1,998 research outputs found

    (Dis)arming the segregated territories with migratory composition: keys to a political interpretation. : the case of Cordoba´s city

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    Hace casi dos décadas atrás distintos autores manifestaban su preocupación respecto al surgimiento de nuevas formas de segregación, lo cual pondría en tensión el clásico modelo de ciudad compacta que habría caracterizado la ciudad hispanoamericana. Desde nuestro punto de vista esto no es del todo novedoso. Para fundamentar esta afirmación proponemos el análisis del caso de la ciudad de Córdoba durante el período colonial hasta el primer cuarto de siglo XX. El propósito que nos orienta es reflexionar sobre la significatividad de los procesos históricos al momento de pensar hoy políticas socio-habitacionales más inclusivas de los sectores desfavorecidos, entre ellos las migraciones extranjeras.Almost two decades ago different authors expressing their concern about the emergence of new forms of segregation, which would in voltage the classic model of compact city that would have characterized the spanish-american city. From our point of view this is not all that novel. To substantiate this assertion we propose an analysis of Cordoba’s city during the colonial period until the first quarter of the twentieth century. The purpose that guides us is to reflect on the significance of the historical processes at the time of thinking today political partner-housing more inclusive of the disadvantaged sectors, including the foreign migration.Fil: D´Amico, Desirée Alda. Universidad Católica de Cuy

    La primera Symphytognathidae (Arachnida: Araneae) para Argentina, con la descripción de una nueva especie de Anapistula para la selva de montaña Yungas

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    The spider family Symphytognathidae is reported from Argentina for the first time. Anapistula yungas, a new species of this family is described and illustrated. The specimen was collected during an ecological study of biodiversity in different sites from northwestern Argentina. Dichotomous key to Neotropical female species of genus Anapistula is provided.La familia de arañas Symphytognathidae es registrada por primera vez en Argentina. Anapistula yungas, una nueva especie de esta familia, es descripta e ilustrada. Los especímenes fueron colectados durante un estudio ecológico de biodiversidad en diferentes sitios del noroeste de Argentina. Se proporciona una clave dicotòmica para hembras de las especies neotropicales del género Anapistula.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CONICET- Universidad Nacional de La Plata

    Fast analysis of relevant contaminants mixture in commercial shellfish

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    One of the major challenges currently faced is to develop systematic ways of addressing chemical mixtures in environmental assessment. With this purpose, a simple, rapid, and sensitive method for the detection and quantification of a mixture of relevant contaminants in molluscs has been developed. The method is based on QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS). It includes a mixture of 23 compounds formed by pesticides, endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals (metolachlor, simazine, desethylatrazine, atrazine, thiabendazole, diazinon, malathion, bentazone, MCPA, propanil, acetamiprid, imidacloprid, caffeine, bisphenol A, triclosan, triclocarban, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, 1H-benzotriazole, sulfamethoxazole, venlafaxine and carbamazepine). The method was developed and validated in 4 different types of shellfish of high commercial interest such as mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), oyster (Crassostrea gigas), cockle (Cerastoderma edule) and razor shell (Solen marginatus). The mean percentage of recoveries obtained for all the compounds in each mollusc type (intra-specie) ranged from 96% to 107% showing the good performance of the method developed. The relative standard deviation was under 10% for the intra-day and 17% inter-day analyses. Method detection limits and method quantification limits were below 10 ng/g dry weight for all the species and compounds targeted. Finally, the method was applied to aquaculture samples, oysters and cockles, from Ebro Delta (Spain), after some episodes of mortality occurred in 2017. A high level of bisphenol A was detected in C. edule which may explain the mortality suffered by this organism. C. gigas presented low levels of metolachlor, bentazone, acetamiprid, and methylparaben.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    La primera Symphytognathidae (Arachnida: Araneae) para Argentina, con la descripción de una nueva especie de Anapistula para la selva de montaña Yungas

