894 research outputs found

    Migración intrapélvica (cut-in) en un clavo Gamma. Caso Clínico

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    Una de las complicaciones de los clavos intramedulares es sin duda la implantación central del tornillo cérvico-cefálico. Aún así, la confluencia de diversos factores (osteoporosis, trazo de la fractura, reducción insuficiente del foco, motorización reiterada, etc.) pueden precipitar la salida de éste (cut-out) que viene a evidenciar una prevalencia del 2 al 4% de las diversas series y, ulterior aflojamiento del montaje. La presencia del cut-in, supone una eventualidad muy ocasional por debajo del 0,3% de la literatura. En este caso se ilustra una consolidación definitiva afortunada, tras un abanico de factores mecánicos y estructurales que encaminaron a una doble cirugía terapéutica. Se analizan los factores biomecánicos implicados en la génesis del cut-in.One common complication of intramedullary nails is the central implantation of the cervico-cephalic screw. However, the confluence of some factors (osteoporosis, fracture line, inadequate focus reduction, repeated motorizing, etc.) can hasten a cut-out, showing a prevalence of 2 to 4% of the diverse series, and further assembly loosening. The presence of cut-in is an infrequent eventuality under the 0.3% of literature. The present case illustrates a fortunate definite consolidation, after a range of mechanical an structural factors leading to a double therapeutic surgery. The biomechanical factors affecting the cut-in origin are analysed.Peer Reviewe

    A yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian hypoxia inducible factor regulatory machinery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several human pathologies, including neoplasia and ischemic cardiovascular diseases, course with an unbalance between oxygen supply and demand (hypoxia). Cells within hypoxic regions respond with the induction of a specific genetic program, under the control of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF), that mediates their adaptation to the lack of oxygen. The activity of HIF is mainly regulated by the EGL-nine homolog (EGLN) enzymes that hydroxylate the alpha subunit of this transcription factor in an oxygen-dependent reaction. Hydroxylated HIF is then recognized and ubiquitinilated by the product of the tumor suppressor gene, pVHL, leading to its proteosomal degradation. Under hypoxia, the hydroxylation of HIF by the EGLNs is compromised due to the lack of oxygen, which is a reaction cosubstrate. Thus, HIF escapes degradation and drives the transcription of its target genes. Since the progression of the aforementioned pathologies might be influenced by activation of HIF-target genes, development of small molecules with the ability to interfere with the HIF-regulatory machinery is of great interest.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Herein we describe a yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian HIF regulation by the EGLNs and VHL. In this system, yeast growth, under specific nutrient restrictions, is driven by the interaction between the β domain of VHL and a hydroxyproline-containing HIFα peptide. In turn, this interaction is strictly dependent on EGLN activity that hydroxylates the HIFα peptide. Importantly, this system accurately preserves the specificity of the hydroxylation reaction toward specific substrates. We propose that this system, in combination with a matched control, can be used as a simple and inexpensive assay to identify molecules that specifically modulate EGLN activity. As a proof of principle we show that two known EGLN inhibitors, dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG) and 6-chlor-3-hydroxychinolin-2-carbonic acid-N-carboxymethylamide (S956711), have a profound and specific effect on the yeast HIF/EGLN/VHL system.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The system described in this work accurately reconstitutes HIF regulation while preserving EGLN substrate specificity. Thus, it is a valuable tool to study HIF regulation, and particularly EGLN biochemistry, in a cellular context. In addition, we demonstrate that this system can be used to identify specific inhibitors of the EGLN enzymes.</p

    Chloroplasts modulate elongation responses to canopy shade by retrograde pathways involving HY5 and abscisic acid

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    Plants use light as energy for photosynthesis but also as a signal of competing vegetation. Using different concentrations of norflurazon and lincomycin, we found that the response to canopy shade in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) was repressed even when inhibitors only caused a modest reduction in the level of photosynthetic pigments. High inhibitor concentrations resulted in albino seedlings that were unable to elongate when exposed to shade, in part due to attenuated light perception and signaling via phytochrome B and phytochrome-interacting factors. The response to shade was further repressed by a retrograde network with two separate nodes represented by the transcription factor LONG HYPOCOTYL 5 and the carotenoid-derived hormone abscisic acid. The unveiled connection among chloroplast status, light (shade) signaling, and developmental responses should contribute to achieve optimal photosynthetic performance under light-changing conditions

    Property rights for grazing: study case from summer grazing in laguna del Maule (Chile)

