13 research outputs found

    CCA: An R Package to Extend Canonical Correlation Analysis

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    Canonical correlations analysis (CCA) is an exploratory statistical method to highlight correlations between two data sets acquired on the same experimental units. The cancor() function in R (R Development Core Team 2007) performs the core of computations but further work was required to provide the user with additional tools to facilitate the interpretation of the results. We implemented an R package, CCA, freely available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN, http://CRAN.R-project.org/), to develop numerical and graphical outputs and to enable the user to handle missing values. The CCA package also includes a regularized version of CCA to deal with data sets with more variables than units. Illustrations are given through the analysis of a data set coming from a nutrigenomic study in the mouse.

    Contribution de la mission La PlanÚte Revisitée à la connaissance des araignées : 33 espÚces nouvelles pour la Corse, dont deux nouvelles pour la faune de France (Arachnida, Araneae)

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    International audienceAs part of Our Planet Reviewed in Corsica 2019-2021 project, 364 spider taxa were inventoried. This mission made it possible to update the list of species recorded on the island: 33 species of spiders are added to the Corsican araneofauna, which goes from 687 to 721 taxa; two species are also new to the fauna of France, Orchestina longipes Dalmas, 1922 (Oonopidae) and Pseudeuophrys perdifumo van Helsdingen, 2015 (Salticidae). A comparison of sampling techniques is proposed, and for some new taxa comments on ecology or taxonomy are added. Finally, the main groups of species by type of habitat studied and a zoom on the “heritage” species are presented, in view of the recently published National Red List.Dans le cadre du projet La PlanĂšte RevisitĂ©e en Corse 2019-2021, 364 taxons d’araignĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©s. Cette mission a permis de mettre Ă  jour la liste des espĂšces rĂ©pertoriĂ©es sur l’üle. En effet, 33 espĂšces d’araignĂ©es sont ajoutĂ©es Ă  l’aranĂ©ofaune corse, qui passe ainsi de 687 Ă  721 taxons. Deux espĂšces sont aussi nouvelles pour la faune de France, Orchestina longipes Dalmas, 1922 (Oonopidae) et Pseudeuophrys perdifumo van Helsdingen, 2015 (Salticidae). Une comparaison des techniques d’échantillonnage est proposĂ©e, et pour certains nouveaux taxons des commentaires sur l’écologie ou la taxonomie sont ajoutĂ©s. Enfin, nous prĂ©sentons les principaux cortĂšges d’espĂšces par type d’habitat Ă©tudiĂ© et un zoom sur les espĂšces “patrimoniales”, au vu de la Liste rouge nationale parue rĂ©cemment

    Nutrient provisioning of its host myrmecophytic tree by a temporary social parasite of a plant-ant

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    One of the most advanced ant–plant mutualisms is represented by myrmecophytes sheltering colonies of some plant-ant species in hollow structures called domatia. In turn, the myrmecophytes benefit from biotic protection and sometimes nutrient provisioning (myrmecotrophy). Furthermore, over the course of evolution, some ant species have become social parasites of others. In this general context, we studied the relationship between its host trees and Azteca andreae (Dolichoderinae), a temporary social parasite of the plant-ant Azteca ovaticeps, and, as such, obligatorily associated with myrmecophytic Cecropia obtusa trees (Urticaceae). A first experiment showed that the ή15N values of the young leaves of Cecropia sheltering a mature A. andreae colony were very similar to those for trees sheltering Azteca alfari or A. ovaticeps, two typical Cecropia mutualists for which myrmecotrophy is known. In a second experiment, by injecting a 15N-labelled glycine solution into locusts given as prey to A. andreae colonies, we triggered an increase in ή15N in the young leaves of their host Cecropia. Thus, 15N passed from the prey to the host trees, explaining the outcomes of the first experiment. We discuss these results in light of the notion of "by-product benefits"

    yaImpute: An R Package for kNN Imputation

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    Canonical correlations analysis (CCA) is an exploratory statistical method to highlight correlations between two data sets acquired on the same experimental units. The cancor() function in R (R Development Core Team 2007) performs the core of computations but further work was required to provide the user with additional tools to facilitate the interpretation of the results. We implemented an R package, CCA, freely available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN, http://CRAN.R-project.org/), to develop numerical and graphical outputs and to enable the user to handle missing values. The CCA package also includes a regularized version of CCA to deal with data sets with more variables than units. Illustrations are given through the analysis of a data set coming from a nutrigenomic study in the mouse

