272 research outputs found

    Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Lubec, Maine For the Year Ending March 1, 1913

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    \u3cp\u3eDesigners are frequently challenged by complex projects in which the problem space is unique, rapidly changing, and the information available is limited. In such cases, combining knowledge from different fields of expertise is required. Furthermore, collaboration during the design process is essential for achieving a meaningful and well-formed solution. Designers therefore regularly find themselves exchanging ideas and reflections in the form of emails, sketches, and images with a group of experts from different backgrounds, working altogether through the creation of a design, its development and proper implementation. This particular chapter focuses especially on issues of synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, team dynamics and the management and monitoring of the early stages of the design process. The overall aim is to identify the essential characteristics and needs of distributed teams when in remote collaboration during the early stages of the design process and to suggest a prototype environment based on the identified requirements and workflow.\u3c/p\u3

    Relación del Nivel de Conocimiento de Lactancia Materna y el Desarrollo del Vínculo Afectivo en Madres de Niños Menores de 6 Meses atendidos en el Centro de Salud Wichanzao-Trujillo 2018

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    El presente estudio de tipo descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal se realizó con la finalidad de determinar la relación del nivel de conocimiento de Lactancia materna y el desarrollo del vínculo afectivo en madres de niños menores de 6 meses atendidos en el Centro de Salud Wichanzao-Trujillo 2018. La muestra estuvo constituida por 69 madres que fueron atendidas en el centro de salud Wichanzao, para la recolección de datos se utilizaron 2 instrumentos, un cuestionario para medir el nivel de conocimiento de lactancia materna y una guía de observación del desarrollo del vínculo afectivo en madres de niños menores de seis meses. Se encontró que el 63.8% de las madres de niños menores de 6 meses atendidas en el Centro de Salud Wichanzao tuvieron vínculo seguro y buen nivel de conocimiento de lactancia materna, además el 2.9% de las madres tuvieron un regular conocimiento y su vínculo afectivo fue evitativo. También se precisa que existe relación estadística significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento de lactancia materna con el desarrollo del vínculo afectivo (p = 0.000 < 0.05); Además se evidenció una relación fuerte y directa entre dichas variables, indicando que, a mejores niveles de conocimiento sobre lactancia materna, tendremos mejor desarrollo del vínculo afectivo (Tau-b de Kendall = 0.706)

    Key Aspects of Adolescents’ Environmental Attitudes with a View to Transformative Education

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    The aim of this study is to gauge the environmental attitudes of adolescents in order to improve environmental education plans. To this end, the Attitudes Towards the Environment validated survey was applied to 346 adolescents (51% boys and 49% girls, mean age = 15.05) at secondary schools in Cordoba (Spain). A factor analysis (FA) was carried out using the FACTOR program, obtaining three factors: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. The results of the FA exhibit excellent internal consistency, with an Omega coefficient of 0.916 and Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.915, and adequate goodness of fit. The emotional factor results are good, as concern and responsibility towards the environment were notable. However, this did not translate into motivation to obtain further knowledge or to become involved in collective civic actions. The findings in this line give us information to review educational objectives and methodologies, for which emotional education is essential. Elements are proposed to encourage adolescents to adopt more proenvironmental attitudes so that the development of environmental awareness and concern in them is not undermined by frustration, and so that peer learning is present through dialogue and cooperative work, promoting an affinity for nature and the motivation to participate in collective civic activities

    Herramientas en la autogestión sostenible para la empleabilidad

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    La autogestión en el marco universitario es una competencia que se ha enfatizado bajo un proceso de autonomía en el aprendizaje para el proyecto personal y académico. La implicación y compromiso del estudiantado es imprescindible en la adquisición de conocimientos a través de la consignación de recursos disponibles en el entorno universitario. El bagaje que les va a dotar la autogestión al final del camino instructivo, proporciona una preparación previa para la transición al mundo laboral. Se propone una serie de herramientas bajo acciones formativas para enfrentarse al entorno empresarial de forma autónoma.Self-management in the university context is a competence that has been emphasized under a process of autonomy in learning for the personal and academic project. The involvement and commitment of students is essential in the acquisition of knowledge through the allocation of resources available in the university environment. The baggage that will give them self-management at the end of the instructional path provides a preliminary preparation for the transition to the world of work. A series of tools are proposed under formative actions to face the business environment autonomously

    ¿Qué pacientes debemos derivar a alergología?

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    29 páginas.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Actualización en alergología para médicos de atención primaria. Manuel Alcántara Villar (Coordinador). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2018. ISBN 978-84-7993-340-1. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3910

    Inmunoterapia con alérgenos : técnicas de administración, protocolos de actuación, control reacciones adversas y seguimiento ambulatorio

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    12 páginas.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Actualización en alergología para médicos de atención primaria. Manuel Alcántara Villar (Coordinador). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2018. ISBN 978-84-7993-340-1. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3910

    Diagnóstico alergológico : realización e interpretación de pruebas en alergología

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    19 páginas.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Actualización en alergología para médicos de atención primaria. Manuel Alcántara Villar (Coordinador). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2018. ISBN 978-84-7993-340-1. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3910

    Experience moderation effect on the relationship between usefulness, ease of use and website acceptance

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    The modelling of acceptance behaviour of new information technologies is of great utility to managers who need to evaluate the probability of success in the introduction of these technologies. The present study empirically tests the capacity of Fishbein and Ajzen´s Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (1975) and Davis´s Technology Ac-ceptance Model (TAM) (1989) to help understand the determinants of the intention to revisit a website – ease of use and perceived usefulness – focusing on the experience moderation effect. The findings show that a combination of both theories explains the acceptance of a website by Internet users. Furthermore, within the effect of each of the elements of TAM, the user’s experience of the website plays a moderating role. In this regard, ease of use is a more important factor in determining a furure revisit to a website in the case of the less experienced users, while perceived usefulness is a more influential factor in the case of the high experience users

    Enhanced carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater in a novel anoxic-aerobic photobioreactor coupled with biogas upgrading

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    Producción CientíficaThis work evaluated the performance of an innovative anoxic-aerobic algal-bacterial photobioreactor coupled with biogas upgrading for the treatment of domestic wastewater via nitrification-denitrification. The process, which incorporated a biomass settling step followed by recycling to the anoxic tank, was operated at a hydraulic retention time of 2 days, a sludge retention time of ≈11 days under a 12 h/12 h light/dark irradiation cycle at 392 μE m−2 * s−1. An increase in the removal efficiency of TN from 38% to 81%, NH4+ from 39% to 97%, and P-PO43− from 59% to 64% were recorded when additional CO2 was supplied to the photobioreactor via biogas scrubbing, which supported an almost complete nitrification of the NH4+ to NO3− and promoted microalgae growth (with the subsequent enhancement in N and P assimilation). TOC removal remained constant at 90 ± 2% regardless of the addition of CO2, while the effluent biomass concentration averaged 26 ± 12 mg TSS/L. A DGGE-sequencing analysis of the bacterial community revealed the occurrence of 10 phyla, Proteobacteria being the dominant phylum. Finally, the morphological characterization of the microalgae population dynamics revealed a gradual dominance of the genus Scenedesmus, which accounted for 94–100% at the end of the experiment.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTM2015-70442-R and Red NOVEDAR

    Reactions with light exotic nuclei

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    CNR*13 - Fourth International Workshop on Compound Nuclear Reactions and RelatedExperimental cross sections for the 6He+120Sn are analysed. Elastic scattering angular distributions and alpha particle production cross sections have been measured and are compared with the total reaction cross section