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    Through contingent appraisal method, it is developed a simulation of prairies use rights in summer grazing in mountain. Three operating systems were analyzed: a) Current system, without contingency, with two winners short-ter, breeders and Administration, but changing long-term. b) Quotas system and contingency in livestock auction by batchs with what environmentaal soustenability is kept up and upheld, although paid cost is neither fairy distributed, nor is the most efficient, and c) Contingent system with rights market, the most efficient and with wich economic productivity, environmental soustenability and socila optimum are kept up.Se encuesta a ganaderos trashumantes que aprovechan pastos estivales de la Montaña del Maule, para intentar regular su uso ante el deterioro de los mismos por exceso de carga ganadera. Se aplica el método de valoración contingente para simular el establecimiento de derechos de uso de estos pastizales. El resultado de los tres sistemas de funcionamiento que se analizan es el siguiente: a) Sistema actual, sin contingentación, con dos ganadores a corto: ganaderos y administración, situación que se modifica a largo plazo. b) Sistema de cuotas y contingentación en subastas por lotes, con lo que se defiende y mantiene la sostenibilidad del ecosistema, aunque el coste pagado no es equidistribuitivo ni es el más eficiente. c) Sistema contingente con mercado de derechos, que es el más eficiente y en el que a la defensa de la productividad económica se une la sustentabilidad ambiental y el óptimo social


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    Judul penelitian ini adalah pengaruh media pembelajaran mind mapping terhadap minat belajar peserta didik pada pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung tahun ajaran 2016-2017. Berdasarkan tinjauan langsung di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung kelas XI IPS 1, Pembelajaran konvensional (ceramah) hanya membuat peserta didik kurang aktif dan malas dalam menerima materi yang ada, karena pembelajaran hanya terpusat pada apa yang disampaikan sehingga tidak dapat dimengerti secara maksimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengetahui penggunaan media mind mapping pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung. (2) Mengetahui minat belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung. (3) Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh media mind mapping terhadap minat belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi dan angket dengan teknik pengolahan data uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas data, analisis regresi linier sederhana dan koefisien determinasi, Hipotesis penelitian berbunyi “Terdapat pengaruh antara media pembelajaran mind mapping (X) terhadap minat belajar peserta didik (Y) pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh antara variabel X dan Variabel Y sebesar 0,336 atau 33,60%. Untuk mengetahui hubungan fungsional antara variabel X dan variabel Y maka digunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dengan hasil perhitungan sebagai berikut : Y = 9.915 + 0.537 X artinya bahwa setiap media pembelajaran mind mapping bertambah 9,915 maka minat belajar meningkat sebesar 0,537. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh variabel X (media pembelajaran mind mapping) terhadap variabel Y (minat belajar), maka digunakan koefisien determinasi dengan hasil perhitungan sebesar 33,60% maka sebagian lainnya ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. Kesimpulan hipotesis penelitian dapat diterima, sebagai akhir penelitian penulis menyampaikan saran kepada guru agar sebaiknya guru menggunakan variasi media pembelajaran yang menarik berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran yang akan disampaikan, karena cara ini dapat membuat peserta didik aktif dan kreatif untuk belajar. Kepada para praktisi atau peneliti lain di bidang pendidikan dapat melakukan penelitian serupa dengan media pembelajaran dan metode yang berbeda agar diperoleh berbagai alternatif untuk peningkatan pemahaman pembelajaran pada pokok bahasan selanjutnya dan kepada pihak sekolah sebagai bahan kajian bagi sekolah dan menyarankan guru untuk menggunakan media pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik untuk mendukung pendekatan saintifik dan media pembelajaran yang baik. Kata Kunci : media pembelajaran mind mapping, minat Belajar

    ¿Cuál es el estilo parental óptimo para adolescentes con baja vs. alta autoeficacia? Autoconcepto, desajuste psicológico y rendimiento académico de los adolescentes en el contexto español