    Araignées de France métropolitaine

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    International audienceThis chapter presents an overview of the situation and conservation issues for spiders in metropolitan France.Ce chapitre présente un bilan de la situation et des enjeux de conservation pour les araignées de France métropolitaine

    La PlanÚte Revisitée en Corse. Expéditions terrestres 2021 - CÎte orientale et <i>Capicorsu</i>: Bilan scientifique

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    "The Planet Reviewed in Corsica" is an expedition by the MNHN in partnership with the CollectivitĂ© de Corse and the French Office for Biodiversity. Between 2019 and 2022, several teams of scientists are undertaking an inventory of terrestrial and marine diversity of Corsica. The objective is to establish a reference state of a series of sites of high biological value and to modernize the collections of the MNHN. This report provides a quick overview of terrestrial expeditions from two emblematic sectors of Corsica: the west coast and northern Capicorsu. From March to May 2021, 34 participants took part of the inventory of about 10 sites. In 2021, the increased sampling effort and the first phase of identification made it possible to announce 2 227 inventoried species and 11 346 data uploaded and shared in the national inventory of natural heritage (INPN). This last field year makes an important contribution to the national inventory of natural heritage with 75 species inventoried for the first time in Corsica, 5 new species for France and 12 species expected new to science. Many taxa had not been observed for decades or several for more than a century. This knowledge is being disseminated on OpenObs, the French portal for biodiversity. Moreover, the Barcoding campaign achieved a total of 2 200 specimens sequenced for DNA (CO1 et ITS). The results will contribute to the species identifications, the taxonomic revisions to be published but also to enrich the global Barcode of Life information system.« La PlanĂšte RevisitĂ©e en Corse » est une expĂ©dition du MusĂ©um national d’histoire naturelle menĂ©e en partenariat avec la CollectivitĂ© de Corse et l’Office français de la BiodiversitĂ©. Entre 2019 et 2021, plusieurs Ă©quipes de scientifiques entreprennent l’inventaire de diffĂ©rents secteurs terrestres et marins reprĂ©sentatifs de la diversitĂ© de Corse afin d’établir un Ă©tat de rĂ©fĂ©rence d’une sĂ©rie de sites Ă  forte valeur biologique et de moderniser les collections d’histoire naturelle de rĂ©fĂ©rence du MusĂ©um national. Ce rapport propose un premier bilan « Ă  chaud » des expĂ©ditions terrestres de deux secteurs emblĂ©matiques de l’üle : la cĂŽte orientale et le nord du Capicorsu. De mars Ă  mai 2021, 34 personnes ont participĂ© Ă  l’inventaire d’une dizaine de sites. En 2021, l’effort important d’échantillonnage et la premiĂšre phase d’identification permettent d’ores et dĂ©jĂ  d’annoncer plus de 2 227 espĂšces inventoriĂ©es et 11 346 donnĂ©es mises en ligne et partagĂ©es. Cette troisiĂšme et derniĂšre annĂ©e de terrain apporte une contribution importante Ă  l’inventaire du patrimoine naturel avec 12 nouvelles espĂšces pour la science, 75 espĂšces inventoriĂ©es pour la premiĂšre fois en Corse et au moins 5 espĂšces nouvelles pour la France. De nombreux taxons n’avaient pas Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies voire plus d’un siĂšcle pour certains. Cette connaissance est en cours de diffusion sur OpenObs, le portail d'accĂšs aux donnĂ©es d'observation sur les espĂšces. En parallĂšle, la campagne de codes-barres ADN (CO1 et ITS) de 2021 a permis de sĂ©quencer 2 200 individus. Les rĂ©sultats permettront de contribuer aux dĂ©terminations pour les inventaires, aux rĂ©visions taxinomiques qui feront l’objet de publications scientifiques mais Ă©galement d’enrichir le systĂšme d’information global Barcode of Life

