49 research outputs found

    Domicile Preferences in Employment: The Case of Alaska Hire

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    Background. Regional variations in mortality and morbidity have been shown in Europe and USA. Longitudinal studies have found increased mortality, dissimilarities in mortality pattern, and differences in utilization of healthcare between foreign- and native-born Swedes. No study has been found comparing mortality among foreign-born and native-born Swedes in relation to catchment areas/counties. Methods. The aim was to describe and compare mortality among foreign-born persons and native Swedes during 1970–1999 in 24 counties in Sweden. Data from the Statistics Sweden and the National Board of Health and Welfare was used, and the database consisted of 723,948 persons, 361,974 foreign-born living in Sweden in 1970 and aged 16 years and above and 361,974 matched Swedish controls. Results. Latest county of residence independently explained higher mortality among foreign-born persons in all but four counties; OR varied from 1.01 to 1.29. Counties with a more rural structure showed the highest differences between foreign-born persons and native controls. Foreign-born persons had a lower mean age (1.0–4.3 years) at time of death. Conclusion. County of residence influences mortality; higher mortality is indicated among migrants than native Swedes in counties with a more rural structure. Further studies are needed to explore possible explanations

    On-farm slaughter and emergency slaughter in Sweden

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    Although consumers are responsible for much food waste, recent studies have shown significant losses on farm-level. A recent report published by the Swedish Board of Agriculture presented that 3% and 8% of pigs and cattle are lost respectively, requesting further research regarding the potential in salvaging meat through on-farm slaughter (OFS) and on-farm emergency slaughter (OFES). Thus, the aim of this study was set to investigate the attitudes and interests of abattoirs and key industry actors to initiate or increase the use of OFS and OFES. A qualitative study was conducted by interviewing six abattoirs, one veterinary consultant, one meat industry trade group, the Swedish National Food Agency, and 11 game-handling establishments (GHE). The results showed overall concerns regarding economic and technical limitations of performing OFES and OFS, as well as limitations due to official veterinary controls. GHE was observed as having potential in a system of OFES or OFS, due to their current ability to receive carcasses of wild game. Future recommendations include investigating the potential of expanding the regulatory framework for official veterinary controls, to use OFS as a tool for non-acute injuries and to include GHE in a functioning system of OFS and OFES.Trots att konsumenter är ansvariga för en stor del av det totala matsvinnet, har nya studier visat betydande livsmedelsförluster sker redan på gårdsnivå. En ny rapport från Jordbruksverket presenterar att 3 % respektive 8 % av allt nötdjur och grisar förloras på gårdsnivå, och rekommenderar att utreda potentialen att minska köttförluster genom slakt på jordbruksanläggning och nödslakt. På grund av detta syftade denna studie att utreda attityder och intressen hos slakterier och andra nyckelaktörer att påbörja, eller utöka, användandet av slakt på jordbruksanläggning och nödslakt. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes, där intervjuer gjordes med sex slakterier, en veterinärkonsult, Livsmedelsverket samt 11 vilthanteringsanläggningar. Resultatet vidare en övergripande oro gällande ekonomiska och tekniska möjligheter för slakt på jordbruksanläggning och nödslakt, samt begränsningar kopplat till de officiella veterinärkontrollerna. Vilthanteringsanläggningar ansågs som potentiella mottagare av djurkroppar genom slakt på jordbruksanläggning och nödslakt, tack vare sin nuvarande förmåga att ta emot djurkroppar av vilt. Förslag till framtida studier inkluderar att utreda potentialen av att utöka regelverket för officiella veterinärkontroller, att använda slakt på jordbruksanläggning som ett verktyg för icke-akuta skador samt att använda vilthanteringsanläggningar i ett fungerande system för slakt på jordbruksanläggning och nödslakt

    Residential mobility among foreign-born persons living in Sweden is associated with lower mortality

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    There have been few longitudinal studies on the effect of within-country mobility on patterns of mortality in deceased foreign-born individuals. The results have varied; some studies have found that individuals who move around within the same country have better health status than those who do not change their place of residence. Other studies have shown that changing one’s place of residence leads to more self-reported health problems and diseases. Our aim was to analyze the pattern of mortality in deceased foreign-born persons living in Sweden during the years 1970–1999 in relation to distance mobility. Data from Statistics Sweden and the National Board of Health and Welfare was used, and the study population consisted of 281,412 foreign-born persons aged 16 years and over who were registered as living in Sweden in 1970. Distance mobility did not have a negative effect on health. Total mortality was lower (OR 0.71; 95% CI 0.69–0.73) in foreign-born persons in Sweden who had changed their county of residence during the period 1970–1990. Higher death rates were observed, after adjustment for age, in three ICD diagnosis groups “Injury and poisoning”, “External causes of injury and poisoning”, and “Diseases of the digestive system” among persons who had changed county of residence

