view of the recent progress in the fast developing area of surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy as an analytical tool for the detection and identification of molecular species in very small concentrations, with a particular focus on potential applications in the biomedical area. We start with a brief overview of the relevant concepts related to the choice of plasmonic nanostructures for the design of suitable substrates, their implementation into more complex materials that allow generalization of the method and detection of a wide variety of (bio)molecules and the strategies that can be used for both direct and indirect sensing. In relation to indirect sensing, we devote the final section to a description of SERS-encoded particles, which have found wide application in biomedicine (among other fields), since they are expected to face challenges such as multiplexing and high-throughput screening