    La PlanÚte Revisitée en Corse. Expéditions terrestres 2021 - CÎte orientale et <i>Capicorsu</i>: Bilan scientifique

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    "The Planet Reviewed in Corsica" is an expedition by the MNHN in partnership with the CollectivitĂ© de Corse and the French Office for Biodiversity. Between 2019 and 2022, several teams of scientists are undertaking an inventory of terrestrial and marine diversity of Corsica. The objective is to establish a reference state of a series of sites of high biological value and to modernize the collections of the MNHN. This report provides a quick overview of terrestrial expeditions from two emblematic sectors of Corsica: the west coast and northern Capicorsu. From March to May 2021, 34 participants took part of the inventory of about 10 sites. In 2021, the increased sampling effort and the first phase of identification made it possible to announce 2 227 inventoried species and 11 346 data uploaded and shared in the national inventory of natural heritage (INPN). This last field year makes an important contribution to the national inventory of natural heritage with 75 species inventoried for the first time in Corsica, 5 new species for France and 12 species expected new to science. Many taxa had not been observed for decades or several for more than a century. This knowledge is being disseminated on OpenObs, the French portal for biodiversity. Moreover, the Barcoding campaign achieved a total of 2 200 specimens sequenced for DNA (CO1 et ITS). The results will contribute to the species identifications, the taxonomic revisions to be published but also to enrich the global Barcode of Life information system.« La PlanĂšte RevisitĂ©e en Corse » est une expĂ©dition du MusĂ©um national d’histoire naturelle menĂ©e en partenariat avec la CollectivitĂ© de Corse et l’Office français de la BiodiversitĂ©. Entre 2019 et 2021, plusieurs Ă©quipes de scientifiques entreprennent l’inventaire de diffĂ©rents secteurs terrestres et marins reprĂ©sentatifs de la diversitĂ© de Corse afin d’établir un Ă©tat de rĂ©fĂ©rence d’une sĂ©rie de sites Ă  forte valeur biologique et de moderniser les collections d’histoire naturelle de rĂ©fĂ©rence du MusĂ©um national. Ce rapport propose un premier bilan « Ă  chaud » des expĂ©ditions terrestres de deux secteurs emblĂ©matiques de l’üle : la cĂŽte orientale et le nord du Capicorsu. De mars Ă  mai 2021, 34 personnes ont participĂ© Ă  l’inventaire d’une dizaine de sites. En 2021, l’effort important d’échantillonnage et la premiĂšre phase d’identification permettent d’ores et dĂ©jĂ  d’annoncer plus de 2 227 espĂšces inventoriĂ©es et 11 346 donnĂ©es mises en ligne et partagĂ©es. Cette troisiĂšme et derniĂšre annĂ©e de terrain apporte une contribution importante Ă  l’inventaire du patrimoine naturel avec 12 nouvelles espĂšces pour la science, 75 espĂšces inventoriĂ©es pour la premiĂšre fois en Corse et au moins 5 espĂšces nouvelles pour la France. De nombreux taxons n’avaient pas Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies voire plus d’un siĂšcle pour certains. Cette connaissance est en cours de diffusion sur OpenObs, le portail d'accĂšs aux donnĂ©es d'observation sur les espĂšces. En parallĂšle, la campagne de codes-barres ADN (CO1 et ITS) de 2021 a permis de sĂ©quencer 2 200 individus. Les rĂ©sultats permettront de contribuer aux dĂ©terminations pour les inventaires, aux rĂ©visions taxinomiques qui feront l’objet de publications scientifiques mais Ă©galement d’enrichir le systĂšme d’information global Barcode of Life