    Analysis of the technical biases of meteor video cameras used in the CILBO system

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    In this paper, we analyse the technical biases of two intensified video cameras, ICC7 and ICC9, of the double-station meteor camera system CILBO (Canary Island Long-Baseline Observatory). This is done to thoroughly understand the effects of the camera systems on the scientific data analysis. We expect a number of errors or biases that come from the system: instrumental errors, algorithmic errors and statistical errors. We analyse different observational properties, in particular the detected meteor magnitudes, apparent velocities, estimated goodness-of-fit of the astrometric measurements with respect to a great circle and the distortion of the camera. We find that, due to a loss of sensitivity towards the edges, the cameras detect only about 55 % of the meteors it could detect if it had a constant sensitivity. This detection efficiency is a function of the apparent meteor velocity. We analyse the optical distortion of the system and the "goodness-of-fit" of individual meteor position measurements relative to a fitted great circle. The astrometric error is dominated by uncertainties in the measurement of the meteor attributed to blooming, distortion of the meteor image and the development of a wake for some meteors. The distortion of the video images can be neglected. We compare the results of the two identical camera systems and find systematic differences. For example, the peak magnitude distribution for ICC9 is shifted by about 0.2–0.4 mag towards fainter magnitudes. This can be explained by the different pointing directions of the cameras. Since both cameras monitor the same volume in the atmosphere roughly between the two islands of Tenerife and La Palma, one camera (ICC7) points towards the west, the other one (ICC9) to the east. In particular, in the morning hours the apex source is close to the field-of-view of ICC9. Thus, these meteors appear slower, increasing the dwell time on a pixel. This is favourable for the detection of a meteor of a given magnitude

    Driftmodellering av saltvattenbatteri för kapning av effekttoppar

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    There is a power deficit in Uppsala's power grid. Municipal companies have an obligation to contribute with solutions to the power deficit. Skolfastigheter AB have therefore installed an environmentally friendly salt water battery in one of their properties. The goal of this project is to create an algorithm for controlling the battery so that it cuts power peaks at a preschool in Uppsala. The algorithm is created based on economical, environmental, and political aspects. A model of the battery is constructed in which technical specifications for the real battery are used. The model is tested using historical power usage data from one of Skolfastigheter AB's preschool properties. The resulting model successfully cuts the facility's power peaks as intended. The model succeeds even when the input data are varied. The algorithm is also applied in reality and controls the battery via a programmable logic controller (PLC). The goal of cutting power peaks is also met with the PLC. Simulation of the battery cuts power peaks more optimally than when the algorithm is implemented in reality. To improve the model, data from more preschools as well as possibilities to perform more experiments are required. The usage of programmable power storage is today not economically profitable. Batteries do however contribute to reaching Uppsala municipality's environmental and climate goals. Batteries also contribute to a more robust energy system where fossil power reserves can be avoided

    Lower prevalence of hip fractures in foreign-born individuals than in Swedish-born individuals during the period 1987-1999

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This is the first longitudinal study with a 22-year follow-up, based on a national and complete sample, to determine whether the prevalence of hip fracture and the age when it occurs are influenced by migration and by being foreign-born. Cultural background and environmental factors such as UV-radiation and lifestyle during childhood and adolescence may influence the risk of a hip fracture event later in life. Differences in prevalence might occur between the indigenous population and those who have migrated to a country.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was based on national population data. The study population consisted of 321,407 Swedish-born and 307,174 foreign-born persons living in Sweden during the period 1987-1999.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Foreign-born individuals had a reduced risk of hip fracture, with odds ratios (ORs) of 0.47-0.77 for men and 0.42-0.88 for women. Foreign-born women had the hip fracture event at a higher age on average, but a longer time spent in Sweden was associated with a small but significant increase in risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found that there was a reduced risk of hip fracture in all foreign-born individuals, and that the hip fracture event generally happened at a higher age in foreign-born women. Migration must therefore be considered in relation to the prevalence and risk of hip fracture. Migration can therefore have a positive effect on one aspect of the health of a population, and can influence and lower the total cost of healthcare due to reduced risk and prevalence of hip fracture.</p

