1,021 research outputs found

    A ideia do V Império em Agostinho da Silva : para uma interpretação mitanalítica

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    Le pouvoir de la métaphore horticole dans la pensée éducative de Célestin Freinet

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    El presente artículo intenta entender, en la línea de Daniel Hameline y de Nanine Charbonnel, el porqué de que en educación no se pueda escapar a la presencia y a la función que la metáfora desempeña en el interior, tanto de los textos, como de los discursos educacionales y pedagógicos. En este contexto, el autor del estudio presenta y trabaja la obra educacional de Célestin Freinet (1896-1966) influenciado por los estudios sobre la metáfora de Daniel Hameline, Nanine Charbonnel y de Paul Ricœur. Esto, con el objetivo de hacer entender la pertinencia de la metáfora hortícola en el espacio educacional pedagógico. También intenta reflexionar, en la línea de Paul Ricoeur, si la metáfora, más precisamente la metáfora hortícola, nos plantea la necesidad de una apertura al símbolo, que en el caso específico de la metáfora hortícola sería al simbolismo vegetal y, por consiguiente, habría que tener en cuenta cuáles son las consecuencias pedagógicas de esa metáfora y de la metáfora en sentido amplio.This article tries to understand, following Daniel Hameline and Nanine Charbonnel, why in education we cannot escape the presence and the function that metaphor plays inside the texts and the pedagogical and educational discourses. In this context, the author presents and analyses the educational works of Célestin Freinet (1896-1966) under the influence of the studies on metaphor by Danile Hameline, Nanine Charbonnel and Paul Ricoeur, having as an objective enhancing the relevancy of the horticultural metaphor in the pedagogical and educational dimension. The author also discusses, as does Paul Ricœur, whether the metaphor, especially the horticultural metaphor, will nor postulate an opening to the symbol, and in this case of the horticultural metaphor, whether that opening would be to the vegetal symbol and, therefore, which are the pedagogical teachings of the horticultural metaphor, as well as of the metaphor in general.L’auteur dans cette étude essaie de comprendre, dans le sillage de Daniel Hameline et de Nanine Charbonnel, pourquoi dans le domaine de l’éducation on ne peut ne pas échapper à la présence et à la fonction que la métaphore joue à l’intérieur aussi bien des textes que des discours éducationnels et pédagogiques. Dans ce contexte, l’auteur présente et analyse l’œuvre éducationnelle de Célestin Freinet (1896-1966) avec l’intention de mieux donner à voir la pertinence de la métaphore horticole dans l’espace éducationnel et pédagogique. L’auteur se demande, influencé par l’œuvre de Paul Ricœur, si la métaphore, notamment la métaphore horticole, ne postulerait par elle-même une ouverture au symbole qui dans le cas spécifique de la métaphore horticole serait déjà une ouverture au symbolisme végétal. A la suite de cette question, l’auteur tente d’appréhender la teneur, voire le message pédagogique de la métaphore horticole aussi bien que de la métaphore en général

    Da História das Ideias Pedagógicas à Mitanálise das Ideias Educativas

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    No presente artigo, o autor analisa os contributos de Naninne Charbonnel e de Daniel Hameline para a História das Ideias Pedagógicas, e em seguida apresenta o seu próprio contributo baseado num tríptico: Ideia Educativa, Ideologema e Mitanálise.In this text, the author analyses the contributions of Nanine Charbonnel and Daniel Hameline for the History of Pedagogical Ideas. Then he presents his own contribution based on three pillars: the Educational Idea, the Idea of Mythical Elements and the Mythanalysis.Dans cet article, l’ auteur analyse les apports de Nannine Charbonnel et de Daniel Hameline dans l’Histoire des Idées Pédagogiques. En suite il présente sa propre contribution basée sur trois concepts-clées: Idée Éducative, Idéologème (éléments ideo-mythiques) et Mythanalyse

    Can educative modernity be spoken of without celestin freinet? The use of the agricultural metaphor in thinking about education

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    Pretende-se compreender no estudo agora oferecido ao leitor o modo como a modernidade educativa, através da obra pedagógica de Célestin Freinet (1896-1966), se diz, ou não, pelo uso das metáforas, particularmente com o uso da metáfora agrícola. Neste contexto, o autor do artigo, predominantemente influenciado pelos estudos de Paul Ricoeur, Daniel Hameline e de Nanine Charbonnel sobre a metáfora tentará entender o modo como a metáfora agrícola se abre, ou não, ao símbolo e, em última instancia, questionar-se sobre a natureza desse mesmo símbolo que parte da metáfora para um nível semântico de natureza mais especulativa que propriamente educacional. Nesta linha de pensamento, a obra pedagógica de Célestin Freinet será analisada, a fim de melhor ilustrar não só o uso massivo da metáfora agrícola, mas também se pretende questionar o sentido hermenêutico educacional desse mesmo uso. Um questionamento que será já uma tentativa de resposta à pergunta inicial e que se pretende, desde logo, aberta e incitadora já de novas questões, mesmo que estas gerem um “conflito de interpretações” (Paul Ricoeur).Su objetivo es comprender el estudio que ahora se ofrece al lector cómo la modernidad educativa a través de la labor pedagógica de Célestin Freinet (1896- 1966), se dice, o no, por el uso de metáforas, en particular con el uso de la metáfora agrícola. En este contexto, el autor del artículo, predominantemente influenciada por los estudios de Paul Ricoeur, Daniel Hameline y Nanine Charbonnel en la metáfora tratar de comprender cómo se abre la metáfora agrícola o no el símbolo, y en última instancia, ser cuestionada sobre la naturaleza de ese símbolo de la metáfora a un nivel semántico de más especulativo que en realidad educativa. En línea con esto, la labor pedagógica de Célestin Freinet será analizada con el fin de ilustrar mejor no sólo el uso masivo de la metáfora agrícola, pero también tiene la intención de cuestionar el sentido hermenéutico educativa de ese uso. Una cuestión que tendrá una respuesta a la pregunta original de la prueba y lo que se pretende, en primer lugar, abierto y incitadora tener nuevas preguntas, incluso si se traducen en "interpretaciones del conflicto" (Paul Ricoeur).In this study we shall try to understand the way educative modernity, through the pedagogical work of Célestin Freinet (1896-1966), can be expressed by the use of metaphors, in this case, the agricultural metaphor. In this context, the author, influenced mainly by the work of Paul Ricoeur, Daniel Hameline and Nanine Charbonnel on metaphor, will attempt to understand whether or not the agricultural metaphor is opened to symbol and to question the nature of the symbol itself, which starts in the metaphor and goes up to a semantical level which is more speculative in nature than properly educational. In this context, the pedagogical work of Freinet will be analyzed in order to illustrate in a better way not only the massive use of the agricultural metaphor but also to question the educational and hermeneutical meaning of that use itself. This questioning will be in itself part of the answer to the initial question and it also opens the way to other and new interrogations even if they generate themselves a “conflict of interpretations” (Paul Ricoeur).Esta publicação teve o apoio financeiro da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Lisboa - Portugal) e do programa de financiamento POCH (Programa Operacional Capital Humano): financiamento comparticipado pelo Fundo Social Europeu e por fundos nacionais do MEC (Ministério da Educação e da Ciência - Lisboa - Portugal) (2015-2016) 2 É Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Teoria dainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The utilization of failure in marine engineering training

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    Sexual reproduction vs. clonal propagation in the recovery of a seagrass meadow after an extreme weather event

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    Marine flowering plants can reproduce sexually and clonally, and the relative contribution of these two modes can be dependent on the environmental conditions. Zostera marina, a seagrass widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, can form annual and perennial meadows with different proportions of sexual versus clonal propagation depending on the environmental disturbance regime. We study the hypothesis that the contribution of sexual propagation varies during the recovery of a seagrass meadow. In this case study, we compare the proportion of sexual versus clonal propagation of a perennial Z. marina meadow before its disappearance due to winter storms and after recovery. Before disturbance, genotypic diversity was high, indicating frequent sexual reproduction events likely to create an abundant seed bank. Seedling germination allowed the population to recover after the extreme disturbance. As months passed, seedlings became rare and finally absent, giving place to adult shoots. In an advanced stage of colonization, the shoots colonized the area by vegetative growth, which lowered the genotypic diversity. Despite this reduction over time, the genotypic diversity of the new meadow is still high, demonstrating the importance of sexual reproduction in meadow recovery and persistence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Tragedy of the Anti-Commons: A New Problem. An Application to the Fisheries.

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    The operation and management of common property resources (“the commons”) have been exhaustively examined in economics and political science, both in formal analysis and in practical applications. “Tragedy of the Commons” metaphor helps to explain why people overuse shared resources. On the other side, Anti-Commons Theory is a recent theory presented by scientists to explain several situations about new Property Rights concerns. An “anti-commons” problem arises when there are multiple rights to exclude. Little attention has been given to the setting where more than one person is assigned with exclusion rights, which may be exercised. We analyze the “anti-commons” problem in which resources are inefficiently underutilized rather than over-utilized as in the familiar commons setting. In fact, these two problems are symmetrical in several aspects.Anti-Commons Theory; Property Rights
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