154 research outputs found
Residential Location Choices of Couples Considering both Partners’ Residential Biographies and Family Ties
We investigate couples’ residential decisions by considering variables capturing elements of both partners’ residential biographies and family ties. We focus on the family formation stage because decisions made in this stage are rather long-term. We are particularly interested in the hometown as individuals have spent a great amount of time and an important life phase there. Our research questions are: (1) To what extent do people live in their hometown at family formation? (2) Which factors influence this choice? We consider previous residential experiences, social ties, socio-demographic and spatial variables in binary logit regressions. The data was collected from a sample of students at TU Dortmund University, their parents, and grandparents. In this paper, the parent couples’ residential location choices are analysed considering family ties to the grandparents. We apply a rigorous split half method for internal model validation. Recent research on residential decisions mostly considers either the partners or the life-course or social ties. Due to our unique dataset, we include all these factors. This allows us to draw conclusions on gendered residential choice. We find the length of residence to be positively and number of moves negatively associated with living at the hometown, two factors that have not been disentangled in previous research. We could not confirm the often proven male dominance. On the contrary, we found that the female’s family ties were more relevant. The hometown has not received the attention it deserves to date and has the potential to enrich demographic research and related fields. The rigorous split half method for internal validation has rarely been undertaken previously. The results point to the importance of model validation and thus present an innovative approach
Residential Location Choices of Couples Considering both Partners' Residential Biographies and Family Ties
We investigate couples’ residential decisions by considering variables capturing elements of both partners’ residential biographies and family ties. We focus on the family formation stage because decisions made in this stage are rather long-term. We are particularly interested in the hometown as individuals have spent a great amount of time and an important life phase there. Our research questions are: (1) To what extent do people live in their hometown at family formation? (2) Which factors influence this choice? We consider previous residential experiences, social ties, socio-demographic and spatial variables in binary logit regressions. The data was collected from a sample of students at TU Dortmund University, their parents, and grandparents. In this paper, the parent couples’ residential location choices are analysed considering family ties to the grandparents. We apply a rigorous split half method for internal model validation. Recent research on residential decisions mostly considers either the partners or the life-course or social ties. Due to our unique dataset, we include all these factors. This allows us to draw conclusions on gendered residential choice. We find the length of residence to be positively and number of moves negatively associated with living at the hometown, two factors that have not been disentangled in previous research. We could not confirm the often proven male dominance. On the contrary, we found that the female’s family ties were more relevant. The hometown has not received the attention it deserves to date and has the potential to enrich demographic research and related fields. The rigorous split half method for internal validation has rarely been undertaken previously. The results point to the importance of model validation and thus present an innovative approach
Generationsübergreifende Mobilitätsbiografien - Soziodemografische Analyse der Erhebung
In der letzten Dekade hat sich in der Mobilitätsforschung ein starkes Interesse an
Mobilitätsbiografien entwickelt. An der TU Dortmund wurden in den Jahren 2007 bis 2012 wesentliche
mobilitätsbiografische Elemente von Studierenden der Raumplanung, ihren Eltern und Großeltern
quantitativ erhoben. Mit diesem Datensatz sind im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes „Mobility Biographies: A
Life-Course Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice“ Analysen zu Lebenslauf-,
Sozialisations- und Kohorteneffekten in Verkehrshandeln und Wohnstandortwahl geplant. Das Ziel dieses
Arbeitspapieres ist es, den Datensatz soziodemografisch zu beschreiben und Besonderheiten und
Gemeinsamkeiten im Vergleich zu nationalen Daten zu erfassen. Es gibt einen Überblick über den Rücklauf
nach Personengruppe und Erhebungsjahr, das Vorhandensein persönlicher Bezugspersonen im Datensatz
(für Sozialisationseffekte wichtig), die Altersstruktur, Geburtsjahre, Bildung, Erwerbstätigkeit sowie die
Staatsangehörigkeit der Befragten. Wie durch das Befragungsdesign erwartet, repräsentieren die Befragten
nicht bundesdeutsche Durchschnittswerte oder Verteilungen. Generelle gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen wie
die Bildungsexpansion und die zunehmende Erwerbstätigkeit der Frau werden jedoch im Datensatz
abgebildet. Trotz der starken Selektivität der befragten Personen eignet sich der Datensatz, um
biografische Ereignisse und intergenerationale Effekte zwischen Familienmitgliedern in Mobilitätsbiografien
zu untersuchen.A strong focus on mobility biographies has emerged in transport research over the last decade.
Quantitative data on mobility biographies were collected annually among students in spatial planning, their
parents and grandparents at the TU Dortmund from 2007 to 2012. Within the DFG-funded project “Mobility
Biographies: A Life-Course Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice“ the analysis of lifecourse,
socialisation and cohort effects on travel behaviour and residential choice will be carried out using
these data. The objective of this working paper is to assess the suitability of the data for these analyses.
The paper gives information on the response rate by year and person category, whether or not the
respondent's parents are included (important for socialisation effects), as well as the respondents’ age
structure, birth cohort, level of education, employment status and nationality. As expected from the survey
design the respondents do not represent the national averages or distributions. However, general societal
trends such as the educational expansion and the increased labour market participation of women are
reflected in the data. Despite the unique sample selection the data provide an appropriate base to analyse
life-course and intergenerational effects in mobility biographies
Brown bowel syndrome: A rare complication in diseases associated with long-standing malabsorption
BACKGROUND/AIMS Longtime chronic malabsorption may among other things cause a lack of liposoluble vitamins. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to formation of lipofuscin aggregates. Its deficiency is also associated with an increased lipofuscinosis of the bowel, i.e. brown bowel syndrome. METHODS Systematic research via Medline on brown bowel syndrome, lipofuscinosis, and vitamin E deficiency was performed. We combined our own clinical experience and a review of the literature for this paper. Its goal is to inform about the possible consequences of severe malabsorption and brown bowel syndrome. RESULTS Systematic data about the occurrence of severe malabsorption and brown bowel syndrome are rare. Only about 27 scientific reports can be found on this subject. Brown bowel syndrome is found mostly in conjunction with vitamin E deficiency and lipofuscinosis of the bowel. The clinical findings are caused by both malabsorption and lipofuscinosis. Case reports show a therapeutic effect of vitamin E. CONCLUSION Vitamin deficiency caused by longtime chronic malabsorption can lead to the development of brown bowel syndrome, which is seen as the expression of lipofuscinosis of the bowel, and can cause further clinical disorders. Patients with malabsorption should therefore be monitored regarding their vitamin E levels
Verkehr - Mobilität - Raum - Gesellschaft: Zum Selbstverständnis des Arbeitskreises
In diesem einführenden Beitrag gehen die Autorinnen und Autoren zunächst kurz auf die Zusammen- und Zielsetzung des Arbeitskreises ein. In diesem Kontext werden auch jene Aspekte benannt, auf die sich der Arbeitskreis nicht konzentrieren konnte. Inhaltlich wird knapp der Zusammenhang zwischen ökonomischen, technologischen, ökologischen und sozialen Aspekten in ihrer Auswirkung auf die Mobilität und die Siedlungsentwicklung skizziert. Dieses heterogene Feld ruft eine Reihe von Fragen an die wissenschaftliche Analyse und das politisch-planerische praktische Handeln auf, die hier angerissen, in den einzelnen Beiträgen in der Folge aber aufgenommen und bestmöglich beantwortet oder eingeordnet werden. Eine knappe Einordnung und Darstellung der folgenden Beiträge bildet den Abschluss.In this introductory article, the authors first briefly discuss the aims and objectives of the working group. In this context, those aspects are also mentioned on which the working group could not concentrate. In terms of content, the connection between economic, technological, ecological and social aspects in their impact on mobility and settlement development is briefly outlined. This heterogeneous field calls up a series of questions for scientific analysis and practical political-planning action, which are touched upon here, but are subsequently included in the individual contributions and answered or classified in the best possible way. The conclusion is a concise classification and presentation of the following contributions
Nontuberculous mycobacterial disease following hot tub exposure.