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    The spider family Symphytognathidae is reported from Argentina for the first time. Anapistula yungas, a new species of this family is described and illustrated. The specimen was collected during an ecological study of biodiversity in different sites from northwestern Argentina. Dichotomous key to Neotropical female species of genus Anapistula is provided.La familia de arañas Symphytognathidae es registrada por primera vez en Argentina. Anapistula yungas, una nueva especie de esta familia, es descripta e ilustrada. Los especímenes fueron colectados durante un estudio ecológico de biodiversidad en diferentes sitios del noroeste de Argentina. Se proporciona una clave dicotòmica para hembras de las especies neotropicales del género Anapistula.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CONICET- Universidad Nacional de La Plata

    Phylogenomics of pike cichlids (Cichlidae: Crenicichla): the rapid ecological speciation of an incipient species flock

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    © 2017 European Society For Evolutionary Biology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2017 European Society For Evolutionary Biology The rapid rise of phenotypic and ecological diversity in independent lake-dwelling groups of cichlids is emblematic of the East African Great Lakes. In this study, we show that similar ecologically based diversification has occurred in pike cichlids (Crenicichla) throughout the Uruguay River drainage of South America. We collected genomic data from nearly 500 ultraconserved element (UCEs) loci and \u3e260 000 base pairs across 33 species, to obtain a phylogenetic hypothesis for the major species groups and to evaluate the relationships and genetic structure among five closely related, endemic, co-occurring species (the Uruguay River species flock; URSF). Additionally, we evaluated ecological divergence of the URSF based on body and lower pharyngeal jaw (LPJ) shape and gut contents. Across the genus, we recovered novel relationships among the species groups. We found strong support for the monophyly of the URSF; however, relationships among these species remain problematic, likely because of the rapid and recent evolution of this clade. Clustered co-ancestry analysis recovered most species as well delimited genetic groups. The URSF species exhibit species-specific body and LPJ shapes associated with specialized trophic roles. Collectively, our results suggest that the URSF consists of incipient species that arose via ecological speciation associated with the exploration of novel trophic roles

    Spatial and temporal patterns of ecological risk induced by pesticides in Alqueva reservoir: a case study

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of pesticides detected in the Alqueva reservoir (Guadiana Basin, South Iberian Peninsula) on the aquatic organisms belonging to this ecosystem. For this purpose, the occurrence and risk assessment of 25 pesticides, and of a number of their degradation products, were determined in the Alqueva surface waters. The target pesticides, which belonged to the classes of phenylureas, triazines, chloroacetanilides and organophosphorous, were analysed by isotope dilution on-line solid phase extraction-liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. The aquatic risk assessment, which was based on the risk quotient method (RQ=MEC/PNEC; MEC: measured environmental concentrations; PNEC: predicted no-effect concentration) considered three trophic levels: algae, aquatic invertebrates and fish. The areas (sampling stations) most polluted by pesticides were Sra. Ajuda and Lucefecit, in the northern, and Álamos, in the middle portion of the reservoir. The aquatic risk assessment revealed that, from the various compounds analysed, terbuthylazine, chlorfenvinphos and diazinon presented nonacceptable risk. With the exception of terbuthylazine, that in two areas (Sra. Ajuda and Lucefecit) exhibited high risk (RQ > 1) under normal hydrological conditions, the high risk was only estimated in specific periods, with particularly high pesticide concentrations in the water column, that occurred after rainfall events during the period of pesticide application. The locations that had more samples with RQ > 1 were Sra. Ajuda followed by Lucefécit. The use of risk assessment allowed us to conclude that, despite that pesticides’ concentrations in the water column fulfill the European environmental quality standards, some compounds show a high ecotoxicological risk for aquatic organisms in the Alqueva ecosystem. The results demonstrate that, to have an efficient risk management process, the regulatory authorities of each country must consider an integrative chemical and ecotoxicological approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geo-imagery management and statistical processing in a regional context using Open Data Cube

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    We propose a methodology to manage and process remote sensing and geo-imagery data for non-expert users. The proposed system provides automated data ingestion and manipulation capability for analytical data-driven purposes. In this paper, we describe the technological basis of the proposed method in addition to describing the tool architecture, the inherent data flow, and its operation in a specific use case to provide statistical summaries of Sentinel-2 regions of interest corresponding to the cultivation of polygonal areas located in the Basque Country (ES).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Published in 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARS