208 research outputs found

    Physical Exercise Improves Quality of Life in Patients with Connective Tissue Disease

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    Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) affect the parts of the body that connect the structures of the body components together. As the conditions involve inflammatory responses in the joints, tendons, ligaments, skin, cornea, cartilage, bones, muscles and blood vessels, which cause symptoms of rheumatism, the CTDs can also be referred to as rheumatic diseases. The symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, warmth in a joint or affected area and functional loss of motion. The medical domain for these types of disorders is called rheumatology. Among various conditions fell under the broad heading of rheumatism, the common rheumatic disorders that here we take care of are rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), scleroderma (S), systemic sclerosis (SS), polymyositis/dermatomyositis (PM/DM), spondyloarthropathies (SA) (ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA)), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), Sjogren’s syndrome, osteoarthritis, etc. When the diagnosis of CTDs is made by the rheumatologists, they oversee a treatment plan for the patients, which may include not only medications but also physical exercises. In this chapter, we will describe how the physical exercise contributes to the patients who suffered from CTDs. Furthermore, we intend to explain what type of exercise should be performed as well as its intensity, duration frequency and the benefits of those exercises to the health of those patients

    Is there a correlation between self-reported level of activity and observed physical performance in elderly women?

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    The aim of the study was to verify the degree of association between self-reported level of physical activity and observed physical performance of aged women. Thirty-seven women (mean aged 72.7±5.99 years old) were selected by looking up admission records in a reference centre for physical rehabilitation. The Human Activity Profile (HAP) was used to measure activity level; and, for direct observation of physical performance, the six-minute walk test (6MWT) and the 30-second chair-stand test were applied. A statistically significant (p=0.01), weak positive correlation (r=0.41) was found between HAP scores and 6MWT values; and an association trend was noticed between the classification of activity level and the 6MWT variable (p=0.08). Also, a significant (p=0.02), weak positive correlation (r=0.36) was found between HAP scores and results of the 30-second chair stand test. It may be said there is a correlation, though weak, between self-reported and observed levels of physical performance among the elderly here studied. Further research should address aged community dwellers - not only rehabilitation patients - in order to assess a possible under or overestimation of the physical activity level in self-reported evaluations.Este estudo visou verificar se havia associação entre o nível de atividade físico-funcional auto-referido e o desempenho físico de idosas em centro de reabilitação. Foram selecionadas 37 mulheres idosas (com em média 72,7±5,9 anos) pelas fichas de admissão em serviço de atividade física de um centro de referência em reabilitação. Para a avaliação do nível de atividade física auto-referido empregou-se o Perfil de Atividade Humana (PAH); na observação direta de desempenho físico aplicaram-se os testes de caminhada em 6 minutos (TC6') e levantar da cadeira em 30 segundos (TSL30). Foi encontrada correlação positiva fraca (r=0,41) e estatisticamente significante (p=0,01) entre os valores do PAH e o TC6'; e uma tendência de associação entre a classificação do nível de atividade e a variável categórica TC6' (p=0,08). Também foi encontrada correlação positiva fraca (r=0,36) e estatisticamente significante (p=0,02) entre o PAH e o TSL30. Pode-se afirmar que o auto-relato de nível de atividade física das idosas estudadas correlaciona-se, porém fracamente, ao desempenho físico observado. Sugerem-se novas pesquisas com amostras representativas da população idosa em uma comunidade, não apenas de pacientes de centro de reabilitação, para averiguar possíveis tendências à subestimação ou superestimação do nível de atividade física em avaliações auto-referidas.UNIFESP-EPM Lar Escola São FranciscoUNIFESP, EPM, Lar Escola São FranciscoSciEL

    "It hasn't happened to me, but it did" : sexual violence experienced by the partner of the victm

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    Orientador: Renata Cruz Soares de AzevedoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: O cuidado em saúde mental é fundamental para mulheres que sofreram violência sexual (VS). O aparecimento e agravamento de sintomas e transtornos psiquiátricos dependem de vários fatores, entre eles, personalidade prévia, tipo de trauma e rede de apoio social. Esta última é muito importante, no entanto nem sempre está estruturada para lidar com esta situação. Há escassez de abordagens dirigidas à rede, especialmente para os/as parceiros(as), que podem apresentar intenso sofrimento, e raramente são incluídos na linha de cuidado em VS. OBJETIVOS: Promover suporte em saúde mental aos parceiros(as) de mulheres que sofreram VS, com o intuito de conhecê-los(las) melhor, entender seu sofrimento e dar suporte para lidarem com a situação de VS. MÉTODO: Tipo de estudo: Estudo exploratório com método misto (quantitativo e qualitativo). Sujeitos: Homens e mulheres, maiores de 18 anos, parceiros e parceiras de mulheres atendidas no Ambulatório de Atendimento Especial do CAISM/ UNICAMP. Instrumentos: Entrevistas semiestruturadas. Procedimentos: Os parceiros que aceitaram o convite receberam até quatro atendimentos realizados por psiquiatra com objetivo de counseling, direcionados ao evento traumático. RESULTADOS: Os parceiros relataram vivências de sofrimento após a violência sexual da companheira, com destaque para sentimentos de raiva e culpa; alteração do sono e do apetite; sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, além de pensamentos repetidos sobre a violência sexual. O modelo de atendimento realizado contribuiu com melhora no bem-estar psíquico nos parceiros. Houve maior adesão ao tratamento das mulheres cujos parceiros aderiram ao atendimento oferecido. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção proposta representou uma ferramenta importante na elaboração das vivências de sofrimento dos parceiros, podendo ser incorporada na abordagem da violência sexualAbstract: Mental health care is important for women who have suffered sexual violence (SV). The appearance and worsening of symptoms and psychiatric disorders depend on several factors: previous personality, type of trauma and social support network. The latter is very meaningful; however, it is not always structured to address this situation. There is a shortage of approaches aimed at the social network, especially for partners. Despite of the recognition of the importance of the support network, with emphasis on family and partners, there is a shortage of approaches aimed at them, who may experience intense suffering, and are rarely included in the SV care line. OBJECTIVES: Promote mental health support to the partners of women who have suffered from SV, in order to know them better, understand their suffering and provide support to deal with the SV situation METHOD: Type of study: Mix-method (quantitative and qualitative) and prospective research. Subjects: Men and women, over 18 years old, partners of women attended at the UNICAMP / CAISM Special Care Outpatient Clinic. Instruments: Semi-structured interviews. Procedures: The subjects who accepted the invite received up to four psychiatric consultations for counseling purposes directed to the traumatic event. RESULTS The partners reported experiences of suffering after their partner's sexual violence, especially feelings of anger and guilt; change in sleep and appetite; symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as repeated thoughts about sexual violence. The model of care provided contributed to an improvement in the psychic well-being in the partners. There was greater adherence to treatment of women whose partners adhered to the care offered. CONCLUSION: The proposed intervention represented an important tool in the elaboration of partners' experiences of suffering and could be incorporated in the sexual violence approachMestradoSaude MentalMestre em Ciência

    Single-crystal diffraction at the high-pressure Indo-Italian beamline Xpress at Elettra, Trieste

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    In this study the first in situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments at Xpress, the Indo-Italian beamline of the Elettra synchrotron, Trieste (Italy), are reported. A description of the beamline experimental setup and of the procedures for single-crystal centring, data collection and processing, using diamond anvil cells, are provided. High-pressure experiments on a synthetic crystal of clinoenstatite (MgSiO3), CaCO3 polymorphs and a natural sample of leucophoenicite [Mn7Si3O12(OH)2] validated the suitability of the beamline experimental setup to: (i) locate and characterize pressure-induced phase transitions; (ii) solve ab initio the crystal structure of high-pressure polymorphs; (iii) perform fine structural analyses at the atomic scale as a function of pressure; (iv) disclose complex symmetry and structural features undetected using conventional X-ray sources

    Há correlação entre o nível de atividade auto-referido e desempenho físico observado em mulheres idosas?

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    The aim of the study was to verify the degree of association between self-reported level of physical activity and observed physical performance of aged women. Thirty-seven women (mean aged 72.7±5.99 years old) were selected by looking up admission records in a reference centre for physical rehabilitation. The Human Activity Profile (HAP) was used to measure activity level; and, for direct observation of physical performance, the six-minute walk test (6MWT) and the 30-second chair-stand test were applied. A statistically significant (p=0.01), weak positive correlation (r=0.41) was found between HAP scores and 6MWT values; and an association trend was noticed between the classification of activity level and the 6MWT variable (p=0.08). Also, a significant (p=0.02), weak positive correlation (r=0.36) was found between HAP scores and results of the 30-second chair stand test. It may be said there is a correlation, though weak, between self-reported and observed levels of physical performance among the elderly here studied. Further research should address aged community dwellers - not only rehabilitation patients - in order to assess a possible under or overestimation of the physical activity level in self-reported evaluations.Este estudo visou verificar se havia associação entre o nível de atividade físico-funcional auto-referido e o desempenho físico de idosas em centro de reabilitação. Foram selecionadas 37 mulheres idosas (com em média 72,7±5,9 anos) pelas fichas de admissão em serviço de atividade física de um centro de referência em reabilitação. Para a avaliação do nível de atividade física auto-referido empregou-se o Perfil de Atividade Humana (PAH); na observação direta de desempenho físico aplicaram-se os testes de caminhada em 6 minutos (TC6') e levantar da cadeira em 30 segundos (TSL30"). Foi encontrada correlação positiva fraca (r=0,41) e estatisticamente significante (p=0,01) entre os valores do PAH e o TC6'; e uma tendência de associação entre a classificação do nível de atividade e a variável categórica TC6' (p=0,08). Também foi encontrada correlação positiva fraca (r=0,36) e estatisticamente significante (p=0,02) entre o PAH e o TSL30". Pode-se afirmar que o auto-relato de nível de atividade física das idosas estudadas correlaciona-se, porém fracamente, ao desempenho físico observado. Sugerem-se novas pesquisas com amostras representativas da população idosa em uma comunidade, não apenas de pacientes de centro de reabilitação, para averiguar possíveis tendências à subestimação ou superestimação do nível de atividade física em avaliações auto-referidas

    Serum ferritin levels may have a pro-atherosclerotic role in coronary artery disease patients with sleep disordered breathing

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    Elevated ferritin levels may lead to oxidative stress, and are associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is frequently present in atherosclerosis patients, and causes endothelial dysfunction leading to atherosclerotic plaque progression. Hypoxic conditions, such as SDB, may upregulate ferritin. The aim of this study was to evaluate ferritin levels in CAD patients and to correlate ferritin levels with parameters related to CAD progression, including SDB. We studied 27 patients with CAD (defined as >30% coronary narrowing) and 29 controls. We found that ferritin was increased in CAD patients, and was positively correlated with the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), age, Creactive protein (CRP), transferrin, hemoglobin, and testosterone levels, and was negatively correlated with O2 saturation. Nitrites and nitrates, an indirect measure of nitric oxide ( NO) concentration, were lower in CAD patients, and were negatively correlated with ferritin. The increase in ferritin may be related to oxidative stress, suggesting a possible pro-atherosclerotic role of increased ferritin in CAD patients with SDB

    In vitro response of clinical isolates of Candida species to oxidative stress

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    Pathogenic species of Candida differin many aspects, including their clinical prevalence, virulence, and profile of antifungal resistance. One of the causes of thesedifferences is possibly related to the differential capacity of these species to deal with oxidative stress. In this study, we comparedclinical isolates of eight species of Candida with respect to their oxidative stress resistance in vitro, oxidative damage induction,and antioxidant enzymes. Intraspecific and interspecific variation was observed. In accord with data previously obtainedfrom laboratory isolates, the results here indicate that C. albicans, C. glabrata and C. krusei have a more effective antioxidantsystem, and that C. dubliniensis, C. famata and C. guilliermondii are highly sensitive to oxidative stress. C. parapsilosis andC. tropicalis have intermediate resistance profiles. The stronger antioxidant system of some species may enable them to causesystemic infections or to resist antifungals.(Resposta in vitro de isolados clínicos de espécies de Candida ao estresse oxidativo). Espécies patogênicas deCandida diferem em muitos aspectos, incluindo sua prevalência clínica, virulência, e perfil de resistência a antifúngicos. Umadas causas destas diferenças é possivelmente relacionada com a capacidade diferencial de estas espécies lidarem com o estresseoxidativo. Neste estudo, comparamos isolados clínicos particulares de oito espécies de Candida com respeito a sua resistênciaao estresse oxidativo in vitro, indução de dano oxidativo e enzimas antioxidantes. Foram observadas variações intraespecíficase interespecíficas. De acordo com dados previamente observados de isolados de laboratório, os resultados aqui indicam que C.albicans, C. glabrata e C. krusei possuem um sistema antioxidante mais efetivo, e que C. dubliniensis, C. famata e C. guilliermondiisão altamente sensíveis ao estresse oxidativo. C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis possuem perfis de resistência intermediários.O sistema antioxidante mais potente de algumas espécies possivelmente habilita as mesmas a causar infecções sistêmicas ouresistir a antifúngicos

    Collagen-induced arthritis as an animal model of rheumatoid cachexia

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    Background Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by chronic polyarticular synovitis and presents systemic changes that impact quality of life, such as impaired muscle function, seen in up to 66% of the patients. This can progress to severely debilitating state known as rheumatoid cachexia—without loss of fat mass and body weight—for which there is little consensus in terms of diagnosis or treatment. This study aims to evaluate whether the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) animal model also develops clinical and functional features characteristic of rheumatoid cachexia. Methods Male DBA1/J mice were randomly divided into 2 groups: healthy animals (CO, n = 11) and CIA animals (n = 13). The clinical score and edema size, animal weight and food intake, free exploratory locomotion, grip strength, and endurance exercise performance were tested 0, 18, 35, 45, 55, and 65 days after disease induction. After euthanasia, several organs, visceral and brown fat, and muscles were dissected and weighed. Muscles were used to assess myofiber diameter. Ankle joint was used to assess arthritis severity by histological score. Statistical analysis were performed using one-way and two-way analyses of variance followed by Tukey’s and Bonferroni’s test or t-test of Pearson and statistical difference were assumed for a P value under 0.05. Background Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by chronic polyarticular synovitis and presents systemic changes that impact quality of life, such as impaired muscle function, seen in up to 66% of the patients. This can progress to severely debilitating state known as rheumatoid cachexia—without loss of fat mass and body weight—for which there is little consensus in terms of diagnosis or treatment. This study aims to evaluate whether the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) animal model also develops clinical and functional features characteristic of rheumatoid cachexia. Methods Male DBA1/J mice were randomly divided into 2 groups: healthy animals (CO, n = 11) and CIA animals (n = 13). The clinical score and edema size, animal weight and food intake, free exploratory locomotion, grip strength, and endurance exercise performance were tested 0, 18, 35, 45, 55, and 65 days after disease induction. After euthanasia, several organs, visceral and brown fat, and muscles were dissected and weighed. Muscles were used to assess myofiber diameter. Ankle joint was used to assess arthritis severity by histological score. Statistical analysis were performed using one-way and two-way analyses of variance followed by Tukey’s and Bonferroni’s test or t-test of Pearson and statistical difference were assumed for a P value under 0.0