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have been recognized as an important cause of disease in immunocompromised hosts. Pulmonary disease caused by NTM is increasingly recognized in previously healthy persons. Investigation of pulmonary disease affecting a family of five identified an indoor hot tub as the source of NTM-related disease
From Reversible Quantum Microdynamics to Irreversible Quantum Transport
The transition from reversible microdynamics to irreversible transport can be
studied very efficiently with the help of the so-called projection method. We
give a concise introduction to that method, illustrate its power by using it to
analyze the well-known rate and quantum Boltzmann equations, and present, as a
new application, the derivation of a source term accounting for the spontaneous
creation of electron-positron pairs in strong fields. Thereby we emphasize the
fundamental importance of time scales: only if the various time scales
exhibited by the dynamics are widely disparate, can the evolution of the slower
degrees of freedom be described by a conventional Markovian transport equation;
otherwise, one must account for finite memory effects. We show how the
projection method can be employed to determine these time scales, and how --if
necessary-- it allows one to include memory effects in a straightforward
manner. Finally, there is an appendix in which we discuss the concepts of
entropy and macroscopic irreversibility.Comment: Review article, 78 pages, uuencoded compressed PostScript fil
Two-photon final states in peripheral heavy ion collisions
We discuss processes leading to two photon final states in peripheral heavy
ion collisions at RHIC. Due to the large photon luminosity we show that the
continuum subprocess can be observed with a
large number of events. We study this reaction when it is intermediated by a
resonance made of quarks or gluons and discuss its interplay with the continuum
process, verifying that in several cases the resonant process ovewhelms the
continuum one. It is also investigated the possibility of observing a scalar
resonance (the meson) in this process. Assuming for the the
mass and total decay width values recently reported by the E791 Collaboration
we show that RHIC may detect this particle in its two photon decay mode if its
partial photonic decay width is of the order of the ones discussed in the
literature.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
Classical Fields Near Thermal Equilibrium
We discuss the classical limit for the long-distance (``soft'') modes of a
quantum field when the hard modes of the field are in thermal equilibrium. We
address the question of the correct semiclassical dynamics when a momentum
cut-off is introduced. Higher order contributions leads to a stochastic
interpretation for the effective action in analogy to Quantum Brownian Motion,
resulting in dissipation and decoherence for the evolution of the soft modes.
Particular emphasis is put on the understanding of dissipation. Our discussion
focuses mostly on scalar fields, but we make some remarks on the extension to
gauge theories.Comment: REVTeX, 6 figure
Kultur und kulturelle Bildung. Interdisziplinäre Verortungen – Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung – Perspektiven für die Schule
Kulturen bestimmen grundlegende Werte und Visionen von Individuen oder Gemeinschaften, deren Einstellungen zur Weltbegegnung und den Umgang miteinander. Angesichts kultureller Vielfalt bedarf es einer Befähigung der bzw. des Einzelnen, mit dem Kontext Kultur angemessen umgehen zu können. Insbesondere Kultur- und Bildungspolitik sowie schulische Bildungsgelegenheiten formen unweigerlich Vorstellungen von und Herangehensweisen an Kultur. Inwiefern aber prägen diverse Kulturauffassungen das (Professions-)Verständnis (angehender) Lehrerinnen und Lehrer? Welche Professionalisierungspotenziale halten Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften durch die Vermittlung kulturtheoretischer und kultureller Wissensbestände für die Bildung von Lehramtsstudierenden sowie von Lehrkräften bereit? Warum sind entsprechendes Wissen und damit verknüpfte Kompetenzen in Bildungsprozessen unentbehrlich?
In den Beiträgen des Sammelbandes „Kultur und kulturelle Bildung. Interdisziplinäre Verortungen – Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung – Perspektiven für die Schule“ wird Kultur in mannigfaltigen Auffassungen beleuchtet und im Zusammenhang kultureller Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung thematisiert. Im Horizont eines semiotischen Kulturbegriffs und anhand unterschiedlichster Themen und Kulturkonzepte fokussieren Autorinnen und Autoren aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben kultureller Bildung: die Vermittlung und Aneignung von Kompetenzen, um das von Menschen Geschaffene und mit Bedeutung sowie Symbolen Versehene reflektieren, decodieren und sich selbst in der codierten Welt verorten sowie daran teilhaben zu können. Dabei werden auf Basis kulturtheoretischer Überlegungen fachwissenschaftliche, fachdidaktische und bildungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven vernetzt und Optionen einer produktiven Verzahnung geisteswissenschaftlicher Kulturkonzepte mit Kontexten schulischer kultureller Bildung vorgestellt – ein Beitrag, um die kulturbezogene Professionalisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden und Lehrkräften voranzubringen
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