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    The aim of this paper is to establish which parenting style is associated with optimum outcomes among adolescents of Spanish families considering adolescents with low vs. high self-efficacy. Although classical studies identify the authoritative parenting style (based on warmth and strictness) as the best parental strategy, emerging research seriously questions the benefits of parental strictness. Additionally, the impact of parent-ing on the adolescent’s psychosocial competence has been studied for years, but less is known about whether it might vary depending on individual characteristics of the adolescent (e.g., self-efficacy). Participants were 1029 Spanish adolescents, 453 males (44%), aged 12-17 years. Families were classified in one of the parenting styles groups (authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, or neglectful), and adolescents were grouped by low vs. high self-efficacy. Adolescent psychosocial competence was examined through emotional and academic self-concept, psychological maladjustment (hostility/aggression, negative self-esteem, emotional responsivity, instability, and negative view of the world), and academic performance (grade point average and number of failing grades). Main and interaction effects of parenting style and adolescent self-efficacy were tested. Main effect results indicated that adolescents with low self-efficacy were always as-sociated with the worst psychosocial competence. Consistently, the main effect findings indicated that adolescents from indulgent and authoritative families were associated with better results than those from neglectful and authoritarian families. However, the indulgent parenting style yielded the best results. The impact of parenting might not be the same for adolescents in all cultural contexts. Contrary to findings from classical studies, parental strictness seems to be unnecessary or even detrimental for adolescents with low and high self-efficacy.El objetivo de este estudio es identificar qué estilo parental se asocia con resultados óptimos entre los adolescentes de familias españolas considerando aquellos con baja vs. alta autoeficacia. Los participantes fue-ron 1029 adolescentes españoles, 453 varones (44%), de 12 a 17 años. Aunque los estudios clásicos identifican el estilo autorizativo (basado en el afecto y la severidad)como la mejor estrategia socializadora, las investigaciones emergentes cuestionan seriamente los beneficios de la severidad parental. Además, el impacto de la socialización parental en la competencia psicosocial del adolescente se ha estudiado durante años, pero se sabe me-nos sobre si podría variar en función de las características individuales del adolescente (e.g., la autoeficacia). Las familias fueron clasificadas por estilo parental (autorizativo, autoritario, indulgente o negligente), y los adolescentes por baja vs. alta autoeficacia. La competencia psicosocial se examinó a través del autoconcepto emocional y académico, el desajuste psicológico (hostilidad/agresión, autoestima negativa, irresponsividad emocional, inestabilidad emocional y visión negativa del mundo) y el rendimiento académico (nota media y número de cursos repetidos). Se comprobaron los efectos principales y de interacción de estilo parental y autoeficacia. Los resultados de los efectos principales indicaron que los adolescentes con baja autoeficacia presentaban siempre la peor competencia psicosocial. También que los adolescentes de familias indulgentes y autorizativas presentaron mejores resultados que los de familias negligentes y autoritarias. Sin embargo, el estilo parental indulgente se asoció a los mejores resultados. El impacto de la socialización parental podría no ser igual en todos los contextos culturales. Frente a los resultados de los estudios clásicos, la severidad parental parece ser innecesaria o incluso perjudicial para los adolescentes con baja y alta autoeficacia

    Positive parenting style and positive health beyond the authoritative: Self, universalism values, and protection against emotional vulnerability from Spanish adolescents and adult children

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    IntroductionRecent research is fully questioning whether the combination of parenting warmth and strictness (the authoritative style) is always identified as positive parenting across the globe. This study analyzes parenting styles and the positive health of adolescents and adult children.MethodsThe sample was 2,090 Spanish children (59.9% women), from four age groups: 600 adolescents, 591 young adults, 507 middle-aged adults, and 392 older adults. Parenting styles (indulgent, authoritative, authoritarian, and neglectful) were obtained by warmth and strictness measures. Children’s positive health was measured by self (family self-concept, self-esteem, and negative self-efficacy), universalism values, and emotional vulnerability.ResultsThe main results showed that the indulgent parenting style was associated with equal and even better scores than the authoritative style, whereas the authoritarian and neglectful styles were consistently associated with low scores in positive health indicators for all age groups. However, two triple interactions of sex by age group by parenting style showed that women children from neglectful families reported the lowest family self-concept in old age and the highest emotional vulnerability in middle age.DiscussionThe study findings question the universal benefits of the so-called positive parenting (the authoritative style) for positive health

    Trehalose polyphleates, external cell wall lipids in mycobacterium abscessus, are associated with the formation of clumps with cording morphology, which have been associated with virulence

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    Mycobacterium abscessus is a reemerging pathogen that causes pulmonary diseases similar to tuberculosis, which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When grown in agar medium, M. abscessus strains generate rough (R) or smooth colonies (S). R morphotypes are more virulent than S morphotypes. In searching for the virulence factors responsible for this difference, R morphotypes have been found to form large aggregates (clumps) that, after being phagocytozed, result in macrophage death. Furthermore, the aggregates released to the extracellular space by damaged macrophages grow, forming unphagocytosable structures that resemble cords. In contrast, bacilli of the S morphotype, which do not form aggregates, do not damage macrophages after phagocytosis and do not form cords. Cording has also been related to the virulence of M. tuberculosis. In this species, the presence of mycolic acids and surface-exposed cell wall lipids has been correlated with the formation of cords. The objective of this work was to study the roles of the surface-exposed cell wall lipids and mycolic acids in the formation of cords in M. abscessus. A comparative study of the pattern and structure of mycolic acids was performed on R (cording) and S (non-cording) morphotypes derived from the same parent strains, and no differences were observed between morphotypes. Furthermore, cords formed by R morphotypes were disrupted with petroleum ether (PE), and the extracted lipids were analyzed by thin layer chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Substantial amounts of trehalose polyphleates (TPP) were recovered as major lipids from PE extracts, and images obtained by transmission electron microscopy suggested that these lipids are localized to the external surfaces of cords and R bacilli. The structure of M. abscessus TPP was revealed to be similar to those previously described in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Although the exact role of TPP is unknown, our results demonstrated that TPP are not toxic by themselves and have a function in the formation of clumps and cords in M. abscessus, thus playing an important role in the pathogenesis of this species