    Health care systems in Sweden and China: Legal and formal organisational aspects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sharing knowledge and experience internationally can provide valuable information, and comparative research can make an important contribution to knowledge about health care and cost-effective use of resources. Descriptions of the organisation of health care in different countries can be found, but no studies have specifically compared the legal and formal organisational systems in Sweden and China.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To describe and compare health care in Sweden and China with regard to legislation, organisation, and finance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Literature reviews were carried out in Sweden and China to identify literature published from 1985 to 2008 using the same keywords. References in recent studies were scrutinized, national legislation and regulations and government reports were searched, and textbooks were searched manually.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The health care systems in Sweden and China show dissimilarities in legislation, organisation, and finance. In Sweden there is one national law concerning health care while in China the law includes the "Hygienic Common Law" and the "Fundamental Health Law" which is under development. There is a tendency towards market-orientated solutions in both countries. Sweden has a well-developed primary health care system while the primary health care system in China is still under development and relies predominantly on hospital-based care concentrated in cities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite dissimilarities in health care systems, Sweden and China have similar basic assumptions, i.e. to combine managerial-organisational efficiency with the humanitarian-egalitarian goals of health care, and both strive to provide better care for all.</p

    Alléstråket som barriär i centrala Göteborg

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    I spåren av den ökade medvetenheten kring global uppvärmning och hållbar utveckling är det många som börjat ifrågasätta det moderna samhällets bilberoende. I samband med att funktionalismen gjorde sitt inträde i Göteborgs samhällsplanering under 1930-talet separerades funktioner som bostäder och arbete med utglesning och ett ökat behov av förflyttning som följd. Under 1950- och 60-talen förstärktes detta ytterligare i och med att allt fler medborgare hade råd att skaffa bil och att miljonprogramsområden i stadens periferi började byggas. Planeringsidealen som växte fram syftade till att ge bilens framkomlighet högsta prioritet, genom utbyggnad av stomvägsnät med huvudtrafikleder och andra angelägna trafikleder. Konsekvenserna som detta har medfört är att Göteborg idag är en relativt gles stad med högt bilberoende. Barriärer av biltrafik präglar idag de flesta större städer men den här uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera hur barriäreffekterna av trafiken på Alléstråket i centrala Göteborg kan minskas. Syftet uppfylls genom att försöka besvara följande frågeställningar: Hur arbetar Göteborgs stad med att minska Alléstråkets barriäreffekter? Vilka typer av trafikminskande åtgärder kan vara relevanta? Frågeställningarna har besvarats genom textanalys av offentliga dokument, litteratur som berör trafik- och samhällplanering överlag, samt en personlig intervju med en av stadens trafikplanerare på trafikkontoret. Dessutom har en öppen fråga ställts i stadsnätverket Yimby Göteborgs forum för att få några av medlemmarnas tankar och idéer kring Alléstråket. Det insamlade materialet har sedan analyserats och jämförts. Den teoretiska bakgrund som presenteras i uppsatsen baseras till stor del på författaren Jane Jacobs idéer om hur en attraktiv, levande stad bör utformas, kompletterat med författaren J.H. Crawfords idéer om helt bilfria städer. De lyfter båda fram behovet av täthet som en nyckelfaktor för minskad förflyttning, i kombination med funktionsblandning i stadsdelarna. Vidare presenteras strategier för minskade trafikflöden med exempel från städer runtom i Europa där strategierna har genomförts med lyckat resultat. Bland dessa exempel nämns bland annat bilfria stadskärnor, borttagning av körfält och prioritering av gång-, cykel och kollektivtrafik. Resultatet visar på att Göteborgs stad generellt har en relativt ambitiös plan för att minska biltrafiken, som trots en förväntad regionförstoring ska minska med 25 % fram till 2035. Det finns dock inga konkreta planer för Alléstråket men klart är att byggnationen av Västlänken kraftigt kommer att begränsa dess trafik mer eller mindre under byggskedets åtta år, mellan 2018-2026. I samband med denna oundvikliga trafikminskning kan en rad åtgärder vara relevanta för att bibehålla minskningen även efter byggskedets slut. Tänkbara åtgärder kan vara borttagande av körfält för ett minskat trafikflöde och sänkta hastigheter, kombinerat med en generell förtätning längs stråket

    Using machine learning to predict power deviations at Forsmark

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    The power output at the Forsmark nuclear power plant sometimes deviates from the expected value. The causes of these deviations are sometimes known and sometimes unknown. Three types of machine learning methods (k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines and linear regression) were trained to predict whether or not the power deviation would be outside an expected interval. The data used to train the models was gathered from points in the power production process and the data signals consisted mostly of temperatures, pressures and flows. A large part of the project was dedicated to preparing the data before using it to train the models. Temperature signals were shown to be the best predictors of deviation in power, followed by pressure and flow. The model type that performed the best was k-nearest neighbors, followed by support vector machines and linear regression. Principal component analysis was performed to reduce the size of the training datasets and was found to perform equally well in the prediction task as when principal component analysis was not used